Extracting vertices from SceneKit iOS13 Swift 5 - swift

Updating my code to iOS 13 and Swift 5, I have this deprecated warning:
'withUnsafeBytes' is deprecated: use withUnsafeBytes<R>(_: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R instead
Over this fragment of code to extract the vertices from a SCNGeometry:
/// Extracts vertices from SCNGeometry
func vertices() -> [SCNVector3] {
let vertexSources = self.sources(for: SCNGeometrySource.Semantic.vertex)
if let vertexSource = vertexSources.first {
let count = vertexSource.data.count / MemoryLayout<SCNVector3>.size
return vertexSource.data.withUnsafeBytes {
[SCNVector3](UnsafeBufferPointer<SCNVector3>(start: $0, count: count))
return []
The problem lays inside this lines:
return vertexSource.data.withUnsafeBytes {
[SCNVector3](UnsafeBufferPointer<SCNVector3>(start: $0, count: count))
This answer gives solution here posted but there is no Swift 5 code, and I cannot come up with a solution for the warning.
This other answer and this thread seem to give a solution but for only a value of type UInt32 not an [SCNVector3] (array).
Thank you all, I'm stuck.

You can get rid of the warning by replacing these lines with
return vertexSource.data.withUnsafeBytes { (buffer) in
[SCNVector3](buffer.bindMemory(to: SCNVector3.self))
That said this code is broken. One should never assume that the layout of the data contained in a SCNGeometySource (for instance assuming a direct mapping to SCNVector3). The vectorCount, floatComponents, componentsPerVector, bytesPerComponent, dataOffset and dataStride are necessary to correctly inspect a property source.


Swift, random word from let by pressing Button [duplicate]

As of Swift 1.2, Apple introduces Set collection type.
Say, I have a set like:
var set = Set<Int>(arrayLiteral: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Now I want to get a random element out of it. Question is how? Set does not provide subscript(Int) like Array does. Instead it has subscript(SetIndex<T>). But firstly, SetIndex<T> does not have accessible initializers (hence, I can not just create an index with the offset I need), and secondly even if I can get the index for a first element in a set (var startIndex = set.startIndex) then the only way I can get to the N-th index is through consecutive calls to successor().
Therefore, I can see only 2 options at the moment, both ugly and expensive:
Convert the set into array (var array = [Int](set)) and use its subscript (which perfectly accepts Int); or
Get index of a first element in a set, traverse the chain of successor() methods to get to the N-th index, and then read corresponding element via set's subscript.
Do I miss some other way?
Starting with Swift 4.2, you can use randomElement:
let random = set.randomElement()
Probably the best approach is advance which walks successor for you:
func randomElementIndex<T>(s: Set<T>) -> T {
let n = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(s.count)))
let i = advance(s.startIndex, n)
return s[i]
(EDIT: Heh; noticed you actually updated the question to include this answer before I added it to my answer... well, still a good idea and I learned something too. :D)
You can also walk the set rather than the indices (this was my first thought, but then I remembered advance).
func randomElement<T>(s: Set<T>) -> T {
let n = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(s.count)))
for (i, e) in enumerate(s) {
if i == n { return e }
fatalError("The above loop must succeed")
In swift 3
extension Set {
public func randomObject() -> Element? {
let n = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.count)))
let index = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: n)
return self.count > 0 ? self[index] : nil
extension Set {
func randomElement() -> Element? {
return count == 0 ? nil : self[advance(self.startIndex, Int(arc4random()) % count)]
As per comments above re Swift updates, used a minor change for an extension to Set:
func randomElement() -> Element?
let randomInt = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.count)))
let index = startIndex.advancedBy(randomInt)
return count == 0 ? nil: self[index]
If you want a 'random' element from a Set then you use:
/// A member of the set, or `nil` if the set is empty.
var first: T? { get }
Get the 0th index or the 1,000,000th index makes no difference - they are all an arbitrary object.
But, if you want repeated calls to return a likely different element each time, then first might not fit the bill.

'withUnsafeMutableBytes' is deprecated: use `withUnsafeMutableBytes<R>

I am very green with Xcode (apologize in advance). Trying to bring some old code to life. Getting the following with trying to move to Swift 5.
withUnsafeMutableBytes' is deprecated: use withUnsafeMutableBytes<R>(_: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R instead
Goal: All I need to do is modify the code appropriately and be done.
I have looked at other Stack Overflow messages, searched various articles, experimented with different things, but can't quickly determine what needs to change. I am sure the solution is super simple for someone that knows more.
var responseData = Data(count: Int(responseDataLength))
_ = responseData.withUnsafeMutableBytes
mfError = MFMediaIDResponse_GetAsString(mfMediaIdResponsePtr.pointee, MFString($0), responseDataLength)
Here is my example, when refreshing old code of withUnsafeMutableBytes
hope it helps
The old one:
_ = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (bytes: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) in
memcpy((ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData?.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self))!, bytes, dataCount)
The new one:
_ = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (rawMutableBufferPointer) in
let bufferPointer = rawMutableBufferPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self)
if let address = bufferPointer.baseAddress{
memcpy((ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData?.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self))!, address, dataCount)
use UnsafeMutablePointer<ContentType>, you get an unsafeMutablePointer in its closure.
To access to its memory, so need to typed it with bindMemory,
more details on Apple Pointer Doc

How to convert a Swift array to a tuple in a single line? [duplicate]

I just want to convert an array into a tuple in Swift; something like the following:
>>> myArray = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> mytuple = tuple(myArray)
>>> mytuple
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
What's the easiest way of doing that?
(I only started learning Swift today, so I am very, very new).
It's actually quite possible, if you are willing to do some low level magic. I don't think it works if the tuple has a collection type, though. This is mainly for interacting with C libraries.
typealias TupleType = (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8)
var array = [2, 3, 4] as [UInt8]
var tuple = UnsafeMutablePointer<StepsType>(malloc(UInt(sizeof(TupleType))))
memcpy(tuple, array, UInt(array.count))
More of this stuff can be found here:
Because 70% of us are highly visual beings:
You can't do this because the size of a tuple is part of its type, and this isn't true for an array. If you know the array's length, you can just do let myTuple = (myArray[0], myArray[1], ...). Or you can build your architecture around tuples from the beginning. What are you trying to do?
This is a common problem which occurs in lots of other languages. See How do I convert a list to a tuple in Haskell?
if what you want to do is extract multiple value from array at the same time, maybe
the following code could help you
extension Array {
func splat() -> (Element,Element) {
return (self[0],self[1])
func splat() -> (Element,Element,Element) {
return (self[0],self[1],self[2])
func splat() -> (Element,Element,Element,Element) {
return (self[0],self[1],self[2],self[3])
func splat() -> (Element,Element,Element,Element,Element) {
return (self[0],self[1],self[2],self[3],self[4])
then you can use it like this
let (first,_,third) = ( 0..<20 ).map { $0 }.splat()
you can even write a codegen to generate the extension code
This my universal solution for copy array data to tuple. The only problem that I could not solve is to check the type of the element in the tuple and the element from the array.
/// Unsafe copy array to tuple
func unsafeCopyToTuple<ElementType, Tuple>(array: inout Array<ElementType>, to tuple: inout Tuple) {
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &tuple) { pointer in
let bound = pointer.withMemoryRebound(to: ElementType.self, capacity: array.count) { $0 }
array.enumerated().forEach { (bound + $0.offset).pointee = $0.element }
Scared of unsafe pointers? Or need support for tuples with different types inside?
It can also be done like this:
public extension Array {
public var tuple: Any? {
switch count {
case 0:
return ()
case 1:
return (self[0])
case 2:
return (self[0], self[1])
case 3:
return (self[0], self[1], self[2])
case 4:
return (self[0], self[1], self[2], self[3])
case 5:
return (self[0], self[1], self[2], self[3], self[4])
return nil
Because typing this out can be a little error prone, it's a good idea to write tests for this that make sure the right tuple is returned.
I've used this approach in ArrayPlusTuple.
So instead of writing this functionality yourself you could just add pod 'ArrayPlusTuple' to your pod file and get this tested functionality for free.

Returning an array of arrays using Maps in Swift, can someone confirm my understanding of this piece of code?

My understanding of the following code is:
func generateRandomData() -> [[UIColor]] {
let numberOfRows = 2
let numberOfItemsPerRow = 7
return (0..<numberOfRows).map { _ in
return (0..<numberOfItemsPerRow).map { _ in UIColor.randomColor() }
// Returns an array of arrays
func generateRandomData() -> [[UIColor]] {
// 2 - Defines local variables
let numberOfRows = 2
let numberOfItemsPerRow = 7
// 3 - From 0 to numberOfRows creates a map?
// 4 - For each element applies the high order function map using the function defined on the right
return (0..<numberOfRows).map { _ in
// For each element in the array applies another high order map function that creates numberOfItemsPerRow colours
return (0..<numberOfItemsPerRow).map { _ in UIColor.randomColor() }
What the code does:
So basically the code uses two times the map keyword and creates a total of #numberOfItemsPerRow arrays each containing #numberOfItemsPerRow items that are each of type UIColor.
Is this correct?
So the code understanding was correct.
As someone suggested a good way to verify my understanding is to use playgrounds.
Another useful article that helped me understanding a bit more the new features of Swift is the following:

How to create a type that either hold an `Array<Int>` or `UnsafePointer<UInt8>`

I'm doing some performance testing of Swift vs Objective-C.
I created a Mac OS hybrid Swift/Objective-C project that creates large arrays of prime numbers using either Swift or Objective-C.
It's got a decent UI and shows the results in a clear display. You can check out the project on Github if you're interested. It's called SwiftPerformanceBenchmark.
The Objective-C code uses a malloc'ed C array of ints, and the Swift code uses an Array object.
The Objective C code is therefore a lot faster.
I've read about creating an Array-like wrapper around a buffer of bytes using code like this:
let size = 10000
var ptr = UnsafePointer<Int>malloc(size)
var bytes = UnsafeBufferPointer<Int>(start: ptr, count: data.length)
I'd like to modify my sample program so I can switch between my Array<Int> storage and using an UnsafeBufferPointer<Int> at runtime with a checkbox in the UI.
Thus I need a base type for my primes array that will hold either an Array<Int> or an UnsafeBufferPointer<Int>. I'm still too weak on Swift syntax to figure out how to do this.
For my Array- based code, I'll have to use array.append(value), and for the UnsafeBufferPointer<Int>, which is pre-filled with data, I'll use array[index]. I guess if I have to I could pre-populate my Array object with placeholder values so I could use array[index] syntax in both cases.
Can somebody give me a base type that can hold either an Array<Int> or an UnsafeBufferPointer<Int>, and the type-casts to allocate either type at runtime?
Say, for example, I have the following:
let count = 1000
var swiftArray:[Int]?
let useSwiftArrays = checkbox.isChecked
typealias someType = //A type that lets me use either unsafeArray or swiftArray
var primesArray: someType?
if useSwiftArrays
//Create a swift array version
swiftArray [Int](count: count, repeatedValue: 0)
primesArray = someType(swiftArray)
var ptr = UnsafePointer<Int>malloc(count*sizeof(Int))
var unsafeArray = UnsafeBufferPointer<Int>(start: ptr, count: data.length)
primesArray = someType(unsafeArray)
if let requiredPrimes = primesArray
requiredPrimes[0] = 2
#MartinR's suggestion should help get code that can switch between the two. But there's a shortcut you can take to prove whether the performance difference is between Swift arrays and C arrays, and that's to switch the Swift compiler optimization to -Ounchecked. Doing this eliminates the bounds checks on array indices etc that you would be doing manually by using unsafe pointers.
If I download your project from github and do that, I find that the Objective-C version is twice as fast as the Swift version. But... that’s because sizeof(int) is 4, but sizeof(Int) is 8. If you switch the C version to use 8-byte arithmetic as well...
p.s. it works the other way around as well, if I switch the Swift code to use UInt32, it runs at 2x the speed.
OK, it’s not pretty but here is a generic function that will work on any kind of collection, which means you can pass in either an Array, or an UnsafeMutableBufferPointer, which means you can use it on a malloc’d memory range, or using the array’s .withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer.
Unfortunately, some of the necessities of the generic version make it slightly less efficient than the non-generic version when used on an array. But it does show quite a nice performance boost over arrays in -O when used with a buffer:
func storePrimes<C: MutableCollectionType where C.Generator.Element: IntegerType>(inout store: C) {
if isEmpty(store) { return }
var candidate: C.Generator.Element = 3
var primeCount = store.startIndex
store[primeCount++] = 2
var isPrime: Bool
while primeCount != store.endIndex {
isPrime = true
var oldPrimeCount = store.startIndex
for oldPrime in store {
if oldPrimeCount++ == primeCount { break }
if candidate % oldPrime == 0 { isPrime = false; break }
if candidate < oldPrime &* oldPrime { isPrime = true; break }
if isPrime { store[primeCount++] = candidate }
candidate = candidate.advancedBy(2)
let totalCount = 2_000_000
var primes = Array<CInt>(count: totalCount, repeatedValue: 0)
let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
// or…
primes.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { (inout buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<CInt>) -> Void in
let now = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
let totalTime = now - startTime
println("Total time: \(totalTime), per second: \(Double(totalCount)/totalTime)")
I am not 100% sure if I understand your problem correctly, but perhaps
this goes into the direction that you need.
Both Array and UnsafeMutablePointer conform to MutableCollectionType (which requires a subscript getter and setter).
So this function would accept both types:
func foo<T : MutableCollectionType where T.Generator.Element == Int, T.Index == Int>(inout storage : T) {
storage[0] = 1
storage[1] = 2
Example with buffer pointer:
let size = 2
var ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>(malloc(UInt(size * sizeof(Int))))
var buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Int>(start: ptr, count: size)
for elem in buffer {
Example with array:
var array = [Int](count: 2, repeatedValue: 0)
for elem in array {
For non-mutating functions you can use CollectionType
instead of MutableCollectionType.