Swift protocol for things that convert to and from String - swift

I'd like to have a GenericThing with a template parameter that is any type that can sensibly be converted to and from a string.
// ConvertsToAndFromString is a made up protocol here – what should I use instead?
struct GenericThing<Id: ConvertsToAndFromString> {
I should then be able to use GenericThing with any type that has a reasonable encoding as a string. For example, it should work for Int, String (well, dah), and ideally, any RawRepresentable where the RawValue itself will convert to and from a string.
enum Tubbies: String {
case dipsy
case laalaa
case po
// I'd like to be able to do this.
let genericThing = GenericThing<Tubbies>
I can't see how to easily do this.
I was hoping I could use LosslessStringConvertible instead of my made up ConvertsToAndFromString.
I tried this, and it works for Int and such. But it doesn't work for Tubbies. I couldn't see a way to make all RawRepresentable where RawValue: LosslessStringConvertible also conform to LosslessStringConvertible.

This is how you extend RawRespresentable to be conditionally LosslessStringConvertible depending on its RawValue:
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue: LosslessStringConvertible {
init?(_ rv: RawValue) {
self.init(rawValue: rv)
var description: String { return self.rawValue.description }
Here it is in action:
struct GenericThing<Id: LosslessStringConvertible> {
enum Tubbies: String, LosslessStringConvertible {
case dipsy
case laalaa
case po
let genericThing = GenericThing<Tubbies>()
print(Tubbies.po is LosslessStringConvertible) // => true

Had an issue in Swift 5.2 at least where extending RawRepresentable was causing CodingKeys to fail compiling.
public extension RawRepresentable where RawValue: LosslessStringConvertible {
init?(_ rv: RawValue) { self.init(rawValue: rv) }
var description: String { rawValue.description }
struct Test: Codable {
public var test: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { // Error: Type 'Test.CodingKeys' does not conform to protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'
case test = "foo"
My workaround was to instead explicitly add conformance using the same strategy, it requires being able to change the enum but allows CodingKeys to compile.
public protocol LosslessStringConvertibleEnum: LosslessStringConvertible,
RawRepresentable where RawValue: LosslessStringConvertible {}
public extension LosslessStringConvertibleEnum {
init?(_ rawValue: RawValue) { self.init(rawValue: rawValue) }
var description: String { rawValue.description }
enum Tubbies: String, LosslessStringConvertibleEnum {
case dipsy
case laalaa
case po


Swift - Why String doesn't conform to RawRepresentable?

I'm learning Swift and cannot realize why this code is correct:
enum Test1: String {
case value
let test1 = Test1.value.rawValue
but this one is incorrect and shows me errors
struct MyStruct {
extension MyStruct: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: MyStruct, rhs: MyStruct) -> Bool {
return true
enum Test2: MyStruct {
case value
I browsed thru Swift.String sources and didn't find rawValue declaration. How does it work in Swift? Is String a built-in type that "automatically" conforms to RawRepresentable, but all other types have to explicitly declare its conformance?
Notice that Test.value has type Test1, not String.
There is special treatment (implicit conformance to RawRepresentable), but it applies to string-valued enums, not String itself.
Raw values can be strings, characters, or any of the integer or
floating-point number types. Each raw value must be unique within its
enumeration declaration.
But that's only for using the colon-based shortcut syntax. It's no problem to manually conform.
enum Test2 {
case value
extension Test2: RawRepresentable {
init?(rawValue: MyStruct) {
self = .value
var rawValue: MyStruct { .init() }

Is there a Swift type for a string-based enum?

I have a function that takes a String tag argument:
func findFooByTag(_ tag: String) -> Foo
Now I would like to make the code shorter and safer by introducing an enum for the valid tag values:
enum Tags: String {
case one
case two
case three
But I still have to call the function with a String:
let foo = findFooByTag(Tags.one.rawValue)
Is there a way to say “findFooByTag takes any string-based enum”? I have found this:
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: T) -> Foo where T: RawRepresentable, T.RawValue == String
But that’s quite a mouthful. Is it at least possible to sweep that under the rug with a type alias somehow?
What you have found looks awesome, but still I would suggest something like the following:
protocol Taggable {
var raw: String { get }
extension String: Taggable {
var raw: String { return self }
enum Tag: String, Taggable {
var raw: String {
return self.rawValue
case one = "aa"
case two = "bb"
case three = "cc"
func findByTag(_ tag: Taggable) {
if tag.raw == "aa" { ... }
// do something...
findByTag(Tag.one) // works
findByTag("abc") // also works
As there is nothing in common between enum's having a String RawValue, there is no common type for these or no protocol to which all would conform.
However, Swift 4 introduces type constraints on associated types using where clauses as described in SE-0142. Using this new capability, you can define a protocol with an associated type the type constraints describing an enum with a String rawValue, then you only need to make your Tags enum conform to this protocol and you won't need the type constraint in your function definition anymore.
class Foo {}
protocol StringEnum {
associatedtype EnumType: RawRepresentable = Self where EnumType.RawValue == String
static func findFooByTag<EnumType>(_ tag: EnumType) -> Foo
extension StringEnum where EnumType == Self {
static func findFooByTag<EnumType>(_ tag: EnumType) -> Foo {
return Foo()
enum Tags: String, StringEnum {
case one
case two
case three
let foo = Tags.findFooByTag(Tags.one)
This is implementation of course could be improved, but this is just an example showing how you can use a where clause to implement the type constraint using a protocol and its associatedType.
Due to the default implementation fo the findFooByTag func in the protocol extension, you don't need to implement the function for all of your custom enum types having a String rawValue, you only need to declare them as conforming to the StringEnum protocol.
If you don't have Xcode9 installed, you can play around with this code in the IBM Swift Sandbox using this link.
Maybe you can try do that with CustomStringConvertible?
enum Tags: String, CustomStringConvertible {
case one
case two
case three
var description: String {
return self.rawValue
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: T) -> Foo where T: CustomStringConvertible
looks more better
or just
func findFooByTag<T>(_ tag: CustomStringConvertible) -> Foo
For this purpose you can use any kind of wrapper object. For example:
enum TypeNotSpecifiedTag {
case one
enum StringTag: String {
case one
enum IntTag: Int {
case one = 1
enum Wrapper<T>: RawRepresentable {
typealias RawValue = T
case value(T)
init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = .value(rawValue)
var rawValue: RawValue {
switch self {
case let .value(item):
return item
print(Wrapper.value(TypeNotSpecifiedTag.one).rawValue) // "one"
print(Wrapper.value(StringTag.one.rawValue).rawValue) // "one"
print(Wrapper.value(IntTag.one.rawValue).rawValue) // 1
Notice, that according to documentation about RawValue, you doesn't always need to specify RawValue, that's why first example also compile.

In Swift, how can you use generic enum types in protocol extensions?

I want to share functionality between CatZoo and DogZoo since they're storing similar data under the hood but I also want them to know what they are so they can act on their specific data, as shown in the DogZoo.makeNoise() method.
What is the correct type for AnimalStorageProtocol.storage?
enum CatType: String {
case lion
case tiger
case panther
enum DogType: String {
case coyote
case domestic
case wolf
struct CatZoo: AnimalStorageProtocol {
private var storage: [CatType: Int] // it's a bonus if they can stay private
struct DogZoo: AnimalStorageProtocol {
private var storage: [DogType: Int]
func makeNoise() {
for (key, value) in storage {
switch key {
case .coyote:
print("\(value) yips!")
case .domestic:
print("\(value) barks!")
case .wolf:
print("\(value) howls!")
I thought I could define a generic enum type in the protocol but I haven't been able to get it to work.
protocol AnimalStorageProtocol {
// var storage: <RawRepresentable where RawRepresentable.RawValue == String: Int> { get set }
var storage: [RawRepresentable: Int] { get set }
extension AnimalStorageProtocol {
var isEmpty: Bool {
get {
for (_, value) in storage {
if value != 0 {
return false
return true
There are two different way you could do it depending on what your requirements are.
If you don't require the type to be a enum, you can simply do
protocol AnimalStorageProtocol {
associatedtype AnimalType: Hashable
var storage: [AnimalType: Int] { get set }
This will allow any hashable type to be used.
If you require that the types can only be RawRepresentable where the RawValue is a String you'll have to define another protocol that your animal types will have to conform to.
protocol AnimalType: Hashable, RawRepresentable {
var rawValue: String { get }
protocol AnimalStorageProtocol {
associatedtype Animal: AnimalType
var storage: [Animal: Int] { get set }
Then you just have to set your enum types to conform to the AnimalType protocol.
enum CatType: String, AnimalType { ... }
enum DogType: String, AnimalType { ... }

if-let Any to RawRepresentable<String>

Let's assume this:
enum MyEnum: String { case value }
let possibleEnum: Any = MyEnum.value
if let str = stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: possibleEnum)
What's my best bet of implementing stringFromPossibleEnum without knowing enum type name?
func stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: Any) -> String? {
// how should this be implemented without knowing enum type name?
UPD: ok, it's getting better, with this I can tell if possibleEnum is an enum:
if Mirror(reflecting: possibleEnum).displayStyle == .enum { print("yes!") }
But how to tell if that's a String-based enum?
UPD: this tweet suggests that you can get rawValue as Any from Enum. You can probably then check if that rawValue is String. But how to get rawValue from Mirror?
Ok, so this is basically not doable currently out of the box, as you can't as?-cast to RawRepresentable, and Mirror does not provide rawValue for enums.
I'd say the best bet is to make own protocol, provide default implementation for String-based RawRepresentable and conform all enums manually like so:
Assuming these are the enums:
enum E1: String { case one }
enum E2: String { case two }
enum E3: String { case three }
StringRawRepresentable protocol and default implementation:
protocol StringRawRepresentable {
var stringRawValue: String { get }
extension StringRawRepresentable
where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == String {
var stringRawValue: String { return rawValue }
Conform all needed existing enums to the protocol:
extension E1: StringRawRepresentable {}
extension E2: StringRawRepresentable {}
extension E3: StringRawRepresentable {}
And now we can cast to StringRawRepresentable:
func stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: Any) -> String? {
if let e = possibleEnum as? StringRawRepresentable { return e.stringRawValue }
return nil
stringFromPossibleEnum(possibleEnum: E2.two as Any)
Not sure what you're really trying to achieve here, but here it is:
enum MyEnum: String {
case A
case B
case C
func stringFromEnum<T: RawRepresentable>(_ value: T) -> String
where T.RawValue == String {
return value.rawValue

Swift "Enum" base object

If I want to add an extension to every object I can do the following:
extension AnyObject
func myFunc() { ... }
Is there something similar where I can add a function to every Enum? In other words, what is the base "class" for every enum?
First of all, note that you cannot do an extension to AnyObject as above, as AnyObject is a protected protocol (to which all classes implicitly conform) rather than a type. See e.g.
Is there a way to add an extension to AnyObject?
Now, you could, however, extend any specific type as you show above, e.g., extension Int { ... }. However enum is not a type; rather a "container" of ordered raw representable values. So a more valid comparison could be "If I want to add an extension to every class, by extension class ...", which is, naturally, trickier.
Now, all enumerations with a rawValue and an initializer by rawValue conforms to protocol RawRepresentable, so you could extend this protocol for specific types of raw values:
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int {
var sqrt: Double {
return pow(Double(rawValue),(1/2))
And this extension property would be available to all enumerations that explicitly use the same raw value type, in this case, Int:
enum MyIntegerLiteralEnum : Int {
case One = 1
case Two
case Three
case Four
/* 1.0
2.0 */
As a disclaimer, note that this extension will be made available to all types that conforms to RawRepresentable with a rawValue of type Int, not only enum types. E.g.:
struct Foo : RawRepresentable {
typealias RawValue = Int
var bar : Int
var rawValue: RawValue {
get {
return bar
init(rawValue bar: Int) {
self.bar = bar
var a = Foo(rawValue: 16)
print(a.sqrt) // 4.0