Importing a dump.sql into Postgres Database using command prompt - postgresql

I'm using my Windows PC, and I'm trying to import a "dump.sql" into the database "TEST" created with Postgres, using command prompt. I do it in two steps:
Step 1:
cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin
Step 2:
psql -U username -d TEST < C:\Users\Username\Desktop\University\Politechnic\III year\INFORMATIC TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE WEB\PDF SL\SL\Materials\TIW_IOL_ServletJSP\db\dump.sql`
Long path, I know. But the result is: "Impossible to find specified file".
What can I do?

Not sure how security is where you are at, but can you attempt to write to a file with a simpler destination? Such that you take out any possibility of spaces and/or length being the issue? Then you will at least be able to remove those variables or narrow down to them depending on the outcome. Note that the max path length is 260 characters
(From comment on question)


Oracle mkdir command broken after update

I recently upgraded sqldeveloper to 22.x, I can't remember the previous version it was on. Now commands such as mkdir and spool are failing on scripts I used to run daily.
For example
host mkdir "C:\Users\Isaac\Requests\"
This script was completely unchanged and now it fails with
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
Spool also fails with
SP2-0556: Invalid file name.
Again, this was a script I would run every single day, for the past year. I can't find what is causing this. Any ideas would be really helpful.
Remove the "quotes"
clear screen
host mkdir c:\Users\JDSMITH\Requests\
cd c:\Users\JDSMITH\Requests\
spool regions.csv
select /*csv*/ * from regions;
spool off
!type regions.csv
There's a chance this is a side effect of going to Java 11 from Java 8.
If you need a directory name with spaces, you can also use SQLcl.
See the 'sql.exe' in your bin directory, or download latest from
Disclaimer: I'm an Oracle employee and a product manager for SQL Developer.

Saving presto query output to a file

I'm pretty new to PostgreSQL, but I have to query some results using psql in an interactive command line session. I am connecting through a cluster and I would like to extract the output of the query into a file for further analysis.
The command I use to connect is psql -h hostname.with.dbs -p 5432 -U my-username and inside I do the query. But it is not clear to me how to pipe that into a file in my user folder in the machine used to connect to Presto.
If I have to add more details, let me know, as I am not an expert and might forgot to add important information. Thank you all!
I found a solution to that. Basically appending \g file_name; at the end of the query. It saves the file in the directory where I launched the command to connect to the database. I didn't try to add full path to the file name, but I assume it would work as well.

How to fix syntax errors in postgresql .sql dump file when restoring with psql?

I have a postgresql .sql dump file created by pg_dump on another windows 10 box. I am trying to restore it on my windows 10 laptop with
"psql -U user -d database -1 -f filename.sql". I created the database, but when I run the command to do the restore I get an error from psql after I give it my password:
psql:filename.sql:1:1: ERROR: syntax error at or near "ÿ_"
LINE 1: ÿ_;
The file looks like straight ascii (I only see two dashes on line one. I don't see a 'y' with an umlaut anywhere). I did a file on the .sql file with cygwin bash, and it says:
Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with very long lines, with CRLF, CR line >terminators
I really don't want to recreate the database by hand. I am looking for any suggestions.
I tried psql with and without the '-1' option; no luck. I tried putting a ';' at the top of the sql file, which I found suggested somewhere; again no luck.
I did a psql -l on my postgresql installation and the encoding on all my databases (including the one to which I am trying to do the restore) shows UTF8.
There really is no code. It is just that I can't seem to restore this dump file because it errors out.
I think that captures my problem. The windows box that I got the dump from is not available to me now; so I'm just hoping there is a way to get around this problem. Recreating the database by hand table by table is something I would prefer to avoid.
In my case , this exact thing happened because I was taking the dump using windows Powershell , due to which other characters got included in the dump file.
Simply using command prompt to take the solved my problem.
I can only give you leads how to debug the problem, because the cause is not immediately obvious.
First, there should be a line close to the beginning of the dump file that sets client_encoding. The dump file should be in that encoding.
I can see two possibilities:
The file got mangled during transfer. To test for that, calculate a checksum for both files and compare.
Always use binary mode to transfer PostgreSQL dumps.
some editor or something else sneaked a BOM (byte order mark) into the file at the very beginning.
That's my prime suspect, since the problem is at line 1.
Use a hex editor or od (in Cygwin) to verify that. If this is the problem, simply replace the BOM with spaces.

ERROR: could not stat file "XX.csv": Unknown error

I run this command:
In Windows 7, it successfully imports CSV files of less than 1GB.
If the file is more then 1GB big, I get an “unknown error”.
[Code: 0, SQL State: XX000] ERROR: could not stat file "'D:/XXX.csv' Unknown error
How can I fix this issue?
You can work around this by piping the file through a program. For example I just used this to copy from a 24GB file on Windows 10 and PostgreSQL 11.
copy t(c,d) from program 'cmd /c "type x:\path\to\file.txt"' with (format text);
This copies the text file file.txt into the table t, columns c and d.
The trick here is to run cmd in a single command mode, with /c and telling it to type out the file in question.
alistairewj commented Nov 3, 2018 • ►
Okay, the could not stat file "CHARTEVENTS.csv": Unknown error is actually a bug in PostgreSQL 11. Under the hood it makes a call to fstat() to make sure the file is not a directory, and unfortunately fstat() is a 32-bit program which can't handle large files like chartevents. I tested the build on Windows with PostgreSQL 10.5 and I didn't get this error so I think it's fairly new.
The best workaround is to keep the files compressed (i.e. keep them as .csv.gz files) and use 7zip to load in the data directly from compressed files. In testing this seemed to still work. There is a pretty detailed tutorial on how to do this here:
The brief version of above is that you keep the .csv.gz files, you add the 7zip binary to your windows environment path, and then you call the postgres_load_data_7zip.sql file to load in the data. You can use the postgres_checks.sql file after everything to make sure you loaded in all the data correctly.
edit: For your later error, where you are using this 7zip approach, I'm not sure why it's not loading. Try redownloading just the ADMISSIONS.csv.gz file and seeing if it still throws you that same error. Maybe there is a new version of 7zip which requires me to update the script or something!
For anyone else who googled this Postgres error message after attempting to work with a >1gb file in Postgres 11, I can confirm that #亚军吴's answer above is spot-on. It is indeed a size issue.
I tried a different approach, though, than #亚军吴's and #Loren's: I simply uninstalled Postgres 11 and installed the stable version of Postgres 10.7. (I'm on Windows 10, by the way, in case that matters.)
I re-ran the original code that had prompted the error and voila, a few minutes later I'd filled in a new table with data from a medium-ish-size csv file (~3gb). I initially tried to use CSVSplitter, per #Loren, which was working fine until I got close to running out of storage space on my machine. (Thanks, Battlefield 5.)
In my case, there isn't anything in PGSQL 11 that I was relying on that wasn't in version 10.7, so I think this could be a good solution for anyone else who runs into this problem. Thanks everyone above for contributing, especially to the OP for posting this in the first place. I cured a huge, huge headache!
This has been fixed in commit bed90759f in PostgreSQL v14.
The file limit for the error is actually 4 GB.
The fix was too invasive to be backported, so you can only upgrade to avoid the problem. Once the fix has had some field testing, you could lobby the pgsql-hackers mailing list to get it backported.
With pgAdmin and AWS, I used CSVSplitter to split into files less than 1GB. Lame, but worked. pgAdmin import appends to the existing table. (Changed escape character from ' to " in order to avoid error due to unquoted text in the source file. Typically I apply quotes in LibreOffice, but these files were too big to open.)
It seems this is not a database problem, but a problem of psql / pgadmin. The workaround is using an admin software from the previous psql versions:
Use the existing PostgreSQL 11 database
Install psql or pgadmin from the PostgreSQL 10 installation and use it to upload the file (with the command shown in the question)
Hope this helps anyone coming across the same problem.
Add two lines to your CSV file: One at the begining and one at the end:
<here are the lines your file already contains>
Don't forget another newline after the \. line. Then call
psql -h hostname -d dbname -U username -f 'D:/XXX.csv'
This is what worked for me:
\COPY member_data.lab_result FROM PROGRAM 'gzip -dcf lab_result.dat.gz' WITH (FORMAT 'csv', DELIMITER '|', QUOTE '`')

Postgres ERROR: could not open file for reading: Permission denied

Computer: Mac OS X, version 10.8
Database: Postgres
Trying to import csv file into postgres.
pg> copy items_ordered from '/users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv' with CSV;
ERROR: could not open file "/users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv" for reading: Permission denied
Then I tried
$> chown postgres /users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv
chown: /users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv: Operation not permitted
Lastly, I tried
$> ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 darchcruise staff 1016 Oct 18 21:04 items_ordered.csv
Any help is much appreciated!
Assuming the psql command-line tool, you may use \copy instead of copy.
\copy opens the file and feeds the contents to the server, whereas copy tells the server the open the file itself and read it, which may be problematic permission-wise, or even impossible if client and server run on different machines with no file sharing in-between.
Under the hood, \copy is implemented as COPY FROM stdin and accepts the same options than the server-side COPY.
Copy the CSV file to /tmp
For me this solved the issue.
chmod a+rX /users/darchcruise/ /users/darchcruise/desktop /users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv
This will change access rights for your folder. Note that everyone will be able to read your file.
You can't use chown being a user without administrative rights.
Also consider learning umask to ease creation of shared files.
Copy your CSV file into the /tmp folder
Files named in a COPY command are read or written directly by the server, not by the client application. Therefore, they must reside on or be accessible to the database server machine, not the client. They must be accessible to and readable or writable by the PostgreSQL user (the user ID the server runs as), not the client. COPY naming a file is only allowed to database superusers, since it allows reading or writing any file that the server has privileges to access.
I had the issue when I was trying to export data from a remote server into the local disk. I hadn't realised that SQL copy actually is executed on the server and that it tries to write to a server folder. Instead the correct thing to do was to use \copy which is the psql command and it writes to the local file system as I expected.
Perhaps that might be useful to someone else too.
Another way to do this, if you have pgAdmin and are comfortable using the GUI is to go the table in the schema and right click on the table you wish to import the file to and select "Import" browse your computer for the file, select the type your file is, the columns you want the data to be imputed into, and then select import.
That was done using pgAdmin III and the 9.4 version of PostgreSQL
I resolved the same issue with a recursive chown on the parent folder:
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /home/my_user/export_folder
(my export being in /home/my_user/export_folder/export_1.csv)
for macbook first i opened terminal then type
open /tmp
or in finder directory you directly enter command+shift+g then type /tmp in go to the folder.
it opens temp folder in finder. then i paste copied csv file into this folder.then again i go to postgres terminal and typed below command and then it is copied my csv data into db table
\copy recharge_operator FROM '/private/tmp/operator.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;
COPY your table (Name, Latitude, Longitude) FROM 'C:\Temp\your file.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER;
Use c:\Temp\"Your File"\.
For me it worked to simply to add sudo (or run as root) for the chown command:
sudo chown postgres /users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv
You must grant the pg_read_server_files permission to the user if you are not using postgres superuser.
GRANT pg_read_server_files TO my_user WITH ADMIN OPTION;
just in case you're facing this problem under windows 10 , add the group of users "youcomputer\Users" on the security Tab and grant it full control , that solved my issue
I had the same error message but was using psycopg2 to communicate with PostgreSQL. I fixed the permission issues by using the functions copy_from and copy_expert that will open the file on the client side as the user running the python script and feed the data to the database over STDIN.
Refer to this link for further information.
This answer is only for Linux Beginners.
Assuming initially the DB user didn't have file/folder(directory) permission on the client side.
Let's constrain ourselves to the following:
User: postgres
Purpose: You wanted to (write to / read from) a specific folder
Tool: psql
Connected to a specific database: YES
FILE_PATH: /home/user/training/sql/csv_example.csv
Query: \copy (SELECT * FROM table_name TO FILE_PATH, DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
Actual Results: After running the query you got an error : Permission Denied
Here are the steps I'd follow to try and resolve it.
Confirm the FILE_PATH permissions on your File system.
Inside a terminal to view the permissions for a file/folder you need to long list them by entering the command ls -l.
The output has a section that shows sth like this -> drwxrwxr-x
Which is interpreted in the following way:
rwx (r: Read, W: Write, X: Execute)
TYPE (1 Char) = d: directory, -: file
OWNER RIGHTS (3 Chars after TYPE)
GROUP RIGHTS (3 Chars after OWNER)
USER RIGHTS (3 Chars after GROUP)
If permissions are not enough (Ensure that a user can at least enter all folders in the path you wanted path) - x.
This means for FILE_PATH, All the directories (home , user, training, sql) should have at least an x in the USER RIGHTS.
Change permissions for all parent folders that you need to enter to have a x. You can use chmod rights_you_want parent_folder
Assuming /training/ didn't have an execute permission.
I'd go the user folder and enter chmod a+x training
Change the destination folder/directory to have a w if you want to write to it. or at least a r if you want to read from it
Assuming /sql didn't have a write permission.
I would now chmod a+w sql
Restart the postgresql server sudo systemctl restart postgresql
Try again.
This would most probably help you now get a successful expected result.
On Linux you can fix this by giving the postgres user read/write/execute permissions on the target directory. Eg:
setfacl -m u:postgres:rwx /home/hi
I just copied the source csv file to another folder in which you have more permissions (C:/temp), and it worked fine.
May be You are using pgadmin by connecting remote host then U are trying to update there from your system but it searches for that file in remote system's file system... its the error wat I faced May be its also for u check it