Most implementations of two-phase commit, as I understand them, require all nodes of a system to agree on the value before committing locally and only after they have all committed locally respond to the client- is this a correct understanding of 2PC?
Does this then make 2PC an implementation of the linearizable sequential consistency model?
I was thinking that because the value returned to the client will never be out of date and it's happening in real time that means it's truly linearizable right?
I never hear 2PC described as linearizable though so think there is something here I'm misunderstanding.
It doesn't have to be, and there are many better algorithms that survive crash failures (which 2PC doesn't). That said, you can use two phase commit to help implement linearizability or strong serializability.
The "value returned to the client will never be out of date and it's happening in real time" statement completely ignores the presence of caches and queues, which easily allow you to read from the past or write to the future, so watch out for that.
Goal: There are X number backend servers. There are Y number of tasks. Each task must be done only by one server. The same task ran by two different servers should not happen.
There are tasks which include continuous work for an indefinite amount of time, such as polling for data. The same server can keep doing such a task as long as the server stays alive.
Problem: How to reassign a task if the server executing it dies? If the server dies, it can't mark the task as open. What are efficient ways to accomplish this?
Well, the way you define your problem makes it sloppy to reason about. What you actually is looking for called a "distributed lock".
Let's start with a simpler problem: assume you have only two concurrent servers S1, S2 and a single task T. The safety property you stated remains as is: at no point in time both S1 and S2 may process task T. How could that be achieved? The following strategies come to mind:
Implement an algorithm that deterministically maps task to a responsible server. For example, it could be as stupid as if'foo') then server1.process(task) else server2.process(task). That works and indeed might fit some real world requirements out there, yet such an approach is a dead end: a) you have to know how many server would you have upfront, statically and - the most dangerous - 2) you can not tolerate either server being down: if, say, S1 is taken off then there is nothing you can do with T right now except then just wait for S1 to come back online. These drawbacks could be softened, optimized - yet there is no way to get rid of them; escaping these deficiencies requires a more dynamic approach.
Implement an algorithm that would allow S1 and S2 to agree upon who is responsible for the T. Basically, you want both S1 and S2 to come to a consensus about (assumed, not necessarily needed) T.is_processed_by = "S1" or T.is_processed_by = "S2" property's value. Then your requirement translates to the "at any point in time is_process_by is seen by both servers in the same way". Hence "consensus": "an agreement (between the servers) about a is_processed_by value". Having that eliminates all the "too static" issues of the previous strategy: actually, you are no longer bound to 2 servers, you could have had n, n > 1 servers (provided that your distributed consensus works for a chosen n), however it is not prepared for accidents like unexpected power outage. It could be that S1 won the competition, is_processed_by became equal to the "S1", S2 agreed with that and... S1 went down and did nothing useful.... you're missing the last bit: the "liveness" property. In simple words, you'd like your system to continuously progress whenever possible. To achieve that property - among many other things I am not mentioning - you have to make sure that spontaneous server's death is monitored and - once it happened - not a single task T gets stuck for indefinitely long. How do you achieve that? That's another story, a typical piratical solution would be to copy-paste the good old TCP's way of doing essentially the same thing: meet the keepalive approach.
OK, let's conclude what we have by now:
Take any implementation of a "distributed locking" which is equivalent to "distributed consensus". It could be a ZooKeeper done correctly, a PostgreSQL running a serializable transaction or whatever alike.
Per each unprocessed or stuck task T in your system, make all the free servers S to race for that lock. Only one of them guaranteed to win and all the rest would surely loose.
Frequently enough push sort of TCP's keepalive notifications per each processing task or - at least - per each alive server. Missing, let say, three notifications in a sequence should be taken as server's death and all of it's tasks should be re-marked as "stuck" and (eventually) reprocessed in the previous step.
And that's it.
P.S. Safety & liveness properties is something you'd definitely want to be aware of once it comes to distributed computing.
Try rabbitmq worker queues
It has an acknowledgement feature so if a task fails or server cashes it will automatically replay your task. Based on your specific use case u can setup retries, etc
"Problem: How to reassign a task if the server executing it dies? If the server dies, it can't mark the task as open. What are efficient ways to accomplish this?"
You are getting into a known problem in distributed systems, how does a system makes decisions when the system is partitioned. Let me elaborate on this.
A simple statement "server dies" requires quite a deep dive on what does this actually mean. Did the server lost power? Is it the network between your control plane and the server is down (and the task is keep running)? Or, maybe, the task was done successfully, but the failure happened just before the task server was about to report about it? If you want to be 100% correct in deciding the current state of the system - that the same as to say that the system has to be 100% consistent.
This is where CAP theorem ( comes to play. Since your system may be partitioned at any time (a worker server may get disconnected or die - which is the same state) and you want to be 100% correct/consistent, this means that the system won't be 100% available.
To reiterate the previous paragraph: if the system suspects a task server is down, the system as a whole will have to come to a stop, till it will be able to determine on what happened with the particular task server.
Trade off between consistency and availability is the core of distributed systems. Since you want to be 100% correct, you won't have 100% availability.
While availability is not 100%, you still can improve the system to make it as available as possible. Several approaches may help with that.
Simplest one is to alert a human when the system suspects it is down. The human will get a notification (24/7), wake up, login and do a manual check on what is going on. Whether this approach works for your case - it depends on how much availability you need. But this approach is completely legit and is widely used in the industry (those engineers carrying pagers).
More complicated approach is to let the system to fail over to another task server automatically, if that is possible. Few options are available here, depending on type of task.
First type of task is a re-runnable one, but they have to exist as a single instance. In this case, the system uses "STONITH" (shoot the other node in the head) technic to make sure previous node is dead for good. For example, in a cloud the system would actually kill the whole container of task server and then start a new container as a failover.
Second type of tasks is not re-runnable. For example, a task of transferring money from account A to be B is not (automatically) re-runnable. System does not know if the task failed before or after the money were moved. Hence, the fail over needs to do extra steps to calculate the outcome, which may also be impossible if network is not working correctly. In this cases the system usually goes to halt, till it can make 100% correct decision.
None of these options will give 100% of availability, but they can do as good as possible due to nature of distributed systems.
I have a question on RESTful API - Why do we care about idempotent in distributed systems. Could you please let me know
A service is idempotent if you can make the same call multiple times and it produces the same end-result.
In distributed systems, when you call a certain service/API, the service may fail (or worse, it may time-out and not even send you a failure response). In such cases, if the service is idempotent, you can simply call it again (any number of times) without the fear that calling it multiple times will have adverse effect.
If the service is NOT idempotent, you cannot simple call it again. You have to first check the actions taken by the previous call and then act based on that.
Idempotentcy is especially important (aka something to care about) in a distributed system. Typically distributed systems include a large number of parts/components, many of which will be outside of the control of one another from one component developer to the next.
Benefits include:
* improved thread safety
* minimize complexity
* easier to document (thus consume)
* easier to test
* data and state integrity will generally be easier to manage
Leveraging pure/idempotent functionality is especially useful in cases where you don't know if the caller code might be spamming one of your interfaces which could traditionally have a potential to put a system into a bad state. In addition, it makes the consumer documentation easier to understand, and minimizes some of the inherent complexities that come with an environment which by nature is not guaranteed to be thread safe.
If you need additional, or more specific use cases or examples of why a distributed system should care about idempotency as part of it's architecture please let me/us know.
Anyone know of a message bus implementation which offers granular control over consistency guarantees? Full ACID is too slow and no ACID is too wrong.
We're currently using Rhino ESB wrapping MSMQ for our messaging. When using durable, transactional messaging with distributed transactions, MSMQ can block the commit for considerable time while it waits on I/O completion.
Our messages fall into two general categories: business logic and denormalisation. The latter account for a significant percentage of message bus traffic.
Business logic messages require the guarantees of full ACID and MSMQ has proven quite adequate for this.
Denormalisation messages:
MUST be durable.
MUST NOT be processed until after the originating transaction completes.
MAY be processed multiple times.
MAY be processed even if the originating transaction rolls back, as long as 2) is adhered to.
(In some specific cases the durability requirements could probably be relaxed, but identifying and handling those cases as exceptions to the rule adds complexity.)
All denormalisation messages are handled in-process so there is no need for IPC.
If the process is restarted, all transactions may be assumed to have completed (committed or rolled back) and all denormalisation messages not yet processed must be recovered. It is acceptable to replay denormalisation messages which were already processed.
As far as I can tell, messaging systems which deal with transactions tend to offer a choice between full ACID or nothing, and ACID carries a performance penalty. We're seeing calls to TransactionScope#Commit() taking as long as a few hundred milliseconds in some cases depending on the number of messages sent.
Using a non-transactional message queue causes messages to be processed before their originating transaction completes, resulting in consistency problems.
Another part of our system which has similar consistency requirements but lower complexity is already using a custom implementation of something akin to a transaction log, and generalising that for this use case is certainly an option, but I'd rather not implement a low-latency, concurrent, durable, transactional messaging system myself if I don't have to :P
In case anyone's wondering, the reason for requiring durability of denormalisation messages is that detecting desyncs and fixing desyncs can be extremely difficult and extremely expensive respectively. People do notice when something's slightly wrong and a page refresh doesn't fix it, so ignoring desyncs isn't an option.
It's not exactly the answer you're looking for, but Jonathan Oliver has written extensively on how to avoid using distributed transactions in messaging and yet maintain transactional integrity:
Not sure if this helps you but, hey.
It turns out that MSMQ+SQL+DTC don't even offer the consistency guarantees we need. We previously encountered a problem where messages were being processed before the distributed transaction which queued them had been committed to the database, resulting in out-of-date reads. This is a side-effect of using ReadCommitted isolation to consume the queue, since:
Start transaction A.
Update database table in A.
Queue message in A.
Request commit of A.
Message queue commits A
Start transaction B.
Read message in B.
Read database table in B, using ReadCommitted <- gets pre-A data.
Database commits A.
Our requirement is that B's read of the table block on A's commit, which requires Serializable transactions, which carries a performance penalty.
It looks like the normal thing to do is indeed to implement the necessary constraints and guarantees oneself, even though it sounds like reinventing the wheel.
Anyone got any comments on this?
If you want to do this by hand, here is a reliable approach. It satisfies (1) and (2), and it doesn't even need the liberties that you allow in (3) and (4).
Producer (business logic) starts transaction A.
Insert/update whatever into one or more tables.
Insert a corresponding message into PrivateMessageTable (part of the domain, and unshared, if you will). This is what will be distributed.
Commit transaction A. Producer has now simply and reliably performed its writes including the insertion of a message, or rolled everything back.
Dedicated distributer job queries a batch of unprocessed messages from PrivateMessageTable.
Distributer starts transaction B.
Mark the unprocessed messages as processed, rolling back if the number of rows modified is different than expected (two instances running at the same time?).
Insert a public representation of the messages into PublicMessageTable (a publically exposed table, in whatever way). Assign new, strictly sequential Ids to the public representations. Because only one process is doing these inserts, this can be guaranteed. Note that the table must be on the same host to avoid 2PC.
Commit transaction B. Distributor has now distributed each message to the public table exactly once, with strictly sequantial Ids.
A consumer (there can be several) queries the next batch of messages from PublicMessageTable with Id greater than its own LastSeenId.
Consumer starts transaction C.
Consumer inserts its own representation of the messages into its own table ConsumerMessageTable (thus advancing LastSeenId). Insert-ignore can help protect against multiple instances running. Note that this table can be in a completely different server.
Commit transaction C. Consumer has now consumed each message exactly once, in the same order the messages were made publically available, without ever skipping a message.
We can do whatever we want based on the consumed messages.
Of course, this requires very careful implementation.
It is even suitable for database clusters, as long as there is only a single write node, and both reads and writes perform causality checks. It may well be that having one of these is sufficient, but I'd have to consider the implications more carefully to make that claim.
I have been experimenting with JOliver's Event Store 3.0 as a potential component in a project and have been trying to measure the throughput of events through the Event Store.
I started using a simple harness which essentially iterated through a for loop creating a new stream and committing a very simple event comprising of a GUID id and a string property to a MSSQL2K8 R2 DB. The dispatcher was essentially a no-op.
This approach managed to achieve ~3K operations/second running on an 8 way HP G6 DL380 with the DB on a separate 32 way G7 DL580. The test machines were not resource bound, blocking looks to be the limit in my case.
Has anyone got any experience of measuring the throughput of the Event Store and what sort of figures have been achieved? I was hoping to get at least 1 order of magnitude more throughput in order to make it a viable option.
I would agree that blocking IO is going to be the biggest bottleneck. One of the issues that I can see with the benchmark is that you're operating against a single stream. How many aggregate roots do you have in your domain with 3K+ events per second? The primary design of the EventStore is for multithreaded operations against multiple aggregates which reduces contention and locks for read-world applications.
Also, what serialization mechanism are you using? JSON.NET? I don't have a Protocol Buffers implementation (yet), but every benchmark shows that PB is significantly faster in terms of performance. It would be interesting to run a profiler against your application to see where the biggest bottlenecks are.
Another thing I noticed was that you're introducing a network hop into the equation which increases latency (and blocking time) against any single stream. If you were writing to a local SQL instance which uses solid state drives, I could see the numbers being much higher as compared to a remote SQL instance running magnetic drives and which have the data and log files on the same platter.
Lastly, did your benchmark application use System.Transactions or did it default to no transactions? (The EventStore is safe without use of System.Transactions or any kind of SQL transaction.)
Now, with all of that being said, I have no doubt that there are areas in the EventStore that could be dramatically optimized with a little bit of attention. As a matter of fact, I'm kicking around a few backward-compatible schema revisions for the 3.1 release to reduce the number writes performed within SQL Server (and RDBMS engines in general) during a single commit operation.
One of the biggest design questions I faced when starting on the 2.x rewrite that serves as the foundation for 3.x is the idea of async, non-blocking IO. We all know that node.js and other non-blocking web servers beat threaded web servers by an order of magnitude. However, the potential for complexity introduced on the caller is increased and is something that must be strongly considered because it is a fundamental shift in the way most programs and libraries operate. If and when we do move to an evented, non-blocking model, it would be more in a 4.x time frame.
Bottom line: publish your benchmarks so that we can see where the bottlenecks are.
Excellent question Matt (+1), and I see Mr Oliver himself replied as the answer (+1)!
I wanted to throw in a slightly different approach that I myself am playing with to help with the 3,000 commits-per-second bottleneck you are seeing.
The CQRS Pattern, that most people who use JOliver's EventStore seem to be attempting to follow, allows for a number of "scale out" sub-patterns. The first one people usually queue off is the Event commits themselves, which you are seeing a bottleneck in. "Queue off" meaning offloaded from the actual commits and inserting them into some write-optimized, non-blocking I/O process, or "queue".
My loose interpretation is:
Command broadcast -> Command Handlers -> Event broadcast -> Event Handlers -> Event Store
There are actually two scale-out points here in these patterns: the Command Handlers and Event Handlers. As noted above, most start with scaling out the Event Handler portions, or the Commits in your case to the EventStore library, because this is usually the biggest bottleneck due to the need to persist it somewhere (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server database).
I myself am using a few different providers to test for the best performance to "queue up" these commits. CouchDB and .NET's AppFabric Cache (which has a great GetAndLock() feature). [OT]I really like AppFabric's durable-cache features that lets you create redundant cache servers that backup your regions across multiple machines - therefore, your cache stays alive as long as there is at least 1 server up and running.[/OT]
So, imagine your Event Handlers do not write the commits to the EventStore directly. Instead, you have a handler insert them into a "queue" system, such as Windows Azure Queue, CouchDB, Memcache, AppFabric Cache, etc. The point is to pick a system with little to no blocks to queue up the events, but something that is durable with redundancy built-in (Memcache being my least favorite for redundancy options). You must have that redundancy, in the case that if a server drops, you still have the event queued up.
To finally commit from this "Queued Event", there are several options. I like Windows Azure's Queue pattern for this, because of the many "workers" you can have constantly looking for work in the queue. But it doesn't have to be Windows Azure - I've mimicked Azure's Queue pattern in local code using a "Queue" and "Worker Roles" running in background threads. It scales really nicely.
Say you have 10 workers constantly looking into this "queue" for any User Updated events (I usually write a single worker role per Event type, makes scaling out easier as you get to monitor the stats of each type). Two events get inserted into the queue, the first two workers instantly pick up a message each, and insert them (Commit them) directly into your EventStore at the same time - multithreading, as Jonathan mentioned in his answer. Your bottleneck with that pattern would be whatever database/eventstore backing you select. Say your EventStore is using MSSQL and the bottleneck is still 3,000 RPS. That is fine, because the system is built to 'catch up' when those RPS drops down to, say 50 RPS after a 20,000 burst. This is the natural pattern CQRS allows for: "Eventual Consistency."
I said there was other scale-out patterns native to the CQRS patterns. Another, as I mentioned above, is the Command Handlers (or Command Events). This is one I have done as well, especially if you have a very rich domain domain as one of my clients does (dozens of processor-intensive validation checks on every Command). In that case, I'll actually queue off the Commands themselves, to be processed in the background by some worker roles. This gives you a nice scale out pattern as well, because now your entire backend, including the EvetnStore commits of the Events, can be threaded.
Obviously, the downside to that is that you loose some real-time validation checks. I solve that by usually segmenting validation into two categories when structuring my domain. One is Ajax or real-time "lightweight" validations in the domain (kind of like a Pre-Command check). And the others are hard-failure validation checks, that are only done in the domain but not available for realtime checking. You would then need to code-for-failure in Domain model. Meaning, always code for a way out if something fails, usually in the form of a notification email back to the user that something went wrong. Because the user is no longer blocked by this queued Command, they need to be notified if the command fails.
And your validation checks that need to go to the 'backend' is going to your Query or "read-only" database, riiiight? Don't go into the EventStore to check for, say, a unique Email address. You'd be doing your validation against your highly-available read-only datastore for the Queries of your front end. Heck, have a single CouchDB document be dedicated to only a list of all email addresses in the system as your Query portion of CQRS.
CQRS is just suggestions... If you really need realtime checking of a heavy validation method, then you can build a Query (read-only) store around that, and speed up the validation - on the PreCommand stage, before it gets inserted into the queue. Lots of flexibility. And I would even argue that validating things like empty Usernames and empty Emails is not even a domain concern, but a UI responsiblity (off-loading the need to do real-time validation in the domain). I've architected a few projects where I had very rich UI validation on my MVC/MVVM ViewModels. Of course my Domain had very strict validation, to ensure it is valid before processing. But moving the mediocre input-validation checks, or what I call "light-weight" validation, up into the ViewModel layers gives that near-instant feedback to the end-user, without reaching into my domain. (There are tricks to keep that in sync with your domain as well).
So in summary, possibly look into queuing off those Events before they are committed. This fits nicely with EventStore's multi-threading features as Jonathan mentions in his answer.
We built a small boilerplate for massive concurrency using Erlang/Elixir, using Eventstore. We still have to optimize db connections, pooling, etc... but the idea of having one process per aggregate with multiple db connections is aligned with your needs.
My understanding is that the queue based approach to concurrency can be implemented without locking. But I see lots of synchronized keywords in the Actor.scala file (looking at 2.8.1). Is it synchronized, is it necessary, would it make a difference if there was an implementation that was not synchronized?
Apparently the question wasn't clear enough: my understanding is that this can be implemented with a non-blocking queue. Why was it not done so? Why use the synchronized keyword anywhere in here? There may be a very good reason, or it might be just because that's the way it was done and it's not necessary. I was just curious which.
The point is that the reactions, which you write in the "act" method, do not need to concern themselves with synchronization. Also, assuming that you do not expose the actor's state, your program will be fully thread safe.
That is not to say that there is no sync at all: synchronization is absolutely necessary [1] to implement read/write access to the actor's mailbox (i.e. the sending and receiving of messages) and also to ensure the actor's private state is consistent across any subsequent reacts.
This is achieved by the library itself and you, the user, need not concern yourself with how it is done. Your state is safe (you don't even need to use volatile fields) because of the JMM's happens before guarantees. That is, if a main-memory write happens before a sync point, then any read occurring after a sync will observe the main memory state left by the write.
[1] - by "synchronization", I mean some mechanism to guarantee a happens-before relationship in the Java Memory Model. This includes the synchronized keyword, the volatile modifier and/or the java.util.concurrent locking primitives