Mask Fluid ViewHelper to not render it - typo3

In need to print some HTML code that includes some ViewHelper.
Ist there a way to prevent ViewHelpers from beeing rendered?
<my:printBold>Hello World</my:printBold>
Actual Output:
Hello World
Expected Output:
<my:printBold>Hello World</my:printBold>

If you're willing to move your snippet to a partial you could use the following functionality:
{parsing off} will disable the Fluid rendering for the whole file.
Also found an issue regarding this:
Hope this helps.


Wrap H1-H6 Tags with Typo3 ParseFunc depending on the class set in RTE

I want to add inline-svgs to my h1 to h6 Tags depending on the class set in the RTE.
<h1 class="icon--clock">Header</h1>
<h1 class="icon--clock"><svg>...</svg>Header</h1>
I've done something similar with links before, using the parseFunc Config. A method like this:
Is there any way to access and split the tag and class like the link parameters through TypoScript?
I also tried using a userFunc
lib.parseFunc.userFunc = ...\MyClass->MyUserFunc
but in Params I only get the tag content, not the tag or the classes that have been set themselves.
I'm using Typo8 with the ckeditor, but I don't think that makes a difference.
Can I even do this?
How do I do this?
I know that I can alternatively add different header layouts and use the tt_content header field, because it's easier to manipulate the template there. But I'd love to know if there is a way to this in the RTE.
I think you could do it in typoscript, but that would be very complicated as you need to analyze the attributes of the Hn-tags.
A simpler method which came to mind would be: use CSS and ::before. So you can use a selector to the class to insert the matching SVG.
This also can be done with javascript but as CSS can do it it would be more efficient to use CSS.

Crop image in Fluid Template with image viewhelper

I want to crop images in Fluid with the f:image or the f:uri.image viewhelper (TYPO3 8.7). Since TYPO3 7.2 the usual way does not work anymore:
<f:image image="{file}" width="500c" height="500" />
does not work.
In the fluid guide I found the hint that since TYPO3 7.2 I have to use crop. I found this in the change log:
So this should work, but it doesnt:
<f:image image="{file}" crop="0,0,500,500" />
The images are rendered but in default size.
Any ideas? Anything changed in later versions?
I tried with a fresh installation and found my fault.
cropping with c and m does indeed work in TYPO3 8 - the hint in the fluid manual is wrong.
in short syntax you have to use '' in order to send the c or m correct.
This syntax is wrong:
<img src="{f:uri.image(image:file, width:200c, height:200)}">
there is no error message and the images are rendered but the letter c is ignored. You have to use this syntax:
<img src="{f:uri.image(image:file, width:'200c', height:'200')}">
this will work.
One additional hint: after changing the syntax the images are not rendered every time but only when the size has changed. Sometimes you get simply the cached images ... Deleting the content on /fileadmin/_temp does help.
Well - perhaps it will help some one :-)
You can use f:image like below. it's work for me.
<f:image src="{file.originalResource.publicUrl}" width="770c" height="517c" height="350c" />
You could also specify the crop settings in tca and use this settings in the FE, for an example look at the repository :
Besides that, in the install tool you can check if cropping works on your machine. It can happen that there are already processed images for your size, if you adjust the cropping information of image with 1px a new processed image is created. If then the image works, clear the processed files to generate a new image for your desired formats.

Using the output of a partial as a variable in main template

Out of this question: Random image with v:iterator.random | cache issue
I use a partial to render non-cacheable stuff (in this case a random image).
I do this with this code in the main-template:
{v:render.uncache(partial: 'Random-Image', arguments: {iterator: images})}
Have this directly in the template outputs the right thing (the url to an image, for example fileadmin/upload/abc.jpg). But if I want to use this as a variable for the src from <f:image it does not work:
<f:image src="{v:render.uncache(partial: 'Random-Image', arguments: {iterator: images})}" alt="alt text" />
Also set as a variable it with v:variable.set does not work.
All I get is: <!--INT_SCRIPT.0081e57d9fd92c925bb35d79fd9d3f79-->
Also when I debug it:
{v:render.uncache(partial: 'Random-Image', arguments: {iterator: images})}
I get <!--INT_SCRIPT.0081e57d9fd92c925bb35d79fd9d3f79-->
So, is it possible to use the output of a partial as a variable? Or is it possible to set a variable in the partial and use it in the main-template?
I think you mixed up two things a bit, so I would like to separate your questions:
1) Is it possible to use the output of a partial as a variable?
Yes, like the way you wanted it. Actually you did it.
But let see a test:
There is a Partial : Test/Message
With the content: "It is a test"
Then in the main template you can use something like this:
<div class="test">
<f:if condition="{f:render(partial:'Test/Message')}
== 'It is a test'">
In this case you would see "Passed" and if you change the Partial to "It should failed" then you will get "Failed" rendered.
2) Why do you see <!--INT_SCRIPT.0081e57d9fd92c925bb35d79fd9d3f79--> ?
This is a not cached content, so like COA_INT or USR_INT objects in TypoScript.
You can find a function in the typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Controller/TypoScriptFrontendController.php its name is INTincScript_process. It is responsible to find such lines in the code and replace them with the not cached content.
It means, if you render your Template, that partial renders only a reference to a not cached object, but not the content itself.
Finally to suggest a solution to the original problem, try to render the whole image inside the partial not just the path to it. So include the into the partial where the v:iterate.random ViewHelper is used. Then the v:render.uncache should mark the whole image block as not cacheable.

Partial helper doesn't render partials in .hbs file

I feel like I'm missing something obvious. In working with v0.6.0, the Readme indicates you can use:
{%= partial("partial-name") %}
However, these are just getting printed as plain text. Do I need to use a different engine if I want to have those tags parsed?
Assemble allows using different engines and the example that you have is using lodash with custom delimiters.
To use the default partials helper in handlebars do {{partial "partial-name"}}

In a fluid template, how to output the linked file's size?

In a fluid template, I would like to output a linked file's size.
I'm using to link to the file, as I think this is the way to do it (please correct if not).
< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</>
As I'm already using the extension ml_links on the site, I thought I could pass the link through lib.parseFunc_RTE, but
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc_RTE">< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</></f:format.html>
just wraps it into p.bodytext.
Do I have to use a different syntax to apply f:format.html TO - or is there a better way to do it (via a fluid or vhs viewhelper)?
Actually custom VH is fastest way to achieve that, i.e. basing on this VH, you'll need to replace size param with a file path, and then use i.e. filesize function of PHP to fetch the size in bytes.
Here's my VH:
I've simplified the original a little, outputting "KiB" for file size is too technical for me.
The easiest way is to use native TYPO3 FAL parameter originalFile.size :
{audio.0.originalFile.size -> f:format.bytes()}
When i use fluidcontent i have vhs extension installed aswell and then just use:
<f:format.bytes decimals="1">{v:media.size(path: '{file}')}</f:format.bytes>
This outputs clean readable sizes like "28.2 MB".
If you are using VHS you may consider (in combination with f:format.bytes).
In newer TYPO3 versions you can use the originalResource.size attribute of a FileReference object.
{file.originalResource.size -> f:format.bytes()}
or in your case:
{ -> f:format.bytes()}
TYPO3 10
I needed a file size output for a DCE module in TYPO3 10, this is what I came up with, using VHS:
<f:format.bytes><v:media.size><v:format.trim characters="/"><f:uri.typolink parameter="{}" /></v:format.trim></v:media.size></f:format.bytes>
f:uri.typolink generates the full path I need for v:media.size
v:media.size requires the path without a leading slash, v:format.trim removes this character.
f:format.bytes displays the output from v:media.size in KB or MB.