How can I see where my object locate manually - ceph

Instead of performing a lookup in the metadata table for every client request, the
CRUSH algorithm enables the client to independently computes where data should
be written to or read from. By deriving this metadata dynamically, there is no need to
manage a centralized table. I know CRUSH use rjenkins HASH. but I want to do it
manually to see where my data go and how CRUSH locate my replica manually.
I want to learn more a bout how ceph works.

A good starting point is the CRUSH white paper by Sage A. Weil, Scott A. Brandt, Ethan L. Miller and Carlos Maltzahn. Enjoy the read.
And of course there is the an article about RADOS the fundamental storage of Ceph. Same authors.


MongoDB/CouchDB for storing files + replication?

if I would like to store a lot of files + replicate the db, what NoSql databse would be the best for this kind of job?
I was testing MongoDB and CouchDB and these DBs are really nice and easy to use. If it would be possible I would use one of them for storing files. Now I see the difference between Mongo and Couch, but I cannot explain which one is better for storing files. And if Im talking about storing files I mean files with 10-50MB but also maybe files with 50-500MB - and maybe a lot of updates.
I found here a nice table:
Still not sure which of these properties are the best for filestoring and replication. But maybe I should choose another NoSql DB?
That table is way out of date:
Master-Slave replication has been deprecated in favour of replica sets for starters and also consistency is wrong there as well. You will want to completely re-read this section on the MongoDB docs.
Map/Reduce is only JavaScript, there is no others.
I have no idea what that table means by attachments but GridFS is a storage standard built into the drivers to help make storing large files in MongoDB easier. Meta-data is also supported through this method.
MongoDB is on version 2.2 so anything it mentions about versions before is now obsolete (i.e. sharding and single server durability).
I do not have personal experience with CouchDBs interface for storing files however I wouldn't be surprised if there was hardly any differences between the two. I would think this part is too subjective for us to answer and you will need to just go for which one suites you better.
It is actually possible to build MongoDB clusters multi-regional (which S3 buckets are not and cannot be replicated as such without work) and replicate the most accessed files in a specific part of the world through MongoDB to these clusters.
I mean the main upshot I have found at times is that MongoDB can act like S3 and Cloudfront put together which is great since you have the redundant storage and the ability to distribute your data.
However that being said S3 is very valid option here and I would seriously give it a try, you might not be looking for the same stuff as me in a content network.
Database storage of files do not come without their serious downsides, however speed shouldn't be a huge problem here since you should get the same speed from a none Cloudfront fronted S3 as you should get from MongoDB really (remember S3 is a redundant storage network, not a CDN).
If you were to use S3 you would then store a row in your database that points to the file and houses meta-data about it.
There is a project called CBFS by Dustin Sallings (one of the Couchbase founders, and creator of spymemcached and core contributor of memcached) and Marty Schoch that uses Couchbase and Go.
It's an Infinite Node file store with redundancy and replication. Basically your very own S3 that supports lots of different hardware and sizes. It uses REST HTTP PUT/GET/DELETE, etc. so very easy to use. Very fast, very powerful.
CBFS on Github:
Blog Post:
Diverse Hardware:
Other Cool Visuals:
Contact me if you have questions and I can put you in touch.
Have you considered Amazon S3 as an option? It's highly available, proven and has redundant storage etc....
CouchDB, even though I personally like it a lot as it works very well with node.js, has the disadvantage that you need to compact it regularly if you don't want to waste too much diskspace. In your case if you are going to be doing a lot of updates to the same documents, that might be an issue.
I can't really commment on MongoDB as I haven't used it, but again, if file storage is your main concern, then have a look at S3 and similar as they are completely focused on filestorage.
You could combine the two where you store your meta data in a NoSql or Sql datastore and your actual files in a separate file store but keeping those 2 stores in sync and replicated might be tricky.

NoSQL for time series/logged instrument reading data that is also versioned

My Data
It's primarily monitoring data, passed in the form of Timestamp: Value, for each monitored value, on each monitored appliance. It's regularly collected over many appliances and many monitored values.
Additionally, it has the quirky feature of many of these data values being derived at the source, with the calculation changing from time to time. This means that my data is effectively versioned, and I need to be able to simply call up only data from the most recent version of the calculation. Note: This is not versioning where the old values are overwritten. I simply have timestamp cutoffs, beyond which the data changes its meaning.
My Usage
Downstream, I'm going to have various undefined data mining/machine learning uses for the data. It's not really clear yet what those uses are, but it is clear that I will be writing all of the downstream code in Python. Also, we are a very small shop, so I can really only deal with so much complexity in setup, maintenance, and interfacing to downstream applications. We just don't have that many people.
The Choice
I am not allowed to use a SQL RDBMS to store this data, so I have to find the right NoSQL solution. Here's what I've found so far:
Looks totally fine to me, but it seems like some of the major users have moved on. It makes me wonder if it's just not going to be that much of a vibrant ecosystem. This SE post seems to have good things to say: Cassandra time series data
Again, this seems fine, but I'm concerned that this is not a major, actively developed platform. It seems like this would leave me a bit starved for tools and documentation.
I have a, perhaps irrational, intense dislike for the Mongo crowd, and I'm looking for any reason to discard this as a solution. It seems to me like the data model of Mongo is all wrong for things with such a static, regular structure. My data even comes in (and has to stay in) order. That said, everybody and their mother seems to love this thing, so I'm really trying to evaluate its applicability. See this and many other SE posts: What NoSQL DB to use for sparse Time Series like data?
This is where I'm currently leaning. It seems like the successor to Cassandra with a totally usable approach for my problem. That said, it is a big piece of technology, and I'm concerned about really knowing what it is I'm signing up for, if I choose it.
This is basically a time-series specific database, built on top of HBase. Perfect, right? I don't know. I'm trying to figure out what another layer of abstraction buys me.
My Criteria
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
So, which NoSQL database actually can help me address my needs? It can be anything, from my list or not. I'm just trying to understand what platform actually has code, not just usage patterns, that support my super specific, well understood needs. I'm not asking which one is best or which one is cooler. I'm trying to understand which technology can most natively store and manipulate this type of data.
Any thoughts?
It sounds like you are describing one of the most common use cases for Cassandra. Time series data in general is often a very good fit for the cassandra data model. More specifically many people store metric/sensor data like you are describing. See:
As far as your concerns with the community I'm not sure what is giving you that impression, but there is quite a large community (see irc, mailing lists) as well as a growing number of cassandra users.
Regarding your criteria:
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
See above links
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
If I understand your description correctly you could solve this multiple ways. You could start writing a new row when the version changes. Alternatively you could use composite columns to store the version along with the timestamp/value pair.
I'll also note that Accumulo, HBase, and Cassandra all have essentially the same data model. You will still find small differences around the data model in regards to specific features that each database offers, but the basics will be the same.
The bigger difference between the three will be the architecture of the system. Cassandra takes its architecture from Amazon's Dynamo. Every server in the cluster is the same and it is quite simple to setup. HBase and Accumulo or more direct clones of BigTable. These have more moving parts and will require more setup/types of servers. For example, setting up HDFS, Zookeeper, and HBase/Accumulo specific server types.
Disclaimer: I work for DataStax (we work with Cassandra)
I only have experience in Cassandra and MongoDB but my experience might add something.
So your basically doing time based metrics?
Ok if I understand right you use the timestamp as a versioning mechanism so that you query per a certain timestamp, say to get the latest calculation used you go based on the metric ID or whatever and get ts DESC and take off the first row?
It sounds like a versioned key value store at times.
With this in mind I probably would not recommend either of the two I have used.
Cassandra is too rigid and it's too heirachal, too based around how you query to the point where you can only make one pivot of graph data from (I presume you would wanna graph these metrics) the columfamily which is crazy, hence why I dropped it. As for searching (which Facebook use it for, and only that) it's not that impressive either.
MongoDB, well I love MongoDB and I am an elite of the user group and it could work here if you didn't use a key value storage policy but at the end of the day if your mind is not set and you don't like the tech then let me be the very first to say: don't use it! You will be no good at a tech that you don't like so stay away from it.
Though I would picture this happening in Mongo much like:
_id: ObjectID(),
metricId: 'AvailableMessagesInQueue',
formula: '4+5/10.01',
result: NaN
ts: ISODate()
And you query for the latest version of your calculation by:
var results = db.metrics.find({ 'metricId': 'AvailableMessagesInQueue' }).sort({ ts: -1 });
var latest = results.getNext();
Which would output the doc structure you see above. Without knowing more of exactly how you wish to query and the general servera and app scenario etc thats the best I can come up with.
I fond this thread on HBase though:
Which might be of interest, it seems to support the argument that HBase is a good time based key value store.
I have not personally used HBase so do not take anything I say about it seriously....
I hope I have added something, if not you could try narrowing your criteria so we can answer more dedicated questions.
Hope it helps a little,
Not a plug for any particular technology but this article on Time Series storage using MongoDB might provide another way of thinking about the storage of large amounts of "sensor" data.
Axibase Time-Series Database
Open source
There is a free Community Edition
Works well with Python There are also other language wrappers, for example ATSD R client.
Appropriate for a small team
Built-in graphics and rule engine make it productive for building an in-house reporting, dashboarding, or monitoring solution with less coding.
Very well documented
It's hard to beat IBM redbooks, but we're trying. API, configuration, and administration is documented in detail and with examples.
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
It's a time-series database from the ground-up so aggregation, filtering and non-parametric ARIMA and HW forecasts are available.
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
ATSD supports versioned time-series data natively in SE and EE editions. Versions keep track of status, change-time and source changes for the same timestamp for audit trails and reconciliations. It's a useful feature to have if you need clean, verified data with tracing. Think energy metering, PHMR records. ATSD schema also supports series tags, which you could use to store versioning columns manually if you're on CE edition or you need to extend default versioning columns: status, source, change-time.
Disclosure - I work for the company that develops ATSD.

Difference between Memcached and Hadoop?

What is the basic difference between Memcached and Hadoop? Microsoft seems to do memcached with the Windows Server AppFabric.
I know memcached is a giant key value hashing function using multiple servers. What is hadoop and how is hadoop different from memcached? Is it used to store data? objects? I need to save giant in memory objects, but it seems like I need some kind of way of splitting this giant objects into "chunks" like people are talking about. When I look into splitting the object into bytes, it seems like Hadoop is popping up.
I have a giant class in memory with upwards of 100 mb in memory. I need to replicate this object, cache this object in some fashion. When I look into caching this monster object, it seems like I need to split it like how google is doing. How is google doing this. How can hadoop help me in this regard. My objects are not simple structured data. It has references up and down the classes inside, etc.
Any idea, pointers, thoughts, guesses are helpful.
memcached [ ] is a single focused distributed caching technology.
apache hadoop [ ] is a framework for distributed data processing - targeted at google/amazon scale many terrabytes of data. It includes sub-projects for the different areas of this problem - distributed database, algorithm for distributed processing, reporting/querying, data-flow language.
The two technologies tackle different problems. One is for caching (small or large items) across a cluster. And the second is for processing large items across a cluster. From your question it sounds like memcached is more suited to your problem.
Memcache wont work due to its limit on the value of object stored.
memcache faq . I read some place that this limit can be increased to 10 mb but i am unable to find the link.
For your use case I suggest giving mongoDB a try.
mongoDb faq . MongoDB can be used as alternative to memcache. It provides GridFS for storing large file systems in the DB.
You need to use pure Hadoop for what you need (no HBASE, HIVE etc). The Map Reduce mechanism will split your object into many chunks and store it in Hadoop. The tutorial for Map Reduce is here. However, don't forget that Hadoop is, in the first place, a solution for massive compute and storage. In your case I would also recommend checking Membase which is implementation of Memcached with addition storage capabilities. You will not be able to map reduce with memcached/membase but those are still distributed and your object may be cached in a cloud fashion.
Picking a good solution depends on requirements of the intended use, say the difference between storing legal documents forever to a free music service. For example, can the objects be recreated or are they uniquely special? Would they be requiring further processing steps (i.e., MapReduce)? How quickly does an object (or a slice of it) need to be retrieved? Answers to these questions would affect the solution set widely.
If objects can be recreated quickly enough, a simple solution might be to use Memcached as you mentioned across many machines totaling sufficient ram. For adding persistence to this later, CouchBase (formerly Membase) is worth a look and used in production for very large game platforms.
If objects CANNOT be recreated, determine if S3 and other cloud file providers would not meet requirements for now. For high-throuput access, consider one of the several distributed, parallel, fault-tolerant filesystem solutions: DDN (has GPFS and Lustre gear), Panasas (pNFS). I've used DDN gear and it had a better price point than Panasas. Both provide good solutions that are much more supportable than a DIY BackBlaze.
There are some mostly free implementations of distributed, parallel filesystems such as GlusterFS and Ceph that are gaining traction. Ceph touts an S3-compatible gateway and can use BTRFS (future replacement for Lustre; getting closer to production ready). Ceph architecture and presentations. Gluster's advantage is the option for commercial support, although there could be a vendor supporting Ceph deployments. Hadoop's HDFS may be comparable but I have not evaluated it recently.

NoSQL database and many semi-large blobs

Is there a NoSQL (or other type of) database suitable for storing a large number (i.e. >1 billion) of "medium-sized" blobs (i.e. 20 KB to 2 MB). All I need is a mapping from A (an identifier) to B (a blob), the ability to retrieve "B" given A, a consistent external API for access, and the ability to "just add another computer" to scale the system.
Something simpler than a database, e.g. a distributed key-value system, may just fine, and I'd appreciate any thoughts along that vein as well.
Thank you for reading.
If your API requirements are purely along the lines of "Get(key), Put(key,blob), Remove(key)" then a key-value store (or more accurately a "Persistent distributed hash table") is exactly what you are looking for.
There a quite a few of these available, but without additional information it is hard to make a solid recommendation - What OS are you targeting? Which language(s) are you developing with? What are the I/O characteristics of your app (cold/immutable data such as images? high write loads aka tweets?)
Some of the KV systems worth looking into:
- MemcacheDB
- Berkeley DB
- Voldemort
You may also want to look into document stores such as CouchDB or RavenDB*. Document Stores are similar to KV stores but they understand the persistence format (usually JSON) so they can provide additional services such as indexing.
If you are developing in .Net then skip directly to RavenDB (you'll thank me later)
What about Jackrabbit?
Apache Jackrabbit™ is a fully
conforming implementation of the
Content Repository for Java Technology
API (JCR, specified in JSR 170 and
A content repository is a hierarchical
content store with support for
structured and unstructured content,
full text search, versioning,
transactions, observation, and more.
I knew Jackrabbit when I worked with Liferay CMS. Liferay uses Jackrabbit to implement its Document Library. It stores user files in the server's file system.
You'll also want to take a look at Riak. Riak is very focused on doing exactly what you're asking (just add node, easy to access).

Long term source code archiving: Is it possible?

I'm curious about keeping source code around reliably and securely for several years. From my research/experience:
Optical media, such as burned DVD-R's lose bits of data over time. After a couple years, I don't get all the files off that I put on them. Read errors, etc.
Hard drives are mechanical and subject to failure/obsolescence with expensive data recovery fees, that hardly keep your data private (you send it away to some company).
Magnetic tape storage: see #2.
Online storage is subject to the whim of some data storage center, the security or lack of security there, and the possibility that the company folds, etc. Plus it's expensive, and you can't guarantee that they aren't peeking in.
I've found over time that I've lost source code to old projects I've done due to these problems. Are there any other solutions?
Summary of answers:
1. Use multiple methods for redundancy.
2. Print out your source code either as text or barcode.
3. RAID arrays are better for local storage.
4. Open sourcing your project will make it last forever.
5. Encryption is the answer to security.
6. Magnetic tape storage is durable.
7. Distributed/guaranteed online storage is cheap and reliable.
8. Use source control to maintain history, and backup the repo.
The best answer is "in multiple places". If I were concerned about keeping my source code for as long as possible I would do:
1) Backup to some optical media on a regular basis, say burn it to DVD once a month and archive it offsite.
2) Back it up to multiple hard drives on my local machines
3) Back it up to Amazon's S3 service. They have guarantees, it's a distributed system so no single points of failure and you can easily encrypt your data so they can't "peek" at it.
With those three steps your chances of losing data are effectively zero. There is no such thing as too many backups for VERY important data.
Based on your level of paranoia, I'd recommend a printer and a safe.
More seriously, a RAID array isn't so expensive anymore, and so long as you continue to use and monitor it, a properly set-up array is virtually guaranteed never to lose data.
Any data you want to keep should be stored in multiple places on multiple formats. While the odds of any one failing may be significant, the odds of all of them failing are pretty small.
I think you'd be surprised how reasonably priced online storage is these days. Amazon S3 (simple storage solution) is $0.10 per gigabyte per month, with upload costs of $0.10 per GB and download costing $0.17 per GB maximum.
Therefore, if you stored 20GB for a month, uploaded 20GB and downloaded 20GB it would cost you $8.40 (slightly more expensive in the European data center at $9).
That's cheap enough to store your data in both US and EU data centers AND on dvd - the chances of losing all three are slim, to say the least.
There are also front-ends available, such as JungleDisk.
The best way to back up your projects is to make them open source and famous. That way there will always be people with a copy of it and able to send it to you.
After that, just care of the magnetic/optical media, continued renewal of it and multiple copies (online as well, remember you can encrypt it) on multiple media (including, why not, RAID sets)
If you want to archive something for a long time, I would go with a tape drive. They may not hold a whole lot, but they are reliable and pretty much the storage medium of choice for data archiving. I've never personally experienced dataloss on a tape drive, however.
Don't forget to use Subversion ( I subversion my whole life (it's awesome).
The best home-usable solution I've seen was printing out the backups using a 2D barcode - the data density was fairly high, it could be re-scanned fairly easily (presuming a sheet-feeding scanner), and it moved the problem from the digital domain back into the physical one - which is fairly easily met by something like a safe deposit box, or a company like Iron Mountain.
The other answer is 'all of the above'. Redundancy always helps.
For my projects, I use a combination of 1, 2, & 4. If it's really important data, you need to have multiple copies in multiple places. My important data is replicated to 3-4 locations every night.
If you want a simpler solution, I recommend you get an online storage account from a well known provider which has an insured reliability guarantee. If you are worried about security, only upload data inside TrueCrypt encrypted archives. As far as cost, it will probably be pricey... But if it's really that important the cost is nothing.
For regulatory mandated archival of electronic data, we keep the data on a RAID and on backup tapes in two separate locations (one of which is Iron Mountain). We also replace the tapes and RAID every few years.
If you need to keep it "forever" probably the safest way is to print out the code and stick that in a plastic envelope to keep it safe from the elements. I can't tell you how much code I've lost to a backup means which are no longer reachable.... I don't have a paper card reader to read my old cobol deck, no drive for my 5 1/4" floppies, or my 3 1/2" floppies. but yet the print out that I made of my first big project still sits readable...even after my once 3 year old decided that it would make a good coloring book.
When you state "back up source code", I hope you include in your meaning the backing up of your version control system too.
Backing your current source code (to multiple places) is definitely critical, but backing up your history of changes as preseved by your VCS is paramount in my opinion. It may seem trivial especially when we are always "living in the present, looking towards the future". However, there have been way too many times when we have wanted to look backward to investigate an issue, review the chain of changes, see who did what, whether we can rollback to a previous build/version. All the more important if you practise heavy branching and merging. Archiving a single trunk will not do.
Your version control system may come with documentation and suggestions on backup strategies.
One way would be to periodically recycle your storage media, i.e. read data off the decaying medium and write it to a fresh one. There exist programs to assist you with this, e.g. dvdisaster. In the end, nothing lasts forever. Just pick the least annoying solution.
As for #2: you can store data in encrypted form to prevent data recovery experts from making sense of it.
I think Option 2 works well enough if you have the write backup mechanisms in place. They need not be expensive ones involving a third-party, either (except for disaster recovery).
A RAID 5 configured server would do the trick. If a hard drive fails, replace it. It is HIGHLY unlikely that all the hard drives will fail at the same time. Even a mirrored RAID 1 drive would be good enough in some cases.
If option 2 still seems like a crappy solution, the only other thing I can think of is to print out hard-copies of the source code, which has many more problems than any of the above solutions.
Online storage is subject to the whim of some data storage center, the security or lack of security there, and the possibility that the company folds, etc. Plus it's expensive,
Not necessarily expensive (see for example), nor insecure. You can certainly encrypt your stuff too.
and you can't guarantee that they aren't peeking in.
True, but there's probably much more interesting stuff to peek at than your source-code. ;-)
More seriously, a RAID array isn't so expensive anymore
RAID is not backup.
I was just talking with a guy who is an expert in microfilm. While it is an old technology, for long term storage it is one of the most enduring forms of data storage if properly maintained. It doesn't require sophisticated equipment (magifying lens and a light) to read altough storing it may take some work.
Then again, as was previously mentioned, if you are only talking in the spans of a few years instead of decades printing it off to paper and storing it in a controlled environment is probable the best way. If you want to get really creative you could laminate every sheet!
Drobo for local backup
DVD for short-term local archiving
Amazon S3 for off-site,long-term archiving