how to generate custom Auth token from api key - google-cloud-firestore

I am looking at the documentation at
for how to exchange firebase id and refresh token with my API key.
In the documentation, I found the sample code and some explaination as below,
curl '[API_KEY]' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary '{"token":"[CUSTOM_TOKEN]","returnSecureToken":true}'
In the example above, you would replace [API_KEY] with the Web API Key of your Firebase project, [CUSTOM_TOKEN] with the generated custom Auth token.
Anyone know how can I get the "custom Auth Token" as mentioned in the above sample?

Think it is explained here:
And if you need to cook up something yourself then specifically:


REST API URL that can be used to retrieve the metadata for a resource contained in a storage bucket

I am new to Cloud and I've been practising it for a while. I have a use case.
I want to retrieve the metadata of images in the bucket through a suitable REST API. I searched in API explorer and found Cloud Resource Manager API that could help retrieve the metadata but after exploring it I couldn't figure out the link.
API Required Fields
Can someone help me to understand what to put in the parent field?
You are using the wrong REST API.
The REST API endpoint is:
To view metadata, here is an example using the REST API in curl:
gcloud auth application-default login
TOKEN=$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
curl -v -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $URL

How to use ghs_* token in github API?

I'm trying to build an integration between two repositories. For that I've decided to use Github Apps.
I was able to sign working JWT and use it to get an access token (from{{INST_ID}}/access_tokens). It looks like this: ghs_tVGHE4l5i4kjhasslirerno666222.
Now I'm trying to use it to trigger an dispatches event for a project workflow with on: workflow_dispatch: trigger.
But I just can't find a way to put ghs* token to use.
Examples I saw say:
curl -X POST{{user}}/{{repo}}/dispatches \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json' \
-u ${{ ACCESS_TOKEN }} \
--data '{...}'
But it does not work, -u option is for 'user', not for token.
How to use ghs* token with github api?
The easiest way to do this is to just use the Token TOKEN Authorization header:
-H 'Authorization: Token ghs_tVGHE4l5i4kjhasslirerno666222
You may also try using Basic authentication with the x-token username. While that worked in the past, GitHub has disabled Basic authentication for the API, so that syntax may or may not function anymore.

Getting Users and groups from Keycloak

I have a web application secured by Keycloak. Now I want to read all the security groups and users from keycloak in my application. Is it possible?
Keycloak has a very good documentation around the APIs.
I believe you are looking to get all the groups and users from the Keycloak. It could be as straightforward as calling any REST APIs.
You can follow this link to get all the groups from the Keycloak.
And this link to get the users based on the given search criteria.
But I would be wary of the performance implication it might have calling these APIs. Make sure to use pagination and appropriate filters for getting users.
Also, if you want, you can write a custom extension in Keycloak to serve your purpose. You can follow this link for it.
I could get the access token using the client secret key using the curl command from command line.
$curl -X POST -d "client_id=my_client" -d "username=username" -d "client_secret=c957b0ba-c421-4021-8433-764aa2fwes72" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" HOST/auth/realms/my_realm/protocol/openid-connect/token
I could also get the list of users after getting the access token
$curl -X GET HOST/auth/admin/realms/my_realm/users -H "Authorization: Bearer access-token" -H 'cache-control: no-cache'
Now, I'm thinking how can I do this from my web application.

How do I POST to a Google Cloud Storage bucket via API

I'm attempting to do a POST to a bucket via API. I have an API key, and I have a client-id and secret. What should be included in the header for authentication to my bucket for a simple post?
If you are trying to do a POST with the RESTful API you should add an "Authorization: Bearer [OAUTH2_TOKEN]". I recommend on following the Quickstart on Uploading Objects with Rest API which guides you on how to achieve this and searching the OAuth 2.0 playground to get the Token
Taken from the guide:
curl -X POST --data-binary #[OBJECT] \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [OAUTH2_TOKEN]" \
-H "Content-Type: [OBJECT_CONTENT_TYPE]" \

Is there any way to add custom attributes in Keycloak via REST API?

How to add custom attributes in Keycloak via REST API?
I guess you mean adding user attributes to the admin console by extending the theme - Since that configures the admin console itself it does involve some configuration of files loaded by the keycloak app for a custom theme so I don't think the REST API alone will be enough.
As #Xtreme Biker points out, anything you can do via clicks in the admin console you can do via the REST API as the console uses that API. You can perform the relevant actions in the admin console and check the network tab in the browser console to see what the REST calls are (note you may need to tell your browser not to clear the log between page loads). So if you can do it just with clicks in the browser then the REST API is enough. If you also need to modify configuration files then you'll need to do that part outside of the REST API.
Here is an example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <INSERT TOKEN HERE>' \
--data-raw '{"firstName":"James","lastName":"West", "email":"", "username":"james.west", "attributes": {"SomeId":"123"}}'
More documentation: