How can I control my build number with Azure DevOps? - azure-devops

I get so many frustrations with Azure DevOps. In my Build number format I would like to have both
A number that restart to 0 when I update my major an minor version.
But I also would like to have a real build number that is never reset whatever is my build number format. This build number can also be shared by all my build pipeline of my project. Is it possible?
I'm not using YAML format. I use the classic interfaces with the option page to set my build format. At this moment I have this:
It work except each month the r number restart at 0. I want it to continue.
I still didn't decided my final format. I would like to understand all the possibilities. Now I discovered the $(BuildID) property I have another question. Is it possible to have something similar to $(Rev:r) variable but that only check the left part of my build number.
In fact I would like to manually set the Major and Minor version and let the system update one by one the Build and use the Revision for the global $(BuildID).

The $(rev:r) is restarted when the build number changes in any character, so this is the reason why it's restarted whenever the major/minor or the sate changed.
So if you want to use an incremental unique number you can't use the $(rev:r) because then it will be restarted each build.
If you want a number that depends on the major and the minor numbers you need to use the counter expression:
Create 2 variables:
major-minor = 4.16
And a variable that depends on his value and also is a counter:
revision = $[ counter(variables['major-minor'],0) ]
The build number will be:
Now, if you will change the major-minor (to 4.17 or 5.16) the revision will be again 0.


Problem with version number in Flutter / pubspec.yaml

I built an app with
version: 2.0.2+20
in the pubspec.yaml
and everything (distribution and GooglePlay) worked.
Changing it to
version: 2.0.3+1
I get the error in the Goolge Play Console
Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code.
I thought I can have a release "2.0.1+1" and later "2.0.2+1" and so on. Am I wrong? And if not - what couöd cause my problem?
You should increment version code always as it is used to identify and push updates internally. You can use any version name which is shown on the play store listing but must increment the number following the plus sign, that is version code.
version: 2.0.3+21
+20 and +1 at the end of your version represent the build number, 2.0.x is the build name.
What you need is to keep incrementing the build number (+1, +2, +3...) which each deploy to the stores.
And then use the first part x.x.x (2.0.3 for example) for naming the version you are trying to deploy.
The version code is two different numbers.
For exemple, in 2.0.2+20, 2.0.2 and 20 are two different parts.
Google Play uses the 20, so you must always increment it.

Azure Devops delayed Continuous Integration build

I currently have an Azure Devops install that I am configuring for automated build and testing. I would like to enable a Continuous Integration trigger for the build process, however our check-in standards require different parts of our code to be checked in separate from each other.
For example: we are using nettiers auto generated code, so whenever a ticket requires a database change, the nettiers code base gets updated. Because that is auto generated code it gets checked in separately from manual modifications with a comment indicating that it is an auto generated check-in.
A build will fail if it does not have both the nettiers and the manual modifications checked in. However with Continuous Integration turned on, the first check-in will trigger a build to begin that will be missing the second half of the changes which are checked in a couple minutes later.
The ideal way I would like to fix this would be to implement a 5 minute delay between when the CI build first gets triggered, and when it actually begins its work. Even better would be if each successive check-in would cancel the first build and start a new timer with its own build to account for any subsequent check-ins.
An alternative was to solve the issue might be to have a gate on a work item query. However, I have been unsuccessful in figuring out how to implement either of these ideas, or in coming up with other options. Gates based on queries only seem to be available in Release pipelines, not Builds.
Has anyone out there solved a similar problem, or have thoughts on how to solve or work around this issue?
Azure Devops delayed Continuous Integration build
I am afraid there is no such out of box setting/method to set this specify continuous integration build for your case.
As workaround, we could generated code and gets checked in to some specify folder by using nettiers, like \NettiersGenerated.
Then we could exclude that folder by the Path filters under the Enable continuous integration:
In this case, the generated code will not trigger the build pipeline.
It would require that the nettiers code always gets checked in first
(which would be hard to enforce)
Yes, agree with you. If the build will fail if it does not have both the nettiers and the manual modifications checked in, my first is indeed not reasonable enough.
As another workaround, we could use the Azure DevOps counter and get the rest of the counter through a powershell script, build the pipeline only if the number is even, otherwise cancel the build, like:
Counter expression like
internalBuildNumber: 1
semanticBuildNumber: $[counter(variables['internalBuildNumber'], 0)]
Powershell scripts:
{($_ % 2) -ne 0} {"Go on build pipeline"}
{($_ % 2) -eq 0}
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=agent.jobstatus;]canceled"
Write-Host "##vso[task.complete result=Canceled;]DONE"
In this case, the pipeline will be build when it triggered at second time.
Hope this helps.

How to reset VSTS counter?

We have a need to reset VSTS counter. I do not see any way to do this through UI. There is a way to do it by directly invoking reset build counter REST API, but in order to do this, you need to know the counter id, which you should be able to find out by invoking get a definition REST API. Unfortunately, no matter what I do get a definition call does not return build definition counter.
What am I missing?
Scott Dallamura from Microsoft wrote this thread:
the counters feature was experimental and removed back in March of
this year. I'm not sure how it even got into the documentation, but
I'll make sure it gets cleaned up.
I also didn't success to get the counterId in an API call.
At workaround, you can reset the revision of the build number if you change the build definition name, you can just add/remove a character.
Instead of trying to reset the counter variable, you could create a new variable with a GUID prefix.
This solution creates duplicate counters which might not be ideal but this gives you the ability to revert back to the previous counter values, if necessary.
Please see the following YAML code snippet
#Change this Guid if you require a reset seed on the same value.
resetCounterGuid: 'efa9f3f5-57fb-4254-8a7a-06d5bb365173'
buildrevision: $[counter(format('{0}\\{1}',variables['resetCounterGuid'],variables['YOUR_DEFINED_VARIABLE']),0)]

Is it possible to manually update the build variable $(Build.BuildId)

I am helping a friend with their VSTS build and we are using both build identifiers
This is specific to a Xamarin.iOS build where we are using the new VSTS Build tasks for updating the Info.Plist. We need to use the $(Build.BuildId) for the version code which is just a number that increments. Then we want to use the $(Build.BuildNumber) for the actual Version Name. If was to format this into the build string it would look like this:
$(Build.BuildNumber) = 1.0.0
$(Build.BuildId) = 148
Result = 1.0.0 (148)
The problem is we have already submitted our app to the app store with a larger build ID then what our current build is at. Instead of running the build X number of times to sync it up we would like to manually update the BuildId so we can start using this for our full workflow.
No, it’s impossible.
The predefined variable Build.BuildId value is unique to record echo build in the VSTS account.
Even you can change the value by logging command, but it can only work for the current build, when you queue next the build, the build ID will continue increased without any effect.
Such as current Build.BuildId is 148, even if you use the value to 100 by Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Build.BuildId]2148" in a build, but when another build is queued, the Build.BuildId will be 149.
The work around is using a user defined variable instead Build.BuildId:
Add a user defined variable such as custom.BuildId and set the value with ($(Build.BuildID)+GapNumber).
Such as if the current Build.BuildID is 148, while the build ID you submitted in app store is 2148, so you can use the custom.BuildId with the value ($(Build.BuildID)+2000). Then use the variables $(custom.BuildId) and $(Build.BuildNumber) for your app.
For next build. The custom.BuildId value will be 1149.
I'm using the counter expression:
MyAppVersion $[counter('my-counter-prefix', 500)]
With MyAppVersion being 500, 501, 502...
This function can only be used in an expression that defines a variable. It cannot be used as part of a condition for a step, job, or stage.
Evaluates a number that is incremented with each run of a pipeline.
Parameters: 2. prefix and seed.
Prefix is a string expression. A separate value of counter is tracked for each unique value of prefix
Seed is the starting value of the counter
You can create a counter that is automatically incremented by one in each execution of your pipeline. When you define a counter, you provide a prefix and a seed.
This is not possible to update Build.BuildId but you can set Build.BuildNumber as it is shown here using logging commands:
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]my-new-build-number"

Variable code coverage threshold with sbt-scoverage

I'm using sbt-scoverage plugin for measure the code (statement) coverage in our project. Because of months of not worriying about the coverage and our tests we decided to set a threshold for having a minimum coverage percentage: if you are writing code at least try to leave the project with the same coverage percentage as when you've find it. e.g. if you've started your feature branch with a project having 63% of coverage you have, after finishing your feature, to leave the same coverage value.
With this we want to ensure a gradual adoption of better practices instead of setting a fixed coverage value (something like coverageMinimum := XX).
Having said that, I'm considering the possibility of storing the last value of the analysis in a file and then compare that with a new execution, triggered by the developer.
Another option that I'm considering is to retrieve this value from our SonarQube server based on the data stored there.
My question is: Is there a way to do a thing like this with sbt-scoverage? I've dug into the docs and their Google Groups forum but I can't find something about it.
Thanks in advance!
coverageMinimum setting value doesn't have to be constant, you can write any function dynamically returning it, eg:
coverageMinimum := {
val tmp = 2 + 4
10 * tmp // returns 60 :)