Do Kafka consumers spin on poll() or are they woken up by a broadcast/signal from the broker? - apache-kafka

If I poll() from a consumer in a while True: statement, I see that poll() is blocking. If the consumer is up to date with messages from the topic (offset = OFFSET_END) how is the consumer conducting it's blocking poll()?
Does the consumer default adhere to a pub/sub mentality in which it sleeps and waits for a publish and a broadcast/signal from the broker?
Or is the consumer constantly spinning itself checking the topic?
I'm using the confluent python client, if that matters.

kafka consumers are basically long poll loops, driven (asynchronously) by the user thread calling poll().
the whole protocol is request-response, and entirely client driven. there is no form of broker-initiated "push". controls how long any single broker will wait before responding (if no data), while blocking of the user thread is controlled by argument to poll()

Yes, you are right its while a true condition that waits to consume the message till waiting timeout time.
If it receives a message it will return immediately otherwise it will await to passed timeout and return an empty record.
Kafka Broker use the below parameter to control message to send to Consumer
fetch.min.bytes: The broker will wait for this amount of data to fill BEFORE it sends the response to the consumer client. The broker will wait for this amount of time BEFORE sending a response to the consumer client unless it has enough data to fill the response (fetch.message.max.bytes)
There is a possibility to take a long time to call the next poll() due to the processing of consumed messages. prevent not to process take so much time and call the next poll within otherwise consumer leaves the group and trigger rebalance.
You can get more detail about this here By increasing the interval between expected polls, you can give the consumer more time to handle a batch of
records returned from poll(long). The drawback is that increasing this
value may delay a group rebalance since the consumer will only join
the rebalance inside the call to poll. You can use this setting to
bound the time to finish a rebalance, but you risk slower progress if
the consumer cannot actually call poll often enough.
max.poll.records: Use this setting to limit the total records returned from a single call to a poll. This can make it easier to
predict the maximum that must be handled within each poll interval. By
tuning this value, you may be able to reduce the poll interval, which
will reduce the impact of group rebalancing.


Impact of reducing max.poll.records in Kafka Consumer configuration

I am writing an consumer application to pick records from kafka stream and process it using spring-kafka.
My processing steps are as below :
Getting records from stream --> dump it into a table --> Fetch records and call API --> API will update records into a table --> calling Async Commit()
It seems in some scenarios, the API processing taking more time because of more records are being fetched and we are getting below errors?
Member consumer-prov-em-1-399ede46-9e12-4388-b5b8-f198a4e6a5bc
sending LeaveGroup request to coordinator (id:
2147483577 rack: null) due to consumer poll timeout has expired. This
means the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the
configured, which typically implies that the poll
loop is spending too much time processing messages. You can address
this either by increasing or by reducing the
maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException: Commit cannot
be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the
partitions to another member. This means that the time between
subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured, which typically implies that the poll loop is
spending too much time message processing. You can address this either
by increasing or by reducing the maximum size of
batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
I know this can be handled by reducing max.poll.records or by increasing What I am trying to understand if I set max.poll.records to 10 then what would be poll() behavior? Is it going to take 10 records from stream wait for these records to be committed and then will go for next 10 records ? When the next poll occurs ?Is it also going to impact performance as we are reducing max.poll.records from default 500 to 10.
Do I also have to increase Probably make it 10 minutes. Is there any down impact that I should be aware of while changing these values ? Except these parameters, is there any other way to handle these errors ?
max.poll.records allows batch processing consumption model in which records are collected in memory before flushing them to another system. The idea is to get all the records by polling from kafka together and then process that in memory in the poll loop.
If you decrease the number then the consumer will be polling more frequently from kafka. This means it needs to make network call more often. This might reduce performance of kafka stream processing. controls the maximum time between poll invocations before the consumer will proactively leave the group. If this number increases then it will take longer for kafka to detect the consumer failures. On the other hand, if this value is too low kafka might falsely detect many alive consumers as failed thus rebalancing more often.

Should we use max.poll.records or to handle records that take longer to process in kafka consumer?

I'm trying to understand what is better option to handle records that take longer to process in kafka consumer? I ran few tests to understand this and observed that we can control this with by modifying either max.poll.records or
Now my question is, what's the better option to choose? Please suggest.
max.poll.records simply defines the maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll().
Now defines the delay between the calls to poll(). The maximum delay between invocations of
poll() when using consumer group management. This places an upper
bound on the amount of time that the consumer can be idle before
fetching more records. If poll() is not called before expiration of
this timeout, then the consumer is considered failed and the group
will rebalance in order to reassign the partitions to another member.
For consumers using a non-null which reach this
timeout, partitions will not be immediately reassigned. Instead, the
consumer will stop sending heartbeats and partitions will be
reassigned after expiration of This mirrors the
behavior of a static consumer which has shutdown.
I believe you can tune both in order to get to the expected behaviour. For example, you could compute the average processing time for the messages. If the average processing time is say 1 second and you have max.poll.records=100 then you should allow approximately 100+ seconds for the poll interval.
If you have slow processing and so want to avoid rebalances then tuning either would achieve that. However extending to allow for longer gaps between poll does have a bit of a side effect.
Each consumer only uses 2 threads - polling thread and heartbeat thread.
The latter lets the group know that your application is still alive so can trigger a rebalance before expires.
The polling thread does everything else in terms of group communication so during the poll method you find out if a rebalance has been triggered elsewhere, you find out if a partition leader has died and hence metadata refresh is required. The implication is that if you allow longer gaps between polls then the group as a whole is slower to respond to change (for example no consumers start receiving messages after a rebalance until they have all received their new partitions - if a rebalance occurs just after one consumer has started processing a batch for 10 minutes then all consumers will be hanging around for at least that long).
Hence for a more responsive group in situations where processing of messages is expected to be slow you should choose to reduce the records fetched in each batch.

Kafka Consumer - continue calling poll() while paused?

I read the docs on using the pause and resume methods for a kafka consumer, and they seem easy enough to implement. However, do I need another thread to continue calling the poll() method while paused to meet the heartbeat requirements and not trigger a rebalance?
My consumer is running SQL scripts after polling the topic and depending the messages returned, the scripts may take longer than the current interval (we have increased this value, but the length of time for the scripts to run can vary quiet a bit and regardless of the interval we will exceed it at times). I also want to avoid a rebalance as safe ordering and data integrity are more important than throughput and error detention.
From version heartbeat is sent via a separate thread so pausing your process thread wouldn't affect heartbeat thread.
You can check this for more information.
yes, you need to continue calling poll() on the consumer, even if you pause all partitions, or it will be kicked out of any consumer group its a member of and its assigned partitions will transfer to another consumer. as to which thread ends up calling poll - that doesnt matter (so long as only a single thread interacts with the consumer at a time)
quoting from kip-62: This config sets the maximum delay between client calls to poll(). When the timeout expires, the consumer will stop sending heartbeats and send an explicit LeaveGroup request.

Why is the kafka consumer consuming the same message hundreds of times?

I see from the logs that exact same message is consumed by the 665 times. Why does this happen?
I also see this in the logs
Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member.
This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured, which typically implies
that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing. You can address this either by increasing the session
timeout or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
Consumer properties
PS: Is it possible to consume only a specific number of messages like 10 or 50 or 100 messages from the 1000 that are in the queue?
I was looking at 'fetch.max.bytes' config, but it seems like it is for a message size rather than number of messages.
The answer lies in the understanding of the following concepts:
In your case, your consumer receives a message via poll() but is not able to complete the processing in time. Therefore, it is assumed hung by the Broker and re-balancing of partitions happen due to which this consumer loses the ownership of all partitions. It is marked dead and is no longer part of a consumer group.
Then when your consumer completes the processing and calls poll() again two things happen:
Commit fails as the consumer no longer owns the partitions.
Broker identifies that the consumer is up again and therefore a re-balance is triggered and the consumer again joins the Consumer Group, start owning partitions and request messages from the Broker. Since the earlier message was not marked as committed (refer #1 above, failed commit) and is pending processing, the broker delivers the same message to consumer again.
Consumer again takes a lot of time to process and since is unable to finish processing in less than, 1. and 2. keep repeating in a loop.
To fix the problem, you can increase the to a large enough value based on how much time your consumer needs for processing. Then your consumer will not get marked as dead and will not receive duplicate messages.
However, the real fix is to check your processing logic and try to reduce the processing time.
The fix is described in the message you pasted:
You can address this either by increasing the session timeout or by
reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with
The reason is a timeout is reached before your consumer is able to process and commit the message. When your Kafka consumer "commits", it's basically acknowledging receipt of the previous message, advancing the offset, and therefore moving onto the next message. But if that timeout is passed (as is the case for you), the consumer's commit isn't effective because it's happening too late; then the next time the consumer asks for a message, it's given the same message
Some of your options are to:
Increase, so the consumer has more time
process the messages
Decrease the max.poll.records=20 so the consumer has less messages it'll need to work on before the timeout occurs. But this doesn't really apply to you because your consumer is already only just working on a single message
Or turn on, which probably also isn't the best solution for you because it might result in dropping messages though, as mentioned below:
If we allowed offsets to auto commit as in the previous example
messages would be considered consumed after they were given out by the
consumer, and it would be possible that our process could fail after
we have read messages into our in-memory buffer but before they had
been inserted into the database.

heartbeat failed for group because it's rebalancing

What's the exact reason to have heartbeat failure for group because it's rebalancing ? What's the reason for rebalance where all the consumers in group are up ?
Thank you.
Heartbeats are the basic mechanism to check if all consumers are still up and running. If you get a heartbeat failure because the group is rebalancing, it indicates that your consumer instance took too long to send the next heartbeat and was considered dead and thus a rebalance got triggered.
If you want to prevent this from happening, you can either increase the timeout (, or make sure your consumer sends heartbeat more often ( Heartbeats are basically embedded in poll(), thus, you need to make sure you call poll frequently enough. This can usually be achieved by limit the number of records a single poll returns via max.poll.records (to shorten the time it takes to process all data that got fetched).
Since Kafka 0.10.1, heartbeats are sent in a background thread, and not when poll() is called (cf. In this new design, configuration and are still the same. Additionally, there is that determines how often poll() must be called. If you miss to call poll() within, the heartbeat thread assume that the processing thread died, and will send a leave-group-request that will trigger a rebalance, and the heartbeat thread will stop sending heartbeats afterwards. If you processing thread is ok but just slow, the next call to poll() will initiate another rebalance to re-join the group again.
For more details, cf. Difference between and for Kafka >= 0.10.1