What is the default Client used by Openfeign Builder.
OkHttp client
Feign.builder().client(new feign.okhttp.OkHttpClient()).target(SomeData.class,"http://test.com");
What is the default client?
If it's still relevant for you:
If you look at the source code of Feign.Builder, you'd see that it uses Client.Default unless otherwise specified.
Client.Default is actually a good old Java HTTP Client from java.net package.
If you're not familiar with it, you can read about it in docs.
I need some help on bootstrapping a dart web application.
How can I customize the host and the port against which my dart application is running?
My scenario
Running Tomcat with Restful Interface on localhost:8080 (Eg get on localhost/8080/something/entity delivers my a bunch of entities as json)
DartEditor which should fire httprequests against the tomcat.
My workaround
Using absolute paths in the urls. Eg http://localhost/8080/something/entity - which is stupid - I would like to have relative paths like /something/entity in my dart application.
Is there a way to start Dartium with the context properly set? Like system params which have to be passed to the debug config.
BR Hubert
You can specify the host/port you are running using the pub serve command. See here: https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/cmd/pub-serve.html
Thanks for your answers. In the meantime I got more wisdom and my question got obsolete :)
My Client application holds customizable properties (host:port/app) which will be used on firing against my REST interface. I like the flexibility of this approach.
BW Hubert
I'm trying to create a Web Service Client using the option WSDL URL in NetBeans IDE 7.0. Unfortunately, it is not able to create one and is failing with the following error:
Saxon cannot write a DOMResult unless saxon9-dom.jar is on the classpath
After seeing this error message, I even confirmed whether saxon9-dom.jar is added to the Libraries in NetBeans. Yes, it is already available. I don't know why still the error is appearing. Can somebody let me know what is going wrong?
I'm trying to create web service client for this WSDL. I'm choosing JAX-WS Style in Client Style option while creating New Web Service Client in NetBeans.
After googling, I read about some clues from the following 2 places:
1) http://www.mail-archive.com/fop-dev#xmlgraphics.apache.org/msg09659.html
This is due to the new event-handling framework that has been added
after 0.95. The step in the build process that generates the resource
files for the various messages, seems to require a writable DOM
As the message indicates, Saxon offers such an implementation in a
separate JAR, which needs to be added to the classpath when building
FOP Trunk.
2) http://xmlbeans.apache.org/sourceAndBinaries/index.html
Using XPath/XQuery requires an additional download of
saxonb9-0-0-4j.zip and placing on the classpath of the files
saxon9.jar and saxon9-dom.jar that it contains. The zip is available
here. We cannot distribute this zip in a binary distribution due to
licensing issues.
So, I thought of changing saxon9-dom.jar in the classpath. I was using saxon9-dom.jar from saxonb9-1-0-8j.zip before, but when I tried to include saxon9-dom.jar available in saxonb9-0-0-8j.zip, now this error has disappeared and am getting a different error now as shown below. Any ideas/clues?
Web Services are described using WSDL files, so in order to create a Web Consumer for them you'll have to specify the WSDL url.
You can obtain it by adding ?WSDL ar the and of the url.
For example:
CrudService.asmx becomes
(It you have tested your web service and it appears ?Tester at the end, just replace it with ?WSDL).
I am testing out an environment where I have multiple proxies set up depending on what URL I access. I have my browsers working by configuring my wpad.dat file properly according to the examples I found here. However, I am using Eclipse 3.6 and cannot seem to find a way to access different proxies based on any conditional information.
Any Eclipse veterans have an idea? Is there a plugin that I could use?
As it turns out, folks, there is no way to do this. I ended running an instance of Apache on my local machine, and using it as a proxy to do the conditional redirection based on the domain using the ProxyRemote configuration. Read more about it here:
I'm having an issue trying to connect through a proxy from Eclipse 3.6. The proxy supports both NTLM and Basic Auth schemes.
Eclipse seems to prefer NTLM auth scheme, instead of the basic one. However, after the selection is done, the proxy seems to hang and Eclipse retries the downloads forever. Using wireshark to monitor the traffic I can see:
Eclipse is trying to auth through NTLM
The proxy sends back a 407 response.
This happens 3 times, then the proxy stops responding and Eclipse retries the download until I hit cancel.
Is there a way to tell Eclipse to try Basic Auth instead of NTLM?
Best regards,
I don't know about the Basic Auth, but regarding NTLM proxy, check the bug 281384, also discussed at length in bug 281472.
It introduces a workaround for NTLMv2 Proxies.
The first property disables the httpclient provider (and so uses the URLConnection-based provider, which does have support for NTLMv2 proxies),
and the next 5 properties are as specified by Sun for the URLConnection-based provider.
The problem is that standard Eclipse HTTP client can't manage the so named HTLM proxies. The method, proposed by #VonC was good till Kepler version of Eclipse.
The trick is to turn off the Eclipse HTTP client. But starting from Kepler, its name had changed. Add the following to the eclipse.ini file:
Also look here for a very good explanation and here for an "official" explanation of the Eclipse team.
You don't need to set the proxy parameters in the eclipse.ini. The settings in Windows-preferences-General-Net are enough. But you should check the global proxy settings on the OS, paying attention to possible automatic settings.
I'm trying to call a web service in my back end java code when it's
running in hosted mode. Everything loads fine, the GWT RPC call works
and I can see it on the server, then as soon as it tries to call an
external web service (using jax-ws) the jetty falls over with a
Internal Server Error (500).
I have cranked the log all the way up to
ALL but I still don't see any stack traces or cause for this error. I just get one line about the 500 Error with the request header and response.
Does anyone know if the internal jetty keeps a log file somewhere, or
how I can go about debugging what's wrong?
I'm running GWT 1.7 on OS X 10.6.1
Edit: I know that I can use the -noserver option, but I'm genuinely interested in finding out where this thing lives!
From the documentation:
You can also use a real production
server while debugging in hosted mode.
This can be useful if you are adding
GWT to an existing application, or if
your server-side requirements have
become more than the embedded web
server can handle. See this article on
how to use an external server in
hosted mode.
So the simplest solution would be to use the -noserver option and use your own Java server - much less limitations that way, without any drawbacks (that I know of).
If you are using the Google Plugin for Eclipse, it's easily set up in the properties of the project. Detailed information on configuration can be found on the official site.
Edit: you could try bypassing the Hosted Mode TreeLogger, as described here: http://blog.kornr.net/index.php/2009/01/27/gently-asking-the-gwt-hosted-mode-to-not):
Just create a file called
"commons-logging.properties" at the
root of your classpath, and add the
following line:
[to use the Log4j backend]
[to use the JDK14 backend]
[to use the SimpleLog backend]
Edit2: the trunk of GWT now also supports the -logfile parameter to enable file logging, but it probably won't help in this case, since the problem lies in the way the Hosted Mode treats the exceptions, not the way it presents them.