Persistent Kafka transacton-id across restarts on Kubernetes - kubernetes

I am trying to achieve the exactly-once delivery on Kafka using Spring-Kafka on Kubernetes.
As far as I understood, the transactional-ID must be set on the producer and it should be the same across restarts, as stated here
The problem arises using this semantic on Kubernetes. How can you get a consistent ID?
To solve this problem I implementend a Spring boot application, let's call it "Replicas counter" that checks, through the Kubernetes API, how many pods there are with the same name as the caller, so I have a counter for every pod replica.
For example, suppose I want to deploy a Pod, let's call it APP-1.
This app does the following:
It perfoms a GET to the Replicas-Counter passing the pod-name as parameter.
The replicas-counter calls the Kubernetes API in order to check how many pods there are with that pod name. So it does a a +1 and returns it to the caller. I also need to count not-ready pods (think about a first deploy, they couldn't get the ID if I wasn't checking for not-ready pods).
The APP-1 gets the id and will use it as the transactional-id
But, as you can see a problem could arise when performing rolling updates, for example:
Suppose we have 3 pods:
At the beginning we have:
app-1: transactional-id-1
app-2: transactional-id-2
app-3: transactional-id-3
So, during a rolling update we would have:
old-app-1: transactional-id-1
old-app-2: transactional-id-2
old-app-3: transactional-id-3
new-app-3: transactional-id-4 (Not ready, waiting to be ready)
New-app-3 goes ready, so Kubernetes brings down the Old-app-3. So time to continue the rolling update.
old-app-1: transactional-id-1
old-app-2: transactional-id-2
new-app-3: transactional-id-4
new-app-2: transactional-id-4 (Not ready, waiting to be ready)
As you can see now I have 2 pods with the same transactional-id.
As far as I understood, these IDs have to be the same across restarts and unique.
How can I implement something that gives me consistent IDs? Is there someone that have dealt with this problem?
The problem with these IDs are only for the Kubernetes Deployments, not for the Stateful-Sets, as they have a stable identifier as name. I don't want to convert all deployment to stateful sets to solve this problem as I think it is not the correct way to handle this scenario.

The only way to guarantee the uniqueness of Pods is to use StatefulSet.
StatefulSets will allow you to keep the number of replicas alive but everytime pod dies it will be replaced with the same host and configuration. That will prevent data loss that is required.
Service in Statefulset must be headless because since each pod is going to be unique, so you are going to need certain traffic to reach certain pods.
Every pod require a PVC (in order to store data and recreate whenever pod is deleted from that data).
Here is a great article describing why StatefulSet should be used in similar case.


In kubernetes, is there a way to make statefulset pods linger to finish requests on rolling update?

In Kubernetes, I have a statefulset with a number of replicas.
I've set the updateStrategy to RollingUpdate.
I've set podManagementPolicy to Parallel.
My statefulset instances do not have a persistent volume claim -- I use the statefulset as a way to allocate ordinals 0..(N-1) to pods in a deterministic manner.
The main reason for this, is to keep availability for new requests while rolling out software updates (freshly built containers) while still allowing each container, and other services in the cluster, to "know" its ordinal.
The behavior I want, when doing a rolling update, is for the previous statefulset pods to linger while there are still long-running requests processing on them, but I want new traffic to go to the new pods in the statefulset (mapped by the ordinal) without a temporary outage.
Unfortunately, I don't see a way of doing this -- what am I missing?
Because I don't use volume claims, you might think I could use deployments instead, but I really do need each of the pods to have a deterministic ordinal, that:
is unique at the point of dispatching new service requests (incoming HTTP requests, including public ingresses)
is discoverable by the pod itself
is persistent for the duration of the pod lifetime
is contiguous from 0 .. (N-1)
The second-best option I can think of is using something like zookeeper or etcd to separately manage this property, using some of the traditional long-poll or leader-election mechanisms, but given that kubernetes already knows (or can know) about all the necessary bits, AND kubernetes service mapping knows how to steer incoming requests from old instances to new instances, that seems more redundant and complicated than necessary, so I'd like to avoid that.
I assume that you need this for a stateful workload, a workload that e.g. requires writes. Otherwise you can use Deployments with multiple pods online for your shards. A key feature with StatefulSet is that they provide unique stable network identities for the instances.
The behavior I want, when doing a rolling update, is for the previous statefulset pods to linger while there are still long-running requests processing on them, but I want new traffic to go to the new pods in the statefulset.
This behavior is supported by Kubernetes pods. But you also need to implement support for it in your application.
New traffic will not be sent to your "old" pods.
A SIGTERM signal will be sent to the pod - your application may want to listen to this and do some action.
After a configurable "termination grace period", your pod will get killed.
See Kubernetes best practices: terminating with grace for more info about pod termination.
Be aware that you should connect to services instead of directly to pods for this to work. E.g. you need to create headless services for the replicas in a StatefulSet.
If your clients are connecting to a specific headless service, e.g. N, this means that it will not be available for some times during upgrades. You need to decide if your clients should retry their connections during this time period or if they should connect to another headless service if N is not available.
If you are in a case where you need:
stateful workload (e.g. support for write operations)
want high availability for your instances
then you need a form of distributed system that does some form of replication/synchronization, e.g. using raft or a product that implements this. Such system is easiest deployed as a StatefulSet.
You may be able to do this using Container Lifecycle Hooks, specifically the preStop hook.
We use this to drain connections from our Varnish service before it terminates.
However, you would need to implement (or find) a script to do the draining.

Deploying MongoDB on Kubernetes

Suppose we're using Kubernetes Deployments to host MongoDB.
I know that Deployments suppose their pods are identical, and the corresponding service divides requests between the pods regardless of which pod is which.
Does this yield data inconsistency?
Or will mongo be run in its Replication manner, where one pod becomes Primary (& accepts write/read requests) and others become Secondary (& answer read requests).
Suppose we're using Kubernetes StatefulSets to host MongoDB.
Naturally, there's a service dividing request between stateful pods.
Now in my application server, should I manually send Write requests to the Primary node? Or will it be handled by MongoDB itself? If so, how does MongoDB keeps the consistency? Where do the stateful pods get notified about each other and by who?
I suppose one scenario would be that my request gets sent to any pod randomly, If that pod can handle it (i.e. read request), it will do so. Otherwise (write request), the pod will send the request to the Primary Pod.
But that seems slow and inefficient and slow, doesn't it? Sending requests randomly hoping they would reach the correct place on the first try.

Is there a cloud-native friendly method to select a master among the replicas?

Is there a way in Kubernetes to upgrade a given type of pod first when we have a deployment or stateful set with two or more replicas ( where one pod is master and others are not)?
My requirement to be specific is to ensure when calling upgrade on deployment/statefull set is to upgrade master as the last pod under a given number of replicas..
The only thing that's built into Kubernetes is the automatic sequential naming of StatefulSet pods.
If you have a StatefulSet, one of its pods is guaranteed to be named statefulsetname-0. That pod can declare itself the "master" for whatever purposes this is required. A pod can easily determine (by looking at its hostname(1)) whether it is the "master", and if it isn't, it can also easily determine what pod is. Updates happen by default in numerically reverse order, so statefulsetname-0 will be upgraded last, which matches your requirement.
StatefulSets have other properties, which you may or may not want. It's impossible for another pod to take over as the master if the first one fails; startup and shutdown happens in a fairly rigid order; if any part of your infrastructure is unstable then you may not be able to reliably scale the StatefulSet.
If you don't want a StatefulSet, you can implement your own leader election in a couple of ways (use a service like ZooKeeper or etcd that can help you maintain this state across the cluster; bring in a library for a leader-election algorithm like Raft). Kubernetes doesn't provide this on its own. The cluster will also be unaware of the "must upgrade the leader last" requirement, but if the current leader is terminated, another pod can take over the leadership.
The easiest way is probably having master in one deployment/statefulset, while followers in another deployment/statefulset. This approach ensure update is persist and can make use of update strategy in k8s.
The fact that k8s does not differentiate pod by containers nor any role specific to user application architecture ('master'); it is better to manage your own deployment when you have specific sequence that is outside of deployment/statefulset control. You can patch but change will not persist rollout restart.

Force Kubernetes Pod shutdown before starting a new one in case of disruption

I'm trying to set up a stateful Apache Flink application in Kubernetes and I need to save the current state in case of a disruption, such as someone deleting the pod or it being rescheduled due to cluster resizing.
I added a preStop hook to the container that accomplishes this behaviour, but when I delete a pod using kubectl delete pod it spins up a new Pod before the old one terminates.
Guides such as this one use the Recreate update strategy to make sure only one pod runs at a time. This works fine in case of updating a deployment, but it does not cover disruptions like I described above. I also tried to set spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge to 0 but that made no difference.
Is it possible to configure my Deployment in such a way that no pod ever starts before another one is terminated, or do I need to switch to StatefulSets?
I agree with #Cosmic Ossifrage as StatefulSets make it easy to achieve your goal. Each Pod in StatefulSets is represented with unique, persistent identities and stable hostnames that Kubernetes Engine maintains regardless of where they are scheduled.
Therefore, StatefulSets are deployed in sequential order and are terminated in reverse ordinal order assuming that Kubernetes StatefulSet controller removes one Pod each time after complete deletion of previous one as well.

Ignite ReadinessProbe

Deploying an ignite cluster within Kubernetes, I cam across an issue that prevents cluster members from joining the group. If I use a readinessProbe and a livenessProbe, even with a delay as low as 10 seconds, they nodes never join each other. If I remove those probes, they find each other just fine.
So, my question is: can you use these probes to monitor node health, and if so, what are appropriate settings. On top of that, what would be good, fast health checks for Ignite, anyway?
After posting on the ignite mailing list, it looks like StatefulSets are the way to go. (Thanks Dmitry!)
I think I'm going to leave in the below logic to self-heal any segmentation issues although hopefully it won't be triggered often.
Original answer:
We are having the same issue and I think we have a workable solution. The Kubernetes discovery spi lists services as they become ready.
This means that if there are no ready pods at startup time, ignite instances all think that they are the first and create their own grid.
The cluster should be able to self heal if we have a deterministic way to fail pods if they aren't part of an 'authoritative' grid.
In order to do this, we keep a reference to the TcpDiscoveryKubernetesIpFinder and use it to periodically check the list of ignite pods.
If the instance is part of a cluster that doesn't contain the alphabetical first ip in the list, we know we have a segmented topology. Killing the pods that get into that state should cause them to come up again, look at service list and join the correct topology.
I am facing the same issue, using Ignite embedded within a Java spring application.
As you said the readinessProbe: on the Kubernetes Deployment spec.template.spec.container has the side effect to prevent the Kubernetes Pods from being listed on the related Kubernetes Service as Endpoints
Trying without any readinessProbe, it seems to indeed works better (Ignite nodes are all joinging the same Ignite cluster)
Yet this have the undesired side effect of exposing the Kubernetes Pods when not yet ready, as Spring has not yet fully started ...