Can I create an APK and IPA file using Ionic use from Windows OS? - ionic-framework

My Question, I am using Windows laptop, in ionic have an option to build APK and IPA (For IOS Platform app ) file?

Yeah sure you can... You need to use cordova for it. (I am using it for some projects)
Install cordova using npm and then in project initialize cordova.
Then add platform using cordova for android and iOS in project.
Then use Cordova to build app for android or iOS


How to add ionic devApp support in a cordova plugin

I have a cordova plugin which supports Android, iOS and browser platforms. But when adding the plugin in an ionic app that is being developed/built using ionic serve or ionic devApp, the error comes as 'plugin is not defined'. Is there a way to add the ionic devApp support to a cordova plugin ? If it means only using the browser code for all the platforms(Not using any native platform code), then it works for me. Thanks in advance.
I have added the browser platform to my plugin but it does not work with ionic serve even when the app is running on browser. Note that the plugin works fine on browser when the app is run using ionic cordova run browser command.
I want the cordova plugin to be compatible with all platforms - Android, iOS , browser and devApp. My expectation are that when the app is run using ionic cordova run android/ios/browser command, it should use the native code of my cordova plugin. And when the app is run using ionic serve or ionic devApp, then it should use the web code.

Ionic 4 Angular 6 create app not asking Cordova Integration question

I'm new to Ionic, and just installed it and i also installed Cordova on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine, then i used the command to create an app using these commands
npm install -g ionic
npm install -g cordova
then i used the command to create an app using these
ionic start ionic4Tut --type=angular
but I'm not getting the question about integrating cordova to the project as shown in all the tutorials,
Integrate your new app with Cordova to target native iOS and Android? (y/N)
anyone know way is that?
I was having the same problem and what I did was after creating the project using
$ionic start projName --type=angular
I will cd to my project folder and run
$ionic cordova platform
that will solve your problem.
Cordova is what the Ionic framework uses to target native functionality for mobile devices. It does this because Ionic is primarily a mobile app framework. If you don't want to integrate it and want to use nothing but the development framework, you may as well use Angular on it's own.
Reference: Cordova, Angular, Ionic

How to get debug output on eclipse console screen for cordova app

I am using cordova plugin (THym) with eclipse Mars to make applications for android platform and I have an Android device with Android 4.3 due to which, chrome remote debugging is not working in my case.
Also I have tried android virtual device but even that didn't worked.
Only thing I am able to do is to run apk on my android device.
How can I debug the cordova app using eclipse?
Weinre is your friend for older Android Versions:
And you should use Android Studio for developing Cordova Apps. Eclipse is no more supported.

Not able to run Ionic App with Mobile First 7.1

I have created my ionic App via Commmand Prompt by using the following command,
mfp cordova create AppName
After that mfp plugin was installed automatically inside my project.Then
I created mfp project using,
mfp create projectname
App created successfully..Then using
mfp push
i pushed my app inside the server 7.1 version.
After i have started to run my ionic app using,
ionic run android --livereload
In there i am getting error as,
TypeError: platforms[platformId].parser is not a function
My configuration:
cordova : 5.4.1 version android : 3.6.4 version
Anyone help will be Appreciated!!!!
You did not create an Ionic app. You created a Cordova app.
You wrote: mfp cordova create AppName. That's not how you create an Ionic app... that's how you do it: ionic start todo blank.
Please read the Ionic docs.
To create an Ionic app and then integrate it with MobileFirst , you can follow this guide:

Installation for ionic framework

I am new to ionic framework. I need help for development with ionic. Please suggest me the necessary software to be installed on local computer for developing ionic app. I also need the software for emulating the app on AVD. And deploying the app on mobile.
All the questions you are asking, and more, are answered on ionic framework getting started page.
If you have a problem with a specific step, you should ask a specific question about it.
Next time please first start with searching by yourself but anyways:
Install NodeJs
Install Ionic with Ionic CLI:
npm install -g ionic cordova
then start your Ionic Projekt with
ionic serve
And to test your App on AVD use Genymotion.
Or just use Ionics DevApp for Android & iOS.
Or publish your App as APK or IPA like explained here