How can I make 2 search in the one form (vuetify)? - forms

My real case is like this :
The vue component like this :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data: () => ({
selectedCountry: null,
dataCountry: [
{ name: 'England', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Spain', id: 2 },
{ name: 'Italy', id: 3 },
selectedClub: null,
dataClub: [
{ name: 'Chelsea', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Madrid', id: 2 },
{ name: 'Juventus', id: 3 },
playerName: null,
playerNameRules: [
// v => !!v || 'Name is required',
v => (v && v.length >= 3) || 'Player name at least 3 characters',
countryRules: [
v => !!v || 'Country is required',
clubRules: [
v => !!v || 'Club is required',
validSearch: false,
methods: {
searchPlayer() {
if (this.$refs.formSearch.validate()) {
console.log('validate form success')
console.log('validate form failed')
so I want the user to be able to search by player name or the user can also search by country and club
if the user enters the player name and clicks the search button, validation is successful. vice versa if the user enters country and club, then click search, it passes validity
so the user can choose one of them to search. but if the user click the search button without selecting one, it displays validation failed
How can I do it?

Use computed property for club and country rules. In function body you can check if another option is selected.
computed: {
clubRules() {
return [
v => (!!v || !!this.selectedCountry) || 'Club is required',

You can have N number of rules for any number inputs in a form, but this a special case where you need to have any one of them to search a player
Instead of form.validate(form validation validates for each input
field based on the rules and independent to the field), In your case
you can manually validate as per your requirements by accessing your
methods: {
searchPlayer() {
var playerCondition = this.playerNameRules[0](this.playerName) == true;
var countryClub = this.countryRules[0](this.selectedCountry) == true && this.clubRules[0](this.selectedClub) == true;
if(this.playerName && this.playerName.length < 3) {
playerCondition = false;
countryClub = false;
if ((playerCondition) || (countryClub)) {
console.log('validate form success')
console.log('validate form failed')
Working codepen here:

Related with parameters

I have a radio button that when I click it calls a function with two parameters in the function (value and step), and when I make a test with testing librairy I would like that when I simulate the click of the button I return the two parameters.
onClick={(e) => {
const target = as HTMLTextAreaElement;
changeMedia(target.value, data);
Function ChangeMedia
const changeMedia = (value: any, step: any) => {
.filter((obj: any) =>
.map((item: any) => {
if (value === 'EMAIL') { = 'LETTER';
return item;
} else if (value === 'LETTER') { = 'EMAIL';
return item;
return item;
return data;
Objet Step
const step = {
definition: {
steps: [
document_model: 'template_circularization',
email_model: 'email_circularization',
label: {
EN: 'Circularization',
FR: 'Circularisation',
media: 'LETTER',
name: 'mail_circularization',
onDemandOnly: true,
const radio = screen.getByTestId('EMAIL');, { target: { value: 'EMAIL, step: step } });
when I do a console.log of value and step I get this :
value EMAIL
step {}
what would be the solution to retrieve the step object via ?

How can I print the table with the checkbox checked using react-data-grid?

When printing a table using react-data-grid
I am trying to make the background color of a specific row be blue and the checkbox to be checked.
if (res) {
// alert("hi")
if (searchModalInit.excelColumnType === "toolProduct") {
setSearchList([...SearchResultSort(!column.noSelect ? [null, ...res] : res, searchModalInit.excelColumnType)])
setPageInfo({ page:, total: res.totalPages });
} else
if ( !== 1) {
setSearchList([...searchList, ...SearchResultSort(!column.noSelect ? [{ noneSelected: true }, ...custom_info_list] : custom_info_list, searchModalInit.excelColumnType)])
setPageInfo({ page:, total: res.totalPages });
} else {
// console.log(custom_info_list)
// console.log("custom_info_list : ", custom_info_list);
console.log("selector.product_ids_for_selected_rows : ", selector.product_ids_for_selected_rows);
console.log("custom_info_list : ", custom_info_list);
let tmp: Set<any> = selectList
const new_rows =, index) => {
if (selector.product_ids_for_selected_rows.includes(row.product_id)) {
// alert("실행이 되나? : " + row.product_id)
return {
border: true
} else {
return {
console.log("new_rows ::::", new_rows);
setSearchList([...SearchResultSort(!column.noSelect ? [{ id: null, noneSelected: false }, ...new_rows] : new_rows, searchModalInit.excelColumnType)])
color has been set
checkbox check doesn't work
let tmp: Set<any> = selectList
const new_rows =, index) => {
if (selector.product_ids_for_selected_rows.includes(row.product_id)) {
// alert("Is it running? : " + row.product_id)
If you know a way to make the checkbox of each row in the table be checked, please let me know. thank you

Code migration from tinymce 4 to tinymce 5 - problem with action function (true / false)

I have a problem with migrating the plugin from tinymce 4 to tinymka 5. The console tells me "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: is not a function"
I can not find an equivalent for tinymce 5. Can someone replace it?
Code below:
tinymce.PluginManager.add('phonelink', function(editor, url) {
// Add a button that opens a window
var linkText = "";
var linkTitle = "";
var link = "";
// tinymce.DOM.loadCSS(url + '/css/phonelink.css');
editor.ui.registry.addButton('phonelink2', {
text: 'asddas',
icon: 'image-options',
onSetup: updateOnSelect,
onAction: onClickPhoneButton
// Adds a menu item to the tools menu
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('phonelink', {
text: 'asddas',
icon: 'image-options',
context: 'tools',
onAction: onClickPhoneButton,
onSetup: updateOnSelect
function onClickPhoneButton(){{
title: '123213123',
body: {
type: 'panel',
items: [
{type: 'input', name: 'phone', label: 'Teléfono', value: link},
{type: 'input', name: 'showtext', label: 'Texto a mostrar', value: linkText},
{type: 'input', name: 'title', label: 'Título', value: linkTitle}
buttons: [
text: 'Close',
type: 'cancel',
onclick: 'close'
type: 'submit',
name: 'submitButton',
text: 'Stwórz',
primary: true
onAction: function(e) {
alert('Toggle menu item clicked');
onSubmit: function(e) {
var data = e.getData();
var hrefLink = '<a title="' + data .title + '" href="tel:+34' + data .phone + '">' + data .showtext + '</a>';
if(link !== ''){
function updateOnSelect() {
var btn = this;
const editorEventCallback = function (e) {
var node = editor.selection.getNode();
var isTelLink = node.href !== undefined && node.href.indexOf('tel:+') !== -1;
link = node.href;
link = link.replace("tel:+34", "");
linkTitle = node.title;
linkText = node.text;
editor.on('NodeChange', editorEventCallback);
return function (btn) {'NodeChange', editorEventCallback);
I searched the documentation for a replacement, but found nothing.
TinyMCE 5 no longer passes the button and menu instance via this. Instead it passes an API instance as the first parameter, so you'll want to change your updateOnSelect function to something like this:
function updateOnSelect(api) {
const editorEventCallback = function (e) {
var node = editor.selection.getNode();
var isTelLink = node.href !== undefined && node.href.indexOf('tel:+') !== -1
link = node.href;
link = link.replace("tel:+34", "");
linkTitle = node.title;
linkText = node.text;
editor.on('NodeChange', editorEventCallback);
return function (btn) {'NodeChange', editorEventCallback);
You'll note var btn = this has been removed and that the API to set an item as active is setActive instead of active. This can be found in the documentation here: and (see the API section in both links).
In the above, you may have noticed both reference "Toggle" items. That's another change in TinyMCE 5, as different types of buttons/menu items have a separate registration API. So you'll also need to swap to using editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton and editor.ui.registry.addToggleMenuItem. More details about that can be found here if needed:
Here's an example fiddle showing the changes mentioned above:
Hopefully that helps!

i want to do a dynamic form with v-if

I want to display an additional input if the person clicks yes and clicks on nothing
i try to do that with v-if but i the value never change
this is the entire page in vuejs maybe i need to do a method, i already try without quote and with, i to set value like club = 1 but didn't work to.
I'm not sure if my v-bind is good too
<el-form-item label="Possédez vous un club ?">
<el-radio-group v-model="">
<el-radio label="Oui" v-bind:value="true"></el-radio>
<el-radio label="Non" v-bind:value="false"></el-radio>
<el-form-item v-if="'' == true" label="Nom du club" prop="nClub">
<el-input v-model="ruleForm.nClub" autocomplete="off"></el-input>
<el-button type="primary" #click="submitForm('ruleForm')">Submit</el-button>
<el-button #click="resetForm('ruleForm')">Reset</el-button>
export default {
data () {
var validatePseudo = (rule, value, callback) => {
if (value === '' || value !== 'coach') {
callback(new Error('Please input the pseudo'))
} else {
var validatePass = (rule, value, callback) => {
if (value === '' || value !== 'password') {
callback(new Error('Please input the password'))
} else {
return {
ruleForm: {
nom: '',
prenom: '',
pseudo: '',
email: '',
pass: '',
statue: '',
club: '',
nClub: ''
rules: {
pseudo: [
{ validator: validatePseudo, trigger: 'blur' }
pass: [
{ validator: validatePass, trigger: 'blur' }
methods: {
submitForm (formName) {
this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
name: '/'
} else {
console.log('error submit!!')
return false
resetForm (formName) {
I do not really understand your question, but from what I can tell you would like to add an inputfield if a user selects a certain radio button using v-if. I've recreated this in a jsfiddle. Is this wat your looking for?

Extjs 4.0 MVC Add components to a form based on Store

I am ashamed to say I have spent most of today on this. I am trying to build a form based on the contents of an data store. I am using Ext.js and the MVC architecture. Here's what I have:
var myitems = Ext.create('', {
fields: ['name', 'prompt', 'type'],
data :
{"name":"name", "prompt":"Your name" , "type":"textfield"},
{"name":"addr", "prompt":"Your street address", "type":"textfield"},
{"name":"city", "prompt":"Your city" , "type":"textfield"}
function genwidget(name, prompt, type)
console.log("In genwidget with name=" + name + ", prompt=" + prompt + ", type=" + type + ".");
var widget = null;
if (type == "textfield")
// widget = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text',
widget = Ext.create('Ext.form.TextField',
xtype : 'textfield',
name : name,
fieldLabel: prompt,
labelWidth: 150,
width : 400, // includes labelWidth
allowBlank: false
// will code others later
console.log("Unrecongized type [" + type + '] in function mywidget');
return widget;
function genItems(myitems)
console.log("Begin genItems.");
var items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();
var howMany = myitems.count();
console.log("There are " + howMany + " items.");
for (var i = 0; i < myitems.count(); i++)
var name = myitems.getAt(i).get('name');
var prompt = myitems.getAt(i).get('prompt');
var type = myitems.getAt(i).get('type');
var widget = genwidget(name, prompt, type) ;
console.log("items.toString(): " + items.toString());
return items;
Ext.define('MyApp.view.dynamicform.Form' ,{
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
alias : 'widget.dynamicformform',
// no store
title: 'Dynamic Form',
id: 'dynamicform.Form',
bodyPadding: 5,
autoScroll: true,
layout: 'auto',
anchor: '100%'
dockedItems: [ ],
items: genItems(myitems),
// Reset and Submit buttons
buttons: [
text: 'Reset',
handler: function()
console.log('Reset not coded yet');
text: 'Submit',
formBind: true, //only enabled once the form is valid
disabled: true,
handler: function()
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
if (form.isValid())
success: function(form, action)
console.log('Success not coded yet');
} // end submit
], // end buttons
initComponent: function()
console.log("--> in dynamicform init");
console.log("--> leaving dynamicform init");
}); // Ext.define
The error I am getting (I've had many throughout the day) is "my.items.push is not a function".
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
items is expected to be an array not MixedCollection. It is changed to MixedCollection later on if I remember good. So to fix your issue change:
var items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();
// ...
var items = [];
// ...
Consider as well defining items of form as an empty array and then in initComponent make use of Ext.apply:
var me = this,
items = genItems(myitems);
Ext.apply(me, {