How to navigate to object editing screen in flutter + redux app - flutter

I am writing mobile app using flutter and redux.
I have a screen with list of Objects. After tapping one object, I want to navigate to screen where I can edit that object. For navigation I use routes and navigation reducer and middleware with push/replace actions. What would be the best approach? Should i store tapped object in my AppState? Should I navigate to editing screen without dispatching action?


how can i achieve same nested navigation in flutter via Getx?

Here is a video of navigation in which each tab has the sub-children and then return back to that tab it contains the last page and if we click again on that tab it takes us to the parent page. This app is built with React-Native as in react-native its simple to implement via stack navigator but how is this possible via Getx routing
I have tried IndexedStack in my app bt unable to acheive same functionality. but its not giving me same functionality i want to do it via named routes
Stop using GetX and do it with flutter NavigationBar and nested navigation flow

Here Maps Navigate restarts Navigation on page change

I have a problem with my Here Maps Navigation. I can start the navigation on my flutter app but every time I open another page on the app and come back to the navigation page, it restarts the navigation. It tries to get the current location again, takes a lot of time to do that, and shows the default "invalid" map page. I want the navigation to save it's current state even if I change the view to another page on my app and come back to navigating. Is there a way to do this? Am I missing something here?
I finally found a way to solve it by saving the state of my Flutter pages. I used the PageView widget for the main.dart's scaffold body and AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin on the pages I wanted to save the states of. You can check this YouTube video for how to implement this:

API data from provider seems to get lost during Navigation

I am a beginner level Flutter developer trying to resolve the issue with the Navigation stack.
In the existing app:
When user logs in to the app, login api call is shooted
Homescreen is rendered with Navigator.popUntill method
All the APIs in the providers get shooted and the respective tabs/screens get filled with api data.
Now, I want to include Onboarding screens before Homescreen, so I made below changes:
Navigator.push method used to include Onboarding screens.
After onboarding screens are over, user clicks on "To app" button
On click of "To app" button, the login call is made again
User is redirected to Homescreen with Navigator.popUntill method.
But now the data from providers is lost as the respective screens do not show any data. I am pretty sure that something is going wrong with the Navigation stack when I use Navigator.push method to add Onboarding screens but I do not have much expertise in Flutter to debug the issue. Need help with restoring the provider data when navigating to Onboarding screens.
I think that the cause isn't in a navigation stack. Probably you placed Provider widget lower than navigation (MaterialApp).
Try something like that or show your code for better understanding.
create: (context) => ClassThatCallsAPI(),
child: MaterialApp(
// Navigator placed here and any route will
// get the same data from provider
// and also can put some

How to determine if a Widget is Stateful or Stateless in Flutter?

I understand the basics here. If my data is going to change it should be stateful so I can update it otherwise stateless.
My question is more oriented in a bottomnavigation scenario. So, I have 3 tabs in my bottomnavigator (Profile, Home, Settings). The entry point is Home which is a stateful Widget.
The other two Widgets I want to basically populate the information in them with the api data.
The Problem
If I am in the Home screen and I click in the Profile icon in the bottomnavigator it does not load the information from the api. Even if it does, If I click in the Home screen and click again in the Profile screen to go back, the information does not refresh.
So what would be the way to handle this? I expect that if I click in each of the bottomnavigation items the information is refreshed with the api data. Is this because the Widgets are Stateful or Stateless or I am missing something else?
By default, the pages in Bottom Navigation bar refreshes/rebuild when they are are tapped on.
Make sure a few things in your app-
You are not using a "indexed stack" or any similar widget for these pages. These widgets preserves the state of your page
The navigation is taking place on its own. You have not defined any Navigator.Push etc for tap's in navigation bar.
You should call the API inside the initState method of that particular page. Like if you need profile details, call the api for profile information inside the initState method of Profile Tab and not the "Scaffold" page which has the navigation bar.

How to navigate to a specific Route at app start and show another one when popping in Flutter?

The question is, how to achieve this with a clean navigation approach in Flutter.
So to better understand the question, here's an example:
The user taps on a messenger notification and the app opens. The first screen to show is a setup screen, which verifies if the user authenticated and does some app related stuff. The next screen should be the chat with the corresponding message. After closing this chat screen, the user lands on the screen containing a list with all chats. After closing this one, the user lands on the home screen of the app.
What is the best and cleanest approach to handle such a scenario? Should I use a separate navigation package like auto_route or what do u suggest?
Or is this a deep link scenario? How to implement such a scenario?
Define static String id for all screen,after define them under MaterialApp as
routes (map<Sting, Function>) after you have to give parameter to initial route still under MaterialApp, now you can use these routes by using Navigator.pushNaned and Navigator.pop function.