EntityDataSet fetch all data and then applying where clause - entity-framework

I am using a asp.net GridView control and setting DatasourceId to EntityDataSource as below .in the
page load setting the GridDataSource.EntityTypeFilter to a View name and also adding a where clause as GridDataSource.Where = sWhereClause
The View has million records but the Where condition filter out the record .The EntityDataSource first getting all million record in Sub-Query then applying the Where which timing out command. its generating the query as below. I want the where clause shouldgo with ViewName select statement itself not with sub-query table Extent1.
SELECT [Extent1].[COL1] , [Extent1].[COL2], [Extent1].[COL3]
, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [Extent1].[COL1] ASC
) AS [row_number]
ViewName.V1 ,
FROM [dbo].ViewName
AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[COL1] LIKE '%FilterValue%')
OR ([Extent1].[COL1] LIKE '%FilterValue%') OR ([Extent1].[COL2] LIKE '%FilterValue%') OR ([Extent1].[COL3] LIKE '%FilterValue%') )
) AS [Filter1]
WHERE [Filter1].[row_number] > 0
ORDER BY [Filter1].COL1] ASC
Thanks and appreciate any help in advance.

The EntityDataSource first getting all million record in Sub-Query then applying the Where which timing out command
Just because the WHERE clause is not in the subquery does not mean that subquery isn't filtered. SQL Server (assuming that's what you're using), can "push down" the WHERE clause predicates into the subquery, and into base tables in view definition.
But that won't make any difference here as your multiple LIKE predicates have to be evaluated for every single row in the output of the view, then all the rows have to be sorted to find the top 20.


How to do a Select * followed by a join SEA-ORM

I want to do a join with another table. I followed the tutorial on the site and the my code compiles but it's not performing the join and instead just selects the first table.
JOIN "table2" ON "table1"."col1" = "table2"."col1"
It is only returning the data from table1 and not concatenating the columns where the condition for table1 and table2 is met.
I execute the query using the following code:
.from_raw_sql(Statement::from_string(DatabaseBackend::Postgres, query.to_owned()))
That returns a Vec<Model>. Is this the correct way? Also, how can I build a SQL statement using an Entity as the base which looks like SELECT * from "table1".
After 'SELECT' (and before 'FROM') you are specifying which columns
to include in the output,
and you are selecting only three columns from table1 in your code.
Add the columns you want to include from table2 here, and you may get
the results you want.

Why does adding FROM clause resolve the effect of WHERE condition in subquery on main query?

In my research, I want to see diseases correlated to diabetes by listing all diseases which co-occurs with diabetes, i.e. when there is at least one patient who has medical record of both diabetes and that disease. At first I try this query:
use [ng_data]
select distinct [disease]
from [dbo].[Final_View_2]
where [encode_id] in
select [encode_id]
where [disease] like '%diabetes%'
Where encode_id is the id of patient. But this query only returns diseases whose name contain 'diabetes'. It looks like the condition in subquery affects results in main query.
Then when I try this query:
use [ng_data]
select distinct [disease]
from [dbo].[Final_View_2]
where [encode_id] in
select [encode_id]
from [dbo].[Final_View_2]
where [disease] like '%diabetes%'
it works correctly. It seems that adding from clause in the subquery can resolve the effect of where clause in subquery on the main query. Could someone explain how the queries are carried out and why it produces such result? I'm confused by the dependence of main query on subquery.
Your first query is acting like a correlated sub-query, i.e. the rows it is referencing come from the result set in the outer query. It is in effect just saying "is the column value in this row like '%diabetes%'"; it is therefore no different to putting that WHERE clause in the outer query.
By add the FROM in your sub-query you are creating a secondary resultset of encodeids that have diabetes in the disease column and then selecting all rows that have that encodeid in the first resultset without reference to the disease column.
Take a look at the execution plan for each query to see what it is doing

PostgreSQL - order randomly, but with NULLs first

I have a query that takes all rows out of a table, and joins with another table I am updating. The other table has some items that have been checked (these get a value), and some which are not yet checked. I am trying to implement a way to update all records, but make sure any NULLs get sorted as quickly as possible. I have the following query:
LEFT JOIN post_stats
ON post_stats.post_id = posts.id
However, this is ordering everything randomly. Is there a way to order everything randomly, but any NULLs get shown first?
Note that you don't even specify which column can contain NULLs in your query. This is an indicator that something is going wrong.
The following query (replace with what you need) should do what you want.
FROM posts
LEFT JOIN post_stats ON post_stats.post_id = posts.id

Understanding a simple DISTINCT ON in postgresql

I am having a small difficulty understanding the below simple DISTINCT ON query:
ON (bcolor) bcolor,
I have this table here:
What is the order of execution of the above table and why I am getting the following result:
As I understand since ORDER BY is used it will display the table columns (both of them), in alphabetical order and since ON is used it will return the 1st matched duplicate, but I am still confused about how the resulting table is displayed.
Can somebody take me through how exactly this query is executed ?
This is an odd one since you would think that the SELECT would happen first, then the ORDER BY like any normal RDBMS, but the DISTINCT ON is special. It needs to know the order of the records in order to properly determine which records should be dropped.
So, in this case, it orders first by the bcolor, then by the fcolor. Then it determines distinct bcolors, and drops any but the first record for each distinct group.
In short, it does ORDER BY then applies the DISTINCT ON to drop the appropriate records. I think it would be most helpful to think of 'DISTINCT ON' as being special functionality that differs greatly from DISTINCT.
Added after initial post:
This could be done using window functions and a subquery as well:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY bcolor ORDER BY fcolor ASC) as rownumber,
) t2
WHERE rownumber = 1

Entity framework: query executing 'select from' for no reason

I'm having some issues with the entity framework. I'm executing a simple select from a view in the database. However, when I view the SQL that EF generates, it is executing the query twice using a select from. Is this the way it is supposed to operate? It seems very inefficient.
var reads = (from rt in ctx.C2kReadsToTransfer
where rt.ReadDt > fromDate
&& rt.ReadDt < toDate
select rt);
This gets translated into the following SQL
[Extent1].[AMRID] AS [AMRID]
, [Extent1].[Comments] AS [Comments]
, [Extent1].[ExternalSystemType] AS [ExternalSystemType]
, [Extent1].[LastReadDt] AS [LastReadDt]
, [Extent1].[ReadDt] AS [ReadDt]
, [Extent1].[Reading] AS [Reading]
, [Extent1].[Units] AS [Units]
, [Extent1].[Transferred] AS [Transferred]
[ReadsToTransfer].[AMRID] AS [AMRID]
, [ReadsToTransfer].[Comments] AS [Comments]
, [ReadsToTransfer].[ExternalSystemType] AS [ExternalSystemType]
, [ReadsToTransfer].[LastReadDt] AS [LastReadDt]
, [ReadsToTransfer].[ReadDt] AS [ReadDt]
, [ReadsToTransfer].[Reading] AS [Reading]
, [ReadsToTransfer].[Transferred] AS [Transferred]
, [ReadsToTransfer].[Units] AS [Units]
FROM [dbo].[ReadsToTransfer] AS [ReadsToTransfer])
AS [Extent1]
That seems to be very inefficient, especially when the table contains close to 250 million rows as ours does. Also, if I tack a .Take(2000) onto the end of the code, it simply puts a 'select top 2000' on only the first select. Thus, making it select the top 2000 of the inside select which is the entire table.
Any thoughts on this?
That seems to be very inefficient
I don't think so... the outer SELECT is just a projection (actually an identity projection) of the inner SELECT, and a projection has a negligible performance impact...
Regarding the TOP 2000 clause, the fact that it is on the outer SELECT doesn't mean that the DB will read all rows from the inner SELECT ; it will read them as long as they are requested by the outer SELECT, then stop.
Just try to run the query manually, with or without the outer SELECT : I bet you won't find any significant difference in performance.