Wait for backend service response before making changes to ag-grid table - ag-grid

I am using ag-grid/ag-grid-angular to provide an editable grid of data backed by a database. When a user edits a cell I want to be able to post the update to the backend service and if the request is successful update the grid and if not undo the user's changes and show an error.
I have approached this problem from a couple different angles but have yet to find the solution that meets all my requirements and am also curious about what the best practice would be to implement this kind of functionality.
My first thought was to leverage the cellValueChanged event. With this approach I can see the old and new values and then make a call to my service to update the database. If the request is successful then everything is great and works as expected. However, if the request fails for some reason then I need to be able to undo the user's changes. Since I have access to the old value I can easily do something like event.node.setDataValue(event.column, event.oldValue) to revert the user's changes. However, since I am updating the grid again this actually triggers the cellValueChanged event a second time. I have no way of knowing that this is the result of undoing the user's changes so I unnecessarily make a call to my service again to update the data even though the original request was never successful in updating the data.
I have also tried using a custom cell editor to get in between when the user is finished editing a cell and when the grid is actually updated. However, it appears that there is no way to integrate an async method in any of these classes to be able to wait for a response from the server to decide whether or not to actually apply the user's changes. E.g.
isCancelBeforeStart(): boolean {
this.service.updateData(event.data).subscribe(() => {
return false;
}, error => {
return true;
does not work because this method is synchronous and I need to be able to wait for a response from my service before deciding whether to cancel the edit or not.
Is there something I am missing or not taking in to account? Or another way to approach this problem to get my intended functionality? I realize this could be handled much easier with dedicated edit/save buttons but I am ideally looking for an interactive grid that is saving the changes to the backend as the user is making changes and providing feedback in cases where something went wrong.
Any help/feedback is greatly appreciated!

I understand what you are trying to do, and I think that the best approach is going to be to use a "valueSetter" function on each of your editable columns.
With a valueSetter, the grid's value will not be directly updated - you will have to update your bound data to have it reflected in the grid.
When the valueSetter is called by the grid at the end of the edit, you'll probably want to record the original value somehow, update your bound data (so that the grid will reflect the change), and then kick off the back-end save, and return immediately from the valueSetter function.
(It's important to return immediately from the valueSetter function to keep the grid responsive. Since the valueSetter call from the grid is synchronous, if you try to wait for the server response, you're going to lock up the grid while you're waiting.)
Then, if the back-end update succeeds, there's nothing to do, and if it fails, you can update your bound data to reflect the original value.
With this method, you won't have the problem of listening for the cellValueChanged event.
The one issue that you might have to deal with is what to do if the user changes the cell value, and then changes it again before the first back-end save returns.

onCellValueChanged: (event) => {
if (event.oldValue === event.newValue) {
try {
// apiUpdate(event.data)
catch {
event.node.data[event.colDef.Field] = event.oldValue;
event.node.setDataValue(event.column, event.oldValue);
By changing the value back on node.data first, when setDataValue() triggers the change event again, oldValue and newValue are actually the same now and the function returns, avoiding the rather slow infinite loop.
I think it's because you change the data behind the scenes directly without agGrid noticing with node.data = , then make a change that agGrid recognises and rerenders the cell by calling setDataValue. Thereby tricking agGrid into behaving.

I would suggest a slightly better approach than StangerString, but to credit him the idea came from his approach. Rather than using a test of the oldValue/newValue and allowing the event to be called twice, you can go around the change detection by doing the following.
event.node.data[event.colDef.field] = event.oldValue;
event.api.refreshCells({ rowNodes: [event.node], columns: [event.column.colId] });
What that does is sets the data directly in the data store used by aggrid, then you tell it to refresh that grid. That will prevent the onCellValueChanged event from having to be called again.
(if you arent using colIds you can use the field or pass the whole column, I think any of them work)


Clear a field when state changes - Salesforce

I want to make it so that when you fill in a field (in case) X and go to a state, it is deleted (this field should be saved in the history, I think this is done by default). This is necessary so that the user does not have to be hitting the pencil and erasing the message that comes from another state.
As I saw with a Trigger it can be done, do you have any idea?
You don't need code for it, you could do it with config changes (workflow / flow / process builder). But if you're really after a trigger - something like that.
trigger CaseTrigger on Case(before update){
for(Case c : trigger.new){
Case old = trigger.oldMap.get(c.Id);
if(c.Status != old.Status){
c.Description = null; // whichever field you want to wipe
Edit about 0 code solutions
Look into workflows, flows and process builder. Actually if you're starting fresh maybe focus on flows, the other 2 are bit passe and SF recommends migrating away: https://admin.salesforce.com/blog/2021/go-with-the-flow-whats-happening-with-workflow-rules-and-process-builder
Have a look at these and if you're stuck: consider posting at dedicated https://salesforce.stackexchange.com. StackOverflow is really for code related stuff, you'll reach more admins over there.

Intercepting filter/sort/column "model" changes / transactions

I would like to control the grid's sorting, filtering, and column states with an external store. Ideally I want to intercept the filterChanged and sortChanged events, emit them to the store, and let the store update the grid programmatically using the grid API.
readonly GRID_CONFIG: GridOptions = {
onSortChanged: (event: SortChangedEvent) => {
// Tell store that the sort changed
onFilterChanged: (event: FilterChangedEvent) => {
// Tell store that the filter changed
onFilterModified: (event: FilterModifiedEvent) => {
// This isn't useful because it only relates to the floating filters pre-apply...
Unfortunately, once the onFilterChanged and onSortChanged events are called, the grid has already been updated, so the updates from the store are redundant.
The closest thing to what I want is isApplyServerSideTransaction, as this callback allows cancelling the transaction.
isApplyServerSideTransaction: (params: IsApplyServerSideTransactionParams) => {
// Emit model changes to the store so that the store can update the grid
// Do not update the grid (redundant)
return false;
However, this is only supported for Server Side Row Model Full mode. This callback is never fired in my case, since I am using partial mode.
Are there any other tricks for hooking into the model changes before they're applied, or is this just not supported?
Update: I'm specifically trying to intercept the UI-triggered changes to the sort/filter model. I know this can be achieved with custom filters (and maybe custom headers?) but I'd much rather leverage Ag-Grid's built-in UI than build a whole custom copy, just to intercept one event.
Since you are using Server-side Row Model, the getRows callback is fired whenever the Grid is requesting data, i.e. whenever you filter/sort/group etc. So if you want to intercept what is being returned to the Grid, you should do it inside the getRows callback.

Avoiding repetitive calls when creating reactfire hooks

When initializing a component using reactfire, each time I add a reactfire hook (e.g. useFirestoreDocData), it triggers a re-render and therefore repeats all previous initialization. For example:
const MyComponent = props => {
const firestore = useFirestore();
const ref = firestore.doc('count/counter');
const { value } = useFirestoreDocDataOnce(ref);
return <span>{value}</span>;
will output:
This seems wasteful, is there a way to avoid this?
This is particularly problematic when I need the result of one reactfire hook to create another (e.g. retrieve data from one document to determine which other document to read) and it duplicates the server calls.
See React's documentation of Suspense.
Particulary that part: Approach 3: Render-as-You-Fetch (using Suspense)
Reactfire uses this mechanics. It is not supposed to fetch more than one time for each call even if the line is executed more than once. The mechanics behind "understand" that the fetch is already done and will start the next one.
In your case, react try to render your component, see it needs to fetch, stop rendering and show suspense's fallback while fetching. When fetch is done it retry to render your component and as the fetch is completed it will render completely.
You can confirm in your network tab that each calls is done only once.
I hope I'm clear, please don't hesitate to ask for more details if i'm not.

Saving a score to firebase with attached values

What I'm wanting to accomplish is save a score to firebase that has two values attached to it. Here's the code that writes the score to firebase.
func writeToFirebase() {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {
self.ref = Database.database().reference()
if GameManager.instance.getTopScores().contains(GameManager.instance.getGameScore()) {
.updateChildValues( [
"vehicle": GameManager.instance.getVehicleSelected()
The issue I'm having is when a new score is saved with its values it sometimes overwrites the other scores. This seems to be random and its not when they're the same score or anything like that. Sometimes it will only overwrite one score and sometimes multiple. I'm watching firebase and I can see it being overwritten, it turns red and then is deleted. Sometimes the new score being added will be red and get deleted. The score doesn't need to be a child, but I don't know how to attach values to it if it's not. Any help is appreciated
This issue seems to happen occasionally so I am going to post my comment as an answer.
There are situations where an observer may be added to a node and when data changes in that node, like a write or update, it will fire that observer which may then overwrite the existing data with nil.
You can see this visually in the console as when the write occurs, you can see the data change/update, then it turns red and then mysteriously vanishes.
As suggested in my comment, add a breakpoint to the function that performs the write and run the code. See if that function is called twice (or more). If that's the case, the first write is storing the data properly but upon calling it a second time, the values being written are probably nil, which then makes the node 'go away' as Firebase nodes cannot exist without a value.
Generally speaking if you see your data turn red and vanish, it's likely caused by nil values being written to the node.

How to setBusy(false) Indicator SAPUI5 for all controls at one time

we want to take care that all running busy indicators will be stopped after a couple of time. How can we do that? For the moment we use setBusy(false) for each control.
Thanks a lot!
I think that you should change your overall approach because it's not a good UI/UX pattern.
First of all, why do you have more than one busy control in your view? For instance, you if you are loading record in a list you just set busy the list, not the whole page. If you are submitting a form data, you set busy only the form not everything else.
Second of all, why do you say "For the moment we use setBusy(false) for each control"? You should remove the busy state after a specific event. For istance when you finished to load list's result or you get the result of a form submission.
Anyway, to solve your current issue, the best approach is to use XML binding with a temporary JSON model.
You could have a JSON model like with content like this:
busy: false
and you bind the busy property of the control to youtJSONModel>/busy at this point when you need to set the control to a busy state you can do this.getView().getModel("youtJSONModel").setProperty("/busy", true); and when you have finished the operation you can do this.getView().getModel("youtJSONModel").setProperty("/busy", false);