SQL queries from Access DB in Qlik Sense? - qliksense

At work we are currently creating reports from an Access DB using a massive number of SQL queries. We are now moving the reports to Qlik Sense. Is there an easy way to use those queries from Access on Qlik Sense while creating reports? The Queries are filtering and connecting data from multiple tables.
What I am looking for (in best case) would be an editor in my Qlik Sense Sheet where I can simply copy and paste the queries from Access SQL View into my Qlik Sense App and then creating charts from the filtered data. Not sure if that is even possible as I am completely new to Qlik Sense.

From how Qlik Sense works, you do not copy and paste data directly into the sheets, then print the reports. You need to connect Qlik Sense to the data, though whatever method you want. This can be a database on a server, local files, AWS, etc.
Because you have SQL queries already, your best bet is going to be the data loading script, as opposed to GUI data manger. In a similar way "Arduino code" is C++ with a library of functions, the Qlik Sense data load script is SQL-like in syntax with slight modifications and additional functionality.
Get started with the loading script here: https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense/September2019/Subsystems/Hub/Content/Sense_Hub/Scripting/introduction-data-modeling.htm
Once you connect Qlik Sense to your database, you would then create the charts and graphs that you would want on your report. Whenever new data comes in, you just simply run that data load script and your graphs and charts will change according.


Updating Application data in a Qlik Sense Application though Extension

Is it possible to change the application data from a extension?
I was creating a visual extension(table) in which if I change the value of a cell I should be able to change the value in the application level (not in database level),How can I achieve this?
Changing the value in Qhypercube.[].qDataPages.qDataPages... is only changing the value in Extension level.
I think the problem here is data persistence, since Qlik Sense itself is not a data warehouse or a true "data store" in the traditional sense. When you load data from a database into an app and it goes through the app's load script, it's then cached to the underlying QVF file for the app. Updating the data would need to happen at either the source level (the database in this case), an intermediary store like a QVD, or "on the fly" via variables and chart scripting. Those first two options are persistent and that third one is not.
That's why if you look at other similar Qlik extensions that enable users to input data, they are "writeback" solutions, as they update the underlying database that the app is pulling from. You can find a few examples of those here, here, and here.
A few existing ones also take the approach of outputting to QVDs, which could be your best bet if you want to avoid updating a database. See this one as an example, as well as their implementation docs here.
You could probably achieve all of this with a combination of:
Getting the hypercube of your (updated) table (more info)
Create a session app (more info)
Write to a new or existing QVD (more info)
(Partial) reload the current app (more info)
This would all depend on the Update rights of the users of the app, though.

Displaying web based visualisation or graphing of data based on a postgresql database?

I am working on a web application for a client that uses a postgresql database. I want the client to be able to go to a certain area of the site where the data from the database is displayed in graph form (for example, sales figures over a 6 month period). Is there a plugin I could use for this (I don't have any experience of this, so an easy one, or one with tutorials available would be great). I had a look at BIRT, which says it has a web based option but I couldn't really figure it out. I don't want the client to have to download and go through another program, I just want them to go to a url within their site, and it's all just presented to them there and then.
Any sort of pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
HighCharts, at http://www.highcharts.com/, works well for this case -- I use it fairly often. It supports Ajax data feeds in JSON format, so you can write an endpoint which returns the JSON representing the data from Postgres and which gets called from a JavaScript function which creates the graphs using that data (you would place that call in a ready function).
Also, if you're using Postgres 9.3 or higher, it supports JSON natively, so you can do the JSON conversion in the SQL query itself, as opposed to post-processing the results in your Python or other backend code.
Highcharts is reasonably flexible and allows for a variety of nice-looking, functional charts and graphs. If you want to get much fanicer, d3 may be worth a look. These are some the types of graphs/charts it can do: https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Gallery
I have not used d3 myself, however.
For the scenario you described above, Highcharts seems like it would work just fine.
It's been a while, and a lot has happened since 2016. There is now ChartJS as well - http://chartjs.org/, for example, which is easier to use than HighCharts and very flexible (I've used both).
What they both don't do is dynamic data. If you want that your client decides which data he wants to watch - that part you need to write yourself.

Set GeoServer to access a Postgresql database, Simple or Snapshot schema, populated by Osmosis

I have a postgresql database which I keep updated using Osmosis. Osmosis can write to two different database schemas, named Simple and Snapshot. There are not that much different from the database Geoserver uses, But I can't make Geoserver use it perfectly.
The main problem seems to be the way tags are stored in those DBs. I can add the nodes layer and display it with that default Points style, but as soon as I use a "ogc:Filter" in my style to filter the nodes by their "place" tag, the WMS is broken and does not respond (says: The requested Style can not be used with this layer. The style specifies an attribute of place and the layer is: TestDB:nodes)
Is there anyway to make GeoServer understand that one of those shemas, or make Osmosis update to the DB GeoServer knows?
This is a case for using TRIGGERs to manage the integration. The two programs use two different schemas. You can CREATE TRIGGERs in the database which ensure that data written to one application is made available to another. Another option is you can set one or both to use VIEWs populated in part by the other application. In PostgreSQL, a VIEW can have triggers attached so these are not really
This is, in any case, a potentially large project so rather than offering sample code, I will offer a general outline of what sorts of things you need to think about.
Are these generally applicable? If so do you want to start an open source integration project?
Are both of these read-only workloads? Does data ever update? In general, if you are going to use views, updates pose the most concerns, so you want to run the views on the side not doing the updates if such is the case.
What is the write model of both sides? Insert/Update? Append only? Static data? What data do you have to "replicate" between the schemas?
Once you have those answers it should be relatively straightforward to get started and ask for help (either as an open source project or here) where you get stuck.

Approch for JasperReports

I am new to JasperReports, I need a few heads up before going forward with my development. My colleagues told me they are able to generate a basic report, but they are stuck with what approach should be used.
I was told we could:
write the queries in each report
run the queries outside the report, and pass it to the report as a
Which approach is preferable? Does passing the datasource have any performance hits compared to passing the bean? Also would like to know does first approach run in a different jvm?
Current Project Architecture
Struts 2 - Spring 2.5 - Spring JDBC
If you and your team are just starting out with JasperReports I would recommend embedding the SQL query into each report. It makes building the reports in iReport much easier, since you can constantly preview your report with live data while working on it.
As far as performance, I do not think it really is not going to matter in the most basic of examples. If it is just a SQL query then no matter what scenario you use it is going to be using JDBC with the connection you give it. So I would ignore performance for now.
With that said, if you already have the data (i.e you have displayed on a screen and you want to allow the users to then export it to PDF or whatever), you could simply pass it in as a datasource and not take the performance hit of running the query again.
Another scenario you may want to use your own datasource is if you wanted to manipulate the data before it was exported in the report. Maybe some crazy sort that you could not pull off in SQL or something.
As far as your last question, it should all run in the same JVM (at least from my understanding).

Possible to sync a sqlServer view into a noSQL db like MongoDB or RavenDB?

I'm looking to get a complex sqlserver view into a documentDB like mongoDB for performance reasons. Is it possible to sync the two together? or What's the best approach to get each record/document from the view into the documentDB.
This is for straight up data viewing on the web only. no updates, deletes or inserts.
*wanting to learn about documentDBs, this would be a simple project for implementation.
Since the source information is the relational database, you need some sort of an update process that happens when a row is updated.
You can do that either via your application, or using some sort of a trigger.
You get all of the required information from the database, and write that in optimized form inside RavenDB.
That is pretty much it, to tell you the truth.