I have a json config that I want to sed in Powershell. Here is the entry in config.json:
"gateway.public.host": "http://placeholder.ourdomain.com",
I want to find the line matching the string gateway.public.host but I want to replace the word placeholder on that line.
Most examples I find on Powershell is find a match and replace that match.
A regex approach would be obvious here. Match everything from the beginning of a line up until and including "placeholder" with a capture group replacing the text after the capture group leaving the remaining line intact.
(Get-Content $file) -replace "(.*gateway.public.host.*)placeholder", '$1ReplacementText'
A host of other regexes will work here as well.
However we can also leverage the power in PowerShell with the cmdlets ConvertFrom-Json and ConvertTo-Json
$json = '{
"gateway.public.host": "http://placeholder.ourdomain.com"
$jsonObject = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonObject."gateway.public.host" = $jsonObject."gateway.public.host" -replace "placeholder", "holdplacer"
$jsonObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
Which will get you
"gateway.public.host": "http://holdplacer.ourdomain.com"
Yes, I will concede that there is more code there. Depending on what you are starting with and where you want to end up your code will be cleaner using this method.
Replace is kind of the SED equivalent. Seeing as you're new to Powershell I'd go with the first method.
If your scenario really is that specific:
$Json = Get-Content filename.json
$Json = $Json -replace ("`"gateway.public.host`": `"http://placeholder.ourdomain.com`"","`"gateway.public.host`": `"http://newvalue.ourdomain.com`"")
$Json | Set-Content filename.json -Force
Or you can do it in one-line
(Get-Content filename.json).replace("`"gateway.public.host`": `"http://placeholder.ourdomain.com`"","`"gateway.public.host`": `"http://newvalue.ourdomain.com`"") | Set-Content filename.json
In Powershell cat is an alias for get-content so you could even do this if you want to 'feel' more linux:
cat filename.json | %{$_ -replace "`"gateway.public.host`": `"http://placeholder.ourdomain.com`"","`"gateway.public.host`": `"http://newvalue.ourdomain.com`""} | Set-Content filename.json
I know that I can use:
gc c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt | where {$_ -ne ""} > c:\FileWithNoEmptyLines.txt
to remove empty lines. But How I can remove them with '-replace' ?
I found a nice one liner here >> http://www.pixelchef.net/remove-empty-lines-file-powershell. Just tested it out with several blanks lines including newlines only as well as lines with just spaces, just tabs, and combinations.
(gc file.txt) | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" } | set-content file.txt
See the original for some notes about the code. Nice :)
This piece of code from Randy Skretka is working fine for me, but I had the problem, that I still had a newline at the end of the file.
(gc file.txt) | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" } | set-content file.txt
So I added finally this:
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("file.txt")
$content = $content.Trim()
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("file.txt", $content)
You can use -match instead -eq if you also want to exclude files that only contain whitespace characters:
#(gc c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt) -match '\S' | out-file c:\FileWithNoEmptyLines
Not specifically using -replace, but you get the same effect parsing the content using -notmatch and regex.
(get-content 'c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt') -notmatch '^\s*$' > c:\FileWithNoEmptyLines.txt
To resolve this with RegEx, you need to use the multiline flag (?m):
((Get-Content file.txt -Raw) -replace "(?m)^\s*`r`n",'').trim() | Set-Content file.txt
If you actually want to filter blank lines from a file then you may try this:
(gc $source_file).Trim() | ? {$_.Length -gt 0}
You can't do replacing, you have to replace SOMETHING with SOMETHING, and you neither have both.
This will remove empty lines or lines with only whitespace characters (tabs/spaces).
[IO.File]::ReadAllText("FileWithEmptyLines.txt") -replace '\s+\r\n+', "`r`n" | Out-File "c:\FileWithNoEmptyLines.txt"
(Get-Content c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt) |
Foreach { $_ -Replace "Old content", " New content" } |
Set-Content c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt;
PS /home/edward/Desktop> Get-Content ./copy.txt
[Desktop Entry]
Start by get the content from file and trim the white spaces if any found in each line of the text document. That becomes the object passed to the where-object to go through the array looking at each member of the array with string length greater then 0. That object is passed to replace the content of the file you started with. It would probably be better to make a new file...
Last thing to do is reads back the newly made file's content and see your awesomeness.
(Get-Content ./copy.txt).Trim() | Where-Object{$_.length -gt 0} | Set-Content ./copy.txt
Get-Content ./copy.txt
This removes trailing whitespace and blank lines from file.txt
PS C:\Users\> (gc file.txt) | Foreach {$_.TrimEnd()} | where {$_ -ne ""} | Set-Content file.txt
Get-Content returns immutable array of rows. You can covert this to mutable array and delete neccessary lines by index.Particular indexex you can get with match. After that you can write result to new file with Set-Content. With this approach you can avoid empty lines that powershell replace tool leaves when you try to replace smthing with "". Note that I dont guarantee perfect perfomance. Im not a professional powershell developer))
$fileLines = Get-Content $filePath
$neccessaryLine = Select-String -Path $filePath -Pattern 'something'
if (-Not $neccessaryLine) { exit }
$neccessaryLineIndex = $neccessaryLine.LineNumber - 1
$updatedFileContent = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($fileLines)
$updatedHostsFileContent.RemoveAt($domainInfoLineIndex - 1)
$updatedHostsFileContent | Set-Content $hostsFilePath
Set-Content -Path "File.txt" -Value (get-content -Path "File.txt" | Select-String -Pattern '^\s*$' -NotMatch)
This works for me, originally got the line from here and added Joel's suggested '^\s*$': Using PowerShell to remove lines from a text file if it contains a string
What would be the command to remove everything after a string (\test.something).
I have information in a text file, but after the string there is like a 1000 lines of text that I don't want. how can I remove everything after and including the string.
This is what I have - not working. Thank you so much.
$file = get-item "C:\Temp\test.txt"
(Get-Content $file) | ForEach {$_.TrimEnd("\test.something\")} | Set-Content $file
Why remove everything after? Just keep everything up to it (I'm going to use two lines for readability but you can easily combine into single command):
$text = ( Get-Content test.txt | Out-String ).Trim()
#Note V3 can just use Get-Content test.txt -raw
$text.Substring(0,$text.IndexOf('\test.something\')) | Set-Content file2.txt
Also, you may not need the Trim but you were using TrimEnd so added in case you want to add it later. )
Using -replace
(Get-Content $file -Raw) -replace '(?s)\\test\.something\\.+' | Set-Content $file
I am trying to change dates programmatically in a file. The line I need to fix looks like this:
set ##dateto = '03/15/12'
I need to write a powershell V2 script that replaces what's inside the single quotes, and I have no idea how to do this.
The closest I've come looks like this:
gc $file | ? {$_ -match "set ##dateto ="} | % {$temp=$_.split("'");$temp[17]
=$CorrectedDate;$temp -join ","} | -outfile newfile.txt
Problems with this: It gives an error about the index 17 being out of range. Also, the outfile only contains one line (The unmodified line). I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks!
You can do something like this ( though you may want to handle the corner cases) :
$CorrectedDate = '10/09/09'
gc $file | %{
if($_ -match "^set ##dateto = '(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d)'") {
$_ -replace $matches[1], $CorrectedDate;
else {
} | out-file test2.txt
mv test2.txt $file -force
There's a GNU program called sponge that soaks up input before writing to a file so you can do something like this: cat myFile | grep "myFilter" | sponge myFile
Is there a powershell equivalent, so I can work on a file in place, without having to pipe to a temporary file?
In Powershell, judicious use of parentheses will force an operation to completely finish before passing data to the next command in the pipeline. The default for piping Get-Content is to pipe line by line to the next command, but with parentheses it must form a complete data set (e.g., load all lines) before continuing:
(Get-Content myFile) | Select-String 'MyFilter' | Set-Content myFile
An alternative that may use less memory (I have not benchmarked it) is to only force the results of Select-String to complete before continuing:
(Get-Content myFile | Select-String 'MyFilter') | Set-Content myFile
You could also assign things to a variable as an additional step. Any technique will load the contents into the Powershell session's memory, so be careful with big files.
Addendum: Select-String returns MatchInfo objects. Using Out-File adds pesky extra blank lines due to the way it tries to format the results as a string, but Set-Content correctly converts each object to its own string as it writes, producing better output. Being that you're coming from *nix and are used to everything returning strings (whereas Powershell returns objects), one way to force string output is to pipe them through a foreach that converts them:
(Get-Content myFile | Select-String 'MyFilter' | foreach { $_.tostring() }) | Set-Content myFile
You can try this :
(Get-content myfile) | where {$_ -match "regular-expression"} | Set-content myfile
${full-path-file-name-of-myfile} | where {$_ -match "regular-expression"} | add-content Anotherfile
more easier to keep in mind
two other ways come to mind - they are both the same really just one is a function the other is on the command line. (I don't know sponge on unix so I can't say for certain they mimic it).
here's the first on the command line
Get-Content .\temp.txt |
Select-String "grep" |
foreach-object -begin { [array] $out = #()} -process { $out = $out + ($_.tostring())} -end {write-output $out}
and the second is two create a function to do it
function sponge {
Mandatory = $True,
ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
Begin {
[array] $out = #()
Process {
$out = $out + $Output
End {
Write-Output $Out
Get-Content .\temp2.txt | Select-String "grep" | sponge
I'm looking for a script, doesn't have to be in PS but must run under Windows, that converts a one column text file like below
I'm currently making this change in Excel using =concatenate, but a script would be better.
Use can use a regular expression to insert characters at beginning and end.
get-content ./myonlinecolumn.txt | foreach {$_ -replace "^","'" -replace "`$","',"}
Or you could use the format operator -f:
get-content ./myonlinecolumn.txt | foreach {"'{0}'," -f $_ }
Its a bit more work to remove the last trailing comma, but this also possible
$a = get-content ./myonlinecolumn.txt
get-content ./myonlinecolumn.txt | foreach { if ($_.readcount -lt $a.count) {"'{0}'," -f $_ } else {"'{0}'" -f $_ }}
My first idea was similar to what Chad already wrote, that is a check on the line number. So I've tried a different solution. Not very nice but I post it too :)
((gc c:\before.txt | % {"'"+$_+"'"} ) -join ",*").split("*") | out-file c:\after.txt
You can just use
(gc myfile | %{"'$_'"}) -join ',
or, if you love escapes:
(gc myfile | %{"'$_'"}) -join ",`n"
This loads the file into an array of strings (Get-Content), then processes each string by putting it into single quotes. (Use `"'$($_.Trim())'" if you need to trim whitespace, too). Then the lines are joined with a comma and line break (those can be embedded directly into strings).
If your values can contain single quotes (which need to be escaped) it's trivial to stick that in there, too:
(gc myfile | %{"'$($_.Trim() -replace "'","''")'"}) -join ",`n"