Interstitial ads with Google ad manager - google-dfp

Since Google ad manager (former dfp) does no longer support synchronous tags, how should I run interstitial (or expandable) ads?
I've tried a template from richmediagallery (Manzoni Intro Fullscreen) but it does not work even if I set it up with defineOutOfPageSlot. The iframe, inside which the ad is displayed, is always 1x1px, and it never exapnds to full screen. The template works only when displayed stand alone and not from dfp.
Enabler.requestFullscreenExpand() inside the ad has no effect on the parenting iframe.
How do I force iframe to expand?


Ionic 3 | Set Admob Banner Position inside specified DIV

I'm working on ionic 3 app ( similar to news feeds ) and wanted to show AdMob in it. It is working and it is showing at the bottom of the screen. But I wanted to show it in a Div ( basically I wanted to show it between news feeds ). Is it possible?
If not, is it possible to use Google Adsense inside ionic 3? Where I can place the Adsense tag wherever I wanted inside the HTML.
And is it permissible to use Google Adsense inside ionic 3 ?
Im guessing that you use this AdMob Free NPM Module.
With this module you can specify banner Ads only on top or bottom of your WebView. There is no possible way to specify a DIV as position.
However you could go with the AdSense Method.
I recommend this NG2 Adsense Module. It also has a live Demo here.
With this module you can place Ads in your News Feed just like this for example:

Chrome Apps: webview not working inside sandbox

I just started building Chrome Apps, i've gone through sandbox and webview examples but have no idea why webview is not working inside sandbox. When webview is placed in main/window.html it works fine. Even sandbox included as <iframe> works fine, but webview placed inside sandbox is not working. Have no idea why it's showing white empty space.
Then I tried with replacing webview with <iframe> inside sandbox even then it didn't worked. can Some explain why this happens in brief
From the documentation:
A sandboxed page will not have access to extension or app APIs
<webview> tag is part of the Apps API. It's not available to normal pages, and as such not available to anything sandboxed.

Google DFP is rendering div for empty third party ad tags

I am using Google DFP Small Bussiness for ad serving and
everything whas fine until I upgraded from GAM tags
to GPT tags.
The issue is as follows
I have a standard 300x250 Ad unit
I create a normal line items and add this ad unt to it
I upload third party ad code (from ad network). Sometimes this
code will display the banner and sometime it wont.
Now with old GAM tags if third party ad is empty the GAM tag
will not render anything.
But with new GPT tag will render the div with 300px width and
250px height.
Is there any way to solve this issue.
You are looking for the collapseEmptyDiv's method.

How to modify facebook canvas page?

I am making a game with Unity3d for facebook.
Is it possible to add anything else but the unity3d binary on the facebook canvas? Like background image, external advertisement banner etc. ?
Earlier there were more options, but nowadays you can only set you .unity3d file in the settings.
There are very limited options in facebook developer pages for modifying your canvas page, so I guess the page modification has to be done somewhere else?
I also tried Unity´s own webPlayerTemplate but that does nothing.
Facebook canvas is just an iFrame meaning what ever you put in the web page of the game will be displayed in there.
You can add anything by editing the html page that comes as output from the webplayer build. Easy solution to try opening the html page in dreamweaver or similar and start adding elements and see if it comes in the output. Be cautious there are chances that the html content gets rendered behind the game.
PS: one problem with untiy's web player build it that it always gets rendered above the html contents in the page.
Thank you for your answer!
I forgot to mention this:
When making a game on facebook without "facebook SDK for Unity" you can set the canvas as a webpage.
Then the canvas can be modified with the html. I tried that and it works just fine.
But when your app is using facebook SDK you can only include .unity3d file URL and the html file is completely ignored.
PS: after some more studies it seems you can inject html commands with Application.ExternalEval()
basicly anywhere inside your unity project by:
string injection = "lines to be executed on your canvas page";

Facebook Dev: What is this?

Okay so for this page:
Which appears on the left hand bar between ESPN Fanwhich and ESPN Live Chat.
That isn't a canvas but it isn't a static page that I can gather. I found this tutorial:
But that is creating static content.
What I'm wondering is how I can create a dynamic page within a tab?
To create a "dynamic" page within a tab is pretty easy. Install the Developer's App and create a new application. There are tons of posts all over google about creating new Facebook apps, so you should be able to find those pretty easily.
After you create a new application, you set up the Tab information for it under "Facebook Integration."
The way tabs work is they create an iFrame in the Facebook canvas that loads a page from your webserver. You can do whatever you want within that iframe to make a dynamic page. Also, since it's an iframe, you can have links that go all over the place and build a whole mini-site which works inside the Facebook canvas.
Basically, you do the same thing you would normally do to create a dynamic page/site, and set up a Facebook application that points to it. There are a few caveats to building Facebook applications, but they're hard to enumerate without specific scenarios. The biggest one (and it's well documented) is that the size of a tab is 520px wide, so whatever you build has to fit within that width. The length can be whatever you want, Facebook has APIs in place that let you automatically resize the iframe as needed.
Good luck, and welcome to Facebook programming. Prepare to rip your hair out, because everything changes every 4-6 weeks :x