Cloudformation when to use getatt, ref, vs ${} - aws-cloudformation

I'm trying to figure out the differences between GetAtt vs Ref vs ${}.
From what I understand you use GetAtt to refer to objects within the same template only and Ref can be used to refer to anything? Plus when would I use ${}?

Ref can be used for two things:
To return the value of a parameter that you passed in via the parameters section of the template.
When you ref the logical ID of another resource in your template, Ref returns what you could consider as a default attribute for that type of resource. So using ref for an EC2 instance will return the instance ID, and Ref'ing an s3 bucket resource will return the bucket name. You can look at the bottom of each CloudFormation resources page in the AWS docs to see what this value will be.
GetAtt is essentially the same as the 2nd function of Ref above, it also returns an attribute of the resource that you created within your resource, but while ref returns only a default attribute, GetAtt allows you to choose from different attributes to return.
For example, GetAtt for an EC2 instance gives you the option to return the AvailabilityZone, PrivateDnsName, PublicDNSName, etc of an instance - whereas Ref will only return the InstanceID. The different attributes you can return are different per resource type. You can also look at the bottom of each CloudFormation resources page in the AWS docs to see what attributes you can all return.
${} is another way to reference parameters passed in through the parameters section of the template.
All of this is in the AWS documentation though.

CloudFormation Ref and GetAtt cheatsheet is a very handy webpage that can be used to quickly reference what you can get via a Ref and GetAtt for most CloudFormation resources. You can use a Ref for a logical resource's default value (including inside a Sub using the ${NAME} method) as well as for a parameter of the stack. GetAtt is only useful for logical resources of the stack.

This drawing may help clarify the uses:


How to split openAPI/Swagger file into multiple valid sub-files?

Our service implements different levels of access and we are using one openAPI YAML file internally.
For external documentation purposes, we would like to create multiple openAPI files, that are valid in themselves (self-sustained), but only have a partial set of the global file, e.g. based on the path or on tags.
(The same path may be used in different split-Files but I don't think that is a problem then.)
Any idea on how to achieve that? Is there some tooling around for it?
You can use a valid URI in a JSON Pointer which points to another resource. The URI can be a path to a local file, a web resource, etc.:
summary: Get a user
- $ref: "./path/to/file#/user_id"
# And so on...
Reserved keys in the OpenAPI spec must be unique so I don't think you'd be able to create standalone OpenAPI specs without some third-party utility that could overcome that limitation.
However, you would be able to create valid standalone JSON objects defined across many files and reference them in the index document. There are many articles online providing examples:
I ended up writing a Python script, that I have posted here.
Read the YAML File into a dictionary
Copy the dictionary to a new dictionary
Iterate through the original dictionary and
Remove items that are not tagged with the tag(s) you want to keep
Remove items that are have some keyword you want to omit in the path
Write out the dictionary to a new YAML
The GIST is available here:

Can you use AzureDevops build variables within another variable in an Azure Devops Library Group?

I'm trying to construct a variable by inserting values from another variable environment variable, a bit like a template.
Similar to this example from Octopus...
The ConnectionString variable is a template which uses Server and Database variables.
Above the examples are because Octopus is using different values per environment. In my case I'd like to keep the template as an unprotected variable so I can see it and have the inserted variable protected because it contains sensitive information.
I've tried using macro syntax ($(Server)) and runtime expression syntax ($[Server]), neither of which seem to replace the values at build time.
Expression syntax ${{Server}} gives me an error "bad substitution" which implies that there's a good substitution but I'm missing something.
This is not supported. We could not use dynamic password when use a service endpoint. If you want to change the password, you need update the endpoint directly.
Besides service endpoint is independent, should not dependent on other variable or variable group.
No need to use a protected SECRET_REPLACED_AT_BUILD variable with password to protect it. Password in the service endpoint is also protected.
You could refer the format of Environment Variables with Credential Provider in our official link.
VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS: Json that contains an array of service endpoints, usernames and access tokens to authenticate
endpoints in nuget.config. Example:
{"endpointCredentials": [{"endpoint":"http://example.index.json", "username":"optional", "password":"accesstoken"}]}

What's the best way to consume Parameter Store value in AWS CDK

I am having problems using SSM valueForStringParameter method in CDK. It's working the first time I deploy the stack, but it is not picking up updates to the parameter value when I redeploy the stack because CloudFormation template hasn't changed and so CloudFormation thinks there were no updates, even if SSM parameter has changed.
For the context, I am deploying stack via CodePipeline, where I run cdk synth first, and then use CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackAction action to deploy template.
Anyone knows how to work around that? The only other option that I know will work is to switch to a custom resource lambda that calls SSM and returns value using aws-sdk, but that feels like a overly complicated option.
Update 1
I cannot use ValueFromLookupbecause value is only updated at runtime as part of cloudformation deployment by another stack (I deploy both stacks in CodePipeline, in 2 different regions), so synthesis time lookup would result in stale value.
All the valueOf* and from* methods work by adding a CloudFormation parameter. As you figured out already, changing the parameter value does not change the template and no change will be triggered.
What you probably want to use instead is the method valueFromLookup. Lookups are executed during synth and the result is put into the generated CFN template.
ssm.StringParameter.valueFromLookup(this, 'param-name');
But be aware, lookups are stored in the cdk.context.json. If you have commited that file to your repo, you need to erase that key via cdk context -e ... before synth/diff/deploy.
Since you cannot use lookup functions and the most common way to pass config to cdk is through context variables, I can only suggest dirty workarounds.
For example, you could create a dummy parameter in your stack to bump every time there's deployment.
var deploymentId = new CfnParameter(this, "deploymentId", new CfnParameterProps() { Type = "String", Description = "Deployment Id" });
SetParameterValue(deploymentId, this.Node.GetContext("deploymentId").ToString());
and when you synthesize the CF, you could generate an ID:
cdk synth -c deploymentId=$(uuidgen)
If you can avoid the "environment agnostic" syth and you really need an immutable artifact to deploy across multiple environments, you could use the built package from your cdk, for example, the npm package containing your cdk. Therefore, you could deploy it in each environment by overwriting the context parameters instead of using ssm parameters store.
See, you can use method valueFromLookup which gets you parameter store value at synthesis time, when value is different from previous one, this shall trigger CF stack update.
However, I was under impression that valueForStringParameter should work on updated ssm parameter values as well, based on Example 2:

Macros in Datafusion using Argument setter

Using Argument setter by supplying the parameter value I want to make the Datafusion pipeline as resuable. As said by many other answer's have tried implementing using the cloud reusable pipeline example given in Google guide.I was not able to pass the parameter Json file.So how to create the API to that parameter Json file stored in Google storage.Please explain the values to be passed to Argument setter like URL,Request response etc., If any one of you had implemented in your projects.
Thank you.
ArgumentSetter plugin reads from a HTTP endpoint and it must be publicly accessible as is depicted within the GCP documentation. Currently, there is not a way to read from a non-public file stored in GCS. This behavior has been reported in order to be improved to CDAP through this ticket.
Can you please provide what you've tried so far and where you're stuck?
The URL field in argument setter would contain the API endpoint you're making a call to. Make sure you include any headers your call would need like Authorization, Accept etc.
If you're having issues with argument setter a good check is to use Curl or any other tool to make sure you're able to talk to the endpoint you're trying to use.
Here's some documentation about Argument setter:
Define a JSON file with appropriate name/value pairs. Upload it in a GCS bucket - make it public by changing permissions (add "allUsers" in permissions list). When you save it, the file will say "Public to Internet"
Copy the https path to the file and use it in Arguments Setter. If you're able to access this path from curl/ your browser, Argument Setter will be able to do too..
There are other problems I've encountered while using Argument Setter though - the pipe doesn't supersede runtime arguments over default values provided in the URL many a times, specially when the pipe is duplicated.
To make file public
You have to make your bucket public, currently there is no other way.
gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://BUCKET_NAME

Why does GetAttr not work on cloudformation template parameters?

Have a collection of cloudformation templates in a parent-child relationship and want to pass an AWS::IAM::Role into the parameters of a child stack and use GetAttr to get the Arn.
This fails validation because can only call GetAttr on resources, not on parameters.
Anyone know/guess why this is designed in this way?
It's not a problem as it can be worked around by just passing the Arn into the stack, I'm just curious really
What Fn::GetAttr and Parameters are trying to do in AWS CloudFormation is fundamentally different. As per AWS docs:
The intrinsic function Fn::GetAtt returns the value of an attribute
from a resource in the template.
You can use the optional Parameters section to pass values into your
template when you create a stack. With parameters, you can create
templates that are customized each time you create a stack.
I believe your confusion is stemming from the fact that you're trying to think of this in terms of the object-oriented/some other programming paradigm, where Resources and Parameters are some kind of objects and Fn::GetAttr is a generic function which retrieves the value of a reference that's passed in as an argument.
In my case, I wanted to access the resource attributes like ARN and Name in the nested stack. If I pass resource string and use GetAtt to get these, I dont need to pass them as two parameters. With this limitation, I had to pass them as two parameters.