Scala scala.xml.XML.load(is: InputStream) is closing ZipInputStream - scala

I am extracting zip files in memory suing scala as shown below:
val rdd = sc.binaryFiles("/path")
.flatMap {
case (name: String, content: PortableDataStream) => {
val zis = new ZipInputStream(
Stream.continually(zis.getNextEntry()).takeWhile(_ != null)
.flatMap { _ =>
val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(zis))
val root = scala.xml.XML.load(br);
val namespace = root.head.namespace
//other stuff
Problem with this code is, it reads only 1st XML file inside the zip and then closes the ZipInputStream automatically and I get the error as: Stream closed
at Source)
at Source)
I have few zip files and each zip contains XML files, my goal is to parse each of the XML file. As I am newbie to Scala I am not sure whether I am doing anything wrong or scala.xml.XML.load itself is closing the stream.


Download pdf file from s3 using akka-stream-alpakka

I am trying to download pdf file from S3 using the akka-stream-alpakka connector. I have the s3 path and try to download the pdf using a wrapper method over the alpakka s3Client.
def getSource(s3Path: String): Source[ByteString, NotUsed] = {
val (source, _) =, s3Path)
From my main code, I call the above method and try to convert it to a file
val file = new File("certificate.pdf")
val res: Future[IOResult] = getSource(data.s3PdfPath)
However, instead of it getting converted to a file, I am stuck with a type of IOResult. Can someone please guide as to where I am going wrong regarding this ?
def download(bucket: String, bucketKey: String, filePath: String) = {
val (s3Source: Source[ByteString, _], _) =, bucketKey)
val result = s3Source.toMat(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(filePath)))(Keep.right)
download(s3Bucket, key, newSigFilepath).onComplete {
Inspect the IOResult, and if successful you can use your file:
res.foreach {
case IOResult(bytes, Success(_)) =>
println(s"$bytes bytes written to $file")
... // do whatever you want with your file
case _ =>
println("some error occurred.")

is it possible in scala/Akka to read the .xls file and .xlsx as a chunk?

Upload a file in chunk to a server including additional fields
def readFile(): Seq[ExcelFile] = {" readSales method initiated: ")
val source_test = source("E:/dd.xlsx")
println( " source_test "+source_test)
val source_test2 = Source.fromFile(source_test)
println( " source_test2 "+source_test)
//" source: "+source)
for {
line <- source_test2.getLines().drop(1).toVector
values = line.split(",").map(_.trim)
//" values are the: "+values)
} yield ExcelFile(Option(values(0)), Option(values(1)), Option(values(2)), Option(values(3)))
def source(filePath: String): String = {
implicit val codec = Codec("UTF-8")
upload route,
(post & extractRequestContext) { ctx => {
implicit val materializer = ctx.materializer
implicit val ec = ctx.executionContext
fileUpload("fileUploads") {
case (fileInfo, fileStream) =>
val path = "E:\\"
val sink = FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(path).resolve(fileInfo.fileName))
val wResult = fileStream.runWith(sink)
onSuccess(wResult) { rep => rep.status match {
case Success(_) =>
var ePath = path + File.separator + fileInfo.fileName
_success message_
case Failure(e) => _faillure message_
} }
} }
am using above code, is it possible in scala or Akka can I read the excel file like chunk file
After looking at your code, it like you are having an issue with the post-processing (after upload) of the file.
If uploading a 3GB file is working even for 1 user then I assume that it is already chunked or multipart.
The first problem is here - source_test2.getLines().drop(1).toVector which create a Vector ( > 3GB ) with all line in file.
The other problem is that you are keeping the whole Seq[ExcelFile] in memory which should be bigger than 3 GB (because of Java object overhead).
So whenever you are calling this readFile function, you are using more than 6 GB memory.
You should try to avoid creating such large object in your application and use things like Iterator instead of Seq
def readFile(): Iterator[ExcelFile] = {
val lineIterator = Source.fromFile("your_file_path").getLines
lineIterator.drop(1).map(line => {
val values = line.split(",").map(_.trim)
The advantage with Iterator is that it will not load all the things in memory at once. And you can keep using Iterators for further steps.

How to stream zipped file (on the fly) via Play Framework 2.5 in scala?

I want to stream some files and zip them on the fly, so users can download multiple files into a single zipped file without writing anything to the local disk. However, my current implementation holds everything in the memory, and will no work for large files. Is there any way to fix it?
I was looking at this implementation:, but couldn't figure out how to use it.
import{BufferedOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
import{ZipEntry, ZipOutputStream}
import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller}
class HomeController extends Controller {
def single() = Action {
content = new"C:\\Users\\a.csv"),
fileName = _ => "a.csv"
def zip() = Action {
CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/zip",
CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> s"attachment; filename ="
def fileByteData(): ByteArrayInputStream = {
val fileList = List(
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(baos))
try { => {
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(file.toPath.getFileName.toString))
} finally {
new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray)
Instead of using a ByteArrayOutputStream to buffer the contents in an array then putting them into a ByteArrayInputStream you could use Java's piping mechanism.
Here's a sketch solution:
def zip() = Action {
// Create Source that listens to an OutputStream
// and pass it to `fileByteData` method.
val zipSource: Source[ByteString, Unit] =
CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/zip",
CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> s"attachment; filename =")
// Send the file data, given an OutputStream to write to.
def fileByteData(os: OutputStream): Unit = {
val fileList = List(
val zos = new ZipOutputStream(os)
val buffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](2048)
try {
for (file <- fileList) {
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(file.toPath.getFileName.toString))
val fis = new Files.newInputStream(file.toPath)
try {
def zipFile(): Unit = {
val bytesRead =
if (bytesRead == -1) () else {
zos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead)
} finally fis.close()
} finally {
This is just an outline of an approach. You'll also want to make sure:
- the threading is OK - the fileByteData will hopefully run on a different thread to the sending thread
- the error handling is OK - e.g. all streams are closed properly if there's an error on either the server (e.g. file not found) or client side (early disconnect)

File upload using Akka HTTP

I am trying to implement file upload functionality in my application using Akka HTTP. I am using akka-stream version 2.4.4.
Here is the code (modified from akka-doc)
path("fileupload") {
post {
extractRequestContext {
ctx => {
implicit val materializer = ctx.materializer
implicit val ec = ctx.executionContext
fileUpload("fileUpload") {
case (metadata, byteSource) =>
val location = FileUtil.getUploadPath(metadata)
val updatedFileName = metadata.fileName.replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll("\"", "")
val uniqFileName = uniqueFileId.concat(updatedFileName)
val fullPath = location + File.separator + uniqFileName
val writer = new FileOutputStream(fullPath)
val bufferedWriter = new BufferedOutputStream(writer)
val result = => {
val result1 = byteSource.runWith(Sink.foreach(s=>bufferedWriter.write(s.toArray)))
Await.result(result1, 5.seconds)
/*onSuccess(result) { x =>
complete("hello world")
This code is working fine and is uploading the file to the given path. I am generating new file names by appending UUID to make sure that the file names are unique. So I need to return the new file name to the caller. However, this method is not returning the filename always. Sometimes, it is finishing with Response has no content.
Can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong here?
There is no need to use the standard blocking streams when you have reactive streams for that purpose:
path("fileUpload") {
post {
fileUpload("fileUpload") {
case (fileInfo, fileStream) =>
val sink = FileIO.toPath(Paths.get("/tmp") resolve fileInfo.fileName)
val writeResult = fileStream.runWith(sink)
onSuccess(writeResult) { result =>
result.status match {
case Success(_) => complete(s"Successfully written ${result.count} bytes")
case Failure(e) => throw e
This code will upload fileUpload multipart field to a file inside /tmp directory. It just dumps the content of the input source to the respective file sink, returning a message upon the completion of the write operation.
You may also want to tweak the dispatcher used for FileIO sources and sinks, as described in their scaladocs.
If you need only uploading a file but not doing anything until upload finishes in the file stream, then there is much simpler way:
def tempDestination(fileInfo: FileInfo): File =
File.createTempFile(fileInfo.fileName, ".tmp")
val route =
storeUploadedFile("csv", tempDestination) {
case (metadata, file) =>
// do something with the file and file metadata ...
See docs:

How do I save a file in a Spark PairRDD using the key as the filename and the value as the contents?

In Spark, I have downloaded multiple files from s3 using sc.binaryFiles. The RDD that results has the key as the filename and the value has the contents of the file. I have decompressed the file contents, csv parsed it, and converted it to a dataframe. So, now I have a PairRDD[String, DataFrame]. The problem I have is that I want to save the file to HDFS using the key as the filename and save the value as a parquet file overwriting one if it already exists. This is what I got so far.
val files = sc.binaryFiles(lFiles.mkString(","), 250).mapValues(stream => sc.parallelize(readZipStream(new ZipInputStream(
val tables = files.mapValues(file => {
val header = file.first.split(",")
val schema = StructType( => StructField(fieldName, StringType, true)))
val lines = file.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (idx, iter) => if (idx == 0) iter.drop(1) else iter }.flatMap(x => x.split("\n"))
val rowRDD = => Row.fromSeq(x.split(",")))
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema)
If you have any advice, please let me know. I would appreciate it.
the way to save files to HDFS in spark is the same to hadoop. So you need to create a class which extends MultipleTextOutputFormat, in custom class you can define output filename yourself.the example is below:
class RDDMultipleTextOutputFormat extends MultipleTextOutputFormat[Any, Any] {
override def generateFileNameForKeyValue(key: Any, value: Any, name: String): String = {
"realtime-" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm").format(new Date()) + "00-" + name
the called code is below:
RDD.rddToPairRDDFunctions( { case (key, list) =>
(NullWritable.get, key)
}).saveAsHadoopFile(input, classOf[NullWritable], classOf[String], classOf[RDDMultipleTextOutputFormat])