All parameters of Get-MsolUser into array - powershell

Want to throw the names of all parameters supported by Get-MsolUser into an array to be able to dynamically get different information from a user.
Get-Command Get-MsolUser
The command above doesn't show me the parameters, only the command itself.

You can run the following, which simply chains the member-access operator .
$array = (Get-Command Get-MSolUser).Parameters.Values.Name
Parameters is a Dictionary object with a built-in Values property. That property is a collection that contains attributes about each parameter. Since you only want the name, you can simply access the Name property.
If you want to exclude certain parameters, I'd just introduce an exclusion list.
$exclude = 'Debug','ErrorAction','ErrorVariable','InformationAction','InformationVariable','OutVariable','OutBuffer','PipelineVariable','Verbose','WarningAction','WarningVariable'
((Get-Command Get-MSolUser).Parameters.Values | Where Name -notin $exclude).Name


How to delete previous database snapshot using regex?

We are restoring a database called Cube1 as "snapshots" using below command.
$CUBE = "$CUBE-Snapshot-$dateStamp"
Restore-ASDatabase -Server $Target_Server -RestoreFile $BFile -Name $CUBE -Security:$SecurityChoice -AllowOverwrite -ErrorAction Stop
However, this is supposed to run weekly indefinitely and our server memory capacity will be diminished leading to performance issues eventually, which we don't want.
Therefore, I'd like to delete existing snapshots, so ultimate result would be something like this (1 snapshot only weekly):
I tried the following:
Import-Module sqlserver
$AnalysisServer = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
and the drop operation failed.
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
When specifying manually the snapshot name:
The drop operation succeeds.
I suppose I need to use some sort of regex then since wildcards didn't seem to work for the name, so how do I accomplish that?
Using [...] to index into the .DataBases collections corresponds to the parameterized .Item[] property, which supports (a) targeting a database by numerical index or (b) by verbatim name - using patterns to match database names is not supported.
Therefore, you need to filter the database collection explicitly, which you can do with the .Where() array method, combined with member-access enumeration, which allows you to call the .Drop() method on every matching database:
$AnalysisServer.Databases.Where({ $_.Name -like "*$CUBE-Snapshot*" }).Drop()
Note: If no databases match, the above will generate a statement-terminating error; to avoid that, use a two-step approach:
$matchingDbs = $AnalysisServer.Databases.Where({ $_.Name -like "*$CUBE-Snapshot*" })
if ($matchingDbs) { $matchingDbs.Drop() }
To delete all snapshots except the most recent one, based on the naming convention shown in the question:
$matchingDbs = $AnalysisServer.Databases.Where({ $_.Name -like "*$CUBE-Snapshot*" })
if ($matchingDbs.Count -ge 2) {
($matchingDbs | Sort-Object Name -Descending | Select-Object -Skip 1).Drop()

ADSI Search for DistinguishedName of the primary group based on primarygroupid

Because we don't have the active directory module available on all our systems we're using ADSI instead. The following code retrieves a user object from AD by using the AdsiSearcher:
$ADUser = ([AdsiSearcher]"(samaccountname=$SamAccountName)").FindOne()
This results in finding the property primarygroupid which represents the domain primary group for user, usually number 513. When we have this number we would like to find the distinguishedName of the group. However, the code below does that just fine I was wondering if there is a better filter that can be used instead of filtering after the FindAll() method?
$searcher = [adsisearcher]'objectclass=group'
$searcher.FindAll() |
Where-Object { $_.Properties.primarygrouptoken -eq 513}
Something like this would be great but it's not possible:
The primaryGroupToken is a constructed attribute, meaning that it's not actually materialized in the database, and can't be filtered using LDAP.
In order to build an equivalent filter we'll need to look at how it is constructed - and the primary group token in Active Directory is always the same as the group's RID part (the relative identifier) of the objectSid attribute.
So, if we want to search by it, we can simply filter by objectSid instead:
# Obtain domain SID
$dncDN = ([adsi]"LDAP://RootDSE").defaultNamingContext
$dnc = [adsi]"LDAP://$dncDN"
$domainSID = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new($dnc.objectSid.Value, 0)
# Set the group ID we're looking for
$RID = 513
# Search for group by objectSid value:

Powershell - Display value of an object's properties, where the property names are like '*quota*'

As per the subject, I'm trying to get the name of a property and the value assocaited with that property, for a specific mailbox.
So, the line below gets me a nice list of the available object properties, and a default column displayed in the output has the heading 'Name'
Get-Mailbox -Identity "Person Name" | gm
I then want to say something like:
For the object: "Mailbox of Person Name"
Where the property of "Mailbox of Person Name" has a name like 'quota'
List both the actual property name and it's value for "Mailbox of Person Name"
I've tried a number of things using -ExpandProperty/Select-Object/Where-Object but they're all failing. I'm sure this is pretty basic, but Powershell is definitely not my strength. Can anyone show me how to structure this pipeline correctly?
You do not need to use Where-Object, only Select-Object:
Get-Mailbox -Identity "Person Name" | Select-Object -Property *quota*
You seem to have used the correct commandlets. Where-Object filters. Select-Object selects specific properties.
From my experience, sometimes what you see on the console doesn't match the actual property name because there is a formatter that can even change the column name. If you you drive the Where-Object and Select-Object with that virtual property name then they do fail. Also sometimes, the output is not really a recordset that works well with these cmdlets.
My advice is to always check the type of an object when things go strange. Starting from $items=Get-Mailbox -Identity "Person Name".
Then $items.GetType() reveals the actual .net type.
Then $items.Count reveals if it is actually an array or a single object.
Then $items|ForEach-Object {$_.GetType()} reveals the type of each object.
Also the $items|Get-Member is very helpful to figure out the property names. If necessary use it also within your loop.
That is how I troubleshoot strange behaviors and if you can post your findings and the code you tried with Where-Object and Select-Object that would be a great help.

What Type does Powershells `Get-Member` show

I use PowerShell to write a database exporter.
I have DataRows, serialized via Export-Clixml 'data.xml'. These DataRows have a column value.
I read the first row via $row = (Import-Clixml 'data.xml')[0].
If I check for it's Type, via $row.value -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] I get True
If I use Get-Member on value, like $row.value | Get-Member, I get the Output
TypeName: Deserialized.System.DBNull
I kind of expected this to be System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject.
Where does the type Get-Member shows me come from?
If you look at $row.value.PSObject.TypeNames you'll probably see that Deserialized.System.DBNull is the first in the list.
Also see this answer from Keith Hill and the MSDN on the TypeNames property.

Filtering in Powershell

I have an array of objects called $listy.
I am looking for object for which property $_.WorkflowAssociations.Count is greater than 0.
When I select that property I can see that several objects fulfill my criteria:
$listy | select title, workflowassociations.count
However when I use where: $listy | where {$_.WorkflowAssociations.Count -gt 0} none of the objects are listed:
I have the same issue with $_.Views.Count property. Other numeric properties seem to filter without issues. Is it because of the point (.)? Why? The property is called exactly Views.Count:
As #EtanReisner already pointed out in the comments to your question: if you have a property name containing a dot (like WorkflowAssociations.Count) you must put the name in quotes when trying to access it via dot notation:
$listy | Where-Object { $_.'WorkflowAssociations.Count' -gt 0 }
If you don't, the term $_.WorkflowAssociations.Count will be interpreted as the property Count of a property WorkflowAssociation of the current object ($_). Which, of course, doesn't exist.