How to make more master nodes on kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

I got cluster seems like:
I know, that I can add this nodes to inventory and make reinit my cluster.
But mb can I do that without reconfigure inventory file?
I thought that I could do it through kubectl join --token etc,
but my output by kubectl token list is empty

According to the official documentation:
You can replicate Kubernetes masters in kube-up or kube-down
scripts for Google Compute Engine. This document describes how to use
kube-up/down scripts to manage highly available (HA) masters and how
HA masters are implemented for use with GCE.
Also if you want to setup an HA kubernetes cluster on Bare Metal you should check out this guide.
If you need to get a better understanding of how HA clusters work overall you should read this article.
Please let me know if that helped.


Kubernetes Cluster: How to figure out which nodes are master nodes

When I use the command kubectl get nodes. I got list of nodes with ROLES . Are there any way I can find out which nodes are masters?
Use this command for this purpose.
kubectl get node --selector=''
In EKS, according to the AWS Documentation:
The control plane runs in an account managed by AWS, and the Kubernetes API is exposed via the Amazon EKS endpoint associated with your cluster.
As mentioned in my comment above, you don't have access to the master node in an EKS cluster, as it is managed by AWS.
The idea behind it is to "make your life easier" and make you worry only about the loads that will run on the worker nodes.
There is also this documentation page, that may help in the understanding of EKS.

kubernetes - can we create 2 node master-only cluster with High availability

I am new to the Kubernetes and cluster.
I would like to bring up an High Availability Master Only Kubernetes Cluster(Need Not to!).
I have the 2 Instances/Servers running Kubernetes daemon, and running different kind of pods on both the Nodes.
Now I would like to somehow create the cluster and if the one of the host(2) down, then all the pods from that host(2) should move to the another host(1).
once the host(2) comes up. the pods should float back.
Please let me know if there is any way i can achieve this?
Since your requirement is to have a 2 node master-only cluster and also have HA capabilities then unfortunately there is no straightforward way to achieve it.
Reason being that a 2 node master-only cluster deployed by kubeadm has only 2 etcd pods (one on each node). This gives you no fault tolerance. Meaning if one of the nodes goes down, etcd cluster would lose quorum and the remaining k8s master won't be able to operate.
Now, if you were ok with having an external etcd cluster where you can maintain an odd number of etcd members then yes, you can have a 2 node k8s cluster and still have HA capabilities.
It is possible that master node serves also as a worker node however it is not advisable on production environments, mainly for performance reasons.
By default, kubeadm configures master node so that no workload can be run on it and only regular nodes, added later would be able to handle it. But you can easily override this default behaviour.
In order to enable workload to be scheduled also on master node you need to remove from it the following taint, which is added by default:
kubectl taint nodes --all
To install and configure multi-master kubernetes cluster you can follow this tutorial. It describes scenario with 3 master nodes but you can easily customize it to your needs.

How can Kubernete auto scale nodes?

I am using kubernete to manage docker cluster. Right now, I can set up POD autoscale using Horizontal Pod Scaler, that is fine.
And now I think the next step is to autoscale nodes. I think for HPA, the auto-created pod is only started in the already created nodes, but if all the available nodes are utilized and no available resource for any more pods, I think the next step is to automatically create node and have node join the k8s master.
I googled a lot and there are very limited resources to introduce this topic.
Can anyone please point me to any resource how to implement this requirement.
One way to do using AWS and setting up your own Kubernetes cluster is by following these steps :
Create an Instance greater than t2.micro (will be master node).
Initialize the Kubernetes cluster using some tools like Kubeadm. After the initialisation would be completed you would get a join command, which needs to e run on all the nodes who want to join the cluster. (Here is the link)
Now create an Autoscaling Group on AWS with start/boot script containing that join command.
Now whenever the utilisation specified by you in autoscaling group is breached the scaling would happen and the node(s) would automatically join the Kubernetes cluster. This would allow the Kubernetes to schedule pods on the newly joined nodes based on the HPA.
(I would suggest to use Flannel as pod network as it automatically removes the node from Kubernetes cluster when it is not available)
kubernetes operations (kops) helps you create, destroy, upgrade and maintain production-grade, highly available, Kubernetes clusters from the command line.
Automates the provisioning of Kubernetes clusters in AWS and GCE
Deploys Highly Available (HA) Kubernetes Masters
Most of the managed kubernetes service providers provide auto scaling feature of the nodes
Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS- configure cluster auto scalar
Google Kubernetes Engine
GKE Auto Scalar
Auto scaling feature needs to be supported by the underlying cloud provider. Google cloud supports auto scaling during cluster creation or update by passing flags --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes and --max-nodes to the corresponding gcloud commands.
gcloud container clusters create mytestcluster --zone=us-central1-b --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=3 --max-nodes=10 --num-nodes=5
gcloud container clusters update mytestcluster --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=1 --max-nodes=15
below link would be helpful

Deploy Kubernetes on OpenStack

I am trying to understand the relationship between Kubernetes and OpenStack. I am confused around the topic of deploying Kubernetes on OpenStack and doing my research I found there are too many tutorials. My understanding of the sequence is:
Start several nova instances on OpenStack.
Install Kubernetes master on one instance and install Kubernetes node on other instances.
Submit YAML file using kubectl and Kubernetes will create and deploy my application.
As for Kubernetes's self-healing capacity, can Kubernetes restart some of the failed nova instances? Which component in Kubernetes is responsible for restart/reboot/delete/re-provision nova instances? Is it Kubernetes master? If so, what will happen if the Kubernetes master is down and cannot be recovered?
1, 2 and 3 are correct.
You can deploy in master HA configuration. The recommended way is either 3 or 5 master with a quorum of (n + 1)/ 2
Can Kubernetes reprovision/restart some the failed nova instances?
Not really. That's after nova to manage all the server services. Kubernetes has an OpenStack module that allows it to interact with OpenStack components like create external load balancer and creates volumes that can be used with your workloads/pods/containers.
You can either use kubeadm or kubespray to bootstrap a cluster.
Hope it helps.
If you want to deploy Kubernetes on top of Openstack I would recommend that you look into Openstack Magnum. This is the most common use case for Openstack and Kubernates.
There is also the possibility of running the Openstack Control Plane under Kubernetes, which would allow you to better scale and auto-heal Openstack services. This is primarily for the Control Plane (e.g. nova-api), and as far as I know there is no way of running nova-computes under Kubernetes.
I found a good blog post here that describes some of the benefits from such an approach.
Yes, you're spot on with your observations in the case of running Kubernetes on top of OpenStack and the other answers here give you further pointers already. I just wanted to point out, in addition, that the other way round is also an option, that is, running OpenStack on top of Kubernetes, for example using OpenStack-Helm.

How to determine efficiently if a Minion has joined a Kubernetes Cluster

I am working on writing some automation to setup a Kubernetes Cluster. The automation deploys the Kubernetes Master and once that is setup, it starts adding Minions in parallel. What is the most efficient way to determine programmatically if a Minion has joined the Kubernetes Cluster?
Currently I am querying the REST endpoint /v1/api/nodes exposed by the Kubernetes API-Server. My concern is that as the size of the cluster increases, querying the API-Server to pull details about all the minions may be compute and I/O intensive for the API-Server. I also did not find paging support in this API.
You should look into kube-register It uses fleet to register minions as they spin up. You should probably have it as a systemd unit so it runs on start up. Then for status, let the Api-server do it's thing with the polling status. Most clusters probably wouldn't be larger than 9 main nodes (you can have plenty worker nodes, I recommend looking at coreos's etcd docs to see about clustering) due to etcd's latency constraints in it's quorum over RAFT, so I wouldn't worry too much about the size of the cluster.
this is a mix between answer and comment on the other answer (I can not comment yet, sorry...)
As far as I know using the REST endpoint /v1/api/nodes is the best way to check if nodes are registered. How often do you call that endpoint? I wouldn't expect compute or I/O problems too fast.
kube-register was a useful tool to register new CoreOS nodes to the kubernetes cluster, but it is not needed anymore, since the kubelet registers itself in the meanwhile.
I think there is some misunderstanding in the other answer. I think you talk about 2 different clusters:
the etcd cluster: CoreOS recommends to run 3, 5 or 7 etcd instances in a cluster ( On the remaining nodes you can configure etcd to run as a proxy ( This should solve your etcd connection problem.
the kubernetes cluster: here you typically run 1 master and x "worker" nodes, just as you do already.