How to layer text over the image on 'Text and image' carousel item in the bootstrap extension of Typo3? - typo3

On my frontpage I have added the full-screen carousel content element of the bootstrap extension of Typo3. I would like to have both text and images on my slides so I added a 'Text and image' carousel item.
However, I would like the text to be layered on top of the image, instead of the image being placed below the text like shown in the image below.
I would also like for the text to be centered and am unsure why it is not, since I am using the same header classes as for other carousel items where the text-center class is added automatically and the text is centered.

you may have to override the Carousel template (or some of its partial), in order to change classes and html element positions.
so when i am right and you are talking about the bootstrap_package extension the main template you like to override is:


Is there a way to add input field in nav element using React FluentUI (#fluentui/react)?

The examples on website show many examples of navbars with links.
Image of navbar demo as shown on website.
I want to implement a search bar inside the nav element like this. Is there a way to do it?
I would try with OnRenderLink or linkAs methods.
Used to customize how content inside the link tag is rendered
linkAs: Render a custom link in place of
the normal one. This replaces the entire button rather than simply
button content
Source: INavProps interface

How to change card view to list view in Assets sidepanel in AEM 6.3

I want to change the Assets sidepanel from card view into list view. My assets full name is not visible. How can we change this to list view?
Changing this into a "List View" is not supported or possible via OOTB APIs. The asset cards are displayed as Coral.Masonry
You could probably change it, but it would require quite a few lines of CSS and a Js update to change the columnWidth on the Coral.Masonry element. Which would be a temporary hack.
If your concern is showing the full asset name, you can do that with CSS:
Create clientlibrary with categories="[cq.authoring.editor.hook]"
add the following CSS
.sidepanel-tab-assets .editor-Card-asset coral-card-title {
white-space: initial !important;
The asset cards should now display the full name.
As Iscmaro mentioned there is no list view options for assets while authoring the page. As you want to see the full name of the asset, if you can hover on the image, you get the name displayed as shown in the below screenshot.

What is the best way to change the CSS of a content element in Typo3?

I am creating a webpage that lists the employees of a company. Every employee is supposed to get its own box with text on the left and a picture of them on the right. In order to do so I have used a 'Text & Images' content element for each employee.
However, the options for image alignment do not allow me to place the image to the right of the text using text wrap (all options are no-wrap options). What would be the best way to ensure the pictures do end up to the right of the text?
This is an example of a picture that is right aligned with wrap.
Additionally I would also like the style the border of each 'Text & Images' content element. How would I go about this?
When using the "Text and Images" content element, you have the following options about the position of the images and text:
Above, center
Above, left
Above, right
Below, center
Below, left
Below, right
In text, right
In text, left
Beside text, right
Beside text, left
both "In text, right" and "In text, left" wrap the image with text, as on the following example picture:
If you have less options, there is some TSConfig that is limiting the number of options; that could be something like
TCEFORM.tt_content.imageorient.removeItems = 17,18
About the CSS, you have several ways to include yours; for example you can add your own file using page.includeCSS as documented here or you can overwrite the TypoScript included by the Fluid Styled Content with your own (see plugin.tx_frontend._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE ) on the Template Analyzer.
To include the default CSS, you have to include the Static TypoScript Fluid Content Elements CSS (optional) (fluid_styled_content) in your template, like on this picture:
Also, I would use an inspector to be sure that the CSS has not been accidentally overridden.

JSSOR plugin scrollbar

Is there a way to add the scrollbar to vertical image list in this JSSOR demo?
Instead of having the functionality of "drag and scroll", it would be useful if we would have a scrollbar indicating the number of images in the list.
using the mark-up of the example slider:
you need to change the following style for <div class="jssort01-99-66">:
style="width:250px; overflow-y:scroll;"
now you have a scroll bar on the right of your thumbs

JSSOR Carousel with text possible?

Is it possible to make a carousel with text?? like this
Yeah you got carousel with text but the image there is set as background, I need the images to be set in img
Yeah for sure.
You can place everything in slide. You can define content slide as follows,
<div><!-- Any HTML Content Here --></div>
Reference: Define Slides Html Code