Insert field only if not null - mongodb

I have a Mongodb document which I want to update with some information that I receive from a form. The original document in Mongodb has the following data:
{"id":1, "name": "James", "surname1": "Adams"} [id is univoque]
The information obtained from the form is the following (it's structure is always the same):
id = 1
name = "James"
surname1 = "Adams"
surname2 = ""
synced = 1
In order to update this document from the collection foo, I am doing the following operation:
mongoClient = MongoClient('localhost:27017').db
mongoClient["foo"].update({"id" : id}, {"$set" : {"name" : name, "surname1" : surname1, "surname2" : surname2, "synced" : synced}})
This will create an empty field for surname2. And here goes my question: which is the most pythonic way to insert in Mongodb only those fields which are not empty? Could this be done with inner Mongodb logic or this could only be performed with some Python checks of the input data?

The trick is to pop() the items from the record before loading. Try this as an example:
from pymongo import MongoClient
mongoClient = MongoClient('localhost:27017').db
# Setup some test data
for i in range(3):
mongoClient["foo"].insert({"id": i, "name": "James", "surname1": "Adams"})
# Simulate your incoming record
record = {"id": 1, "name": "James", "surname1": "Adams", "surname2": "", "synced": 1}
# Remove any empty items
for k, v in list(record.items()):
if v == '' or v is None:
mongoClient["foo"].update({"id": record['id']}, {"$set": record})
for item in mongoClient["foo"].find({}, {"_id": 0}):
{'id': 0, 'name': 'James', 'surname1': 'Adams'}
{'id': 1, 'name': 'James', 'surname1': 'Adams', 'synced': 1}
{'id': 2, 'name': 'James', 'surname1': 'Adams'}

Wholesale document updates (where the entire database document is replaced) is expensive. If you have a way to detect the changes to a document within your application you can provide the database with targeted updates. This question was originally how to update documents in the database such that null or empty fields are removed to reduce the overall size of the document. Presumably this is to increase performance and reduce disk space consumption. Both admirable objectives. But here's the thing - not only do we want well structured documents on disk, we also must consider how we manage this data. Performing wholesale updates and replacing the entire document certainly makes development of the client easier, but it places burden on the database engine. MongoDB supports documents up to 16MB so the larger the document the more the impact of a wholesale document replacement becomes. Obviously targeted updates are preferable, but how do we do that? How do we know what fields are different between my incoming document and what is in the database? This is more of a philosophical question really. We could query the database and compare with the incoming document but then again that is an impact on the database. But consider this - for any document we want to update we must have originally sourced it from the database - right? Otherwise its a new document (an insert, not an update). If we did source it from the database then we have the ability to track what changes we made to the document. If that is true then our incoming data could be nothing more than a set of changes, rather than the whole document itself. Again this is philosophy, not science. So consider the scenario where the incoming data is changes, not the actual document. We could construct instructions to unset fields where they have been removed, and to update targeted fields where they are modified but remain. The orignal question was about how to create a 'pythonic' solution to strip blank fields but this question is really at the surface of a more in-depth problem of tracking change.


Which is a better MondoDB schema design?

In general, which is a better schema and why? I run into this same problem over and over again, and it seems to be mixed online with which is better.
The first schema has a single document for a location ID with a nested menu:
locationID: "xyz",
menu: [{item: "a", price: 1.0}, {item: "b", price: 2.0}...]
The second schema has multiple documents for a given location ID
locationID: "xyz",
item: "a",
price: 1.0
locationID: "xyz",
item: "b",
price: 2.0
The first schema seems like it's faster and doesn't duplicate the location ID so uses slightly less memory. The second schema seems slower since it has to gather the documents (perhaps it's indexed alphabetically though?), but it's so much easier to modify.
Is there a "firm" answer or guideline on this?
For the actual data you showed above, I would opt for the first design. The first design allows all menu items for a single location to be stored in, and retrieved from, a single Mongo document. As you pointed out, this would probably be faster than when using the second more normalized design.
As to when you might use the second version, consider the case where the menu item metadata be relatively large. For example, let's say that you wanted to store a 10KB image for each menu item. MongoDB has a limit of 16MB as the maximum size for a single BSON document. For locations with several hundred menu items, you might not be able to fit all menu items and their metadata info a single document. In such a case, the first option might be out and you would be forced to use the second option (or something else).

Inserting multiple key value pair data under single _id in cloudant db at various timings?

My requirement is to get json pair from mqtt subscriber at different timings under single_id in cloudant, but I'm facing error while trying to insert new json pair in existing _id, it simply replace old one. I need at least 10 json pair under one _id. Injecting at different timings.
First, you should make sure about your architectural decision to update a particular document multiple times. In general, this is discouraged, though it depends on your application. Instead, you could consider a way to insert each new piece of information as a separate document and then use a map-reduce view to reflect the state of your application.
For example (I'm going to assume that you have multiple "devices", each with some kind of unique identifier, that need to add data to a cloudant DB)
"info_a":"data a",
"info_b":"data b",
"info_a":"message a"
Then you'll need a map function like
function (doc) {
emit(doc.device_id, 1);
Then you can GET the results of that view to see all of the "info_X" data that is associated with the particular device.
Then you can use the query parameters to control the output, for example
"info_b":"data b",
"info_a":"data a",
And now you have the complete state for device_id:123.
Another issue is the rate at which you're updating your documents.
Bottom line recommendation is that if you are only updating the document once per ~minute or less frequently, then it could be reasonable for your application to update a single document. That is, you'd add new key-value pairs to the same document with the same _id value. In order to do that, however, you'll need to GET the full doc, add the new key-value pair, and then PUT that document back to the database. You must make sure that your are providing the most recent _rev of that document and you should also check for conflicts that could occur if the document is being updated by multiple devices.
If you are acquiring new data for a particular device at a high rate, you'll likely run into conflicts very frequently -- because cloudant is a distributed document store. In this case, you should follow something like the example I gave above.
Example flow for the second approach outlined by #gadamcox for use cases where document updates are not required very frequently:
[...] you'd add new key-value pairs to the same document with the same _id value. In order to do that, however, you'll need to GET the full doc, add the new key-value pair, and then PUT that document back to the database.
Your application first fetches the existing document by id: (
"_id": "100",
"_rev": "1-2902191555...",
"No": ["1"]
Then your application updates the document in memory
"_id": "100",
"_rev": "1-2902191555...",
"No": ["1","2"]
and saves it in the database by specifying the _id and _rev (
"_id": "100",
"_rev": "1-2902191555...",

mongodb upsert with conditional field update

I have a script that populates a mongo db from daily server log files. Log files come from a number of servers so the chronological order of the data is not guaranteed. To make this simple, let's say that the document schema is this:
_id: <username>,
first_seen: <date>,
last_seen: <date>,
most_recent_ip: <string>
that is, documents are indexed by the name of the user who accessed the server. For each user, we keep track of the first time the user was seen and the ip from the last visit.
Right now I handle this very inefficiently: first try an insert. If it fails, retrieve a record by _id, then calculate updated values (e.g. first_seen and most_recent_up), and finally update the record. This is 3 db calls per log entry, which makes the script's running time prohibitively long given the very high volume of data.
I'm wondering if I can replace this with an upsert instead. I can see how to handle first/last_seen: probably something like {$min: {'first_seen': <log_entry_date>}} (hope this works correctly when inserting a new doc). But how do I set most_recent_ip to the new value only when <log_entry_date> > $last_seen.
Is there generally a preferred pattern for my use case?
You can just use $set to set the most_recent_ip, e.g.
{$set:{most_recent_ip:""}, $min:{first_seen:new Date()}, $max:{last_seen:new Date()}},
{upsert: true}

Iterating over distinct items in one field in MongoDB

I have a very large collection (~7M items) in MongoDB, primarily consisting of documents with three fields.
I'd like to be able to iterate over all the unique values for one of the fields, in an expedient manner.
Currently, I'm querying for just that field, and then processing the returned results by iterating on the cursor for uniqueness. This works, but it's rather slow, and I suspect there must be a better way.
I know mongo has the db.collection.distinct() function, but this is limited by the maximum BSON size (16 MB), which my dataset exceeds.
Is there any way to iterate over something similar to the db.collection.distinct(), but using a cursor or some other method, so the record-size limit isn't as much of an issue?
I think maybe something like the map/reduce functionality would possibly be suited for this kind of thing, but I don't really understand the map-reduce paradigm in the first place, so I have no idea what I'm doing. The project I'm working on is partially to learn about working with different database tools, so I'm rather inexperienced.
I'm using PyMongo if it's relevant (I don't think it is). This should be mostly dependent on MongoDB alone.
For this dataset:
{"basePath" : "foo", "internalPath" : "Neque", "itemhash": "49f4c6804be2523e2a5e74b1ffbf7e05"}
{"basePath" : "foo", "internalPath" : "porro", "itemhash": "ffc8fd5ef8a4515a0b743d5f52b444bf"}
{"basePath" : "bar", "internalPath" : "quisquam", "itemhash": "cf34a8047defea9a51b4a75e9c28f9e7"}
{"basePath" : "baz", "internalPath" : "est", "itemhash": "c07bc6f51234205efcdeedb7153fdb04"}
{"basePath" : "foo", "internalPath" : "qui", "itemhash": "5aa8cfe2f0fe08ee8b796e70662bfb42"}
What I'd like to do is iterate over just the basePath field. For the above dataset, this means I'd iterate over foo, bar, and baz just once each.
I'm not sure if it's relevant, but the DB I have is structured so that while each field is not unique, the aggregate of all three is unique (this is enforced with an index).
The query and filter operation I'm currently using (note: I'm restricting the query to a subset of the items to reduce processing time):"Running path query")
itemCursor = self.dbInt.coll.find({"basePath": pathRE}, fields={'_id': False, 'internalPath': False, 'itemhash': False}, exhaust=True)"Query complete. Processing")"Query returned %d items", itemCursor.count())"Filtering returned items to require uniqueness.")
items = set()
for item in itemCursor:
# print item
items.add(item["basePath"])"total unique items = %s", len(items))
Running the same query with self.dbInt.coll.distinct("basePath") results in OperationFailure: command SON([('distinct', u'deduper_collection'), ('key', 'basePath')]) failed: exception: distinct too big, 16mb cap
Ok, here is the solution I wound up using. I'd add it as an answer, but I don't want to detract from the actual answers that got me here.
reStr = "^%s" % fqPathBase
pathRE = re.compile(reStr)"Running path query")
pipeline = [
{ "$match" :
"basePath" : pathRE
# Group the keys
"_id": "$basePath"
# Output to a collection "tmp_unique_coll"
{"$out": "tmp_unique_coll"}
itemCursor = self.dbInt.coll.aggregate(pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
itemCursor = self.dbInt.db.tmp_unique_coll.find(exhaust=True)"Query complete. Processing")"Query returned %d items", itemCursor.count())"Filtering returned items to require uniqueness.")
items = set()
retItems = 0
for item in itemCursor:
retItems += 1
items.add(item["_id"])"Recieved items = %d", retItems)"total unique items = %s", len(items))
General performance compared to my previous solution is about 2X in terms of wall-clock time. On a query that returns 834273 items, with 11467 uniques:
Original method(retreive, stuff into a python set to enforce uniqueness):
real 0m22.538s
user 0m17.136s
sys 0m0.324s
Aggregate pipeline method :
real 0m9.881s
user 0m0.548s
sys 0m0.096s
So while the overall execution time is only ~2X better, the aggregation pipeline is massively more performant in terms of actual CPU time.
I revisited this project recently, and rewrote the DB layer to use a SQL database, and everything was much easier. A complex processing pipeline is now a simple SELECT DISTINCT(colName) WHERE xxx operation.
Realistically, MongoDB and NoSQL databases in general are vary much the wrong database type for what I'm trying to do here.
From the discussion points so far I'm going to take a stab at this. And I'm also noting that as of writing, the 2.6 release for MongoDB should be just around the corner, good weather permitting, so I am going to make some references there.
Oh and the FYI that didn't come up in chat, .distinct() is an entirely different animal that pre-dates the methods used in the responses here, and as such is subject to many limitations.
And this soltion is finally a solution for 2.6 up, or any current dev release over 2.5.3
The alternative for now is use mapReduce because the only restriction is the output size
Without going into the inner workings of distinct, I'm going to go on the presumption that aggregate is doing this more efficiently [and even more so in upcoming release].
// Group the key and increment the count per match
{$group: { _id: "$basePath", count: {$sum: 1} }},
// Hey you can even sort it without breaking things
{$sort: { count: 1 }},
// Output to a collection "output"
{$out: "output"}
So we are using the $out pipeline stage to get the final result that is over 16MB into a collection of it's own. There you can do what you want with it.
As 2.6 is "just around the corner" there is one more tweak that can be added.
Use allowDiskUse from the runCommand form, where each stage can use disk and not be subject to memory restrictions.
The main point here, is that this is nearly live for production. And the performance will be better than the same operation in mapReduce. So go ahead and play. Install 2.5.5 for you own use now.
A MapReduce, in the current version of Mongo would avoid the problems of the results exceeding 16MB.
map = function() {
if(this['basePath']) {
emit(this['basePath'], 1);
// if basePath always exists you can just call the emit:
// emit(this.basePath);
reduce = function(key, values) {
return Array.sum(values);
For each document the basePath is emitted with a single value representing the count of that value. The reduce simply creates the sum of all the values. The resulting collection would have all unique values for basePath along with the total number of occurrences.
And, as you'll need to store the results to prevent an error using the out option which specifies a destination collection.
{ out: "distinctMR" }
#Neil Lunn 's answer could be simplified:
field = 'basePath' # Field I want
db.collection.aggregate( [{'$project': {field: 1, '_id': 0}}])
$project filters fields for you. In particular, '_id': 0 filters out the _id field.
Result still too large? Batch it with $limit and $skip:
field = 'basePath' # Field I want
db.collection.aggregate( [{'$project': {field: 1, '_id': 0}}, {'$limit': X}, {'$skip': Y}])
I think the most scalable solution is to perform a query for each unique value. The queries must be executed one after the other, and each query will give you the "next" unique value based on the previous query result. The idea is that the query will return you one single document, that will contain the unique value that you are looking for. If you use the proper projection, mongo will just use the index loaded into memory without having to read from disk.
You can define this strategy using $gt operator in mongo, but you must take into account values like null or empty strings, and potentially discard them using the $ne or $nin operator. You can also extend this strategy using multiple keys, using operators like $gte for one key and $gt for the other.
This strategy should give you the distinct values of a string field in alphabetical order, or distinct numerical values sorted ascendingly.

MongoDB: Speed of field ("inside record") search in comporation with speed of search in "global scope"

My question may be not very good formulated because I haven't worked with MongoDB yet, so I'd want to know one thing.
I have an object (record/document/anything else) in my database - in global scope.
And have a really huge array of other objects in this object.
So, what about speed of search in global scope vs search "inside" object? Is it possible to index all "inner" records?
Thanks beforehand.
So, like this
users: {
age: "18",
best_comments :
age: "18",
best_comments :
So, how can I make it fast to find user_maria->best_comments->goodnight (index context of collections "best_comment") ?
First of all, your example schema is very questionable. If you want to embed comments (which is a big if), you'd want to store them in an array for appropriate indexing. Also, post your schema in JSON format so we don't have to parse the whole name/value thing :
db.users {
age: 18,
best_comments: [
title: "goodnight",
comment: "23rr"
title: "sleeptired",
comment: "dsf3"
With that schema in mind you can put an index on name and best_comments.title for example like so :
db.users.ensureIndex({name:1, 'best_comments.title:1})
Then, when you want the query you mentioned, simply do
db.users.find({name:"maria", 'best_comments.title':"first"})
And the database will hit the index and will return this document very fast.
Now, all that said. Your schema is very questionable. You mention you want to query specific comments but that requires either comments being in a seperate collection or you filtering the comments array app-side. Additionally having huge, ever growing embedded arrays in documents can become a problem. Documents have a 16mb limit and if document increase in size all the time mongo will have to continuously move them on disk.
My advice :
Put comments in a seperate collection
Either do document per comment or make comment bucket documents (say,
100 comments per document)
Read up on Mongo/NoSQL schema design. You always query for root documents so if you end up needing a small part of a large embedded structure you need to reexamine your schema or you'll be pumping huge documents over the connection and require app-side filtering.
I'm not sure I understand your question but it sounds like you have one record with many attributes.
record = {'attr1':1, 'attr2':2, etc.}
You can create an index on any single attribute or any combination of attributes. Also, you can create any number of indices on a single collection (MongoDB collection == MySQL table), whether or not each record in the collection has the attributes being indexed on.
edit: I don't know what you mean by 'global scope' within MongoDB. To insert any data, you must define a database and collection to insert that data into.
Database 'Example':
Collection 'table1':
records: {a:1,b:1,c:1}
ensureIndex({a:ascending, d:ascending}) <- this will index on a, then by d; the fact that record 1 doesn't have an attribute 'd' doesn't matter, and this will increase query performance
edit 2:
Well first of all, in your table here, you are assigning multiple values to the attribute "name" and "value". MongoDB will ignore/overwrite the original instantiations of them, so only the final ones will be included in the collection.
I think you need to reconsider your schema here. You're trying to use it as a series of key value pairs, and it is not specifically suited for this (if you really want key value pairs, check out Redis).
Check out: