How to catch error in ChangeNotifier after widget deactivated? - flutter

I have code in Model for execution. I provide Model with Provider. But if Model is dispose before finish execution I get error:
E/flutter (26180): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/]
Unhandled Exception: A Model was used after being disposed. E/flutter
(26180): Once you have called dispose() on a Model, it can no longer
be used.
For example Model is dispose if user press back button so Navigator.pop(). This because Model is only scope to this Widget.
But that mean I cannot catch error in Model?
My code:
class Model extends ChangeNotifier {
bool error = false;
func() {
try {
await execute();
error = false
} catch {
error = true;
class ExampleWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider(
builder: (context) => Model(),
child: Consumer<Model>(builder: (context, model, _) {
return FloatingActionButton(
child: model.error ? Icon(Icons.error) : Icon(Icons.check),
onPressed: () {
How I can catch error in Model after dispose?

I just had the same problem.
The error occurs because you use one of the ChangeNotifier methods, usually notifyListeners() (which I'm assuming you're calling, but left out of the pasted code) after dispose() has been called. By the way, it's an assert error, so only in debug builds.
To get rid of the error, you could check if the object has been disposed before calling notifyListeners() with your own flag:
class Model extends ChangeNotifier {
bool error = false;
bool isDisposed = false;
func() {
try {
await execute();
error = false
} catch {
error = true;
if (!isDisposed) {
void dispose() {
isDisposed = true;


Cubit - listener does not catching the first state transition

I'm using a Cubit in my app and I'm struggling to understand one behavior.
I have a list of products and when I open the product detail screen I want to have a "blank" screen with a loading indicator until receiving the data to populate the layout, but the loading indicator is not being triggered in the listener (only in this first call, when making a refresh in the screen it shows the loader).
I'm using a BlocConsumer and i'm making the request in the builder when catching the ApplicationInitialState (first state), in cubit I'm emitting the ApplicationLoadingState(), but this state transition is not being caught in the listener, only when the SuccessState is emitted the listener triggers and tries to remove the loader.
I know the listener does not catch the first State emitted but I was expecting it to catch the first state transition.
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_l10n = AppLocalizations.of(context);
return _buildConsumer();
_buildConsumer() {
return BlocConsumer<ProductCubit, ApplicationState>(
bloc: _productCubit,
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is ApplicationInitialState) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: _buildAppbar(state),
body: _buildBodyState(state),
listener: (previous, current) async {
if (current is ApplicationLoadingState) {;
} else {
class ProductCubit extends Cubit<ApplicationState> with ErrorHandler {
final ProductUseCase _useCase;
required ProductUseCase useCase,
}) : _useCase = useCase,
super(const ApplicationInitialState());
void getProductDetail(String id) async {
try {
emit(const ApplicationLoadingState());
final Product = await _useCase.getProductDetail(id);
detail: ProductDetailMapper.getDetail(Product),
} catch (exception) {
abstract class ApplicationState extends Equatable {
const ApplicationState();
List<Object> get props => [];
class ApplicationLoadingState extends ApplicationState {
const ApplicationLoadingState();

"Multiple widgets used the same GlobalKey" error in flutter

I'm getting an error like the one in the picture. I'm confused because I'm not setting up GlobalKey on every page. I just made a GlobalKey on main.dart for this:
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
StreamController<bool> _showLockScreenStream = StreamController();
StreamSubscription _showLockScreenSubs;
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> _navigatorKey = GlobalKey();
void initState() {
_showLockScreenSubs = show){
if (mounted && show) {
void dispose() {
// Listen for when the app enter in background or foreground state.
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
// user returned to our app, we push an event to the stream
} else if (state == AppLifecycleState.inactive) {
// app is inactive
} else if (state == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
// user is about quit our app temporally
} else if (state == AppLifecycleState.suspending) {
// app suspended (not used in iOS)
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
navigatorKey: _navigatorKey,
void _showLockScreenDialog() {
.pushReplacement(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return PassCodeScreen();
I've tried to remove the GlobalKey _navigatorKey but the error still appears.
The error appears when switching pages. Is there anyone who can help me?
There are many kinds of Keys. But the GlobalKey allows access to the state of a widget (if it's a StatefulWigdet).
Then, if you use the same GlobalKey for many of them, there is a conflict with their States.
In addition, they must be of the same type due to its specification:
abstract class GlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends Key {
// ...
void _register(Element element) {
assert(() {
if (_registry.containsKey(this)) {
assert(element.widget != null);
final Element oldElement = _registry[this]!;
assert(oldElement.widget != null);
assert(element.widget.runtimeType != oldElement.widget.runtimeType);
return true;
_registry[this] = element;
// ...
This fragment of code shows that in debug mode, there is an assertion for ensuring that there isn't any other GlobalState of the same type previously registered.

Flutter: Unhandled Exception: 'package:provider/src/provider.dart': Failed assertion: line 240 pos 12: 'context != null': is not true

I get the exception above when I navigate from this page (shoe_box_page.dart) to another page and the content from this page (shoe_box_page.dart) is not completely loaded yet.
The error message I get
class ShoeBoxPage extends StatefulWidget {
_ShoeBoxPageState createState() => _ShoeBoxPageState();
class _ShoeBoxPageState extends State<ShoeBoxPage> {
final _scrollController = ScrollController();
void initState() {
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)).then((_) {
bool get _canScroll {
if (!_scrollController.hasClients) return false;
final x = _scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent;
final deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
return x - _progressIndicatorHeight > deviceHeight;
void _checkRequestLoad() {
final bloc = context.bloc<ShoeBoxBloc>();
if (bloc.state.billsAvailable && !_canScroll) {
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)).then((_) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<ShoeBoxBloc, ShoeBoxState>(
I hope someone of you can help me :)
I think the problem is: context inside the function is null.
So you either need to define those functions inside the build method where you can get the context, or pass the context as the function argument while calling those functions.
When the future in _checkRequestLoad completes, the state might not be used anymore. So before doing something after an asynchronous gap, you should check to see if the element (that the state belongs to) is still mounted:
void _checkRequestLoad() {
final bloc = context.bloc<ShoeBoxBloc>();
if (bloc.state.billsAvailable && !_canScroll) {
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)).then((_) {
if (mounted) // <---
I'm not sure this is causing the exception you see, but it is a bug.

In Flutter How to use Providers with AMQP?

in Flutter -which I just recently begin to use-, I am trying to use an AMQP stream using dart_amqp: ^0.1.4 and use providers provider: ^3.1.0+1 to make the data available throughout the app.
Only after logging in I start the AMQP service.
The AMQP part works without any issues, I get the data but I never manage to use it with Providers.
class BigBrother extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<EventsModel>(create: (_) => EventsModel()),
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<EventsModel, DeviceState>(
create: (_) => new DeviceState(),
update: (context, eModel, deviceState) {
My models in models.dart
(As seen in below code, I also tried to used StreamProvider and commented it out)
// Global data model
class DeviceState with ChangeNotifier {
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> state = {};
DeviceState() {
this.state['xxx'] = {};
this.state['yyy'] = {};
updateFromEvent(EventsItemModel event) {
if (event != null && event.type != null) {
switch (event.type) {
case 'heartbeat':
this.state[event.device][event.type] = event.createdAt;
case 'metrics':
this.state[event.device][event.type] = {}
class EventsModel with ChangeNotifier {
EventsItemModel value;
bool isSubscribed = false;
AMQPModel _amqp = new AMQPModel();
// final _controller = StreamController<EventsItemModel>();
// Stream<EventsItemModel> get stream =>;
_set(String jsonString) {
value = new EventsItemModel.fromJson(jsonString);
// _controller.sink.add(value); // send data to stream
// Provider.of<DeviceState>(context, listen: false).updateFromEvent(value);
subscribe() {
if (!this.isSubscribed) {
this.isSubscribed = true;
this._amqp.subscribeEvents(_set); // start AMQP service after login
So on the login.dart view, on button pressed and validating the login, I start the AMQP stream:
onPressed: () {
if (_formKey.currentState.validate()) {
print("Login button onPressed");
Provider.of<EventsModel>(context, listen: false)
And lastly the view after successful login:
class _LivePageState extends State<LivePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
DeviceState deviceState = Provider.of<DeviceState>(context);
print('#### Device state updated');
In the above code, deviceState is always null.
So after trying many combination of various Providers, I am still unable to make this work.
Would be glad to have someone's insight on this.
Best regards!

How to pop screen using Mobx in flutter

I have a Food object that contains properties like name, id, calories, etc. With a series of screens, the user populates the food object properties.
Once done, the user can press the submit button, that will call the addFood method in the store.
The problem is, after uploading the food to the server, i want to pop the screen or show error message in toast based on the response. I just don't know how to do this.
Following is my code (only the important bits):
class FoodDetailStore = _FoodDetailStore with _$FoodDetailStore;
abstract class _FoodDetailStore with Store {
Repository _repository;
Food _food;
String msg = '';
// ... Other Observables and actions
addFood(bool toAdd) {
if (toAdd) {
_repository.addFood(food).then((docId) {
if (docId != null) {
// need to pop the screen
}).catchError((e) {
// show error to the user.
// I tried this, but it didn't work
msg = 'there was an error with message ${e.toString()}. please try again.';
// .. other helper methods.
FoodDetailScreen.dart (Ignore the bloc references, I am currently refactoring code to mobx)
class FoodDataScreen extends StatefulWidget {
final String foodId;
final Serving prevSelectedServing;
final bool fromNewRecipe;
FoodDataScreen({#required this.foodId, this.prevSelectedServing, this.fromNewRecipe});
_FoodDataScreenState createState() => _FoodDataScreenState(
class _FoodDataScreenState extends State<FoodDataScreen> {
final String foodId;
final Serving prevSelectedServing;
final bool fromNewRecipe;
FoodDataBloc _foodDataBloc;
FoodDetailStore store;
void initState() {
store = FoodDetailStore();
void didChangeDependencies() {
// I know this is silly, but this is what i tried. Didn't worked
builder: (_) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
// ... UI
_popScreen() {
_showMsg('Food Added');
_showMsg(String msg) {
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: msg);
void dispose() {
Constructing an Observer instance inside the didChangeDependencies() is indeed "silly" as you have rightly noted already :)
Observer is a widget and widget needs to be inserted into the widgets tree in order to do something useful. In our case non-widget Mobx reactions come to the rescue.
I will show how I did it in my code for the case of showing a Snackbar upon observable change so you will get an idea how to transform your code.
First of all, import import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';.
Then in the didChangeDependencies() create a reaction which will use some of your observables. In my case these observables are _authStore.registrationError and _authStore.loggedIn :
final List<ReactionDisposer> _disposers = [];
void dispose(){
_disposers.forEach((disposer) => disposer());
void didChangeDependencies() {
_authStore = Provider.of<AuthStore>(context);
(_) {
if (_authStore.registrationError != null)
content: Text(_authStore.registrationError),
backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
duration: Duration(seconds: 4),
(_) => _authStore.loggedIn,
(_) => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
I use two types of Mobx reactions here: autorun and reaction. autorun triggers the first time immediately after you crate it and then every time the observable changes its value. reaction does not trigger the first time, only when the observable change.
Also pay attention to dispose the created reactions in the dispose() method to avoid resources leak.
Here is a code of my Mobx store class with used observables to complete the picture:
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
part "auth_store.g.dart";
class AuthStore = AuthStoreBase with _$AuthStore;
abstract class AuthStoreBase with Store{
String token;
String registrationError;
String loginError;
void setToken(String newValue){
token = newValue;
void setRegistrationError(String newValue){
registrationError = newValue;
void setLoginError(String newValue){
loginError = newValue;
void resetLoginError(){
loginError = null;
bool get loggedIn => token != null && token.length > 0;
Future<void> logOut() async{