How do I update service Fabric application parameter using powershell - azure-service-fabric

Using powershell is there a way to update Service Fabric application parameters directly without have to redeploy the whole application.

If you want to update the applications ports you need to update the Application Manifest file and push that update to the cluster. For example, using visual studio you can make changes and when you select Publish, you can chose to update the app.
You can of course use PowerShell to apply the changes but the processes are all the same. You make changes to the manifest and update that file to the cluster. There is not an option to simply update a port using powershell like you can on an Azure VM
You can read more about updating the application manifest in the below docs:

It appears that if you do not use default services, you can update the parameters.
Start-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade -ApplicationName $applicationName -ApplicationTypeVersion $applicationVer `
-Monitored -FailureAction Rollback -UpgradeDomainTimeoutSec 360 -HealthCheckRetryTimeoutSec 10 -ApplicationParameter $parameters -Force
If you are using the default services of the application manifest then we recommend that you do not since as you have mentioned you have to change the manifest to deploy new settings. If you want a more ops way of doing things, then you can remove the default services and use Update-ServiceFabricService to change the parameters on the fly. Generally we recommend default services only for dev/test.


Azure Service Fabric - trying to update key-value parameters of an application using Powershell

I am trying to update the Key-Value parameters of one of my Service Fabric applications. Right now the application version is 2.0.20. This is the script my former dev gave to me to update the key-value parameters:
New-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName fabric:/Cantanilla.Jef -ApplicationTypeName Cantanilla.Application.JefType -ApplicationTypeVersion 2.0.20 -ApplicationParameter #{key:value pairs}
I can't get this script to work. The issue is that if I run this with version 2.0.20, I get the error Application already exists. If I run it with version 2.0.21, I get the error Application type and version not found.
How can I accomplish this? The dev said this script definitely worked for them.
You can't get it to work with 2.0.21 because you first have to Copy the new version 2.0.21 to the Image store with the command Copy-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage and then register as a valid package version with Register-ServiceFabricApplicationType
Also, the command New-ServiceFabricApplication that you tried, will create a new application, instead of updating the old one.
To update the old one, you have to use the command Start-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade.
The following command should work:
Start-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade -ApplicationName fabric:/Cantanilla.Jef -ApplicationTypeVersion 2.0.20 -Monitored -FailureAction Rollback -ApplicationParameter #{key:value pairs}
Keep in mind that you have to provide all the parameters specified when you deployed the application, some might not be possible to change.

Azure Service Fabric - change config settings for a deployed Application

How do I change settings for a deployed application in Service Fabric?
I have a provisioned cluster and an application deployed to the cluster with two applications. I would like to be able to change my services' settings and have them pick up those changes, but I don't see how I can do that.
Previously, we've done all of our services with worker roles in Cloud Services, and the portal allows for changing configurations, but it does not appear to do so for Service Fabric. From the Service Fabric Explorer I can drill down to the service, go to MANIFEST and view the XML with the settings. I just don't see a way to edit or change it. I've struggled finding anything in the SF documentation addressing this.
The portal doesn't expose a way to do this. It needs to be done via an upgrade of the application. Just change the settings in your settings XML file and perform an upgrade. In the VS publish dialog for your application project, you can update your version numbers appropriately by changing the config package version which will automatically bubble up to update the containing service and application versions.
Building on Matt Thalman's answer, here's documentation on modifying the settings in the application or service manifest XML files, updating the version numbers, and performing an application upgrade: Service Fabric application upgrade tutorial using Visual Studio. You can also perform the app upgrade using PowerShell.
Additional to above answers, adding some powershell code..
we may use below powershell code to connect to Service Fabric from powershell and get the application parameters and then update specific parameter and re deploy..
### Change the connection here (from Profile-Cloud.xml
$ConnectArgs = #{
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster #ConnectArgs
$myApplication = Get-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName fabric:/ABC.MyService
$appParamCollection = $myApplication.ApplicationParameters
### Update your parameter here..
$applicationParameterMap = #{}
foreach ($pair in $appParamCollection)
$applicationParameterMap.Add($pair.Name, $pair.Value);
### Start Udpating
Start-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade -ApplicationName $myApplication.ApplicationName.OriginalString -ApplicationTypeVersion $myApplication.ApplicationTypeVersion -ApplicationParameter $applicationParameterMap -Monitored -FailureAction Rollback -ForceRestart $true
### Check the status until it is Ready
(Get-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName fabric:/ABC.MyService).ApplicationStatus
### Check the parameters to confirm those're updated
Get-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName fabric:/ABC.MyService
You may change or remove the -ForceRestart as per your requriements

Running Powershell scripts on Web App machine

I have an Azure web app. This web app has a QA deployment slot for pre-production testing. When I check in my code from VS, I have it setup to build and deploy to the QA deployment slot. This works great. However, a few configurations need to be updated in the QA web app so the application points to the correct service endpoints (i.e. not dev). To do this, my initial approach was to add a PS task to the Release that unzips my deployment zip, updates the configuration files, rezips them and then allows the Release flow to deploy the updated zip. This works locally, but running into filename length issues on the server when unzipping, which I can't change.
Now I'm trying to just include my update PS scripts in my deployment package, and then run the scripts AFTER the deployment has occurred. So, I'm looking at this Powershell on Target Machines task to run a PS on the QA slot server to update configurations. However, it's asking for Machines, which would be the server name of the slot server. I don't have that. I also don't know where to get it. I also don't have the path to the PS scripts once I have the server name. I dumped out the server variables and none of them help me, unless there is a cmdlet to look up environments that I'm not aware of.
System.DefaultWorkingDirectory: 'C:\a\2ed23b64d'
System.TeamFoundationServerUri: ''
System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri: ''
System.TeamProject: 'REDACTED'
System.TeamProjectId: 'REDACTED'
Release.DefinitionName: 'REDACTED'
Release.EnvironmentUri: 'vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Environment/46'
Release.EnvironmentName: 'QA'
Release.ReleaseDescription: 'Triggered by REDACTED Build Definition 20160425.4.'
Release.ReleaseId: '31'
Release.ReleaseName: 'Release-31'
Release.ReleaseUri: 'vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/31'
Release.RequestedFor: 'Matthew Mulhearn'
Release.RequestedForId: ''
Agent.HomeDirectory: 'C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\1.98.1'
Agent.JobName: 'Release'
Agent.MachineName: 'TASKAGENT5-0020'
Agent.Name: 'Hosted Agent'
Agent.RootDirectory: 'C:\a'
Agent.WorkingDirectory: 'C:\a\SourceRootMapping\REDACTED'
Agent.ReleaseDirectory: 'C:\a\2ed23b64d'
Anyone have any idea, or a better approach, to accomplish what I'm attempting?

How can I make chef restart a service with additional parameters passed in?

I have a template for a Rails site for Sphinx configuration. There can be multiple different Sphinx services on the same machine running on different ports, one per app. Therefore, I I only want to restart Sphinx for each site if their corresponding configuration template changes. I've created an /etc/init.d/sphinx script that restarts just one sphinx based on a parameter similar to:
/etc/init.d/sphinx restart /etc/sphinx/site1.conf
Where site1.conf is defined by a Chef template. I'd really love to use the notifies functionality for Chef Templates to pass in the correct site1.conf parameter if the template changes. Is this possible?
Alternatively, I suppose I could just register a different service for each site similar to:
However, I'd prefer to pass in the parameters to the script instead.
When defining a service resource, you can customize the start, stop, and restart commands that will be run. You can define a service resource for each site that you have using these customized commands and set up their corresponding notifications.
For example:
service "sphinx_site1" do
supports :restart => true
restart_command "/etc/init.d/sphinx restart /etc/sphinx/site1.conf"
action :nothing
template "/etc/sphinx/site1.conf" do
notifies :restart, "service[sphix_site1]"

Undeploying apps in JBoss Application Server from the command line

Are there any simple ways to see what wars have been deployed in Jboss AS and undeploy some of them? I want to do this from the command line.
I tried using jmx but I keep getting exception saying "org.jboss.util.NestedRuntimeException: jmx not bound;" I'd prefer to do it in a way where I don't have to stop and start the application server.
You can approach this in three ways in JBoss Application Server 7:
Management Console
Management CLI
Deployment folder
Management Console
Being a GUI, the Management Console is the most visual of the three, and you can see the list of deployed applications under the Deployment window. You have the option to Disable and Remove the deployed applications listed here. This screenshot is from AS7.0.2, and some windows have and will change with the addition of tabs, but the general functionality remains the same.
Management CLI
The Management Command Line Interface is a new addition to AS7. The CLI exposes a lot of low-level functionality, and is a powerful tool once you get familiar with the commands and operations. As you might expect, you can run help to show the commands, or run <commandname> --help for more information on a specific command. Two useful commands are deploy and undeploy, so let's look at their help information. I'll give Linux examples, but you can insert your flavour of OS as required.
Here's deploy:
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] deploy --help
deploy (file_path [--name=deployment_name] [--runtime_name=deployment_runtime_name] [--force] | --name=deployment_name) [--server-groups=group_name (,group_name)* | --all-server-groups]
Deploys the application designated by the file_path or enables an already existing
but disabled in the repository deployment designated by the name argument.
If executed w/o arguments, will list all the existing deployments.
file_path - the path to the application to deploy. Required in case the deployment
doesn't exist in the repository.
The path can be either absolute or relative to the current directory.
--name - the unique name of the deployment. If the file path argument is specified
the name argument is optional with the file name been the default value.
If the file path argument isn't specified then the command is supposed to
enable an already existing but disabled deployment, and in this case the
name argument is required.
--runtime_name - optional, the runtime name for the deployment.
--force - if the deployment with the specified name already exists, by default,
deploy will be aborted and the corresponding message will printed.
Switch --force (or -f) will force the replacement of the existing deployment
with the one specified in the command arguments.
--server-groups - comma separated list of server group names the deploy command should apply to.
Either server-groups or all-server-groups is required in the domain mode.
This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.
--all-server-groups - indicates that deploy should apply to all the available server groups.
Either server-groups or all-server-groups is required in domain mode.
This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.
-l - in case none of the required arguments is specified the command will
print all of the existing deployments in the repository. The presence of the -l switch
will make the existing deployments printed one deployment per line, instead of
in columns (the default).
And here's undeploy:
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] undeploy --help
undeploy name [--server-groups=group_name (,group_name)* | --all-relevant-server-groups] [--keep-content]
Undeploys the deployment with the given name and, depending on the arguments, removes
its content from the repository.
If the deployment name isn't specified, prints the list of all the existing deployments.
name - the name of the deployment to undeploy.
--server-groups - comma separated list of server group names the undeploy command should apply to.
Either server-groups or all-relevant-server-groups is required in the domain mode.
This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.
--all-relevant-server-groups - indicates that undeploy should apply to all the server groups
in which the deployment is enabled.
Either server-groups or all-relevant-server-groups is required in domain mode.
This argument is not applicable in the standalone mode.
--keep-content - by default undeploy, besides disabling the deployment, also removes its
content from the repository. The presence of --keep-content will only disable
the deployment w/o removing its content from the repository.
This argument can be used in both standalone and domain modes.
-l - in case the deployment name isn't specified, the presence of the -l switch
will make the existing deployments printed one deployment per line, instead of
in columns (the default).
The CLI In Action
Running the deploy or undeploy command without any arguments will list all the applications available. So your workflow to log in to the CLI and undeploy an application would be like this (simplified):
Change directory from EAP_HOME to the bin folder:
[user#home EAP_HOME]$ cd bin
Run the CLI logon script:
[user#host bin]$ ./
You are disconnected at the moment. Type 'connect' to connect to the server or 'help' for the list of supported commands.
Instruct the API to connect (this can also be passed at runtime as ./ --connect).
[disconnected /] connect
Connected to standalone controller at localhost:9999
Run the undeploy command to display available applications.
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] undeploy
Run the undeploy command to undeploy the application. In this case, the test.ear.
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] undeploy test.ear
Successfully undeployed test.ear.
Deployment Folder
If you are running an instance of AS7 as a development tool, and are using the deployment folder, you can simply delete the application. You will notice that a marker file is created, such as test.ear.failed, to signify the status of the application deployment.
With JBoss Application Server it's possible handle deployment with plain file operations on wars/ears in deploy dir.
Just ls to enumerate, delete to undeploy, copy to deploy and touch to redeploy. No server restart required.
Also for the newest version of JBoss Application Server 7 you can use CLI.
You can also try CLI GUI. The Deployments-->Undeploy menu option provides a pick list of deployments. A couple of clicks and you are done.
You dont have to restart the JBOSS server if you remove the WAR and EAR the application gets undeployed .
The article ( ) gives the perfect explanation of how it works.
Let all know if you have any questions about it .
We have been doing the development on Jboss the same way in our DEV , QA and Prod environment and have not faced any issues with it so-far.