Where to find the latest up-to-date document for Google Play Billing Library? - in-app-billing

The official guide for Google Play Billing Library is obsolete as today (2019-12-11). Many APIs mentioned in the document are no longer available.
For example, the following sample code no longer works:
int responseCode = billingClient.launchBillingFlow(flowParams);
The latest method definition:
BillingResult launchBillingFlow (Activity activity,
BillingFlowParams params)
BillingClient.BillingResponse no longer exists. One should use BillingClient.BillingResponseCode that is not mentioned in the official guide.
Could anyone offer a link to an up-to-date guide? I have to be extremely careful in the migration to Google Play Billing Library from the deprecated Play Billing with AIDL. In-app-purchase errors can easily upset users understandably.
I am using:
implementation 'com.android.billingclient:billing:2.1.0'


How to make a dashboard with ASP.NET Core MVC

I am try to make a dashboard, I have google a soiution,but it need to pay money enter link description here.
Can someone teach me other way to do?
If you want to use the free version of the dashboard, you can use Grafana. It has a free version and a paid version. The effects are as follows:
Official website address:
Implementation steps :

Manage Facebook events in v2.0

Facebook GraphAPI v.1.0 allowed to manage (create, update, delete) events remotely (via API). This functionality seems not to be available in v2.0 and it says you can NOT create,update,delete (see the screenshot and source below).
V 1.0 will be discontinued from April 2015. But I can't find any official resources which says how this functionality will be available in the future. How to do it?
Does anybody know what is the best way to use in our new apps in order to keep the event management stable for long term (beyond 2015?

Is it/when will it be safe to release apps with Google Cloud Storage using JSON API?

I've noticed that the JSON API for Google Cloud Storage is, as it says, "Experimental", and that the URL's I'm supposed to use all have 'v1beta2' in it. It looks like it hasn't been touched since May 7th, and I'm wondering if it's worth creating a new project with this service as primary storage service if I'd want my app to go live in a month or two. Is there a release date somewhere, or is it more like "it'll take as long as it takes"-kinda thing?
Please don't downvote, I wanted to ask this in Google Cloud's own forum as this isn't a programmatic question, but as it turns out - their forum is linking me here to SO asking me to tag with 'google storage' for anything related to it.
The Google Cloud Storage JSON API is marked "experimental" to mark it as an exception to our deprecation policy. As we bring it to full release, there is a chance we may make some changes to the API, and this is why you see the special URLs. We don't have a date yet for full release. You should be able to use it just fine, if you are prepared to migrate your app to the official API when it is released.

Where do I find Google.Apis.Contacts.v3 for .NET?

There is a lot of different Google API dlls for .NET, for example Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. But nothing for Contacts API.
Using older versions or other approaches is not a solution because I already use v3 of several APIs. I need to add a Contacts API.
The Contacts API v3 is supported by the the .NET library for the Google Data API:
To learn more about its usage, please check the documentation:

Handling Google Instant inside Kynetx

How is the Kynetx plugin triggered? Is it by the page onload event?
Google Instant is interfering with the Kynetx plugin. WebScarab shows multiple GETs to Google on a search (Instant is ON) but no calls back to cs.kobj.net.
Does Kynetx have a plan to adapt their framework to handle Google's new Instant feature? Does it already exist? I can't find very much documentation on it.
Great question. The new search annotation functionality was completed within days of Google instant being released by Google. The in depth documentation for using the new search annotation functionality that is compatible with Google instant can be found at http://docs.kynetx.com/docs/NEW_Search_Annotation_V2.0