I want to construct a 3-dimensional Poisson distribution in Matlab with lambda parameters [0.4, 0.2, 0.6] and I want to truncate it to have support in [0;1;2;3;4;5]. The 3 components are independent.
This is what I do
n=3; %number components of the distribution
[output_temp_cell{:}] = ndgrid(supp_temp_cell{:});
for h=1:n
for j=1:suppsize
When I compute the mean of the obtained distribution, I get lambda_1 and lambda_2 but not lambda_3.
Question: why I do not get lambda_3?
tl;dr: Truncation changes the distribution so different means are expected.
This is expected as truncation itself has changed the distribution and certainly adjusts the mean. You can see this from the experiment below. Notice that for your chosen parameters, this just starts to become noticable around lambda = 0.6.
Similar to the wiki page, this illustrates the difference between E[X] (expectation of X without truncation; fancy word for mean) and E[ X | LB ≤ X ≤ UB] (expectation of X given it is on interval [LB,UB]). This conditional expectation implies a different distribution than the unconditional distribution of X (~Poisson(lambda)).
% MATLAB R2018b
% Setup
LB = 0; % lowerbound
UB = 5; % upperbound
% Simple test to compare theoretical means with and without truncation
TestLam = 0.2:0.01:1.5;
Gap = zeros(size(TestLam(:)));
for jj = 1:length(TestLam)
TrueMean = mean(makedist('Poisson','Lambda',TestLam(jj)));
TruncatedMean = mean(truncate(makedist('Poisson','Lambda',TestLam(jj)),LB,UB));
Gap(jj) = TrueMean-TruncatedMean;
Notice the gap with these truncation bounds and a lambda of 0.6 is still small and is negligible as lambda approaches zero.
lam = 0.6; % <---- try different values (must be greater than 0)
pd = makedist('Poisson','Lambda',lam)
pdt = truncate(pd,LB,UB)
mean(pd) % 0.6
mean(pdt) % 0.5998
Other Resources:
1. Wiki for Truncated Distributions
2. What is a Truncated Distribution
3. MATLAB documentation for truncate(), makedist()
4. MATLAB: Working with Probability Distribution (Objects)
The problem:
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,...N i.e. the expected value of one die. For example, the expected value of a 6-sided die is 3.5.
Given N, simulate 1e8 N-sided dice rolls by creating a vector of 1e8 uniformly distributed random integers. Return the difference between the mean of this vector and the mean of integers from 1 to N.
My code:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
% the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N
meanN = sum(A)/N;
% I do not have any idea what I am doing here!
V = randi(1e8);
meanvector = V/1e8;
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
First of all, make sure everytime you ask a question that it is as clear as possible, to make it easier for other users to read.
If you check how randi works, you can see this:
R = randi(IMAX,N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom
integer values drawn from the discrete uniform distribution on 1:IMAX.
randi(IMAX,M,N) or randi(IMAX,[M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix.
randi(IMAX,M,N,P,...) or randi(IMAX,[M,N,P,...]) returns an
M-by-N-by-P-by-... array. randi(IMAX) returns a scalar.
randi(IMAX,SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A.
So, if you want to use randi in your problem, you have to use it like this:
V=randi(N, 1e8,1);
and you need some more changes:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
%the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N;
meanN = mean(A);
V = randi(N, 1e8,1);
meanvector = mean(V);
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
For future problems, try using the command
help randi
And matlab will explain how the function randi (or other function) works.
Make sure to check if the code above gives the desired result
As pointed out, take a closer look at the use of randi(). From the general case
X = randi([LowerInt,UpperInt],NumRows,NumColumns); % UpperInt > LowerInt
you can adapt to dice rolling by
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
as an example. Exchanging NumRolls and NumSamplePaths will yield Rolls.', or transpose(Rolls).
According to the Law of Large Numbers, the updated sample average after each roll should converge to the true mean, ExpVal (short for expected value), as the number of rolls (trials) increases. Notice that as NumRolls gets larger, the sample mean converges to the true mean. The image below shows this for two sample paths.
To get the sample mean for each number of dice rolls, I used arrayfun() with
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
which is equivalent to using the cumulative sum, cumsum(), to get the same result.
CumulativeAvg1 = (cumsum(Rolls(:,1))./(1:NumRolls).'); % equivalent
% MATLAB R2019a
% Create Dice
NumSides = 6; % positive nonzero integer
NumRolls = 200;
NumSamplePaths = 2;
% Roll Dice
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
% Output Statistics
ExpVal = mean(1:NumSides);
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError1 = CumulativeAvg1 - ExpVal;
CumulativeAvg2 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,2)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError2 = CumulativeAvg2 - ExpVal;
% Plot
subplot(2,1,1), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')
ylim([1 NumSides])
subplot(2,1,2), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')
Suppose X~Γ(α, β), I would like to truncate all values of X
MATLAB codes:
t = 0.5; theta = 0.4;
syms alpha beta
EX = beta*( igamma(alpha+1,t/beta) / igamma(alpha,t/beta) ); %Mean
EX2 = beta^2*( igamma(alpha+2,t/beta) / igamma(alpha,t/beta) );%Second moment
VarX = EX2 -EX^2; %Variance
cond1 = alpha > 0; cond2 = beta > 0; cond3 = EX==1; cond4 = VarX ==theta;
conds =[cond1 cond2 cond3 cond4]; vars = [alpha, beta];
sol = solve(conds, [alpha beta], 'ReturnConditions',true);
soln_alpha = vpa(sol.alpha)
soln_beta = vpa(sol.beta)
The above code returns a numeric answer only if the constraint that α>0 is relaxed. The numeric answer has a negative value of α which is wrong since both α (shape parameter) and β (scale parameter) must be strictly positive.
Based on your title, I take it you want to generate samples from a Gamma distribution with mean = 1 and variance = 0.4 but want the distribution truncated to [0, inf].
If X ~ Gamma(alpha,beta), then by definition it must be nonnegative (see Gamma Distribution wiki, or MATLAB page). Indeed, both shape and scale parameters are also nonnegative. Note: MATLAB uses the (k,theta) parameterization found on the wiki page.
MATLAB has implemented probability distribution objects which make a lot of things very convenient from a practitioner perspective (or anyone who uses numerical approaches).
alpha = 0.4;
beta = 0.5;
pd = makedist('Gamma',alpha,beta) % Define the distribution object
Generating samples is now very easy.
n = 1000; % Number of samples
X = random(pd,n,1); % Random samples of X ~ Gamma(alpha,beta)
All that is left is to identify the shape and scale parameters that such that E[X] = 1 and Var(X) = 0.4.
You need to solve
alpha * beta = E[X],
alpha * (beta^2) = Var(X),
for alpha and beta. It is a system of two nonlinear equations with two unknowns.
However, truncation makes these obsolete but numerical approaches will work fine.
LB = 0.5; % lower bound (X > LB)
UB = inf; % upper bound (X < UB)
pdt = truncate(pd,LB,UB) % Define truncated distribution object
Xt = random(pd,n,1);
pdt =
Gamma distribution
a = 0.4
b = 0.5
Truncated to the interval [0.5, Inf]
Fortunately, the mean and variance of a distribution object are accessible whether or not it is truncated.
mean(pdt) % compare to mean(pd)
var(pdt) % compare to var(pd)
You can numerically solve this problem to obtain your parameters with something like fmincon.
tgtmean = 1;
tgtvar = 0.4;
fh_mean =#(p) mean(truncate(makedist('Gamma',p(1),p(2)),LB,UB));
fh_var =#(p) var(truncate(makedist('Gamma',p(1),p(2)),LB,UB));
fh =#(p) (fh_mean(p)-tgtmean).^2 + (fh_var(p)-tgtvar).^2;
[p, fval] = fmincon(fh,[alpha;beta],[],[],[],[],0,inf)
You can test the answer for validation:
pd_test = truncate(makedist('Gamma',p(1),p(2)),LB,UB);
ans = 1.0377
ans = 0.3758
Note this seems ill-conditioned due to the desired truncation and target mean. This might be good enough depending on your application.
histogram(random(pd_test,n,1)) % Visually inspect distribution
Mean and variance combinations must be feasible under the base distribution (here, Gamma distribution), but if truncating, that further restricts the set of feasible parameters. For example, it would be impossible to truncate X~Gamma() to the interval [5, 500] and seek to get a mean of 2 or a mean of 600.
MATLAB code verified with version R2017a.
Also note that solutions from nonlinear solvers like fmincon may be sensitive to the initial starting point for some problems. If that numerical approach is giving issues, it may be a feasibility issue (as alluded to above) or it may require using multiple start points and multiple fmincon calls to get multiple answers, then use the best one.
I have the following Markov chain:
This chain shows the states of the Spaceship, which is in the asteroid belt: S1 - is serviceable, S2 - is broken. 0.12 - the probability of destroying the Spaceship by a collision with an asteroid. 0.88 - the probability of that a collision will not be critical. Need to find the probability of a serviceable condition of the ship after the third collision.
Analytical solution showed the response - 0.681. But it is necessary to solve this problem by simulation method using any modeling tool (MATLAB Simulink, AnyLogic, Scilab, etc.).
Do you know what components should be used to simulate this process in Simulink or any other simulation environment? Any examples or links.
First, we know the three step probability transition matrix contains the answer (0.6815).
% MATLAB R2019a
P = [0.88 0.12;
0 1];
P3 = P*P*P
P(1,1) % 0.6815
Approach 1: Requires Econometrics Toolbox
This approach uses the dtmc() and simulate() functions.
First, create the Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) with the probability transition matrix, P, and using dtmc().
mc = dtmc(P); % Create the DTMC
numSteps = 3; % Number of collisions
You can get one sample path easily using simulate(). Pay attention to how you specify the initial conditions.
% One Sample Path
rng(8675309) % for reproducibility
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[1 0])
% Multiple Sample Paths
numSamplePaths = 3;
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[numSamplePaths 0]) % returns a 4 x 3 matrix
The first row is the X0 row for the starting state (initial condition) of the DTMC. The second row is the state after 1 transition (X1). Thus, the fourth row is the state after 3 transitions (collisions).
% 50000 Sample Paths
rng(8675309) % for reproducibility
k = 50000;
X = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[k 0]); % returns a 4 x 50000 matrix
prob_survive_3collisions = sum(X(end,:)==1)/k % 0.6800
We can bootstrap a 95% Confidence Interval on the mean probability to survive 3 collisions to get 0.6814 ± 0.00069221, or rather, [0.6807 0.6821], which contains the result.
numTrials = 40;
ProbSurvive_3collisions = zeros(numTrials,1);
for trial = 1:numTrials
Xtrial = simulate(mc,numSteps,'X0',[k 0]);
ProbSurvive_3collisions(trial) = sum(Xtrial(end,:)==1)/k;
% Mean +/- Halfwidth
alpha = 0.05;
mean_prob_survive_3collisions = mean(ProbSurvive_3collisions)
hw = tinv(1-(0.5*alpha), numTrials-1)*(std(ProbSurvive_3collisions)/sqrt(numTrials))
ci95 = [mean_prob_survive_3collisions-hw mean_prob_survive_3collisions+hw]
maxNumCollisions = 10;
numSamplePaths = 50000;
ProbSurvive = zeros(maxNumCollisions,1);
for numCollisions = 1:maxNumCollisions
Xc = simulate(mc,numCollisions,'X0',[numSamplePaths 0]);
ProbSurvive(numCollisions) = sum(Xc(end,:)==1)/numSamplePaths;
For a more complex system you'll want to use Stateflow or SimEvents, but for this simple example all you need is a single Unit Delay block (output = 0 => S1, output = 1 => S2), with a Switch block, a Random block, and some comparison blocks to construct the logic determining the next value of the state.
Presumably you must execute the simulation a (very) large number of times and average the results to get a statistically significant output.
You'll need to change the "seed" of the random generator each time you run the simulation.
This can be done by setting the seed to be "now" (or something similar to that).
Alternatively you could quite easily vectorize the model so that you only need to execute it once.
If you want to simulate this, it is fairly easy in matlab:
servicable = 1;
t = 0;
while servicable =1
t = t+1;
servicable = rand()<=0.88
Now t represents the amount of steps before the ship is broken.
Wrap this in a for loop and you can do as many simulations as you like.
Note that this can actually give you the distribution, if you want to know it after 3 times, simply add && t<3 to the while condition.
Suppose I have a vector J of jump sizes and an initial starting point X_0. Also I have boundaries 0, B (assume 0 < X_0 < B). I want to do a random walk where X_i = [min(X_{i-1} + J_i,B)]^+. (positive part). Basically if it goes over a boundary, it is made equal to the boundary. Anyone know a vectorized way to do this? The current way I am doing it consists of doing cumsums and then finding places where it violates a condition, and then starting from there and repeating the cumsum calculation, etc until I find that I stop violating the boundaries. It works when the boundaries are rarely hit, but if they are hit all the time, it basically becomes a for loop.
In the code below, I am doing this across many samples. To 'fix' the ones that go out of the boundary, I have to loop through the samples to check...(don't think there is a vectorized 'find')
% X_init is a row vector describing initial resource values to use for
% each sample
% J is matrix where each col is a sequence of Jumps (columns = sample #)
% In this code the jumps are subtracted, but same thing
X_intvl = repmat(X_init,NumJumps,1) - cumsum(J);
X = [X_init; X_intvl];
for sample = 1:NumSamples
k = find(or(X_intvl(:,sample) > B, X_intvl(:,sample) < 0),1);
change = X_intvl(k-1,sample) - X_intvl(k,sample);
X_intvl(k:end,sample) = X_intvl(k:end,sample)+change;
k = find(or(X_intvl(:,sample) > B, X_intvl(:,sample) < 0),1);
Interesting question (+1).
I faced a similar problem a while back, although slightly more complex as my lower and upper bound depended on t. I never did work out a fully-vectorized solution. In the end, the fastest solution I found was a single loop which incorporates the constraints at each step. Adapting the code to your situation yields the following:
%# Set the parameters
LB = 0; %# Lower bound
UB = 5; %# Upper bound
T = 100; %# Number of observations
N = 3; %# Number of samples
X0 = (1/2) * (LB + UB); %# Arbitrary start point halfway between LB and UB
%# Generate the jumps
Jump = randn(N, T-1);
%# Build the constrained random walk
X = X0 * ones(N, T);
for t = 2:T
X(:, t) = max(min(X(:, t-1) + Jump(:, t-1), UB), 0);
X = X';
I would be interested in hearing if this method proves faster than what you are currently doing. I suspect it will be for cases where the constraint is binding in more than one or two places. I can't test it myself as the code you provided is not a "working" example, ie I can't just copy and paste it into Matlab and run it, as it depends on several variables for which example (or simulated) values are not provided. I tried adapting it myself, but couldn't get it to work properly?
UPDATE: I just switched the code around so that observations are indexed on columns and samples are indexed on rows, and then I transpose X in the last step. This will make the routine more efficient, since Matlab allocates memory for numeric arrays column-wise - hence it is faster when performing operations down the columns of an array (as opposed to across the rows). Note, you will only notice the speed-up for large N.
FINAL THOUGHT: These days, the JIT accelerator is very good at making single loops in Matlab efficient (double loops are still pretty slow). Therefore personally I'm of the opinion that every time you try and obtain a fully-vectorized solution in Matlab, ie no loops, you should weigh up whether the effort involved in finding a clever solution is worth the slight gains in efficiency to be made over an easier-to-obtain method that utilizes a single loop. And it is important to remember that fully-vectorized solutions are sometimes slower than solutions involving single loops when T and N are small!
I'd like to propose another vectorized solution.
So, first we should set the parameters and generate random Jumpls. I used the same set of parameters as Colin T Bowers:
% Set the parameters
LB = 0; % Lower bound
UB = 20; % Upper bound
T = 1000; % Number of observations
N = 3; % Number of samples
X0 = (1/2) * (UB + LB); % Arbitrary start point halfway between LB and UB
% Generate the jumps
Jump = randn(N, T-1);
But I changed generation code:
% Generate initial data without bounds
X = cumsum(Jump, 2);
% Apply bounds
Amplitude = UB - LB;
nsteps = ceil( max(abs(X(:))) / Amplitude - 0.5 );
for ii = 1:nsteps
ind = abs(X) > (1/2) * Amplitude;
X(ind) = Amplitude * sign(X(ind)) - X(ind);
% Shifting X
X = X0 + X;
So, instead of for loop I'm using cumsum function with smart post-processing.
N.B. This solution works significantly slower than Colin T Bowers's one for tight bounds (Amplitude < 5), but for loose bounds (Amplitude > 20) it works much faster.
Here is a quick & dirty code for trying to create a high precision equalizer:
bandPoints = 355;
for n = 1:bandPoints
x = (n / (bandPoints + 2));
f = (x*x)*(22000-20)+20; % 20...22000
freqs(n) = f;
niqfreqs(n) = f/22050.0;
amps(n) = 0;
amps(bandPoints+1) = 0; % firpm needs even numbers
niqfreqs(bandPoints+1) = 1; % firpm needs even numbers
% set some point to have a high amplitude
amps(200) = 1;
fircfs = firpm(101,niqfreqs,amps);
[h,w] = freqz(fircfs,1,512);
legend('firpm Design')
but it gives me
Probable cause is machine rounding error.
and all FIR coefficients are 0.
If I lower the n parameter from 101 to 91, firpm works without errors, but the frequency response is far from desired. And taking into account, that I want to calculate FIR coefficients for a hardware DSP FIR module, which supports up to 12288 taps, how can I make Matlab calculate the needed coefficients? Is firpm capable of doing this or do I need to use another approach (inverse FFT) in both Matlab and later in my application C++ code?
Oh, it seems MP algorithm really cannot handle this, so I need some other solution:
I guess, I'll have to stick with inverse FFT then.