How to order by a string of numbers separates by dot - postgresql

I have a query for run over the tree structure, using a CTE way.
The problem is that I use one column called camino for ORDER BY clause. This column is get like that:
SELECT rel.codpadre, rel.codhijo, rel.canpres, depth+1, camino || ''.'' || CAST(rel.posicion AS text) , rel.posicion
FROM ---
This one :
camino || ''.'' || CAST(rel.posicion AS text
gives me a column like that:
I need to order by those column, but considering 10 after 9, no after 1.

You can convert the string to an array of integers:
order by string_to_array(camino, '.')::int[]
order by string_to_array(concat_ws('.', camino, posicion), '.')::int[]


# in Caché between columns

I have a SQL query and I would like to insert a hashtag between one column and another to be able to reference in Excel, using an import option in fields delimited by #. Anyone have an idea how to do it? A query is as follows:
SELECT FC.folha, folha->folhames,folha->folhaano, folha->folhaseq, folha->folhadesc, folha->TipoCod as Tipo_Folha,
folha->FolhaFechFormatado as Folha_Fechada, folha->DataPagamentoFormatada as Data_Pgto,
Servidor->matricula, Servidor->nome, FC.rubrica,
FC.Rubrica->Codigo, FC.Rubrica->Descricao, FC.fator, FC.TipoRubricaFormatado as TipoRubrica,
FC.ValorFormatado,FC.ParcelaAtual, FC.ParcelaTotal
FROM RHFolCalculo FC WHERE folha -> FolhaFech = 1
AND folha->folhaano = 2018
and folha->folhames = 06
and folha->TipoCod->codigo in (1,2,3,4,6,9)
You are generating delimited output from the query, so the first row should be a header row, with all following rows the data rows. You will really only have one column due to concat. So remove the alias from the columns, output the first row like so (using the alias here) . . .
SELECT 'folha#folhames#folhaano#folhaseq#folhadesc#Tipo_Folha#
SELECT FC.folha || '#' || folha->folhames || '#' || folha->folhaano . . .
The UNION will give the remaining rows. Note some conversion may be necessary on the columns data if not all strings.

Postgres SQL - different results from LIKE query using OR vs ||

I have a table with an integer column. It has 12 records numbered 1000 to 1012. Remember, these are ints.
This query returns, as expected, 12 results:
select count(*) from proposals where qd_number::text like '%10%'
as does this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) LIKE '%10%' OR qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
but this query returns 2 records:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
which implies using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using OR. Is that correct or am I missing something else here?
You probably have nulls in first_name. For these records (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text results in null, so you don't find the numbers any longer.
using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using ORIs that correct or am I missing something else here?
That is correct.
|| is the string concatenation operator in SQL, not the OR operator.

getting formatted column value in postgres

I have a column in my table having values of format:
I need value for goal i.e 124 from goal_124. I am planning to use 'regexp_split_to_array' but don't know how to use elements from array.
I am using postgres 9.2.
You can use split_part like so:
select split_part(split_part('COURSE_214/MODULE_5825/SUBMODULE_123/..../GOAL_124/ACTIVITY_125', '/GOAL_', 2), '/', 1)
select split_part(split_part(fieldname, '/GOAL_', 2), '/', 1)
Using json_object():
select json_object(string_to_array(translate(params, '_', '/'), '/'))
from test
{"COURSE" : "214", "MODULE" : "5825", "SUBMODULE" : "123", "GOAL" : "124", "ACTIVITY" : "125"}
(1 row)
select json_object(string_to_array(translate(params, '_', '/'), '/'))->>'GOAL' as goal
from test
(1 row)
The column has a format suitable for json. I would suggest to change the type of the column to jsonb. The first query may be used as a converter.
After the conversion you would access the parameters in an easy way, e.g.:
select *
from test
where params->>'COURSE' = '214'
and (params->>'GOAL')::int > 120;
Simple select of all GOAL_ parameters (if there are more than one)
select ltrim(elem, 'GOAL_')
from (
select unnest(string_to_array(params, '/')) elem
from test
) sub
where elem like 'GOAL_%'
You may try using regular expressions, getting the string between slashes
select substring(your_column from '^.*/(.*)/.*$') from your_table
If you expect to find in that part the GOAL value, use
select substring(your_column from '/GOAL_(.*)/') from your_table

How to translate the PostgreSQL array_agg function to SQLite?

This query works in PostgreSQL:
Select ot.MCode,array_to_string(array_agg(tk1.TName || ',' || ot.TTime), ' - ') as oujyu_name_list
From TR_A ot
inner join MS_B tk1 on ot.Code = tk1.Code
Where ot.Code in (Select Code From TR_C )
Group byot.MCode
but it does not work in SQLite, because SQLite does not have the array_agg() function. How can this query be converted to SQLite?
For this query, you can use group_concat, which directly returns a string:
SELECT ..., group_concat(tk1.TName || ',' || ot.TTime, ' - ')
FROM ...
SQLite now has the JSON1 extension (which ships in the default distribution) that can group and create arrays of JSON objects. For example,
json_group_array(json_object('tname', tk1.TName, 'ttime', ot.TTime)) as oujyu_name_list
from TR_A as ot
inner join MS_B as tk1
on (ot.Code = tk1.Code)
where ot.Code in (select code from TR_C)
group by ot.MCode;
The second column will be formatted as a JSON array e.g. [{"tname":...,"ttime":...},...].

Dynamic pivot - how to obtain column titles parametrically?

I wish to write a Query for SAP B1 (t-sql) that will list all Income and Expenses Items by total and month by month.
I have successfully written a Query using PIVOT, but I do not want the column headings to be hardcoded like: Jan-11, Feb-11, Mar-11 ... Dec-11.
Rather I want the column headings to be parametrically generated, so that if I input:
Query - Selection Criteria
Posting Date greater or equal 01.09.10
Posting Date smaller or equal 31.08.11
[OK] [Cancel]
the Query will generate the following columns:
Sep-10, Oct-10, Nov-10, ..... Aug-11
I guess DYNAMIC PIVOT can do the trick.
So, I modified one SQL obtained from another forum to suit my purpose, but it does not work. The error message I get is Incorrect Syntax near 20100901.
Could anybody help me locate my error?
Note: In SAP B1, '[%1]' is an input variable
Here's my query:
/*Section 1*/
DECLARE #listCol VARCHAR(2000)
DECLARE #query VARCHAR(4000)
/*Section 2*/
SELECT #listCol =
, 1, 2, '') + ']'
/*Section 3*/
SET #query = '
MONTH(T0.RefDate) as [Month],
(T0.Debit - T0.Credit) as [Amount]
FROM dbo.JDT1 T0
JOIN dbo.OACT T1 ON T0.Account = T1.AcctCode
T1.GroupMask IN (4,5,6,7) AND
T0.[Refdate] >= '[%1]' AND
T0.[Refdate] <= '[%2]'
) S
FOR [Month] IN ('+#listCol+')
) AS pvt
/*Section 4*/
EXECUTE (#query)
I don't know SAP, but a couple of things spring to mind:
It looks like you want #listCol to contain a collection of numbers within square brackets, for example [07],[08],[09].... However, your code appears not to put a [ at the start of this string.
Try replacing the lines
T0.[Refdate] >= '[%1]' AND
T0.[Refdate] <= '[%2]'
T0.[Refdate] >= ''[%1]'' AND
T0.[Refdate] <= ''[%2]''
(I also added a space before the AND in the first of these two lines while I was editing your question.)