Laravel Eloquent - How to manually append accessor/attribute to result - eloquent

I have an accessor/attribute ( public function getGalleryAttribute() ) that adds an array of images to the model
I used to eager load this with: protected $appends = ['gallery'] , but I got rid of it to be able to control when I want to append the gallery or not.
I can append the gallery to a single model:
$event = Event::find(126)->append('gallery');
But how do I manually append an accessor when there is more than one result?
This doesn't work:
$events = Event::all()->append('gallery');
return $events;
BadMethodCallException: Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::append does not exist

If you are using Eloquent 5.5 or later, you can use Collection::each to append to each item:
$events = Event::all()->each->append('gallery');
You should also look into Eloquent: API Resources to define alternative serialization options for the same model.


Retrieve content element field from within a plugin template?

I am modifying the template of a plugin, and I want to retrieve a field from the content element.
Using f:debug I see the only data available is from the plugin itself, and none from the content element.
Is there any way I can perhaps insert the field I need in the plugin settings?
eg. something like:
plugin.tx_plugin.settings {
contentUid = TEXT
contentUid.field = uid
The best way I can think of to do this is with a custom ViewHelper. Something like:
namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\ViewHelpers;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManager;
use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContextInterface;
use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper;
class ContentUidViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper
public static function renderStatic(array $arguments, \Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext)
$configurationManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConfigurationManager::class);
return $configurationManager->getContentObject()->data['uid'];
In your Fluid template:
<mynamespace:contentUid />
This will get the uid of the content element, but you can get any field this way. Just change the key of the data array to the field you need.
In the corresponding method (like the listAction or showAction) of the controller you can get the data of the content element in the following way:
$contentObject = $this->configurationManager->getContentObject();
$this->view->assign('contentObjectData', $contentObject->data);
As far as I know, you can't get to that data using typoscript, but I've never needed it anyway since I've been using the above code in the controller.
settings do not have stdWrap-type per default, but only string. So you can not use cObjects as values.
For one (or a few) settings, you could do the stdWrap-processing in your method/class yourself:
$settingsAsTypoScriptArray = $this->objectManager->get(TypoScriptService::class)->convertPlainArrayToTypoScriptArray($this->settings);
$contentObj = $this->configurationManager->getContentObject();
if ($contentObj === null) {
$contentObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ContentObjectRenderer::class);
// now override the values in the settings array with the processed value
$contentUid = (int)$contentObj->stdWrap($settingsAsTypoScriptArray['contentUid'], $settingsAsTypoScriptArray['contentUid.']);
If you wanna have many settings to be stdWraped, have a look into EXT:news. Georg implemented an interesting concept via useStdWrap configuration.

Using "processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations" with "tx_news_domain_model_news" and status "new" ends up without empty category

I'm using the "processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations" hook within my extension to transfer content from a newly created News (tx_news_domain_model_news) to an API.
TYPO3 Version is 6.2.11 and if I var_dump or trying to access the category using $record->getCategories() it's empty. Same with related files, falmedia works. Here is my code:
public function processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations($status, $table, $id, array $fieldArray, \TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler &$pObj) {
if ($table == 'tx_news_domain_model_news' && $status == 'new') {
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager');
$news = $objectManager->get('GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Repository\NewsRepository');
$record = $news->findByUid($pObj->substNEWwithIDs[$id]);
Hope anybody knows what I'm doing wrong here. I've been trying this like forever and don't get it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
That's likely because "afterDatabaseOperations" is called for each record insertion/update in each table, and that the relation between the record and the categories has not been established yet.
Only after all insertions/updates have been done, the method processRemapStack is called by the DataHandler, that sets/fixes all the relations between the various records (e.g. wherever there was a "NEW.." relation in the datamap, the correct uids are set).
The only hook you can use, where alle records have the correct relations is the processDatamap_afterAllOperations hook, that you can find at the very end of the process_datamap in the DataHandler class.
That one only takes a single argument though (the DataHandler instance), so you probably have to try and get the inserted news records using the "datamap" property of the DataHandler reference.

Eloquent - load accessor along with model data

My model was eager loading a lot of things with accessors. I want to change it to specify accessors in each case. How do I include such accessors with the query, so that I get the basic model data plus the accessor data
Accessors would previously be eager loaded with:
protected $appends = [
But if I get rid of eager loading, and I want to include this acccessor:
public function getStatusAttribute() {
return self::STATUS_ACTIVE;
Then I can do this according to the documentation:
$prod = \App\Product::find(736)->status;
That works but I don't get the basic model data.
I can't do: return $prod = \App\Product::find(736)->with('status')->first()
It gives error: Call to undefined relationship [status] on model
So how do I add such accessors to be included with the model data?
As Staudenmeir commented, i can do \App\Product::find(736)->append('status');
That solves it for single results. But how do I append data for many results?
Neither append or appends work:
This: \App\Product::whereIn([34, 55])->appends('status');
results in "Method appends does not exist.",
I saw that you can use "appends" on "->paginate()"
$products = \App\Product::whereIn([34, 55])
But that appends it as a query string to the url. Very strange - I want to append it in the same way as for a single result in the json response.
You have not fetched the collection first, and then access the attribute of result.
$prod = \App\Product::find(736);
$status = $prod->status;

How to Pass multiple data array to view Codeigniter

I am new to Codeigniter and have two small question
1: How can I pass two table data array to view?
$this->loadViews("customer_view", $this->global, $data, $product);
But I am getting error
2: I am joining two tables to get two tables data but I am getting only one table data?
public function get_all_categories()
/*// Get Data from Two tables
please help me to resolve.
This :
Should be :
Here is solution for Passing multi variable to view
$data ['customers'] = $customers;
$data ['cats'] = $categories;
$this->loadViews("customer_view", $this->global, $data);
In view we will use $customers and $categories

How to get Model Object using its name from a variable in Laravel 5?

I am trying to get information from a model using its name which is sent as parameter from blade using ajax call.
$.get("{{ url('auditInformation')}}", {modelName: modelName,versions:versions,currentData:currentData[index]});
Now i need to retrieve information using modelName from a model.
So when i tried this:
I got this response Class 'Designation' not found
But if i use
$modelName=new Designation();
then it shows data exactly what i want.
So i understand that this is all about model ( class ) object.
Is there any way to assign object to $modelName using $auditInfo['modelName'] .
If you want to do that way, you should use the model's namespace.
For example, if the 'Destination' model's namespace is app\Destination, you should use like this :
$appPrefix = 'app';
$modelName=$appPrefix . '\' . $auditInfo['modelName'];
This seems to be working
$table_name = "App\Models\PeopleYouMayLikeModel";
$obj = $table_name::where($column_name_identifier_1, '=', $row_identifier_1)
->where($column_name_identifier_2, '=', $row_identifier_2)->first();
The single backslash between the singe quote is considered as an escape sequence so use double backslash is 100% work. For example
public function index(Request $request) {
$modal = $model_prefix.'\\'.$request->type;
//Laravel 7.0