Powershell: How to run an external command and checks its success in a single line? - powershell

In bash, I can do this:
if this_command >/dev/null 2>&1; then
elif that_command >/dev/null 2>&1; then
ANSWER="neither command"
but in Powershell, I have to do this:
this_command >/dev/null 2>&1
if ($?) {
} else {
that_command >/dev/null 2>&1
if ($?) {
} else {
ANSWER="neither command"
or something similar with ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0). How do I make the Powershell look like bash? I'm not a Powershell expert, but I cannot believe that it doesn't not provide some means of running a command and checking its return code in a single statement in a way that could be used in an if-elseif-else statement. This statement would be increasingly difficult to read with every external command that must be tested in this way.

For PowerShell cmdlets you can do the exact same thing you do in bash. You don't even need to do individual assignments in each branch. Just output what you want to assign and collect the output of the entire conditional in a variable.
$ANSWER = if (Do-Something >$null 2>&1) {
} elseif (Do-Other >$null 2>&1) {
} else {
'neither command'
For external commands it's slightly different, because PowerShell would evaluate the command output, not the exit code/status (with empty output evaluating to "false"). But you can run the command in a subexpression and output the status to get the desired result.
$ANSWER = if ($(this_command >$null 2>&1; $?)) {
} elseif ($(that_command >$null 2>&1; $?)) {
} else {
'neither command'
Note that you must use a subexpression ($(...)), not a grouping expression ((...)), because you effectively need to run 2 commands in a row (run external command, then output status), which the latter doesn't support.

You can't do it inline like in bash, but you can one-line this with two statements on one line, separated by a semi-colon ;:
MyProgram.exe -param1 -param2 -etc *>$null; if( $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 ) {
# Success code here
} else {
# Fail code here
Also, you can't use $? with commands, only Powershell cmdlets, which is why we check that $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 instead of using $?.
Note that you CAN evaluate cmdlets inline, just not external commands. For example:
if( Test-Connection stackoverflow.com ){
} else {

Another approach is to have it output an empty string if it's false:
if (echo hi | findstr there) { 'yes' }
if (echo hi | findstr hi) { 'yes' }

PowerShell's native error handling works completely differently from the exit-code-based error signaling performed by external programs, and, unfortunately, error handling with external programs in PowerShell is cumbersome, requiring explicit checks of the automatic $? or $LASTEXITCODE variables.
PowerShell [Core]:
introduced support for Bash-style && and || pipeline-chain operators in v7 - see this answer.
but this will not also enable use of external-program calls in if statements, because there PowerShell will continue to operate on the output from commands, not on their implied success status / exit code; see this answer for more information.
PowerShell [Core] 7.0+:
$ANSWER = this_command *>$null && "this_command" ||
(that_command *>$null && "that_command" || "neither command")
If this_command or that_command don't exist (can't be found), a statement-terminating error occurs, i.e. the statement fails as a whole.
Note the need to enclose the 2nd chain in (...) so that && "that_command" doesn't also kick in when this_command succeeds.
*>$null is used to conveniently silence all streams with a single redirection.
Unlike an if-based solution, this technique passes (non-suppressed) output from the external programs through.
Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core 6.x:
If the external-program calls produce no output or you actively want to suppress their output, as in your question:
See the $(...)-based technique in Ansgar Wiechers' helpful answer.
If you do want the external programs' output:
An aux. dummy do loop allows for a fairly "low-noise" solution:
$ANSWER = do {
this_command # Note: No output suppression
if ($?) { "this_command"; break }
that_command # Note: No output suppression
if ($?) { "that_command"; break }
"neither command"
} while ($false)


How to simultaneously capture external command output and print it to the terminal

Can I pipe back from:
$OUTPUT = $(flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | tail -1)
I would like to get both the last line from the build AND show progress, something like
$OUTPUT = $(flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | out | tail -1)
where the hypothetical out utility would also send the output to the terminal.
Do you know how?
On Unix-like platforms, with external-program output, js2010's elegant tee /dev/tty solution is the simplest.
The solutions below, which also work on Windows, may be of interest for processing external-program output line by line in PowerShell.
A general solution that also works with the complex objects that PowerShell-native commands can output, requires different approaches:
In PowerShell (Core) 7+, use the following:
# PS v7+ only. Works on both Windows and Unix
... | Tee-Object ($IsWindows ? 'CON' : '/dev/tty')
In Windows PowerShell, where Tee-Object unfortunately doesn't support targeting CON, a proxy function that utilizes Out-Host is required - see this answer.
A PowerShell solution (given that the code in your question is PowerShell[1]):
I'm not sure how flutter reports its progress, but the following may work:
If everything goes to stdout:
$OUTPUT = flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | % {
Write-Host $_ # print to host (console)
$_ # send through pipeline
} | select -Last 1
Note: % is the built-in alias for ForEach-Object, and select the one for Select-Object.
If progress messages go to stderr:
$OUTPUT = flutter build ios --release --no-codesign 2>&1 | % {
Write-Host $_.ToString() # print to host (console)
if ($_ -is [string]) { $_ } # send only stdout through pipeline
} | select -Last 1
[1] As evidenced by the $ sigil in the variable name in the LHS of an assignment and the spaces around =
($OUTPUT = ), neither of which would work as intended in bash / POSIX-like shells.
I assume you mean bash because to my knowledge there is no tail in powershell.
Here's how you can see a command's output while still capturing it into a variable.
# redirect the file descriptor 3 to 1 (stdout)
exec 3>&1
longRunningCmd="flutter build ios --release --no-codesign"
# use tee to copy the command's output to file descriptor 3 (stdout) while
# capturing 1 (stdout) into a variable
output=$(eval "$longRunningCmd" | tee >(cat - >&3) )
# last line of output
lastline=$(printf "%s" "$output" | tail -n 1)
echo "$lastline"
I use write-progress in the pipeline.
In order to keep readable pipeline, I wrote a function
function Write-PipedProgress{
Insert this function in a pipeline to display progress bar to user
$Result = (Get-250Items |
Write-PipedProgress -PropertyName Name -Activity "Audit services" -ExpectedCount 250 |
begin {
Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
$ItemCounter = 0
process {
Write-Verbose "Start processing of $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)($Data)"
try {
# (3) mitigate unexpected additional input volume"
if ($ItemCounter -lt $ExpectedCount) {
$StatusProperty = if ($propertyName) { $Data.$PropertyName } > > else { ""}
$StatusMessage = "Processing $ItemCounter th $StatusProperty"
$statusPercent = 100 * $ItemCounter / $ExpectedCount
Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $StatusMessage -> > PercentComplete $statusPercent
} else {
Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "taking longer than expected" -PercentComplete 99
# return input data to next element in pipe
} catch {
finally {
Write-Verbose "Complete processing of $Data in > $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
end {
Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Completed
Write-Verbose "Complete $($MyInvocation.MyCommand) - processed $ItemCounter items"
Hope this helps ;-)
I believe this would work, at least in osx or linux powershell (or even Windows Subsystem for Linux) that have these commands available. I tested it with "ls" instead of "flutter". Is there actually an "out" command?
$OUTPUT = bash -c 'flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | tee /dev/tty | tail -1'
Or, assuming tee isn't aliased to tee-object. Actually, tee-object would work too.
$OUTPUT = flutter build ios --release --no-codesign | tee /dev/tty | tail -1
It would work with the $( ) too, but you don't need it. In powershell, it's used to combine multiple pipelines.

Is there a powershell pattern for if($?) { }

I find myself chaining these a lot, eg:
then at the end:
exit 1
I assume there's a pattern for this in powershell but I don't know it.
PowerShell (Core) 7.0 introduced Bash-like && and || operators called pipeline-chain operators.
They will not be back-ported to Windows PowerShell, however, as the latter will generally see no new features.
In short, instead of:
do-cmd-one; if ($?) { do-cmd-two }
Note: Up to PowerShell 7.1, the more robust formulation is actually
do-cmd-one; if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { do-cmd-two }, for the reasons explained in this answer.
you can now write:
do-cmd-one && do-cmd-two
&& (AND) and || (OR) implicitly operate on each command's implied success status, as reflected in automatic Boolean variable $?.
This will likely be more useful with external programs, whose exit codes unambiguously imply whether $? is $true (exit code 0) or $false (any nonzero exit code).
By contrast, for PowerShell commands (cmdlets) $? just reflects whether the command failed as a whole (a statement-terminating error occurred) or whether at least one non-terminating error was reported; the latter doesn't necessarily indicate overall failure.
However, there are plans to allow PowerShell commands to set $? directly, as a deliberate overall-success indicator.
Also note that the following do not work with && and ||:
PowerShell's Test-* cmdlets, because they signal the test result by outputting a Boolean rather than by setting $?; e.g., Test-Path $somePath || Write-Warning "File missing" wouldn't work.
Boolean expressions, for the same reason; e.g., $files.Count -gt 0 || write-warning 'No files found' wouldn't work.
See this answer for background information, and the discussion in GitHub issue #10917.
There's a syntax caveat: As of this writing, the following will not work:
do-cmd-one || exit 1 # !! Currently does NOT work
Instead, you're forced to wrap exit / return / throw statements in $(...), the so-called subexpression operator:
do-cmd-one || $(exit 1) # Note the need for $(...)
GitHub issue #10967 discusses the reasons for this awkward requirement, which are rooted in the fundamentals of PowerShell's grammar.
Not sure if you like this any better.
if($(do-cmd-one; $?))
exit 1
Some other ideas. If actually doesn't check the exit code of a command. But if a command has no output when failing, and has output when successful, it can work. In this case, I'm hiding the error messages. If will always hide a command's regular output.
if(test-connection -Count 1 microsoft.com 2>$null) { 'yes' } # never responds
if(test-connection -Count 1 yahoo.com 2>$null) { 'yes' }
Test-connection happens to have a quiet option that returns a boolean anyway:
if(test-connection -count 1 yahoo.com -quiet) { 'yes' }
if(test-connection -count 1 microsoft.com -quiet) { 'yes' }

How to use dash argument in Powershell?

I am porting a script from bash to PowerShell, and I would like to keep the same support for argument parsing in both. In the bash, one of the possible arguments is -- and I want to also detect that argument in PowerShell. However, nothing I've tried so far has worked. I cannot define it as an argument like param($-) as that causes a compile error. Also, if I decide to completely forego PowerShell argument processing, and just use $args everything appears good, but when I run the function, the -- argument is missing.
Function Test-Function {
Write-Host $args
Test-Function -- -args go -here # Prints "-args go -here"
I know about $PSBoundParameters as well, but the value isn't there, because I can't bind a parameter named $-. Are there any other mechanisms here that I can try, or any solution?
For a bit more context, note that me using PowerShell is a side effect. This isn't expected to be used as a normal PowerShell command, I have also written a batch wrapper around this, but the logic of the wrapper is more complex than I wanted to write in batch, so the batch wrapper just calls the PowerShell function, which then does the more complex processing.
I found a way to do so, but instead of double-hyphen you have to pass 3 of them.
This is a simple function, you can change the code as you want:
function Test-Hyphen {
if (${-}) {
write-host "You used triple-hyphen"
} else {
write-host "You didn't use triple-hyphen"
Sample 1
You didn't use triple-hyphen
Sample 2
Test-Hyphen ---
You used triple-hyphen
As an aside: PowerShell allows a surprising range of variable names, but you have to enclose them in {...} in order for them to be recognized; that is, ${-} technically works, but it doesn't solve your problem.
The challenge is that PowerShell quietly strips -- from the list of arguments - and the only way to preserve that token is you precede it with the PSv3+ stop-parsing symbol, --%, which, however, fundamentally changes how the arguments are passed and is obviously an extra requirement, which is what you're trying to avoid.
Your best bet is to try - suboptimal - workarounds:
Option A: In your batch-file wrapper, translate -- to a special argument that PowerShell does preserve and pass it instead; the PowerShell script will then have to re-translate that special argument to --.
Option B: Perform custom argument parsing in PowerShell:
You can analyze $MyInvocation.Line, which contains the raw command line that invoked your script, and look for the presence of -- there.
Getting this right and making it robust is nontrivial, however.
Here's a reasonably robust approach:
# Don't use `param()` or `$args` - instead, do your own argument parsing:
# Extract the argument list from the invocation command line.
$argList = ($MyInvocation.Line -replace ('^.*' + [regex]::Escape($MyInvocation.InvocationName)) -split '[;|]')[0].Trim()
# Use Invoke-Expression with a Write-Output call to parse the raw argument list,
# performing evaluation and splitting it into an array:
$customArgs = if ($argList) { #(Invoke-Expression "Write-Output -- $argList") } else { #() }
# Print the resulting arguments array for verification:
$i = 0
$customArgs | % { "Arg #$((++$i)): [$_]" }
There are undoubtedly edge cases where the argument list may not be correctly extracted or where the re-evaluation of the raw arguments causes side effect, but for the majority of cases - especially when called from outside PowerShell - this should do.
While useful here, Invoke-Expression should generally be avoided.
If your script is named foo.ps1 and you invoked it as ./foo.ps1 -- -args go -here, you'd see the following output:
Arg #1: [--]
Arg #2: [-args]
Arg #3: [go]
Arg #4: [-here]
I came up with the following solution, which works well also inside pipelines multi-line expressions. I am using the PowerShell Parser to parse the invocation expression string (while ignoring any incomplete tokens, which might be present at the end of $MyInfocation.Line value) and then Invoke-Expression with Write-Output to get the actual argument values:
# Parse the whole invocation line
$code = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($MyInvocation.Line.Substring($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine - 1), [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
# Find our invocation expression without redirections
$myline = $code.Find({$args[0].CommandElements}, $true).CommandElements | % { $_.ToString() } | Join-String -Separator ' '
# Get the argument values
$command, $arguments = Invoke-Expression ('Write-Output -- ' + $myline)
# Fine-tune arguments to be always an array
if ( $arguments -is [string] ) { $arguments = #($arguments) }
if ( $arguments -eq $null ) { $arguments = #() }
Please be aware that the original values in the function call are reevaluated in Invoke-Expression, so any local variables might shadow values of the actual arguments. Because of that, you can also use this (almost) one-liner at the top of your function, which prevents the pollution of local variables:
# Parse arguments
$command, $arguments = Invoke-Expression ('Write-Output -- ' + ([System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($MyInvocation.Line.Substring($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine - 1), [ref]$null, [ref]$null).Find({$args[0].CommandElements}, $true).CommandElements | % { $_.ToString() } | Join-String -Separator ' '))
# Fine-tune arguments to be always an array
if ( $arguments -is [string] ) { $arguments = #($arguments) }
if ( $arguments -eq $null ) { $arguments = #() }

How to handle errors for the commands to run in Start-Job?

I am writing an automation script. I had a function which takes either a command or an executable. I had to wait until the command or executable has completed running and return if failed or passed. I also want to write the output to file. I am trying with the Start-Job cmdlet.
My current code:
$job = Start-Job -scriptblock {
$ret = Invoke-Expression $incmd -ErrorVariable e
if ($e) {
throw $e
} else {
return $ret
} -ArumentList $outcmd
Wait-Job $job.id
"write the output to file using receive-job and return if passed or failed"
This works perfectly fine for commands but for executables irrespective of errorcode the value of $e is null. This falsely shows as passed even though the errorcode is 0.
I tried with errorcode using $LASTEXISTCODE and $?. But $? is true for executables and $LASTEXISTCODE is either null or garbage value for commands. I am out of ideas and struck here.
When in doubt, read the documentation:
Contains the execution status of the last operation. It contains TRUE if the last operation succeeded and FALSE if it failed.
Contains the exit code of the last Windows-based program that was run.
Basically, you need to check both. $? indicates whether the last PowerShell command/cmdlet was run successfully, whereas $LASTEXITCODE contains the exit code of the external program that was last executed.
if (-not $? -or $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw '... whatever ...'
} else {
return $ret
However, Invoke-Expression is not a very good approach to executing commands. Depending on what you actually want to execute there are probably better ways to do it, with better methods for error handling.

How to run interactive commands in another application window from powershell

I have another command line program which I invoke from my powershell script and would like to run some interactive commands in that window once it is opened from power shell.
In other words - I do a Invoke-Item $link_to_app which opens up the interactive command line for that application and now I would like to use the application specific commands from within powershell scripts.
e.g. app.exe -help to invoke the help command of the app.exe.
Any pointers would help. Thanks!
Try this:
$app = 'app.exe -help'
Invoke-Expression $app
Tested with this and it worked as expected:
$pingTest = 'ping -n 8'
Invoke-Expression $pingTest
From your expanded explanation you appear to want to run 2 commands within the same command prompt. This is possible, however, I'm not sure it will work in your scenario. For example:
echo "hello!"
test2.bat: echo "goodbye!"
$batchTest = "test1.bat && test2.bat"
cmd /c $batchTest
D:\Test>echo "hello!"
D:\Test>echo "goodbye!"
Hope this helps.
I'm not sure, but I think what you want is the ability to have a script send input to and receive output from another program, where the other program has "state" that your script needs to be able to interact with. Below is an example of a script that drives CMD.EXE. CMD has state, such as current working directory and environment variables.
Note, that you could do what the other answerer suggested and just start the program, give all the input on the command line, and then do what you need to with the output. However for CMD if you need to make decisions based on the output, and then give CMD more input based on the previous output, you'd have to save and restore the environment and current working directories between each time you executed CMD. The approach below doesn't require that.
However the approach below does have several caveats. First it is dependent on the PS "host". It works (for me) on the command line PS, but not in ISE. This dependency is due to using the Raw host interface to determine if a key is available. Second it is timing dependent, based on the behavior of CMD (or whatever you use instead). You'll see a few sleep commands in the script. I had to experiment a whole lot to get this script to show CMD's output for a particular sub-command when that command was entered, versus CMD giving the output of previous commands after another command was entered. Comment out the sleeps to see what I mean. Third it is easy to hang Powershell. Killing CMD in task manager gets you out of the hung state, which I had to do many times.
You'll see that I added a couple of commands that the script deals with specially. This is to demonstrate that input to command can come from a PS script (versus input from the keyboard).
if ($ExecutionContext.Host.name -match "ISE Host$") {
write-warning "This script relies on RawUI functionality not implemented in ISE"
$in = $null
$flExiting = $false
$doDebug = $false
function dot-debug {param($color)
if ($doDebug) {
write-host "." -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $color
#function dot-debug {param($color) }
$procInfo = new diagnostics.processstartinfo
$outBuf = new char[] 4096
write-host "Version $ver"
sleep -Milliseconds 300
do {
dot-debug red
# This while loop determines whether input is available from either
# CMD's standard output or from the user typing. You don't want to
# get stuck waiting for input from either one if it doesn't really have input.
:WaitIO while ($true) {
if (-1 -ne $p.StandardOutput.peek()) {
dot-debug yellow
$cnt = $p.StandardOutput.read( $outBuf, 0, 4096)
} else {
dot-debug Gray
if ($host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable -or $flExiting) {break}
$str = $outBuf[0..($cnt-1)] -join ""
write-host "$str" -NoNewline
while (-1 -eq ($rc =$p.StandardOutput.peek())) {
if ($host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable -or $flExiting) {
break WaitIO
dot-debug DarkGray
sleep -milli 200
dot-debug cyan
dot-debug green
# read-host echoes input, so commands get echoed twice (cmd also echoes)
# $host.ui.rawui.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown") doesn't work on ISE,
# but does work in the PS cli shell
if ($in -ne "exit") {$in = read-host}
if ($in -eq "td") { # toggle debug
$doDebug = -not $doDebug
$p.StandardInput.WriteLine( "echo debug toggled")
sleep -milli 300
if ($in -eq "xxx") {
# Example of script driven output being sent to CMD
$p.StandardInput.WriteLine( "echo This is a very long command that I do not want to have to type in everytime I want to use it")
# You have to give CMD enough time to process command before you read stdout,
# otherwise stdout gets "stuck" until the next time you write to stdin
sleep -milli 1
if ($in -eq "exit") {
$flExiting = $true
foreach ($char in [char[]]$in) {
sleep -milli 1
} until ($p.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)