Spring data MongoDb query based on last element of nested array field - mongodb

I have the following data (Cars):
"make" : “Ferrari”,
"model" : “F40",
"services" : [
"type" : "FULL",
“date_time" : ISODate("2019-10-31T09:00:00.000Z"),
"type" : "FULL",
"scheduled_date_time" : ISODate("2019-11-04T09:00:00.000Z"),
"make" : "BMW",
"model" : “M3",
"services" : [
"type" : "FULL",
"scheduled_date_time" : ISODate("2019-10-31T09:00:00.000Z"),
"type" : "FULL",
“scheduled_date_time" : ISODate("2019-11-04T09:00:00.000Z"),
Using Spring data MongoDb I would like a query to retrieve all the Cars where the scheduled_date_time of the last item in the services array is in-between a certain date range.
A query which I used previously when using the first item in the services array is like:
Note the 0 index since it's first one as opposed to the last one (for my current requirement).
I thought using an aggregate along with a projection and .arrayElementAt(-1) would do the trick but I haven't quite got it to work. My current effort is:
Aggregation agg = newAggregation(
AggregationResults<Car> results = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg, Car.class, Car.class);
return results.getMappedResults();
Any help suggestions appreciated.

This mongo aggregation retrieves all the Cars where the scheduled_date_time of the last item in the services array is in-between a specific date range.
$addFields: {
last: {
$arrayElemAt: [
}, {
$match: {
'last.scheduled_date_time': {
$gte: ISODate('2019-10-26T04:06:27.307Z'),
$lt: ISODate('2019-12-15T04:06:27.319Z')
I was trying to write it in spring-data-mongodb without luck.
They do not support $addFields yet, see here.
Since version 2.2.0 RELEASE spring-data-mongodb includes the Aggregation Repository Methods
The above query should be
interface CarRepository extends MongoRepository<Car, String> {
#Aggregation(pipeline = {
"{ $addFields : { last:{ $arrayElemAt: [$services,-1] }} }",
"{ $match: { 'last.scheduled_date_time' : { $gte : '$?0', $lt: '$?1' } } }"
List<Car> getCarsWithLastServiceDateBetween(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end);
This method logs this query
[{ "$addFields" : { "last" : { "$arrayElemAt" : ["$services", -1]}}}, { "$match" : { "last.scheduled_date_time" : { "$gte" : "$2019-11-03T03:00:00Z", "$lt" : "$2019-11-05T03:00:00Z"}}}]
The date parameters are not parsing correctly. I didn't spend much time making it work.
If you want the Car Ids this could work.
public List<String> getCarsIdWithServicesDateBetween(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end) {
return template.aggregate(newAggregation(
), Car.class, Car.class)
Query Log
[{ "$unwind" : "$services"}, { "$group" : { "_id" : "$_id", "date" : { "$last" : "$services.scheduled_date_time"}}}, { "$match" : { "date" : { "$gte" : { "$date" : 1572750000000}, "$lt" : { "$date" : 1572922800000}}}}]


mongoDB distict problems

It's one of my data as JSON format:
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfdb412a80939b6ed682090"),
"accounts" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5bf106eee639bd0df4bd8e05"),
"accountType" : "DDA",
"productName" : "DDA1"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bf106eee639bd0df4bd8df8"),
"accountType" : "VSA",
"productName" : "VSA1"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bf106eee639bd0df4bd8df9"),
"accountType" : "VSA",
"productName" : "VSA2"
I want to make a query to get all productName(no duplicate) of accountType = VSA.
I write a mongo query:
db.Collection.distinct("accounts.productName", {"accounts.accountType": "VSA" })
I expect: ['VSA1', 'VSA2']
I get: ['DDA','VSA1', 'VSA2']
Anybody knows why the query doesn't work in distinct?
Second parameter of distinct method represents:
A query that specifies the documents from which to retrieve the distinct values.
But the thing is that you showed only one document with nested array of elements so whole document will be returned for your condition "accounts.accountType": "VSA".
To fix that you have to use Aggregation Framework and $unwind nested array before you apply the filtering and then you can use $group with $addToSet to get unique values. Try:
$unwind: "$accounts"
$match: {
"accounts.accountType": "VSA"
$group: {
_id: null,
uniqueProductNames: { $addToSet: "$accounts.productName" }
which prints:
{ "_id" : null, "uniqueProductNames" : [ "VSA2", "VSA1" ] }

Find in nested arrays mongodb

Below the data structure of my services in MongoDB:
"serviceInfo" : {
"title" : "Lorem ipsum",
"options" : [
"startDate" : ISODate("2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
"endDate" : ISODate("2018-10-31T00:00:00.000Z"),
"availabilities" : [
"businessDay" : {
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Monday"
Now, I want to query all the services available the Monday during the period between startDate and endDate.
I tried this code but I have an empty array as result instead of my document.
'serviceInfo.options': {
$elemMatch: {
'startDate': { $lte: new Date(req.query.date) },
'endDate': { $gte: new Date(req.query.date) },
'availabilities': {
$elemMatch: {
'businessDay.id': req.query.day
I guess my problem is in the nested array availabilities but I don't find the correct way to do the query.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I found my problem.
'businessDay.id' expected an Int32 and parseInt(req.query.day) did the trick.

Query to count number of occurrence in array grouped by day

I have the following document structure:
(trackerEventsCollection) =
"_id" : ObjectId("5b26c4fb7c696201040c8ed1"),
"trackerId" : ObjectId("598fc51324h51901043d76de"),
"trackingEvents" : [
"type" : "checkin",
"eventSource" : "app",
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-08-25T06:34:58.964Z")
"type" : "power",
"eventSource" : "app",
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-08-25T06:51:23.795Z")
"type" : "position",
"eventSource" : "app",
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-08-25T06:51:23.985Z")
I would like to write a query that would count number of trackingEvents with type "type" : "power" grouped by day. This seems to be quite tricky to me because parent document does not have date and I should rely on timestamp field that belongs to the trackingEvents array members.
I'm not really experienced mongodb user and couldn't understand how can this be achieved so far.
Would really appreciate any help, thanks
To process your nested array as a separate documents you need to use $unwind. In the next stage you can use $match to filter out by type. Then you can group by single days counting occurences. The point is that you have to build grouping key containing year, month and day like in following code:
{ $unwind: "$trackingEvents" },
{ $match: { "trackingEvents.type": "power" } },
$group: {
_id: {
year: { $year:"$trackingEvents.timestamp" },
month:{ $month:"$trackingEvents.timestamp" },
day: { $dayOfMonth:"$trackingEvents.timestamp" }
count: { $sum: 1 }

Retrieving value of an emedded object in mongo

Followup Question
Thanks #4J41 for your spot on resolution. Along the same lines, I'd also like to validate one other thing.
I have a mongo document that contains an array of Strings, and I need to convert this particular array of strings into an array of object containing a key-value pair. Below is my curent appraoch to it.
Mongo Record:
Same mongo record in my initial question below.
Current Query:
//instantiate a new array
var optionsArray = [];
for (var i=0;i< c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['values'].length; i++){
optionsArray[i] = {}; // creates a new object
optionsArray[i].label = c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['values'][i];
optionsArray[i].value = c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['values'][i];
return optionsArray;
[{label:"well-known", value:"well-known"},
{label:"simple", value:"simple"},
{label:"complex", value:"complex"}]
Is my approach efficient enough, or is there a way to optimize the above query to get the same desired result?
Initial Question
I have a mongo document like below:
"_id" : ObjectId("57e3720836e36f63695a2ef2"),
"platform" : "A1",
"available" : {
"Community" : {
"attributes" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [
"defaultValue" : "well-known"
I'm trying to query the DB and retrieve only the value of defaultValue field.
I tried:
{ platform: "A1" },
{ "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }
as well as
{ platform: "A1" },
{ "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }
But they both seem to retrieve the entire object hirarchy like below:
"_id" : ObjectId("57e3720836e36f63695a2ef2"),
"available" : {
"Community" : {
"attributes" : {
"type" : {
"defaultValue" : "well-known"
The only way I could get it to work was with find and map function, but it seems to be convoluted a bit.
Does anyone have a simpler way to get this result?
{ platform: "A1" },
{ "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }
return c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['defaultValue']
You could try the following.
Using find:
db.templateAttributes.find({ platform: "A1" }, { "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }).toArray()[0]['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['defaultValue']
Using findOne:
db.templateAttributes.findOne({ platform: "A1" }, { "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 })['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['defaultValue']
Using aggregation:
{"$project": {_id:0, default:"$available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue"}}
Edit: Answering the updated question: Please use aggregation here.
{"$match":{platform:"A1"}}, {"$unwind": "$available.Community.attributes.type.values"},
{$group: {"_id": null, "val":{"$push":{label:"$available.Community.attributes.type.values",
"label" : "well-known",
"value" : "well-known"
"label" : "simple",
"value" : "simple"
"label" : "complex",
"value" : "complex"

Project with Match in aggregate not working after use substr in mongodb

I have face one use with mongodb.
below is my sample record.
"_id" : ObjectId("56fa21da0be9b4e3328b4567"),
"us_u_id" : "1459169911J4gPxpYQ7A",
"us_dealer_u_id" : "1459169911J4gPxpYQ7A",
"us_corporate_dealer_u_id" : "1459169173rgSdxVeMLa",
"us_oem_u_id" : "1459169848CK5yOpXito",
"us_part_number" : "E200026",
"us_sup_part_number" : "",
"us_alter_part_number" : "",
"us_qty" : 0,
"us_sale_qty" : 2,
"us_date" : "20160326",
"us_source_name" : "BOMAG",
"us_source_address" : "",
"us_source_city" : "",
"us_source_state" : "",
"us_zip_code" : "",
"us_alternet_source_code" : "",
"updated_at" : ISODate("2016-03-29T06:34:02.728Z"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2016-03-29T06:34:02.728Z")
I have try to get all recored having unique date
So, I have made below query using aggregate
I have try both way to pass year and month (as string and as int)
but I have get blank result.
if I'm remove month and year from condition then record came.
mostly I have try all the diff. diff. solution but result is same.
Thank in advance.
You have written incorrect query.
You don't have yearSubstring and monthSubstring fields on this stage.
You should write as following:
If you want to get other fields, you should include them into projection stage.