Can structured streaming control the speed of data arrival? - spark-structured-streaming

For example, I have a file size of 100MB, and I use structured streaming to handle it. I want to read in 10MB each time, then output the result, read in 10MB again, and then process it. But structured streaming seems to read 100MB directly into the processing and wait for new data to process.

Structured streaming now support Rate Source, and using rowsPerSecond can get certain number of data you want.


Kafka Streams Yearly time Window

There is a requirement in one of the applications that we are working on is, aggregation to happen on a windowed manner and the windowing size may vary monthly/quarterly/half yearly/yearly.
Kafka streams calendar based timed window supports this and I would like to get more inputs on the performance front to know if it would best suit the need.
The memory consumed by the cache to hold the records till the window size.
Number of records that gets streamed on a daily basis within the window is really high.
Please suggest can Kafka stream processing be used in this case and how about the resources for the memory management.?

Spark/Synapse Optimal handling huge gzipped xml file (+600mb compressed size)

For a task we need to process huge transactional xml files which are gz(ipped). Each line in the uncompressed file can be interpreted as its own xml record.
When working with small files like 100 MiB this works fine. The moment à collect() is performed on the huge input file it tends to fail OOM and the jvm crashes.
As this is a compressed (gz) file it can not be processed in parallel (AFAIK).
I was thinking about
using the toLocalIterator() to split it first up into smaller packets of 200K xml entries which are distributed to the other nodes for their cost om processing. Apparently the toLocalIterator() does also the collect() first (to test)
Other option is to use the some kind of index value and filter on it ("index > 5000") and set the limit(5000) to simulate paging through the 2 Million or more entries.
But I have no clue to what I should pay attention to parralize. Any tips are welcome.
Settings to pay attention and how to apply them in Azure Synapse etc.
how to push the read xml over the nodes to be processed in their executor/tasks.
could streaming a single file be an option?
any tips are welcome
Currently my code is done in scala due the fact the java libraries are easily accessible to convert the xml to json and extract the values I need.
Many thanks in advance (also for reading this)
TL;DR suggestion:
Step 1. Increase driver memory and test
Step 2. Increase executor memory and test if first step fails
Slightly longer version:
The fact that it gives OOM on collect() operation doesn't indicate whether it is OOM on operation or df.collect()
Spark scheduler will run the DAG when it encounters an Action but not when it is a Transformation.
So if collect is your first action, it is at that point it actually runs the DAG and the OOM may even be on read but manifesting as OOM on collect
Spark UI will provide insights on where the OOM happens
You are right that uncompressing gzip wont be parallelised. On read operation, it will use a single executor and even a single core. So I would increase executor memory until there is sufficient memory to gzip the whole file into memory - not just to the exact file size, leave the usual 400MB / 0.7% buffer.
If the error is indeed happening on the collect() operation, then you need to sufficiently increase driver memory.
Your app will not be parallelised at read. Your app will not be parallelised at collect()
You app can be parallelised during the transformations in between them and you can force the parallelisation to the extent you want to tune it by repartitioning your dataframe / dataset / rdd further.
Finally, I would consider again whether you do need the collect or whether you can store the output as a number of partitioned files?
I think the zipped file is always going to be a bottleneck so one alternative is to unzip it and see if that helps. I would also consider loading up the xml to a table in Synapse (which can deal with gzipped files). This would have the effect of unzipping it, you could then pass it into a Synapse Notebook with the synapsesql method, eg in Scala:
// Get the table with the XML column from the database and expose as temp view
val df ="yourPool.dbo.someXMLTable")
You could process the XML as I have done here and then write it back to the Synapse dedicated SQL pool as an internal table:
val df2 = spark.sql("""
xpath_string(pkData,'/DataSet/EnumObject[name="Inpatient"]/value') xvalue
FROM someXMLTable
// Write that dataframe back to the dedicated SQL pool
df2.write.synapsesql("yourPool.dbo.someXMLTable_processed", Constants.INTERNAL)
This would ensure you are keeping things in parallel, no collect required. NB there are a couple of assumptions in there around uploading the gzipped files to a dedicated SQL pool and that the xpath_string does what you need which need to be checked and confirmed. The proposed pattern:

Spark 2.3.1 Structured Streaming Input Rate

I wonder if there is a way to specify the size of the mini-batch in Spark Structured streaming. That is rather than only stating the mini-batch interval (Triggers), I would like to state how many Row can be in a mini-batch (DataFrame) per interval.
Is there a way to do that ?
Aside from the general capability to do that, I particularily need to apply that in testing scenario, where i have an MemoryStream. I would like Spark to consume a certain amount of data from the MemoryStream, instead of taking all of it at once, to actually see how the the overall application behave. My understanding is that the MemoryStream data structure needs to be filled before launching the job on it. Hence, how can i see the mini-batch processing behavior, is spark is able to ingest the entire content of the MemoryStream within the interval that I give ?
In the Kafka Integration I have found the following:
maxOffsetsPerTrigger: Rate limit on maximum number of offsets processed per trigger interval. The specified total number of offsets will be proportionally split across topicPartitions of different volume.
But that is just for KAFKA integration. I have also seen
maxFilesPerTrigger: maximum number of new files to be considered in every trigger
So it seems things are defined per source types. Hence, is there a way to control how data is consumed from MEMORYSTREAM[ROW] ?
Look for below guys they can solve your problem:

Avoiding small files from Kafka connect using HDFS connector sink in distributed mode

We have a topic with messages at the rate of 1msg per second with 3 partitions and I am using HDFS connector to write the data to HDFS as AVRo format(default), it generates files with size in KBS,So I tried altering the below properties in the HDFS properties.
but the output is still small files,So I need clarity on the following things to solve this issue:
is flush.size property mandatory, in-case if we do not mention the flus.size property how does the data gets flushed?
if the we mention the flush size as 5000 and rotate interval as 2 hours,it is flushing the data for every 2 hours for first 3 intervals but after that it flushes data randomly,Please find the timings of the file creation(
19:14,21:14,23:15,01:15,06:59,08:59,12:40,14:40)--highlighted the mismatched it because of the over riding of properties mentioned?that takes me to the third question.
What is the preference for flush if we mention all the below properties (flush.size,,
Increasing the rate of msg and reducing the partition is actually showing an increase in the size of the data being flushed, is it the only way to have control over the small files,how can we handle the properties if the rate of the input events are varying and not stable?
It would be great help if you could share documentations regarding handling small files in kafka connect with HDFS connector,Thank you.
If you are using a TimeBasedPartitioner, and the messages are not consistently going to have increasing timestamps, then you will end up with a single writer task dumping files when it sees a message with a lesser timestamp in the interval of of reading any given record.
If you want to have consistent bihourly partition windows, then you should be using to disable it, then to some reasonable number that is within the partition duration window.
E.g. you have 7200 messages every 2 hours, and it's not clear how large each message is, but let's say 1MB. Then, you'd be holding ~7GB of data in a buffer, and you need to adjust your Connect heap sizes to hold that much data.
The order of presecence is
scheduled rotation, starting from the top of the hour
flush size or "message-based" time rotation, whichever occurs first, or there is a record that is seen as "before" the start of the current batch
And I believe flush size is mandatory for the storage connectors
Overall, systems such as Uber's Hudi or the previous Kafka-HDFS tool of Camus Sweeper are more equipped to handle small files. Connect Sink Tasks only care about consuming from Kafka, and writing to downstream systems; the framework itself doesn't recognize Hadoop prefers larger files.

Streaming data store in hive using spark

I am creating a application in which getting streaming data which goes into kafka and then on spark. consume the data, apply some login and then save processed data into the hive. velocity of data is very fast. I am getting 50K records in 1min. There is window of 1 min in spark streaming in which it process the data and save the data in the hive.
my question is for production prospective architecture is fine? If yes how can I save the streaming data into hive. What I am doing is, creating dataframe of 1 min window data and will save it in hive by using
I have not created the pipeline. Is it fine or I have to modified the architecture?
I would give it a try!
BUT kafka->spark->hive is not the optimal pipline for your usecase.
hive is normally based on hdfs which is not designed for small number of inserts/updates/selects.
So your plan can end up in the following problems:
many small files which ends in bad performance
your window gets to small because it takes to long
option 1:
- use kafka just as buffer queue and design your pipeline like
- kafka->hdfs(e.g. with spark or flume)->batch spark to hive/impala table
Option 2:
kafka->flume/spark to hbase/kudu->batch spark to hive/impala
option 1 has no "realtime" analysis option. It depends on how often you run the batch spark
option2 is a good choice i would recommend, store like 30 days in hbase and all older data in hive/impala. With a view you will be able to join new and old data for realtime analysis.
Kudu makes the architecture even easier.
Saving data into hive tables can be tricky if you like to partition it and use it via HIVEsql.
But basicly it would work like the following: