Openshift idle a service using REST API - kubernetes

Is there a way to idle an OCP service using the Openshift REST API ?
I know, that every oc command that runs from the client hits an api to perform the action requested.
However - I don't see an information about the endpoint to call to idle a service in the Openshift API Documentation.
Any help is truly appreciated.


Kubernetes Service Catalog API endpoints

I would like to send HTTP requests to the Service Catalog API server in kubernetes. However, I am unable to find much information about its API endpoints.
Does anyone know what endpoints they have?

How to send the data from HPA to external API service

I am currently working in dynamic scaling of services with custom metrics and I wanted to send some data from HPA to my external API service. Is there any way or any post request which will send the current replica count to my external API ?
Like HPA has its sync period and it sends GET request to API to fetch the metric value so is there any way to also have some POST request so that I can get some data from HPA ?
You don't per se, your service can watch the Kubernetes API for updates like everything else though. All components in Kubernetes communicate through the API.

Flink native kubernetes deployment

I have some limitations with the rights required by Flink native deployment.
The prerequisites say
KubeConfig, which has access to list, create, delete pods and **services**, configurable
Specifically, my issue is I cannot have a service account with the rights to create/remove services. create/remove pods is not an issue. but services by policy only can be created within an internal tool.
could it be any workaround for this?
Flink creates two service in native Kubernetes integration.
Internal service, which is used for internal communication between JobManager and TaskManager. It is only created when the HA is not enabled. Since the HA service will be used for the leader retrieval when HA enabled.
Rest service, which is used for accessing the webUI or rest endpoint. If you have other ways to expose the rest endpoint, or you are using the application mode, then it is also optional. However, it is always be created currently. I think you need to change some codes to work around.

How to get availability status of middleware services which is running on ibm cloud?

IBM internally monitor services which is offered on cloud but somehow I need to get status of middleware services such as kafka,API Connect etc. It will help me to automate things if some service stopped/not accessable.
To monitor your provisioned instances of these services you could exercise them. For example on API Connect create an API called /health and curl the API to verify it is working. For kafka create a topic to check the health.

ejabberd on kubernetes gke doesn't pass healthcheck

I am trying to run ejabberd on google kubernetes engine. As I am using daemonset as kubernetes resource to deploy manage kubernetes pods of ejabberd, I need to setup custom healthcheck(which must receive status code 200 to be successful) for ejabberd container. (:5280/admin doesn't work as there is basic auth there, :5222 and :5269 send response that libcurl cannot parse, thus both doesn't work).
Tried to configure api and set custom healthcheck an api irl, but actually it's not secure and more configuration to be done.
does anyone passed through this problem and what solution can be done for this?