how to fix this problem about insert into new table from another table in mysql - mysql-workbench

so i want to insert the data buyer who do transaction in month 7, 8, 9 in 2017, i try my syntax but it was wrong
INSERT INTO julsept17_total2 (buyer_Id) SELECT b.buyer_id from order_buyer b where month(b.createdAt) in (7, 8, 9) and year(b.createdAt)=2017;
do you know where my wrong at?


How to format date in SSRS?

In SSRS report query is generating date as a column in the format of :
Sales ID20200331 ID20200430 ID20200531
To remove the ID i used following expression:
=Right( Fields!ID20210331.Value, len(Fields!ID20210331.Value) - 2)
This gives me 84, instead of removing ID.
How can I remove ID and format date as 2020 Mar etc.
If your fields values are "ID20200430" etc then in SSRS you can use something like this..
MID(Fields!IDDate.Value, 3, 4),
MID(Fields!IDDate.Value, 7, 2),
RIGHT(Fields!IDDate.Value, 2)
However It appears that it's your column [names] that represent dates is this correct?
If this is true, then you would have to UNPIVOT the columns in SQL then convert the resulting values into a real date format.
Here' some sample data to show how to do this.
DECLARE #t TABLE (Sales varchar(10), ID20200331 int, ID20200430 int, ID20200531 int)
('A', 1,2,3),
('B', 4,5,6),
('C', 7,8,9)
Sales, IdDate, SomeNumber
, MyDate = DATEFROMPARTS(SUBSTRING(IdDate, 3, 4), SUBSTRING(IdDate, 7, 2), SUBSTRING(IdDate, 9, 2))
SomeNumber FOR IdDate IN ([ID20200331],[ID20200430],[ID20200531])
) unpvt
Which gives us this including the myDate column which is the correct date type
You could then use this in a matrix control in SSRS to get the data back into a pivoted view

How to Order By a column but array come first

(Sorry for my bad English)
I have an array of users ids as below:
[5, 9, 3, 22, 16]
Obviously the values are dynamic.
Now, I need to SELECT all users but users with above ids come first.
What I've tried so far?
This query gives me exact answer :
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (5, 9, 3, 22, 16)
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id NOT IN (5, 9, 3, 22, 16);
But is there any better way?
I'm using PostgreSQL 10.
Try this:
select *
from users
order by id not in (5, 9, 3, 22, 16), id
As stated in the documentation, an expression used in the ORDER BY clause
can be an arbitrary expression formed from input-column values.
In particular, you can use a Boolean expression, as values of this type are sortable. Note that false < true.
You can use CASE statements on your ORDER BY, I'll give you an example:
select *
from users
order by
WHEN id=9 THEN 2
WHEN id=3 THEN 3
WHEN id=22 THEN 4
WHEN id=16 THEN 5
END, id
With CASE you can tell postgres the "priority" or value you want for each id if you know them beforehand. After that I added "id" so the rest of the rows gets ordered properly.

Cascading delete on table that references itself

I have a table (say 'MyTable') that can reference itself, ie. it has a ParentId that can point to another record in the same table (so you can store a tree of related nodes).
The problem is that when I try to delete all records that are children of a specific parent, I get the following exception (using EF 6):
The DELETE statement conflicted with the SAME TABLE REFERENCE constraint "FK_dbo.MyTable_dbo.MyTable_ParentId". The conflict occurred in database "foo", table "dbo.MyTable", column 'ParentId'.
The statement has been terminated.
(I'm executing a Sql command like this context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM [MyTable] WHERE ParentId = {0}", parentId);
I tried to fix it by adding a Children property and use fluent api to set cascading delete like this:
.HasMany(t => t.Children)
.WithOptional(t => t.Parent)
But that gives the following error:
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_dbo.MyTable_dbo.MyTable_ParentId' on table 'MyTable' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Also when I manually remove the FK and recreate it with ON CASCADE DELETE I get the same error.
I'm a bit lost now on how to fix this.. so any ideas are welcome :)
USE tempdb;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Employees') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Employees;
mgrid INT NULL REFERENCES #Employees,
empname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_unc_mgrid_empid ON #Employees(mgrid, empid);
INSERT INTO #Employees(empid, mgrid, empname) VALUES
(1, NULL, 'David'),
(2, 1, 'Eitan'),
(3, 1, 'Ina'),
(4, 2, 'Seraph'),
(5, 2, 'Jiru'),
(6, 2, 'Steve'),
(7, 3, 'Aaron'),
(8, 5, 'Lilach'),
(9, 7, 'Rita'),
(10, 5, 'Sean'),
(11, 7, 'Gabriel'),
(12, 9, 'Emilia'),
(13, 9, 'Michael'),
(14, 9, 'Didi');
DELETE FROM #Employees WHERE mgrid = 9
SELECT * FROM #Employees;

Bulk insert and update in one query sqlite

is there any way to insert and update bulk data in same query. I have seen many likes but not getting solution. I get a code but its not working
INSERT INTO `demo1` (`id`,`uname`,`address`)
VALUES (1, 2, 3),
VALUES (6, 5, 4),
VALUES (7, 8, 9)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id` = VALUES(32), `uname` = VALUES (b),`address` = VALUES(c)
Can any one help me.
SQLite has the REPLACE statement (which is an alias for INSERT OR REPLACE), but this just deletes the old row if a duplicate key is found.
If you want to keep data from the old row(s), you must use two statements for each row:
db.execute("UPDATE demo1 SET ... WHERE id = 1")
if db.affected_rows == 0:
db.execute("INSERT ...")

BIRT reporting - use the same parameter multiply times in a sql query

I have this where clause:
WHERE p.ROLE = 'doctor'
AND((p6.PA_Name='Event_Day_From' AND p6.PA_Value>= SUBSTRING('01.01.2012', 1, 2))
AND (p7.PA_Name='Event_Month_From' AND p7.PA_Value>=SUBSTRING('01.01.2012', 4, 2))
AND (p8.PA_Name='Event_Year_From' AND P8.PA_Value>=SUBSTRING('01.01.2012', 7, 4)))
AND ((p9.PA_Name='Event_Day_To' AND P9.PA_Value<=SUBSTRING('30.12.2012', 1, 2))
AND (p10.PA_Name='Event_Month_To' AND P10.PA_Value<=SUBSTRING('30.12.2012', 4, 2))
AND (p11.PA_Name='Event_Year_To' AND P11.PA_Value<=SUBSTRING('30.12.2012', 7, 4)))
after the above I have an union all and at the end I have another WHERE clause exacly the same as the above.
In BIRT a parameter can be passed and you have to insert ? in the SQL query where you need it to be passed. As you can see I have a start date and an end date wich will be passed trough an user input. Now my problem is that I have no idea how to pass the SDate parameter to all the start dates and the EndDate parameter to all the end dates
Is there a solution for my problem?
I solved this problem by creating table with a single row from the parameters, and attaching it to the report query like so:
,(select ? SDate, ? EDate) params
WHERE p.ROLE = 'doctor'
AND((p6.PA_Name='Event_Day_From' AND p6.PA_Value>= SUBSTRING(params.SDate, 1, 2))
AND (p7.PA_Name='Event_Month_From' AND p7.PA_Value>=SUBSTRING(params.SDate, 4, 2))
AND (p8.PA_Name='Event_Year_From' AND P8.PA_Value>=SUBSTRING(params.SDate, 7, 4)))
AND ((p9.PA_Name='Event_Day_To' AND P9.PA_Value<=SUBSTRING(params.EDate, 1, 2))
AND (p10.PA_Name='Event_Month_To' AND P10.PA_Value<=SUBSTRING(params.EDate, 4, 2))
AND (p11.PA_Name='Event_Year_To' AND P11.PA_Value<=SUBSTRING(params.EDate, 7, 4)))
Hope this helps.
**I use this method on a PostgreSQL database currently.
[EDIT] BIRT uses plain JDBC not it's not supporting "named parameters", so you can't write:
... p6.PA_Value>= SUBSTRING(:start, 1, 2) ...
This will give an error.
Other options are to build the query using Property Binding or JavaScript and replace parts of it before it is executed. See this example report
Some databases also support the WITH syntax to assign an alias to a ? parameter. This blog post explains how to use this.