OctoberCMS Get URL to CMS page - redirect

In October CMS, you can easily create a link to a CMS page in a Twig template with reverse routing. For example:
Go to help page
will link to the CMS page with the filename help.htm, substituting the URL with the URL defined in that page.
However, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the URL to a CMS page in a component to create a redirect to it.
I tried:
return Redirect::to('help');
which simply redirects to /help URL, which isn't the correct URL, so I get a 404.
I also tried:
return Redirect::to(\Url::route('help'));
However this produces an error because it is not registered as a route.
The reason I can't just hard-code the URL is because I am using the Translate plugin, which means that I can have a different URL depending on the language. So for example, in English it would be /en/help, but in Spanish it would be /es/ayuda. Putting:
{{ 'help'|page }}
in my Twig files will automatically get the correct URL based on the current language.
Is this possible to do in a component or controller?

Within your component you can use controller's pageUrl method.
$this->controller->pageUrl(<file_name>, <params>);
according to your need, this should do the trick
return Redirect::to($this->controller->pageUrl('help'));
if any doubt please comment.


Pass reference id from url bar to other internal pages

I am compiling a lead generation landing page and, in the form I have inserted a hidden field which collect whatever is written in the url bar after
This is done in order to track where the leads come from (Facebook ads, direct linking etc).
To be more clear if this is the url: www.mywebsite.com/form.html?rel=fbads
the hidden field will be fill with "fbads" and this is working.
In the landing page I have a link to another page with more details and in this webpage I have the same form.
My idea is to run campaings on the first page with the rel link, but then if the user clicks on the link and go to the detailed page (and then compile the form from there), I am losing the rel field.
How can I pass the rel field to the url of the second page?
You may refer the this stackoverflow page. Once the HTTP GET request comes, traverse in HTTP headers in your controller and look for Referer field but it is not always set and the client can change the header value. May be using google analytics is the better option.
If you just want to know that whether if they came to your form page from your landing page or not, you may add fix HTTP URL parameter prior to HTTP redirect.
If you save your rel in a variable, you can add it on your link to detailed page, for example in case of =fbads just once variable is set up, add it: <a href="http://myDetailedPage.com/detailed/?=<?php $rel;?>"</a>

POST a form in Facebook iFrame application does not work

My application has "survived" many Facebook API changes, to the point where it's quite messy.
Anyway: I'm no longer able to POST a simple HTML form. The entire page reloads and no data is saved.
I've tried several things. Changing the "action" url to include several Facebook parameters, changing the target (canvas_iframe) but to no avail.
Has anyone else encountered problems with this?
try to write absolute path in "action". Its not important include Facebook parameter
Give site url("www.example.com/") as the value of the action attribute rather the Canvas URL(http://appifylabs.com/facebook/yourapp/processform.php)
if processform.php is the script that will manipulate your form so give the value
site_url = "www.example.com/";
action="<?php echo site_url; ?>processform.php"

The title, link and description don't work

I've been reading guides and examples for a long time (hours) but I can't manage. I tried to use all html meta tag like title, description, and og:property. Also tried to use the link sharer and also to create a new blank page with just the info I want to share to facebook in order to test. Also I tried to generate an random url in php so to have always a different url variable (the url to share and also the url of the main page containing the script). I also grabbed (url linter) a lot of time the url to clean the cache of facebook. It always give me the title of the site domain as title or the url itself as the shared title and description. I don't know what to do.
The main web site is from joomla. In the code of index of joomla I put a php include if the url has the variable "articolo" id. This incuded php page has regulat head body etc. So maybe I facebook check the main meta of joomla first? So now I tried to open a popup with just the page for sharing. Look here: link
It's possible that the title is locked in, meaning that after X number of likes Facebook doesn't allow you to change it anymore. Can you give us an example URL you're having issues with?
Ok, now the link you provided shows some very interesting output. http://modernolatina.it/wjs/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=96&Itemid=258&autore=6&articolo=6
First, you webserver, instead of sending back a 200 code, is sending back a 500 code.
Secondly the HTML your webserver is sending back has two HTML tags (Do a view source on the content returned)
Fix up those two issues and I think the linter will be happier with your page.
Test your page here:

URL Rewriting and Facebook link information retrieval

I am developing a website and I want to integrate it with Facebook, allowing users to share the pages of my website in their FB walls. My problem is explained in the following lines and my question is at the end.
I am using the following URL rewriting rule in my .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/?$ index.php?p1=$1&p2=$2
That means it will rewrite anything like: http://address/parameter1/parameter2 as http://address/index.php?p1=parameter1&p2=parameter2.
When I post http://address/parameter1/parameter2 on FB, it will only show the rewritten URL under that URL.
I posted http://address/index.php?p1=parameter1&p2=parameter2 on FB, and it will show the information I want it to show, the ones I have put in the meta tags.
I tried debugging http://address/parameter1/parameter2 on the FB debugger (http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug), I will get the error:
"The page at ... could not be reached because the server returned status code 400."
Is there any way I can correct that? That is, actually making the dynamic link behave like a static link, and making that transparent to anyone who links it?
This change in the rewrite rule should solve the problem:
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_-]+)/?([a-z0-9_-]+)/?$ index.php?p1$1&p2=$2 [L,NC]
I also changed the redirects in PHP that I was doing.
And that solved my problem.
I have similar issue to yours, except I manage url rewriting with php dynamically.
I am currently a web host that do not allow url rewriting through htaccess (free.fr)
dynamic standard url is handled properly. But not rewrited url.
How would you get rid of this, considering header status code?
What I could do is doing a redirect instead of include script which produce html output code.
Just have to tell the handler to switch between include and redirect, thanks to a special added param in the url.
But it's not a pretty solution.

redirect wordpress calls to a page

I'm not really sure what is the best way to do this. Say you have set up a page like so:
Is it possible to, specify that the request to any of the subpages under page1 be redirected to a single page? Say if I had page1.php as one of my pages, any URL that is prefixed with:
wordpress would use that file to generate the page.
Basically, I have some custom content that I want fetched with php, and it depends on which subpage is being loaded. The format of the custom content is always the same, only the 'arguments' differ. Is there a way to do this within Wordpress? And if not, where should I should I start looking to implement this?
try modifying .htaccess file and rewriting url so all requests for /page1/page2 will be rewrite to /page1=?page=page2 or something like that