Deleting, adding and updating Firestore documents when offline - swift

I have been using the following code in my iOS Swift app:
class ProfileController
func remove(pid: String, completion: #escaping ErrorCompletionHandler)
guard let uid = self.uid else
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let userDocument = db.collection("profiles").document(uid)
let collection = userDocument.collection("profiles")
let document = collection.document(pid)
error in
When the device is online, everything works fine. The completion handler of the deletecall is properly executed. However, when I am offline, I have noticed that the completion handler will not be executed as long as I am offline. As soon as I get back online, the completion handler will be called almost immediately.
I don't want to wait until the user is back online (which could take forever), so I changed the code a little bit and added a ListenerRegistration:
class ProfileController
func remove(pid: String, completion: #escaping ErrorCompletionHandler)
guard let uid = self.uid else
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let userDocument = db.collection("profiles").document(uid)
let collection = userDocument.collection("profiles")
let document = collection.document(pid)
var listener: ListenerRegistration?
listener = document.addSnapshotListener(includeMetadataChanges: false)
snapshot, error in
listener?.remove() // Immediately remove the snapshot listener so we only receive one notification.
listener = nil
Although this works fine, I am not sure if this is the right way to go. I have read online that a snapshot listener can be used in real-time scenarios, which is not really what I am looking for (or what I need).
Is this the right approach or is there another (better) way? I only want to get notified once (thus I added the includeMetadataChanged property and set it to false). I also remove the ListenerRegistration once the completion handler was called once.
If the first approach does not work properly when being offline - what are the use cases of this approach? Before I change my entire codebase to use listeners, is there any way of executing the completion handler of the first approach when the device is offline?
TL;DR: The second implementation works fine, I am simply unsure if this is the proper way of receiving notifications when the device is offline.

If the first approach does not work properly when being offline - what are the use cases of this approach?
It depends on what you mean by "work properly". The behavior you're observing is exactly as intended. Write operations are not "complete" until they're registered at the server.
However, all writes (that are not transactions) are actually committed locally before they hit the server. These local changes will eventually be synchronized with the server at some point in the future, even if the app is killed and restarted. The change is not lost. You can count on the synchronization of the change to eventually hit the server as long as the user continues to launch the app - this is all you can expect. You can read more about offline persistence in the documentation.
If you need to know if a prior change was synchronized, there is no easy way to determine that if the app was killed and restarted. You could try to query for that data, if you know the IDs of the documents written, and you could check the metadata of the documents to find out the source of the data (cache or server). But in the end, you are really supposed to trust that changes will be synchronized with the server at the earliest convenience.
If your use case requires more granularity of information, please file a feature request with Firebase support.


How to know when all initial data is fetched from a root node using listeners in Realtime Firebase database

My goal here is to fetch initial data, update UI after I am sure all data is fetched, and continue observing changes immediately:
The Problem
I see two ways to do this:
To use getData method and to fetch all data at once (bulky). This is ok cause I know I have fetched all data at once, and I can accordingly update UI and continue listening for changes (CRUD).
The problem with this approach is that I can't just attach listener after, to listen to a for new additions (inserts), and wait for new items. It works differently (which makes sense cause I fetched data without being in sync with a database through listeners), and immediately after I attach the listener, I get its callback triggered as many times as how many items are currently in a root node. So I am getting most likely the same data.
So this seems like overkill.
Second way to do this, is just to attach the listener, and get all data. But the problem with this is that I don't know when all data is fetched, cause it comes sequentially, one item by another. Thus I can't update UI accordingly.
Here are some code examples:
I am currently fetching all previous data with a getData method, like this:
func getInitialData(completion: #escaping DataReadCompletionHandler){
rootNodeReference.getData { optionalError, snapshot in
if let error = optionalError {
if let value = snapshot.value,
let models = self.parseData(type: [MyModel].self, data: value) as? [MyModel]{
As I said, with this, I am sure I have all previous data and I can set up my UI accordingly.
After this, I am interested in only new updates (updates, deletions, inserts).
And later I connect through listeners. Here is an example for a listener that listens when something new is added to a root node:
rootNodeReference.observe(DataEventType.childAdded, with: {[weak self] snapshot in
guard let `self` = self else {return}
if let value = snapshot.value,
let model = self.parseData(type: MyModel.self, data: value) as? MyModel{
self.firebaseReadDelegate?.event(type: .childAdded, model: model)
This would be great if with this listener I would somehow be able to continue only updates when something new is added.
Though, I guess option 2. would be a better way to go, but how to know when I have got all data through listeners?
There are two ways to do this, but they both depend on the same guarantee that Firebase makes about the order in which events are fired.
When you observe both child events and value events on the same path/query, the value event fires after all corresponding child events.
Because if this guarantee, you can add an additional listener to .value
rootNodeReference.observeSingleEvent(of: DataEventType.value, with: { snapshot in
... the initial data is all loaded
Adding the second listener doesn't increase the amount of data that is read from the database, because Firebase deduplicates them behind the scenese.
You can also forego the childAdded listener and just use a single observe(.value as shown in the documentation on reading a list by observing value events:
rootNodeReference.observe(.value) { snapshot in
for child in snapshot.children {

Possible to get latest data with observeSingleEvent + persistence enabled?

I am trying to get some data from firebase. Any idea how can I get the latest data (not from cache) when I have persistence enabled? I tried keepSynced; I still get stale data. Is this the correct usage?
userRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("<path>")
userRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
...stale data here...
Or the only option is to use observe instead of observeSingleEvent? I don't like the fact that with observe I get the cache data first, and then the event triggers a second time with data from the server. So with observe, when I navigate to this screen, first I see a blank table, then I see the table with stale data, and then I see the table with latest data.
This post says keeySynced should work. But it's not working for me. I would like to know if I am doing something wrong.
I retrieve some explanation, I think it might help you in your case :
ObserveSingleEventType with keepSycned will not work if the Firebase
connection cannot be established on time. This is especially true
during appLaunch or in the appDelegate where there is a delay in the
Firebase connection and the cached result is given instead. It will
also not work at times if persistence is enabled and
observeSingleEvent might give the cached data first. In situations
like these, a continuous ObserveEventType is preferred and should be
used if you absolutely need fresh data.
I think you don't have the choice to use a continuous listener. But to avoid performance issues why you don't remove yourself your listeners when you don't it anymore.
Here is an example on how to ALWAYS get latest data from firebase when persistence is turned on. Use observe event, keepSynced on your ref and terminate listener if you don't want to keep it always. After several trials, I came up with this and it is working.
func readFromFB() {
let refHandle: DatabaseHandle?
let ref: DatabaseReference? = firebase.child(nodeName)
refHandle = ref!.observe(.value, with:
{ snapshot in
if snapshot.exists() {
for item in ((snapshot.value as! NSDictionary).allValues as Array) {
//do whatever tasks
if let rf = ref {
rf.removeObserver(withHandle: refHandle!)

When are Realm notifications delivered to main thread after writes on a background thread?

I'm seeing crashes that either shouldn't be possible, or are very much possible and the documentation just isn't clear enough as to why.
Although I disagree with the comment below asking me to separate this into multiple SO questions, if someone could focus on this one I think it would help greatly:
When are notifications delivered to the main thread? Is it possible that the results on the main thread are different than they were in a previous runloop without being notified yet of the difference?
If the answer to this question is yes the results could be different than a previous runloop without notifying then I would argue it is CRUCIAL to get this into the documentation somewhere.
Background Writes
First I think it's important to go over what I am already doing for writes. All of my writes are performed through a method that essentially looks like this (error handling aside):
func write(block: #escaping (Realm) -> ()) {
somePrivateBackgroundSerialQueue.async {
autoreleasepool {
let realm = try! Realm()
try? realm.write { block(realm) }
Nothing crazy here, pretty well documented on your end.
Notifications and Table Views
The main question I have here is when are notifications delivered to the main thread after being written from a background thread? I have a complex table view (multiple sections, ads every 5th row) backed by realm results. My main data source looks like:
enum StoryRow {
case story(Story) // Story is a RealmSwift.Object subclass
case ad(Int)
class StorySection {
let stories: Results<Story>
var numberOfRows: Int {
let count = stories.count
return count + numberOfAds(before: count)
func row(at index: Int) -> StoryRow {
if isAdRow(at: index) {
return .ad(index)
} else {
let storyIndex = index - numberOfAds(before: index)
return .story(stories[storyIndex])
var sections: [StorySection]
... sections[indexPath.section].row(at: indexPath.row) ...
Before building my sections array I fetch the realm results and filter them based on the type of stories for the particular screen, sort them so they are in the proper order for their sections, then I build up the sections by passing in results.filter( query...) to the section constructor. Finally, I results.observe(...) the main results object (not any of the results passed into the section) and reload the table view when the notification handler is called. I don't bother observing the results in the sections because if any of those results changed then the parent had to change as well and it should trigger a change notification.
The ad slots have callbacks when an ad is filled or not filled and when that happens instead of calling tableView.reloadData() I am doing something like:
guard tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows?.contains(indexPath) == true else { return }
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
The problem is, I very rarely see a crash either around an index being out of bound when accessing the realm results or an invalid table view update.
Is it possible the realm changed on the main thread before any notifications were delivered?
Should table view updates other than reloadData() simply not be used anywhere outside of a realm notification block?
Anything else crucial I am missing?
There's nothing in your code snippets or description of what you're doing that jumps out at me as obviously wrong. Having a separate callback mechanism that updates specific slots independent of Realm change notifications has a lot of potential for timing related bugs, but since you're explicitly checking if the indexPath is visible before reloading the row, I would expect that to at worst manifest as reloading the wrong row and not a crash.
The intended behavior is that refreshing the Realm and delivering notifications is an atomicish operation: anything that causes the read version to advance will deliver all notifications before returning. In simple cases, this means that you'll never see the new data without the associated notification firing first. However, there's some caveats to this:
Nested notification delivery doesn't work correctly, so beginning a write transaction from within a notification block can result in a notification being skipped (merely calling refresh() can't cause this, as it's just a no-op within a notification). If you're performing all writes on background threads you shouldn't be hitting this.
If you have multiple notification blocks, then obviously anything which gets invoked from the first one will run before the second notification block gets a chance to do things, and a call to tableView.reloadData() may result in quite a lot of things happening within the notification block. If this is the source of problems, you would hopefully see exceptions being thrown with a stack trace coming from within a notification block.

adding data and querying from swift to firebase

I'm having issues in a query from swift to firebase. bellow is my sample JSON in firebase:
Nome: "Assets"
Numero: "1"
Nome: "Liabilities"
Numero: "2"
my code is the following:
let nome: String = "Liabilities"
let numero: String = "2"
ref = Database.database().reference()
ref.child("Contas").child("Assets").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
let numero = (snapshot.value as? NSDictionary)?["Numero"] as? String
print (numero as Any)
when debugging, the debugger just jumps all the code after (snapshot) in and does not execute it.
what I'm I doing wrong?
tl;dr: To debug your asynchronous code in XCode, place a breakpoint on the first statement inside the completion handler.
Longer explanation:
When you observe a value from Firebase, it may take any amount of time to get that data. To prevent your program from being blocked during this time, the data is loaded from the Firebase database in the background while your code continues. Then when the data becomes available, Firebase calls your completion handler.
This pattern is known as asynchronous loading, and is common to pretty much any modern web API. But it can be incredibly hard to get used to.
One easy way to see what happens is to run the code with a few well-place logging statements:
ref = Database.database().reference()
print("Before attaching observer")
ref.child("Contas").child("Assets").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
print("Inside completion handler")
print("After attaching observer")
This code will immediately print:
Before attaching observer
After attaching observer
And then after a few moments (depending on network speed and other factors):
Inside completion handler
While there are ways to make the code after the block wait for the data (see some of the links below for more on that), the more common way to deal with asynchronous loading is to reframe the question. Instead of trying to code "first get the data, then print it", frame your problem as "we start getting the data. whenever we get the data, we print it".
The way to model this into code is that you move all code that needs access to the data from Firebase into the completion handler of your observer. Your code already does that by having print (numero as Any) in there.
To debug your asynchronous code in XCode, place a breakpoint on the code inside the completion handler. That breakpoint will then be hit when the data comes back from Firebase.
A few questions that also deal with this behavior:
Swift: Wait for Firebase to load before return a function
How to make app wait until Firebase request is finished
Finish asynchronous task in Firebase with Swift
How to execute code directly after Firebase finishes downloading?
Is there a way to wait for a query to be finished in Firebase?

HTTP requests simultaneously in Swift

On start my app I do some http requests, some heavy http requests (downloading some images) and some heavy tasks with UIGraphics (for example doing icon for GMSMarker from two UIImages and other operations with GraphicsContext). It costs some time, so I want to do all that tasks simultaneously. Can you show me best way make it?
On start I have to:
Download and write to local database all devices
Download and write to local database all geofences
Download and write to local database all users
Download and write to local database all positions
Download images for devices, users and geofences
Setup GMSMarkers for devices, users and geofences (after images for that objects will be available - for setting icon of marker)
Code of my login function (it works, but too slow):
func loginPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
let username = self.usernameTextField.text,
let password = self.passwordTextField.text,
else {
self.loginButton.isEnabled = false
WebService.shared.connect(email: username, password: password) { error, loggedUser in
error == nil,
let loggedUser = loggedUser
else {
self.showAlert(title: "Ошибка подключения", message: error?.localizedDescription ?? "", style: .alert)
self.loginButton.isEnabled = true
print("Start loading user photo...")
loggedUser.loadPhoto() { image in
if let image = image { = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.0)
print("User photo loaded...")
loggedUser.marker = UserMarker(loggedUser, at: CLLocation(latitude: 48.7193900, longitude: 44.50183))
DB.geofences.server.getAll() { geofences in
DB.devices.server.getAll() { devices in
DB.positions.server.getAll() { positions in
for device in devices {
device.loadPhoto() { image in
if let image = image { = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.0)
if let position = positions.findById(device.positionId) {
device.marker = DeviceMarker(device, at: position)
device.attributes.battery = device.lastKnownBattery(in: positions)
geofences.forEach({$0.marker = GeofenceMarker($0)})
DB.geofences.client.updateAddress(geofences) { geofences in
print("Geofences with updated addresses: ")
geofences.forEach({print("\($, \($0.address ?? "")")})
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "toMapController", sender: self)
Not sure it's good idea post here code snippets of all classes and objects, hope you'll get idea.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S. In case you wonder what is DB, it's database, which consists of two parts - server side and client side for each group of objects, so first task is get all objects from server and write them in memory (in client database)
P.S. I've changed logic from "download everything" on login to "download all I need right now and download rest later". So now after I've got all devices, geofences and positions I'm performing segue to MapController, on which I show all those objects. Just after login I'm showing deviceMarkers (GMSMarker) with default iconView. SO question is - can I after show map with all objects start download photos of devices in background and refresh markers with that photos after that (in main thread of course)?
Network requests are asynchronous by default, so what you are asking for has already the intended behavior.
You can, however, make your life much more simple by using a Promises library such as then.
An example usage might look like:
login(email: "", password: "pa$$w0rd")
.whenAll(syncDevices(), syncGeofences(), syncUsers(), syncPositions(), syncImages())
.onError { err in
// process error
.finally {
// update UI
Your login function is slow because you are downloading AND writing to disk (as you mentioned in your question) "all" the data in your closures (geofences, devices and/or positions). Furthermore, all your operations are being executed in the main thread. You should never do I/O (networking, writing to disk) in the main thread, as this thread is used mainly for UI updates. You should offload the expensive tasks to another thread using GCD.
Also, it is worth mentioning that writing to disk is a relatively slow operation, especially if you are doing it for EVERY item you are downloading.
I would recommend you to JUST download any data to be displayed and then use an async task in a DispatchQueue (GCD) to persist the data downloaded to disk AFTER you've displayed the data in your UI.
I am not sure what the DB.geofences.server.getAll() lines do for geofences, devices and positions (in regards to how you handle your networking or database fetching), so I cannot advice you on that. What I can advice you on, is to structure your code the following way:
When user logs in, do the validation against the DB (remote) and guard against a valid login. Transition to your next view controller next (don't execute all your logic), since I can see that you are delegating way too much responsibility to your login action (for your login button).
From that second view controller, get your data through networking calls asynchronously on another thread using a .UserInitiated priority (to get results fast).
After doing all your networking operations, call DispatchQueue.main.async { ... } to update your UI Asynchronously in the main thread with the data you just got.
AFTER you've displayed the downloaded data, you can persist it to your local DB, ideally using another DispatchQueue async task.
If anything I said above does not make any sense to you, please read AppCoda's article about GCD here and RayWenderlich's GCD article here. They will give you the basic knowledge about GCD in iOS. Once you've done that, come back and try to structure your code the way I recommended above.
I hope this helps!