Tyring to run VSTS agent thru a proxy which limits sites - azure-devops

Have installed VSTS agent in a very locked down environment. It makes a connection to VSTS, gets job but fails when downloading artefact. Gives error
Error: in getBuild, so retrying => retries pending : 4.
It retries 4 times and fails.
The agent is going thru a proxy. Have setup the proxy using ./config --proxyurl and also set HTTP_PROXY AND HTTPS_PROXY system environment vars.
The proxy is very limiting in that URLS are locked down, there is no authentication required. Does anybody know what URLs the agent accesses? Am hoping if can get a definitive list this will solve the issue. If anybody knows how can get a list would be great. Or maybe I have misconfigured?
Any ideas?

Tyring to run VSTS agent thru a proxy which limits sites
According to the document
I'm running a firewall and my code is in Azure Repos. What URLs does the agent need to communicate with?:
To ensure your organization works with any existing firewall or IP
restrictions, ensure that dev.azure.com and dev.azure.com are open
and update your allow-listed IPs to include the following IP
addresses, based on your IP version. If you're currently allow-listing
the and IP addresses, leave them in place,
as you don't need to remove them.
And With just the organization's name or ID, you can get its base URL using the global Resource Areas REST API (https://dev.azure.com/_apis/resourceAreas). This API doesn't require authentication and provides information about the location (URL) of the organization as well as the base URL for REST APIs, which can live on different domains.
Please check this document Best practices for working with URLs in Azure DevOps extensions and integrations for some more details.
Hope this helps.


Self-Hosted Integration Runtime could not connect to Azure data factory while registering with keys

when i try to register with the authentication keys, im getting the below error
enter image description here
It seems you hit some network issue. Maybe you can check if you have whitelist azure's IP range.
A connection to the service back end is not possible for the self-hosted IR. Most often, the firewall, DNS, or enterprise network settings are to blame for this problem.
To resolve this
Check to see whether the integration runtime service is running. if it is running and no proxy is configured on the self-hosted IR run the below command in your Windows PowerShell, I will give you glimpse of error.
Code from Microsoft document
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://demofactorypratik.eastus.datafactory.azure.net/")
You can get the above link form Integration runtimes > your self-hosted IR > Nodes > View Service URLs.
Expected result:
If you get a "Remote name could not be resolved" message, there's a DNS issue. if you get an "ssl/tls cert is not trusted" message, then install the public certificate by using Certificate Manager. Go to Event viewer (logs) > Applications and Services Logs > Integration Runtime, here you can find check what's the exact issue.
I can successfully be able to connect Self-hosted IR
Also see, Self-hosted IR connectivity issues

Whitelisting Azure DevOps Pipeline

I have a server in AWS, which is hosting a security tool. Azure DevOps supports this tool and I've installed the add on for it. I've added the step to my Pipeline and configured the service connection.
We are using Hosted Agents in a Cloud AZD instance.
When I run my pipeline, I get the following error:
##[error][TOOL] API GET '/api/server/version' failed, error was: {"errno":"ETIMEDOUT","code":"ETIMEDOUT","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":443}
In my AWS security group, I have allowed the Inbound IP's for Azure DevOps listed here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/organizations/security/allow-list-ip-url?view=azure-devops&tabs=IP-V4#ip-addresses-and-range-restrictions
I have also allowed the Geographical IP's for listed in the json file here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56519
If I allow all traffic for 443 through the security group as a test, this works as expected. This is not a solution however as this is a security tool and should not be public.
In my pipeline, I added a task to run a curl command to inspect the IP's of the pipeline. Neither of these ranges appear in any list I can find published.
I was advised to post here by AzureDevOps on Twitter for some help, so hopefully someone can assist me here.

How can I deploy content to a static website in Azure Storage that has IP restrictions enabled?

I'm getting an error in my release pipeline (Azure DevOps) when I deploy content to a static website in Azure Storage with IP restrictions enabled.
Error parsing destination location "https://MYSITE.blob.core.windows.net/$web": Failed to validate destination. The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
The release was working fine until I added IP Restrictions to the storage account to keep the content private. Today, we use IP restrictions to control access. Soon, we will remove the IP restrictions in favor of vpn and vnets. However, my expectation is that I will have the same problem.
My assumption is that Azure DevOps cannot access the storage account because it is not whitelisted in the IP Address list. My release pipeline uses the AzureBlob File Copy task.
- task: AzureFileCopy#2
displayName: 'AzureBlob File Copy'
SourcePath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_XXXXX/_site'
azureSubscription: 'XXXX'
Destination: AzureBlob
storage: XXXX
ContainerName: '$web'
I have already enabled "trusted Microsoft services" but that doesn't
Whitelisting the IP Addresses for Azure DevOps is not a good option because there are TONS of them and they change regularly.
I've seen suggestions to remove the IP restrictions and re-enable them after the publish step. This is risky because if something were to fail after the IP restrictions are removed, my site would be publicly accessible.
I'm hoping someone has other ideas! Thanks.
You can add a step to whitelist the agent IP address, then remove it from the whitelist at the end of the deployment. You can get the IP address by making a REST call to something like ipify.
I have done that for similar scenarios and it works well.
I would recommend a different approach: running an Azure DevOps agent with a static IP and/or inside the private VNet.
Why I consider this a better choice:
audit logs will be filled with addition and removal of rules, making harder analysis in case of attack
the Azure connection must be more powerful than needed, specifically to change Rules in Security Groups or Firewall or Application Gateway or else, while it only needs deploy permissions
it opens traffic from outside, while temporarily, while a private agent needs always initiate from inside
No solution is perfect, so it is important to chose the best for your specific scenario.

Kentico 9 sync 401 when target is AD auth

How can I avoid the 401 error, access denied, when i try to preform sync from one environment to another? I think there is an edit to the web.config that will allow this, but I am not sure what I need. I came across the same question in DevNet, but there wasn't an answer. https://devnet.kentico.com/questions/content-staging-windows-authentication-problem.
I got this to work. Sync points to /CMSPages/Staging/SyncServer.asmx. In IIS, I adjusted the Authentication on CMSPages. I enabled Anonymous, and disabled Windows Auth.
I did this on my DEV instance, and i'm syncing from PROD. So far, so good.
Did you set up the Staging user / credentials properly on the target and set them properly on the source site?
Is staging enabled on the target server?
Does both environments have Full Access/Control with their app pool processor?
Is it only some tasks or all tasks that you get this?
Is basic authentication also allowed on the sites (may be needed, but unsure on that)

Programmatically download RDP file of Azure Resource Manager VM

I am able to create VM from a custom image using Azure resource management sdk for .net. Now, I want to download the RDP file for virtual machine programmatically. I have searched and able to find Rest API for azure 'Classic' deployments which contains an api call to download RDP file but i can't find the same in Rest API for 'ARM' deployment. Also, I can't find any such Method in .net sdk for azure.
Does there any way exist to achieve that? Please guide..
I don't know of a way to get the RDP file, but you can get all the information you need from the deployment itself. On the deployment, you can set outputs for the values you need like the publicIp dns. See this:
If your environment is more complex (load balancers, network security groups) you need to account for port numbers, etc.