Suppose we have
classdef Check < handle
methods (Static)
function doStuff()
if isCalledFromAssertSubclass
% do this stuff only if called as Assert.doStuff(), not if called as Check.doStuff()
% do other stuff
and Assert.m:
classdef Assert < Check
% nop
As written in the comment, I would like to have that Check.doStuff() executes only the "do other stuff" line and that Assert.doStuff() executes the if isCalledFromAssertSubclass block as well.
I want to use static methods, so that I don't neet to create an Assert object whenever I need an assert. Using a global assert object is also very ugly and needs a global assert line in each function I want to use an assert. Likewise for checks.
So there are two problems:
Since these are static classes, there is no chance of using class(obj) or any other non-static class property or function.
dbstack is not inheritance aware and always returns Check as calling class, also for Assert.doStuff.
I did find a working solution, which uses a combination of dbstack and dbtype to read the line where the call came from, i.e. the line where it says Assert.doStuff(). However it involves two debug functions which probably should not be used in productive code and more importent, dbtype is very slow (in my case, 30 our of 70 seconds!).
I could use a package instead (directory +Check with function files in there) and create a symlink +Assert -> +Check. Then I could check the file name, but that's a) not portable, b) quite ugly and c) also somewhat slow (I suppose).
Is there any faster method for this?
Why not overload the static method for Assert, and have it call the parent's method when it's done? This is the normal way of using inheritance: you don't want the parent, Check, to know anything about its child, Assert.
This is what it would look like:
classdef Assert < Check
methods (Static)
function doStuff()
% do some stuff
As #Wolfie suggests in a comment, the above works as long as Check.doStuff is not sealed. A sealed method cannot be overloaded. See the documentation.
Background -- I was reading up on accessing shadowed functions, and started playing with builtin . I wrote a little function:
function klear(x)
% go to parent environment...
evalin('base', builtin('clear','x')) ;
This throws the error:
Error using clear
Too many output arguments.
I think this happens because evalin demands an output from whatever it's being fed, but clear is one of the functions which has no return value.
So two questions: am I interpreting this correctly, and if so, is there an alternative function that allows me to execute a function in the parent environment (that doesn't require an output)?
Note: I'm fully aware of the arguments against trying to access shadowed funcs (or rather, to avoid naming functions in a way that overload base funcs, etc). This is primarily a question to help me learn what can and can't be done in MATLAB.
Note 2
My original goal was to write an overload function that would require an input argument, to avoid the malware-ish behavior of clear, which defaults to deleting everything. In Q&D pseudocode,
function clear(x)
if ~exist('x','var') return
There's a couple issues with your clear override:
It will always clear in the base workspace regardless of where it's called from.
It doesn't support multiple inputs, which is a common use case for clear.
Instead I'd have it check for whether it was called from the base workspace, and special-case that for your check for whether it's clearing everything. If some function is calling plain clear to clear all its variables, that's bad practice, but it's still how that function's logic works, and you don't want to break that. Otherwise it could error, or worse, return incorrect results.
So, something like this:
function clear(varargin)
stk = dbstack;
if numel(stk) == 1 && (nargin == 0 || ismember('all', varargin))
fprintf('clear: balking at clearing all vars in base workspace. Nothing cleared.\n');
% Check for quoting problems
for i = 1:numel(varargin)
if any(varargin{i} == '''')
error('You have a quote in one of your args. That''s not valid.');
% Construct a clear() call that works with evalin()
arg_strs = strcat('''', varargin, '''');
arg_strs = [{'''clear'''} arg_strs];
expr = ['builtin(' strjoin(arg_strs, ', '), ')'];
% Do it
evalin('caller', expr);
I hope it goes without saying that this is an atrocious hack that I wouldn't recommend in practice. :)
What happens in your code:
evalin('base', builtin('clear','x'));
is that builtin is evaluated in the current context, and because it is used as an argument to evalin, it is expected to produce an output. It is exactly the same as:
ans = builtin('clear','x');
The error message you see occurs in the first of those two lines of code, not in the second. It is not because of evalin, which does support calling statements that don't produce an output argument.
evalin requires a string to evaluate. You need to build this string:
str = 'builtin(''clear'',''x'')';
(In MATLAB, the quote character is escaped by doubling it.)
You function thus would look like this:
function clear(var)
% ignore error
(Inserting a string into another string this way is rather awkward, one of the many reasons I don't like eval and friends).
It might be better to use evalin('caller',...) in this case, so that when you call the new clear from within a function, it deletes something in the function's workspace, not the base one. I think 'base' should only be used from within a GUI that is expected to control variables in the user's workspace, not from a function that could be called anywhere and is expected (by its name in this case) to do something local.
There are reasons why this might be genuinely useful, but in general you should try to avoid the use of clear just as much as the use of eval and friends. clear slows down program execution. It is much easier (both on the user and on the MATLAB JIT) to assign an empty array to a variable to remove its contents from memory (as suggested by rahnema1 in a comment. Your base workspace would not be cluttered with variables if you used function more: write functions, not scripts!
Suppose that I have some function Foo that uses two internal helper functions bar and baz.
Is there a way to organize the code so that bar and baz remain "out of sight", but at the same time can be unit-tested? (Preferably, the unit tests for bar and baz would be in the same suite as the unit tests for the main function Foo.)
There are a few options to achieve this.
First, does Foo need to be a function? If it is a class then you can implement bar and baz as Hidden and Access='protected' which is pretty tightly locked down. Then you can create a test specific subclass that accesses bar and baz for testing. You can also scope the access to the test to further lock it from others view if desired.
If you do want Foo to be a function then you still have options. One of those is to somehow get a function handle to the private local functions to your tests. You can do this through some special calling syntax of Foo that returns these functions to a test when called. This however, modifies the production code in a potentially confusing way, and it essentially inserts test logic into production. I would prefer hiding these functions by putting them into a package so that they are not in the global namespace. The name of the package can indicate that they are off limits and not part of your supported interface.
Finally, one option is to simply use the public interface in order to test these functions. Clearly they are called from the function in some scenario. You may want to consider writing a test through the front door of your interface. One benefit of this is that you would then be able to change the implementation of your local function structure easily without modifying your test. The private functions are private because by definition they are part of your implementation, not your interface. If you find it complex enough to require its own test independent from the interface of Foo then it should probably just be broken out into another package function or class as described above in order to unit test it.
Not the most elegant way to do it but then Matlab is not the most practical language to build modules in a single code file.
One way to do it is to have a higher level level function which transfer the input arguments to the function you choose:
function out = fooModule( FunctionCalled , varargin)
%// This main function only transfer the input argument to the function chosen
switch FunctionCalled
case 'main'
out = foo(varargin) ;
case 'bar'
out = mBar(varargin) ;
case 'baz'
out = mBaz(varargin) ;
function outFoo = foo(varargin)
%// your main FOO code
%// which can call the helper function if necessary
function outbar = mBar(varargin)
%// your code
function outbaz = mBaz(varargin)
%// your code
You can even embed the FunctionCalled parameter into varargin if you want to compact things. This would also allow to test the type of the first argument. So for example if the first argument is not a string (calling one of the helper function) then forward the execution directly to the main foo function without having to call it explicitly (so the helper functions remain 'out of sight' if not called explicitly).
Otherwise, a completely different approach, you could consider writing a class.
I am trying to implement a small example function in Matlab OOP.
The functioning code is:
classdef Cat < handle
meowCount = 0;
function obj = Cat() % all initializations, calls to base class, etc. here,
function Meow(obj)
obj.meowCount = obj.meowCount + 1;
I want to create something of the following sort akin to C++ as my real life function definitions are very big and I don't want to clutter my class definition:
classdef Cat < handle
meowCount = 0;
function obj = Cat() % all initializations, calls to base class, etc. here,
function Meow(obj);
function Cat::Meow(obj)
obj.meowCount = obj.meowCount + 1;
So, basically write the definition of function Meow outside the class. How do I accomplish the above change ?
To play with the working first version you can use the following:
C = Cat;
Create a folder called #Cat.
The within #Cat, put the following files:
classdef Cat < handle
meowCount = 0;
function obj = Cat()
Meow(obj) % this is optional, and just indicates the function signature
function Meow(obj)
obj.meowCount = obj.meowCount + 1;
Move out of the #Cat folder, and make sure it (or its parent folder) is on your path. Then try your examples.
If you use an # folder to contain your class like this, most methods (though not constructors, and not property get/set methods) can be moved to external files.
If you want, you can include a function signature with no implementation in the main classdef file. This is sometimes optional, but if you wish to change the Access level of the method away from default, it is necessary.
There are two ways of defining methods of a class. The newer, more portable way, is by defining them within the same classdef file. You can also write methods as separate M-file functions and put them in a #MyClass folder. Note that some methods must be in the classdef file. You can still define your separate file methods as static and private via helper functions. This is a bit of hack, which is why it's a good idea to put everything in the classdef file unless you have a very large project.
The best way to deal with clutter in your classdef file is to use code-folding. You can collapse individual methods and entire method blocks. In this way you can easily organize your classdef file to be as uncluttered as possible by grouping related methods together in the same methods block. Collapse any methods/blocks you aren't using at the time.
Additionally, you can use the "Go To" button in the Editor Ribbon Tab to select a specific method to view (if they are all defined in the same file).
Writing your methods in separate files may seem like a good solution at first, but if you have a class with many methods, it becomes extremely cumbersome to have many files open at once. Unlike C++, you can only define one method per file. It really ends up being quite a mess.
See Also:
Code Folding — Expand and Collapse Code Constructs
Editor/Debugger Code Folding Preferences
What is the meaning of the following folder names in MATLAB?
I've created a class Tata.m which uses the classdef syntax.
Should I put it in an #folder or a +folder?
I've looked at the documentation but it is not really clear
in which cases the #folder should be used and in which cases the +folder should be used.
The +folder piece is a MATLAB package folder. If you place Tata.m in a location like +folder/Tata.m, it will be known to MATLAB as the class folder.Tata. If you place it in a folder like someOtherFolder/Tata.m, or someOtherFolder/#Tata/Tata.m, it will be known to MATLAB as Tata.
It can be useful to place a classdef file in a class directory like #Tata to allow you to put the definition of some (or all) methods in separate files.
The doc has more details.
EDIT: To attempt to clarify the # directories: historically, a class Tata with methods methodOne and methodTwo would require the following files:
In the "new" object system, you can still use the layout above without modification. At the other extreme, you can place the entire implementation of Tata in a single classdef block in:
If you have some large methods, or want to split up the implementation of the class Tata into several files to make parallel development simpler, you can take use a classdef like this:
%# somePlaceOnThePath/#Tata/Tata.m:
classdef Tata
result = methodTwo(obj, arg)
function methodOne(obj)
disp('hello from methodOne');
And also
%# somePlaceOnThePath/#Tata/methodTwo.m:
function result = methodTwo(obj, arg)
% do stuff with obj and arg
Strictly speaking, the advance declaration of methodTwo in the classdef is optional because it's using the default access specifiers. If you wanted to have methodTwo be a private method, you could place it in a methods (Access = private) block.
As noted here, functions in packages, as well as static methods in classes, still need to use a packagename.functionname syntax or import packagename.* for each function (since the imports are part of the function workspace and not global). This means that changing the package/class name later on can become a tedious nuisance.
Is there any way to do something like import this.*, i.e. a package/class name agnostic method to access all functions/static methods in the same package/class?
So... doesn't this require importthis to also be imported? Or is importthis a function you always have in your path?
It seems hardly more complex to just paste an "import this" block with this at the top of each function, and then you don't have to worry about importthis being in your path. I tend to feel that reliance on path is dangerous.
"Import This" block
%% Import own package
[~, pkgdir] = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')));
import([pkgdir(2:end) '.*']);
You can even put it in a try/catch block to make sure it's in a package directory, and decide what to do if it's not.
%% Import own package
[~, pkgdir] = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')));
catch err
if ~strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:UndefinedFunction'), rethrow(err); end
I recently ran into a similar problem and found the following solution for packages. However it is VERY hacky.
You create a function called import this with an optional argument.
function to_eval = importthis(exclude_list)
if nargin == 0
exclude_list = [];
var_name = genvarname('A', exclude_list); %avoid shadowing
to_eval = ['[~,'...
, var_name...
, ']=fileparts(fileparts(mfilename(''fullpath'')));'... %get containing dir
, 'eval([''import '','...
, var_name...
, '(2:end),''.*'']);'... %remove '+'
, 'clear '... %clean up
, var_name
This function returns a string which can then be evaled that imports the "this" package. So in your package functions you would put the following near the top:
function B = myfunc(A)
%function body
You can also pass who to importhis, leaving your function's namespace clean.
function B = myfunc(A)
%function body
I can't decide whether I should feel proud or discusted by what I did.
This probably is not a bounty worthy answer but as you do not have any answers I thought I would post it anyway! You can invoke static methods via an instance of the class which you would only need to define once. You can invoke functions via a function handle but this would require one handle per function.
Using these techniques you could define all your static method and function references in one place. Then you would use these references throughout your package. Then if you decided to change the package name at a later point you would only need to update these references which are all stored in one place.
Calling Static Methods
You can also invoke static methods using an instance of the class,
like any method:
obj = MyClass;
value = obj.pi(.001);
function_handle (#)
The following example creates a function handle for the humps function
and assigns it to the variable fhandle.
fhandle = #humps;