multiple kafka clusters on single zookeeper ensemble - apache-kafka

I currently have a 3 node Kafka cluster which connects to base chroot path in my zookeeper ensemble.
Now, I want to add a new 5 node Kafka cluster which will connect to some other chroot path in the same zookeeper ensemble.
Will these configurations work as in the relative paths for the two chroots? I understand that the original Kafka cluster should have been connected on some path other than the base chroot path for better isolation.
Also, is it good to have same zookeeper ensemble across Kafka clusters? The documentation says that it is generally better to have isolated zookeeper ensembles for different clusters.

If you're only limited to a single Zookeeper cluster, then it should work out fine with a unique chroot that doesn't collide with the other cluster's znodes.
It is not "good" to share, no, because Zookeeper losing quorum causes two clusters to be down, but again if you're limited on hardware, then it'll still work
Note: You can only afford to lose one ZK server with 3 nodes in the cluster, which is why a cluster of 5 is recommended


Building a Kafka Cluster using two servers only

I'm planning to build a Kafka Cluster using two servers, and host Zookeeper on these two servers as well.
The Question is, since Kafka requires Zookeeper to run, what is the best cluster build for zookeeper to implement Kafka Cluster on two servers?
for eg. I'm currently running two zookeepers on both servers and one Kafka on each server, and in the Kafka configuration they point to all Zookeepers.
Is there a better way to do this?
First of all, you don't have to setup Zookeper and Kafka in the same server. One of the roles of Zookeeper is electing controller. (one of the brokers which is responsible for maintaining the leader/follower relationship for all the partitions) For election; majority of Zookeper nodes must be alive. In your case even one Zookeeper instance is down, you cannot select controller. So there is no difference between having one Zookeper or two. That's why it is recommended to have at least 3 nodes in Zookeeper cluster. By this way you can handle failure of one Zookeeper node.
An addition to this, it is highly recommended to have at least three brokers in your Kafka cluster to maintain both consistency and high availability. (link1, link2)
As long as you are limited to only two servers, then you can consider sacrificing from high availability by set up your broker by setting min.insync.replicas=2 and having topics with replication.factor=2. If HA is more important than data loss, then you can use min.insync.replicas=1 (default) broker config with again topic replication.factor=2. In this circumstance, your options are these IMHO. (Having one or two Zookeepers is not important as I mentioned above)
I am often faced with the same problem as you do #frisky5 where i would like to achieve a "suboptimal" HA system using only 2 nodes, and thus workarounds are always needed with cloud-native frameworks that rely on the assumption that clusters will have lot of nodes available.
That ain't always the case in real life, is it ;) ?
That being said, i see you essentially having 2 options:
Externalize zookeeper configuration on a replicated storage system using 2 nodes (e.g. DRBD)
Replicate Kafka data volumes entirely on the second nodes and use 2 one-node Kafka clusters that you switch on and off depending on who is the current master node.
I would go for the first option. In that case you would have 2 Kafka servers and one zookeeper server whose ip needs to be static (virtual ip). When the zookeeper node goes down, it is restarted one the second node with same VIP, but it needs to access the synchronized data folder.
I am not too familiar with zookeepers internals and i can't tell you whether it will go in conflict when starting up on a data store who "wasn't its own" but i would guess it makes sense for you to test it using a simple rsync setup.
Another way to achieve consensus if you are using a k3s based kubernetes cluster would be to rely on internal k8s distributed consensus mechanics to "tell Kafka" which node is the leader. This works for the postgresoperator by chruncydata because Patroni is cool ( ) 😎 but i am not sure if Kafka/zookeeper are that flexible and can communicate with a rest API to set their locks ...
Once you have achieved this intermediate step, then you can use a PostgreSQL db as external source of truth for k3s and then it is as simple as syncing the postgres data folder between the machines (easily done with rsync). The beauty of this approach is that it is way more generic and could be used for other systems too.
Let me know what do you think about these two approaches and whether you manage to setup a test environment. If you do on GitHub i can help you out with implementation

How to scale Zookeeper with kafka

I am working on scaling the kafka cluster in Prod. Confluent provides easy way to add kafka brokers. However, how do I know how to scale zookeeper along with Kafka. What should be the ratio? Right now we have 5 zookeeper nodes for 5 kafka brokers. If I have 10 kafka brokers how many zookeeper nodes should be there?
Zookeeper works as a coordination service for Apache Kafka which stores metadata of kafka cluster. Zookeeper cluster is called ensemble.
Number of servers in a zookeeper ensemble are an odd number(3,5 etc).These numbers represents, how much your cluster is fault tolerant.A three node ensemble ,you can run with one node missing.
With five node ensemble,you can run with two nodes missing and your cluster will be available.
You can add as many zookeeper servers based on how much you want system to be functional inspire of failures, however a ZooKeeper cluter of more than 7 nodes is not recommended for issues with overhead of latency and over-communication between those nodes.

Separate zookeeper install or not using kafka 10.2?

I would like to use the embedded Zookeeper 3.4.9 that come with Kafka 10.2, and not install Zookeeper separately. Each Kafka broker will always have a 1:1 Zookeeper on localhost.
So if I have 5 brokers on hosts A, B, C, D and E, each with a single Kafka and Zookeeper instance running on them, is it sufficient to just run the Zookeeper provided with Kafka?
What downsides or configuration limitations, if any, does the embedded 3.4.9 Zookeeper have compared to the standalone version?
These are a few reason not to run zookeeper on the same box as Kafka brokers.
They scale differently
5 zk and 5 Kafka works but 6:6 or 11:11 do not. You don't need more than 5 zookeeper nodes even for a quite large Kafka cluster. Unlike Kafka, Zookeeper replicates data to all nodes so it gets slower as you add more nodes.
They compete for disk I/O
Zookeeper is very disk I/O latency sensitive. You need to have it on a separate physical disk from the Kafka commit log or you run the risk that a lot of publishing to Kafka will slow zookeeper down and cause it to drop out of the ensemble causing potential problems.
They compete for page cache memory
Kafka uses Linux OS page cache to reduce disk I/O. When other apps run on the same box as Kafka you reduce or "pollute" the page cache with other data that takes away from cache for Kafka.
Server failures take down more infrastructure
If the box reboots you lose both a zookeeper and a broker at the same time.
Even though ZooKeeper comes with each Kafka release it does not mean they should run on the same server. Actually, it is advised that in a production environment they run on separate servers.
In the Kafka broker configuration you can specify the ZooKeeper address, and it can be local or remote. This is from broker config (config/
# Zookeeper connection string (see zookeeper docs for details).
# This is a comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk
# server. e.g. ",,".
# You can also append an optional chroot string to the urls to specify the
# root directory for all kafka znodes.
You can replace localhost with any other accessible server name or IP address.
We've been running a setup as you described, with 3 to 5 nodes, each running a kafka broker and the zookeeper that comes with kafka distribution on the same nodes. No issues with that setup so far, but our data throughput isn't high.
If we were to scale above 5 nodes we'd separate them, so that we only scale kafka brokers but keep the zookeeper ensemble small. If zookeeper and kafka start competing for I/O too much, then we'd move their data directories to separate drives. If they start competing for CPU, then we'd move them to separate boxes.
All in all, it depends on your expected throughput and how easily you can upgrade your setup if it starts causing contention. You can start small and easy, with kafka and zookeeper co-located as long as you have the flexibility to upgrade your setup with more nodes and introduce separation later on. If you think this will be hard to add later, better start running them separate from the start. We've been running them co-located for 18+ months and haven't encountered resource contention so far.

zookeeper failover for kafka cluster

I am wondering is there any way to make the zookeeper failover for kafka cluster.
For example: i want to setup 2 zookeeper instances for my kafka cluster. In case of one zookeeper fails, Kafka servers still able to read metadata of topics from second zookeeper.
any advice is highle appricicated.
Zookeeper works as a so-called quorum – a cluster of nodes that forms a consensus based on simple majority votes.
For production, you should use 3 or 5 Zookeeper instances in a quorum.
If you're using 3, your cluster can survive losing one server (because the remaining two form a simple majority). With 5, you can lose two servers because 3 is a majority of 5.
2 is a bad idea because your cluster won't work if 1 node goes down.
Please check this question
Here you can set multiple zookeeper
Maintain 2n+1(quorum ) rule in case of zookeeper

Installing kafka cluster

I want to install 2 node Kafka cluster on Amazon EC2.
I follow the steps from this link:
Also, I want to have zookeeper on both nodes, because If I have it only on one node, if that node dies, my kafka cluster dies.
In step 9 (Installing multi-node cluster), they say that I need to modify zookeeper.connect in kafka server properties, so that it has comma separated list of ip:port for each node where zookeeper is installed.
On the other hand, when I want to create a topic, in the script I only specify 1 zookeeper!
1) Will the other zookeeper node know that the topic has been created?
2) In case that 1 zookeeper node fails, will the other one takeover?
3) `When the failed node goes up again, will it take again the information about topics from the node that stayed alive?
You should create a cluster with no less than three nodes. Like Serejja mentioned, it should be odd-numbered for fault-tolerance.
3,5,7,9 etc.
For Kafka, you should specify a --replication-factor when creating the topic. In a three node cluster, it's recommended to set it to two or three.
In this scenario if one of the brokers goes down, the data will get replicated across the available nodes, and then once the unavailable node comes back online, the data will propagate to it.
The Kafka Documentation is fantastic, and I recommend further reading of the Replication topic.