I Cannot set background image in ionic 4 div from template - ionic-framework

I am building a mobile app with ionic and I am trying to change the background image of the div but its not working
Here is the code
<div style="background-image: url(./assets/IMG/set3.jpg);">
I also changed the file path to
style="background-image: url(assets/IMG/set3.jpg);"
style="background-image: url(./assets/IMG/set3.jpg);"
style="background-image: url(/assets/IMG/set3.jpg);"
And I have other div of such, but the background image is not displaying, pls I need your help, I have search online but non of the solutions worked

If your goal is to set background image to the entire page, you could use --background for ion-content. Something like following has worked for me.
ion-content {
--background: url('../../assets/BackgroundImages/splash-screen-background.png');
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
here are more details about --background CSS property

Some IDEs (Visual Studio Code) allow you to ctrl click the url (follow link) and ensure that the resource is correctly pointed to. You may want to double check. Even otherwise please check if your assets folder is present at the same level as your page html. If it is not you may have to ensure the correct path, for ex.
background-image: url('../../assets/BackgroundImages/splash-screen-background.png');

Instead of setting the background-image directly with a style tag inside your <div>, give it a class. Then, inside your CSS, define the background-image on that class. That way, the IMG folder should be relative to the CSS file or the app-root. This always gets me with every new project, and it requires some trial and error to get it right.


react-leflet map layer repeating

I have a map, but it repeats. I would like it to stop repeating, and get only one map. How do I do this?
className='h-[700px] w-[700px] float-right mr-10 mt-10'
center={[51.505, -0.09]} zoom={5} scrollWheelZoom={true}>
I see that you added in the URL a path to image url="/allmap.jpg". as it's an image you can inspect on the TileLayer after it's rendered. see on the right side the class which contains this image as background-image add to that class the following.
.tile-layer-class {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
The problem was that the image was not shown. because there was a style from leaflet.css hide the image to show. you can override that style by using the below class.
.leaflet-container {
overflow: unset <= or by using !important as well if that didn't reflect.
The problem is not related to styling at all. what I figured out that the image is not only rendered just one time in the dom but it's gets rendered for 4 images tags. you can inspect the image and you will see that there're 4 img tags in the dom.
I think you will need to find out the reason for why there're 4 images rendered in the dom.
I tried to be honest to do my best. but I'm not familiar with Next.js

Annotations not working, not even in Dygraphs' own example on jsFiddle, why?

I'm currently trying out Dygraphs (which seems really great btw!), but for some strange reason, the annotations feature won't work for me, AND it also fails in the exact same way on the jsFiddle version of Dygraphs' own gallery example of annotations, so this is most likely a bug/problem the devs really might want to take a look at(!).
To reproduce (same thing happens in both latest Firefox and latest Chrome):
Look at the "annotations" example in the Dygraphs gallery, here:
It works just fine and looks great, like this:
Press the "Edit in jsFiddle" button, for that very example on that very page.
You are now sent to jsFiddle, and if you press the "Run" button there, the chart itself (colored curves etc) is shown just fine, but, only the "stems" of the annotation "signs" are shown, while the text contents of the annotations are all displayed as normal text to the left of the chart?! Like this:
Seems like some kind of CSS problem or similar to me, am I correct?
Since the example is Dygraphs' own example, which also works on their own site but not on jsFiddle, all suspicions of incorrectly formatted data or code can also be let go, I guess. It also happens to all my own Dygraphs charts on my own computer that I try to annotate, but this native Dygraphs gallery example is a much better example to investigate from I guess?
So, my question is of course, why does this happen, and how do I fix it to get the annotations working and displaying correctly?
Let's make it even simpler, in order to isolate the problem without any hesitation.
Here is a very simple example for Dygraph annotations that I have put together on my own local disk (i.e. as a stand-alone HTML file):
<script type="text/javascript" src="dygraph.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" src="dygraph.css" />
<div id="test_chart" style="width:750px; height:350px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var test_annotations = [
series: "TestCol1",
x: "2017-05-26",
shortText: "A",
text: "Test annotation",
cssClass: 'annotation'
testchart = new Dygraph(
"Date,TestCol1\n" +
"2017-05-25,110\n" +
"2017-05-26,80\n" +
When I open this file (locally with file:// in Chrome on my computer, having the latest dygraph.js and dygraph.css in the same directory), this is what I get:
As you can see, exactly the same problem as described above appears here, i.e. only the "stem" of the test annotation is visible in the graph itself, while the annotation text ("A") is displayed to the left of the graph.
The Firebug console is empty after having loaded this file, and no attempts (unsuccessful or otherwise) of loading any images are anywhere to be found in the Firebug network tab either.
Again, this very much feels like some kind of CSS positioning problem to me, but I may of course very well be wrong?
The answer to provide to this question would then be:
How, in as few and simple changes/steps as possible, would I get this local example PoC code for Dygraphs annotations to work as intended, i.e. showing the annotation text "A" inside a square at the correct position inside the graph (i.e. at the position where the "annotation stem" is currently just displayed, just as is done in the working example on the Dygraphs page, in my first screendump above in this question)?
position: absolute
solved the problem for me.
The gallery example loads images from dygraphs.com. When you load the demo on jsfiddle, it tries to load the images from jsfiddle, which doesn't work. dygraphs annotations are working fine, it's just that the image files are missing.
It seems that I was right about the CSS positioning problem after all.
The annotations are rendered by Dygraphs by adding the following HTML to the DOM of the page (this is the exact HTML for my test annotation in my local example code in the question test above, extracted live using Firebug):
<div style="font-size: 14px; left: 392.5px; top: 241.214px; width: 16px; height: 16px; color: rgb(0, 128, 128); border-color: rgb(0, 128, 128);" class="dygraph-annotation dygraphDefaultAnnotation dygraph-default-annotation annotation" title="Test annotation">A</div>
If I (as suggested by this SO question) add the CSS property position: relative to this div (manually, using Firebug), the graph suddenly looks like this:
See, the annotation text is now correctly positioned! It's still missing its opaque background and colored border though, but I guess this is just the result of even more CSS properties missing for some reason?
So, let's focus then on why there is missing CSS for the annotations I guess?
My best guess is that the dygraph.css file isn't properly loaded under certain conditions (apparently both on jsFiddle and locally on my computer, even though it is indeed there in the same directory as the HTML file and dygraph.js)? Or am I wrong?
A Firebug dump of the applied CSS for the annotation div seems to support this. Here is the CSS from Firebug for the annotation div of my local example (and also same in jsFiddle):
And here is the CSS for the same thing in the working instance in the gallery on the Dygraphs site:
See, the classes from dygraph.css is completely missing in my local example and in the jsFiddle example (even though indeed explicitly referenced in the class attribute of the annotation div's html code, as can be seen above), even though the CSS file is indeed there in the same directory as the dygraph.js file?!
#danvk, do you have any idea why this happens, and if Dygraphs could be patched somehow to avoid this from happening, and thus load all the CSS that it is supposed to for the annotations?
The only working hack-solution I can find for the moment is to dump the entire contents of dygraph.css inline in the <head> of the HTML file, as so:
* Default styles for the dygraphs charting library.
.dygraph-legend {
position: absolute;
font-size: 14px;
z-index: 10;
width: 250px; /* labelsDivWidth */
dygraphs determines these based on the presence of chart labels.
It might make more sense to create a wrapper div around the chart proper.
top: 0px;
right: 2px;
background: white;
line-height: normal;
text-align: left;
overflow: hidden;
/* For y2-axis label */
.dygraph-label-rotate-right {
text-align: center;
/* See http://caniuse.com/#feat=transforms2d */
transform: rotate(-90deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);
After that it's finally working fine:
It seems like others too (1) (2) have this general problem regarding the loading of CSS files. No accepted answer to neither that SO question nor Mozilla support thread though, and indeed, none of the suggested answers work for me either. WTF, how can such a huge problem be generally unknown/unanswered? Please do also note that the same thing happens for me in both Chrome and Firefox, and also on multiple computers, out of which some have never opened the file before, so no strange cache-related effects should be involved either. Either way, it would seem like the bug is outside of Dygraphs' scope.
I'm afraid I'm late to the party, but it looks the problem is still valid (or workaround is not well documented). I was able to have better estimation of position by adding in index.html:
.dygraph-annotation {
position : relative;
However still annotations are not following the chart well:
The option attachAtBottom : true added to annotations might help here a bit, but still annotations are jumping on hovering graph (I guess this is because of legend taking some place)
All day trying to solve the same problem as the author at the beginning of this post. Yes, changing the CSN file allows you to somehow solve the problem, but everything worked by itself without dancing with a tambourine when I added this one line:
link rel = "stylesheet" href = "// cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dygraph/2.1.0/dygraph.min.css" /
As always, you need to be more attentive to the little things)

Positioning inside <ion-slide> in ionic 2

A very simple question but can't find a solution.
I have a starter tutorial in my App (ionic 2) made with
Everything is centered horizontaly and up (next to the navbar)
I just want to put a beautiful at the bottom of the ion-slide container, but i can't find how to do that (probably a simple css code)
Thank you in advance to the community
Go to your .scssfile associated with that page and put:
my-page {
ion-slide {
border-botom: 1px solid #CCC;
my-page is the selector name of your my-page.page.ts.
If you want to be more specific just add a class name to the ion-slide component and use that selector instead of ion-slide in your .scss file.

Downloaded divshot files do not display as shown in divshot

I created a simple mockup of a page in DivShot:
I then downloaded the files. When I view the same page in a browser, the "search" pane is clipped by the navigation bar:
Why are they different? What am I doing wrong? (I can fix this by editing the <body> tag to <body style="padding-top: 50px">, but this still doesn't explain why the page displays differently in divshot than in my local environment.)
This is a known issue, a quick way to fix it is just to add 60px of padding to the body:
body{ padding-top: 60px; }
We have a fix for this issue in the pipeline, expect it in the next few weeks!

Render the presence of a <script> tag in TinyMCE

I managed to get TinyMCE to keep my <script> tag in the source, so it is no longer stripped as an invalid tag. However, in edit mode, it doesn't render anything. The script tag is there in the html view, but it's just a blank line in edit mode.
Instead, I want tinyMCE to render anything instead of nothing. Even if it is just simple text like [here lies a script]. Is this possible? How? I can't get it working for the life of me. Thanks!
You can use stylesheets to style script elements, I would advise trying that in TinyMCE, here's a fiddle so you can see what I mean:
script {
script:before {
You will want to only import the CSS when TinyMCE is active though, the TinyMCE documentation can assist you with that.
The script tag should act as if on a regular html page.