Multiple Helm chart and parent chart need to be executed first and complete when all sub charts are completed - kubernetes-helm

I have a situation where I have one parent chart called parent and 2 sub child charts called child1 and child2 (child sub charts uses different docker image from the parent chart.). I want parent chart to be executed first as it copies script from container to NFS volume and other charts i.e. child1 and child2 consume the script i.e. execute the scripts and create a status on shared NFS volume among all the pods.
Parent chart or POD keep an eye on status file and once all the status files created , it proceed further and perform some validations and execute rest of the setup steps.
Is there a way to resolve this situation?


How to reload a container in kubernetes

I have a pod named 'sample_pod' and a container named 'sample_container' running inside the pod. sample_container's entry point is a python bin file ( Inside this container, I have CRL certificates which gets refreshed every one hour and does not know about the refreshed certificates without reloading it.
I need to reload that container every one hour without killing/restarting that container. This is exactly similar to systemd reload option. Is there any specific command to reload that I can run/schedule for every one hour inside sample_container?
If so, how can I schedule to run that command inside container every one hour? Or is there a kubernetes native approach to achieve this?
For your use case, just do not use containers but use instead classical server with a cron task. (cf. my comment under your question)

How to upsize volume of Terraformed EKS node

We have been using Terraform for almost a year now to manage all kinds of resources on AWS from bastion hosts to VPCs, RDS and also EKS.
We are sometimes really baffled by the EKS module. It could however be due to lack of understanding (and documentation), so here it goes:
Problem: Upsizing Disk (volume)
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
version = "12.2.0"
cluster_name = local.cluster_name
cluster_version = "1.19"
subnets = module.vpc.private_subnets
node_groups = {
first = {
desired_capacity = 1
max_capacity = 5
min_capacity = 1
instance_type = "m5.large"
I thought the default value for this (dev) k8s cluster's node can easily be the default 20GBs but it's filling up fast so I know want to change disk_size to let's say 40GBs.
=> I thought I could just add something like disk_size=40 and done.
terraform plan tells me I need to replace the node. This is a 1 node cluster, so not good. And even if it were I don't want to e.g. drain nodes. That's why I thought we are using managed k8s like EKS.
Expected behaviour: since these are elastic volumes I should be able to upsize but not downsize, why is that not possible? I can def. do so from the AWS UI.
Sure with a slightly scary warning:
Are you sure that you want to modify volume vol-xx?
It may take some time for performance changes to take full effect.
You may need to extend the OS file system on the volume to use any newly-allocated space
But I can work with the provided docs on that:
Any guidelines on how to up the storage? If I do so with the UI but don't touch Terraform then my EKS state will be nuked/out of sync.
To my knowledge, there is currently no way to resize an EKS node volume without recreating the node using Terraform.
Fortunately, there is a workaround: As you also found out, you can directly change the node size via the AWS UI or API. To update your state file afterward, you can run terraform apply -refresh-only to download the latest data (e.g., the increased node volume size). After that, you can change the node size in your Terraform plan to keep both plan and state in sync.
For the future, you might want to look into moving to ephemeral nodes as (at least my) experience shows that you will have unforeseeable changes to clusters and nodes from time to time. Already planning with replaceable nodes in mind will make these changes substantially easier.
By using the terraform-aws-eks terraform module you are actually following the "ephemeral nodes" paradigm, because for both ways of creating instances (self-managed workers or managed node groups) the module is creating Autoscaling Groups that create EC2 instances out of a Launch Template.
ASG and Launch Templates are specifically designed so that you don't care anymore about specific nodes, and rather you just care about the number of nodes. This means that for updating the nodes, you just replace them with new ones, which will use the new updated launch template (with more GBs for example, or with a new updated AMI, or a new instance type).
This is called "rolling updates", and it can be done manually (adding new instances, then draining the node, then deleting the old node), with scripts (see: eks-rolling-update in github by Hellofresh), or it can be done automagically if you use the AWS managed nodes (the ones you are actually using when specifying "node_groups", that is why if you add more GB, it will replace the node automatically when you run apply).
And this paradigm is the most common when operating Kubernetes in the cloud (and also very common on-premise datacenters when using virtualization).
Option 1) Self Managed Workers
With self managed nodes, when you change a parameter like disk_size or instance_type, it will change the Launch Template. It will update the $latest version tag, which is commonly where the ASG is pointing to (although can be changed). This means that old instances will not see any change, but new ones will have the updated configuration.
If you want to change the existing instances, you actually want to replace them with new ones. That is what this ephemeral nodes paradigm is.
One by one you can drain the old instances while increasing the number of desired_instances on the ASG, or let the cluster autoscaler do the job. Alternatively, you can use an automated script which does this for you for each ASG:
In terraform_aws_eks module, you create self managed workers by either using worker_groups or worker_groups_launch_template (recommended) field
Option 2) Managed Nodes
Managed nodes is an EKS-specific feature. You configure them very similarly, but in reality, it is an abstraction, and AWS will create the actual underlying ASG.
You can specify a Launch Template to be used by the ASG and its version. Some config can be specified at the managed node level (i.e. AMI and instance_types) and at the Launch Template (if it wasn't specified in the former).
Any change on the node group level config, or on the Launch Template version, will trigger an automatic rolling update, which will replace all old instances.
You can delay the rolling update by just not pointing to the $latest version (or pointing to $default, and not updating the $default tag when changing the LT).
In terraform_aws_eks module, you create self managed workers by using the node_groups field. You can also play with these settings: create_launch_template=true and set_instance_types_on_lt=true if you want the module to create the LT for you (alternatively you can just not use it, or pass a reference to one); and to set the instance_type on such LT as specified above.
But behavior is similar to worker groups. In no case you will have your existing instances changed. You can only change them manually.
However, there is an alternative: The manual way
You can use the EKS module to create the control plane, but then use a regular EC2 resource in terraform ( to create one ore multiple (using count or for_each) instances.
If you create the instances using the aws_instance resource, then terraform will patch those instances (updated-in-place) when any change is allowed (i.e. increasing the root volue GB or the instance type; whereas changing the AMI will force a replacement).
The only tricky part, is that you need to configure the cloud-init script to make the instance join the cluster (something that is automatically done by the EKS module when using self/managed node groups).
However, it is very possible, and you can borrow the script from the module and plug it into the aws_instance's user_data field (
In this case (when talking about disk_size), however, you still need to manually (either by SSH, or by running an hacky exec using terraform) to patch the XFS filesystem so it sees the increased disk space.
Another alternative: Consider Kubernetes storage
That said, there is also another alternative for certain use cases. If you want to increase the disk space of those instances because of one of your applications using a hostPath, then it might be the case that you can use a kubernetes built-in storage solution using the EBS CSI driver.
For example, I manage an ElasticSearch cluster in Kubernetes (and deploy it from terraform with the helm module), and it uses dynamic storage provisioning to request an EBS volume (note that performance is the same, because both root and this other volume are EBS volumes). EBS CSI driver supports volume expansion, so I can just increase this disk by changing a terraform variable.
To conclude, I would not recommend the aws_instance way, unless you understand it and are sure you really want it. It may make sense in certain cases, but definitely not common

How to cleanup database in kubernetes after service is deleted?

Consider the following things are already satisfied.
1. The maria-db is running in separate pod and is pre-installed.
2. When we deploy a new service it is able to connect to maria-db and create SCHEMA in it.
But the final requirement is when the service is deleted then it should cleanup the SCHEMA.
I have tried writing a job with post-delete tag.
So just a thought, you could possible do this by using a Admission Control i.e your logic could possible be along the lines of:
Delete Pod Requested --> Hits Addmission Control --> Addmission Controller Removes Schema --> Pod Deleted
However this would be a lot of custom code and you would need a way to identify the Schema that that particular service has created in the DB.

One or more placement constraints on the service are undefined on all nodes that are currently up

trying to setup that specific services get deploy to specific node types I am getting this error using Visual Studio publish dialog (that breaks calling new-servicefabricapplication PS command)
I am using the service manifest to define the placementConstraints like this:
<StatelessServiceType ServiceTypeName="VisualObjects2.WebServiceType" >
How can i define this placement constraints on the nodes?
In the Azure portal, go to your SF Cluster, select node types and for each one you can add a key-value list of placement constraints. There I put the key-value: nodetype = node2. After this, the deployment was done only in the nodes with this attribute

How to activate a particular node through java code / workflow in Day CQ

I want to activate only the modified node in my Day CQ project.
Node structure is:
Parent Node
Child Node 1
Child Node 2
Child Node 3
Requirement is:
If I am creating any node under parent node workflow should run.
Workflow should activate only newly created child node and parent node and not all child nodes.
Is it possible ??? Please give solution also in comment......
This can be easily relaised in using the workflow console.
Open the workflow console create a workflow model using in the models tab.
Then open the model and add the "Activate Page/Asset Step []" to the model.
Save the model and switch to the launcher tab.
Create a new launcher for the path of the your parent node and select event type "Created".