I would like to know if there's any approach that would allow me to ignore null types while unmarshalling a MongoDB document into a Go struct.
Right now I have some auto-generate Go structs, something like this:
type User struct {
Name string `bson:"name"`
Email string `bson:"email"`
Changing the types declared in this struct is not an option, and here's the problem; in a MongoDB database, which I do not have total control, some of the documents have been inserted with null values were originally I was not expecting nulls. Something like this:
"name": "John Doe",
"email": null
As the string types declared inside my struct are not pointers, they can't receive a nil value, so whenever I try to unmarshall this document in my struct, it returns an error.
Preventing the insertion of this kind of document into the database would be the ideal solution, but for my use case, ignoring the null values would also be acceptable. So after unmarshalling the document my User instance would look like this
User {
Name: "John Doe",
Email: "",
I'm trying to find, either some annotation flag, or an option that could be passed to the method Find/FindOne, or maybe even a query parameter to prevent returning any field containing null values from the database. Without any success until now.
Are there any built-in solutions in the mongo-go-driver for this problem?
The problem is that the current bson codecs do not support encoding / decoding string into / from null.
One way to handle this is to create a custom decoder for string type in which we handle null values: we just use the empty string (and more importantly don't report error).
Custom decoders are described by the type bsoncodec.ValueDecoder. They can be registered at a bsoncodec.Registry, using a bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder for example.
Registries can be set / applied at multiple levels, even to a whole mongo.Client, or to a mongo.Database or just to a mongo.Collection, when acquiring them, as part of their options, e.g. options.ClientOptions.SetRegistry().
First let's see how we can do this for string, and next we'll see how to improve / generalize the solution to any type.
1. Handling null strings
First things first, let's create a custom string decoder that can turn a null into a(n empty) string:
import (
type nullawareStrDecoder struct{}
func (nullawareStrDecoder) DecodeValue(dctx bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader, val reflect.Value) error {
if !val.CanSet() || val.Kind() != reflect.String {
return errors.New("bad type or not settable")
var str string
var err error
switch vr.Type() {
case bsontype.String:
if str, err = vr.ReadString(); err != nil {
return err
if err = vr.ReadNull(); err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %v into a string type", vr.Type())
return nil
OK, and now let's see how to utilize this custom string decoder to a mongo.Client:
clientOpts := options.Client().
RegisterDecoder(reflect.TypeOf(""), nullawareStrDecoder{}).
client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOpts)
From now on, using this client, whenever you decode results into string values, this registered nullawareStrDecoder decoder will be called to handle the conversion, which accepts bson null values and sets the Go empty string "".
But we can do better... Read on...
2. Handling null values of any type: "type-neutral" null-aware decoder
One way would be to create a separate, custom decoder and register it for each type we wish to handle. That seems to be a lot of work.
What we may (and should) do instead is create a single, "type-neutral" custom decoder which handles just nulls, and if the BSON value is not null, should call the default decoder to handle the non-null value.
This is surprisingly simple:
type nullawareDecoder struct {
defDecoder bsoncodec.ValueDecoder
zeroValue reflect.Value
func (d *nullawareDecoder) DecodeValue(dctx bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader, val reflect.Value) error {
if vr.Type() != bsontype.Null {
return d.defDecoder.DecodeValue(dctx, vr, val)
if !val.CanSet() {
return errors.New("value not settable")
if err := vr.ReadNull(); err != nil {
return err
// Set the zero value of val's type:
return nil
We just have to figure out what to use for nullawareDecoder.defDecoder. For this we may use the default registry: bson.DefaultRegistry, we may lookup the default decoder for individual types. Cool.
So what we do now is register a value of our nullawareDecoder for all types we want to handle nulls for. It's not that hard. We just list the types (or values of those types) we want this for, and we can take care of all with a simple loop:
customValues := []interface{}{
"", // string
int(0), // int
int32(0), // int32
rb := bson.NewRegistryBuilder()
for _, v := range customValues {
t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
defDecoder, err := bson.DefaultRegistry.LookupDecoder(t)
if err != nil {
rb.RegisterDecoder(t, &nullawareDecoder{defDecoder, reflect.Zero(t)})
clientOpts := options.Client().
client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOpts)
In the example above I registered null-aware decoders for string, int and int32, but you may extend this list to your liking, just add values of the desired types to the customValues slice above.
You can go through the operator $exists and Query for Null or Missing Fields for a detail explanation.
In the mongo-go-driver, you can try below query:
The email => nil query matches documents that either contains the email field whose value is nil or that do not contain the email field.
cursor, err := coll.Find(
{"email", nil},
You have to just add the $ne operator in the above query to get the records that do not have the field email or do not have the value nil in email. For more details about the operator $ne
If you know ahead of time which fields could potentially be null in your mongoDB records, you can use pointers in your structs instead:
type User struct {
Name string `bson:"name"` // Will still fail to decode if null in Mongo
Email *string `bson:"email"` // Will be nil in go if null in Mongo
Just remember that now you'll need to code more defensively around anything that uses this value after decoding from mongo, eg:
var reliableVal string
if User.Email != nil {
reliableVal = *user.Email
} else {
reliableVal = ""
I am getting the following error while deleting from key from array of JSON objects using Go.
repository/orderRepository.go:394:11: first argument to delete must be map; have interface {}
repository/orderRepository.go:395:11: first argument to delete must be map; have interface {}
repository/orderRepository.go:396:11: first argument to delete must be map; have interface {}
repository/orderRepository.go:397:11: first argument to delete must be map; have interface {}
repository/orderRepository.go:398:11: first argument to delete must be map; have interface {}
I am explaining my code below.
func SyncOrders() map[string]interface{} {
logger.Log.Println("OrderRepository SyncOrders Begin")
resourceManager := resources.ResourceManager{}
session, error := driver.Connect()
db := session.DB(config.Configuration.Database)
var resp map[string]interface{}
if error != nil {
resp := utils.Message(resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.ERROR), resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.DB_SERVER_NOT_REACHABLE_CODE), resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.DB_SERVER_NOT_REACHABLE_DESC))
return resp
} else {
var result []interface{}
//filter := bson.M{"Customer.CustomerID": id, "PaymentDetails.PaymentStatus": "Payment Received"}
err := db.C(ORDERCOLLECTION).Find(nil).All(&result)
if err == nil {
resp = utils.Message(resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.SUCCESS), resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.PRODUCT_GETBYID_CODE), resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.PRODUCT_GETBYID_DESC))
for i := 1; i < len(result); i++ {
resp["data"] = result
} else {
resp = utils.Message(resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.ERROR), resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.PRODUCT_GETBYID_NOTFOUND_CODE), resourceManager.GetProperty(constants.PRODUCT_GETBYID_NOTFOUND_DESC))
defer session.Close()
return resp
Here I am fetching some record from MongoDB and delete some key value from each record but when I am running the server I am getting these errors. As I am beginner to Go. Can anybody help me to resolve these errors?
The error message says it all: the first argument to the builtin delete() must be a value of static type map.
Your result variable is of type []interface{}, so indexing it like result[i] will result in a value of type interface{}.
If it holds a map, you may use type assertion to obtain the map value from it. Since you use the mgo driver, it is of type bson.M (which is a map[string]interface{}), so you may do it like this:
delete(result[i].(bson.M), "_id")
But it would be better if you would declare result to be a slice of maps in the first place:
var result []bson.M
So then no type assertion will be needed, and the following will be valid code:
delete(result[i], "_id")
Also note that if you want to remove these properties from the results, it would be best if you would tell MongoDB you don't need these fields and so the server wouldn't even send these (saving network traffic) and then you wouldn't have to remove them (saving time and memory).
Use projection to tell you don't need these fields. In mgo you can set a projection using the Query.Select() method.
For example:
err := db.C(ORDERCOLLECTION).Find(nil).Select(bson.M{
"_id": 0,
"CreatedAt": 0,
"CreatedBy": 0,
"UpdatedAt": 0,
"UpdatedBy": 0,
The above query will result in documents where the listed fields will not be present, so you don't have to manually remove them using delete().
You are trying to delete key from variable of type interface{}.
#icza gives a good solution.
You can use .Select() to select which fields should be retrieved for the results.
Then you don't need to delete those fields from every object.
For example, the following query would only retrieve the name and age field:
err := db.C(ORDERCOLLECTION).Find(nil).Select(bson.M{"name": 1, "age": 1}).All(&result)
I have a postgres db that I would like to generate tables for and write to using Gorp, however I get an error message when I try to insert due to the slices contained within my structs "sql: converting argument $4 type: unsupported type []core.EmbeddedStruct, a slice of struct.
My structs look as follows:
type Struct1 struct {
ID string
Name string
Location string
EmbeddedStruct []EmbeddedStruct
type EmbeddedStruct struct {
ID string
Name string
struct1Id string
EmbeddedStruct2 []EmbeddedStruct2
type EmbeddedStruct2 struct {
ID string
Name string
embeddedStructId string
func (repo *PgStruct1Repo) Write(t *core.Struct1) error {
trans, err := createTransaction(repo.dbMap)
defer closeTransaction(trans)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check to see if struct1 item already exists
exists, err := repo.exists(t.ID, trans)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
log.Debugf("saving new struct1 with ID %s", t.ID)
err = trans.Insert(t)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
Does anyone have any experience with/or know if Gorp supports inserting slices? From what I've read it seems to only support slices for SELECT statements
Gorp supports inserting a variadic number of slices, so if you have a slice records, you can do:
err = db.Insert(records...)
However, from your question it seems you want to save a single record that has a slice struct field.
gorp doesn't know anything about the relationships between your structs (at least not yet).
So, you have to handle the relationship yourself. The way I personally would solve this issue is to have Gorp ignore the slice on the parent:
type Struct1 struct {
ID string
Name string
Location string
EmbeddedStruct []EmbeddedStruct `db:"-"`
And then use the PostInsert hook to save the EmbeddedStruct (side note, this is a poor name as it is not actually an embedded struct)
func (s *Struct1) PostInsert(sql gorp.SqlExecutor) error {
for i := range s.EmbeddedStruct {
s.EmbeddedStruct[i].struct1Id = s.ID
return sql.Insert(s.EmbeddedStruct...)
And then repeat the process on EmbeddedStruct2.
Take care to setup the relationships properly on the DB side to ensure referential integrity (e.g. ON DELETE CASCADE / RESTRICT), and it would probably be a good idea to wrap the whole thing in a transaction.
I am fairly new to golang programming and the mongodb interface.
I've got a dbase of records created by another application. I am trying to walk the dbase and examine specific fields of each record. I can decode the full records as bson, but I cannot get the specific values.
This struct defines the 3 fields I would like to extract:
type myDbaseRec struct {
aid string `bson:"pon-util-aid"`
ingressPct string `bson:"ingress-bucket-percent"`
egressPct string `bson:"egress-bucket-percent"`
Here is my code to iterate through the cursor after the collection.Find(ctx, queryFilter) and decode the results both as bson and as my struct:
var myResult myDbaseRec
var bsonMResult bson.M
var count int
for cursor.Next(ctx) {
err := cursor.Decode(&myResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("cursor.Next() error:", err)
// If there are no cursor.Decode errors
} else {
fmt.Println("\nresult type:", reflect.TypeOf(myResult))
fmt.Printf("result: %+v\n", myResult)
err = cursor.Decode(&bsonMResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("bson decode error:", err)
// If there are no cursor.Decode errors
} else {
fmt.Println("\nresult type:", reflect.TypeOf(bsonMResult))
fmt.Println("\nresult:", bsonMResult)
Here is an example of one iteration of the loop. The bson decode appears to work, but my struct is empty:
result type: internal.myDbaseRec
result: {aid: ingressPct: egressPct:}
result type: primitive.M
result: map[pon-util-aid:ROLT-1-MONTREAL/1/1/xp2 _id:ObjectID("5d70b4d1b3605301ef72228b")
admitted-assured-upstream-bw:0 admitted-excess-upstream-bw:0 admitted-fixed-upstream-bw:0
assured-upstream-bytes:0 available-excess-upstream-bw:0 available-fixed-upstream-bw:622080
app_counters_key_field:ROLT-1-MONTREAL/1/1/xp2 app_export_time:1567665626 downstream-octets:52639862633214
egress-bucket-bps:8940390198 egress-bucket-percent:91 egress-bucket-seconds:559
excess-upstream-bytes:0 fixed-upstream-bytes:0 ingress-bucket-bps:8253153852
ingress-bucket-percent:84 ingress-bucket-seconds:559 sample-time:0 upstream-octets:48549268162714]
I would have expected to get
result: {aid:"ROLT-1-MONTREAL/1/1/xp2" ingressPct:84 egressPct:91}
Any suggestion on how to properly find these 3 fields from each record?
=== UPDATE: The first comment below answered my question.
First, in Go only fields starting with a (Unicode) upper case letter are exported. See also Exported identifiers. The default decoder will try to decode only to the exported fields. So you should change the struct into:
type myDbaseRec struct {
Aid string `bson:"pon-util-aid"`
IngressPct int32 `bson:"ingress-bucket-percent"`
EgressPct int32 `bson:"egress-bucket-percent"`
Also notice that the struct above for IngressPct and EgressPct have type int32. This is because the value in the document is represented in numbers (int/double), and not string. You may change it to other number type accordingly i.e. int16, int64, etc.
I try to read and write and delete data from a Go application with the official mongodb driver for go (go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver).
Here is my struct I want to use:
Contact struct {
ID xid.ID `json:"contact_id" bson:"contact_id"`
SurName string `json:"surname" bson:"surname"`
PreName string `json:"prename" bson:"prename"`
// xid is https://github.com/rs/xid
I omit code to add to the collection as this is working find.
I can get a list of contacts with a specific contact_id using the following code (abbreviated):
filter := bson.D{}
cursor, err := contactCollection.Find(nil, filter)
for cur.Next(context.TODO()) {
This works and returns the documents. I thought about doing the same for delete or a matched get:
// delete - abbreviated
filter := bson.M{"contact_id": id}
result, _ := contactCollection.DeleteMany(nil, filter)
// result.DeletedCount is always 0, err is nil
if err != nil {
sendError(c, err) // helper function
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"ok": true,
"message": fmt.Sprintf("deleted %d patients", result.DeletedCount),
}) // will be called, it is part of a webservice done with gin
// get complete
func Get(c *gin.Context) {
defer c.Done()
id := c.Param("id")
filter := bson.M{"contact_id": id}
cur, err := contactCollection.Find(nil, filter)
if err != nil {
sendError(c, err) // helper function
} // no error
contacts := make([]types.Contact, 0)
for cur.Next(context.TODO()) { // nothing returned
// create a value into which the single document can be decoded
var elem types.Contact
err := cur.Decode(&elem)
if err != nil {
sendError(c, err) // helper function
contacts = append(contacts, elem)
c.JSON(200, contacts)
Why does the same filter does not work on delete?
Edit: Insert code looks like this:
_, _ = contactCollection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), Contact{
ID: "abcdefg",
SurName: "Demo",
PreName: "on stackoverflow",
Contact.ID is of type xid.ID, which is a byte array:
type ID [rawLen]byte
So the insert code you provided where you use a string literal to specify the value for the ID field would be a compile-time error:
_, _ = contactCollection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), Contact{
ID: "abcdefg",
SurName: "Demo",
PreName: "on stackoverflow",
Later in your comments you clarified that the above insert code was just an example, and not how you actually do it. In your real code you unmarshal the contact (or its ID field) from a request.
xid.ID has its own unmarshaling logic, which might interpret the input data differently, and might result in an ID representing a different string value than your input. ID.UnmarshalJSON() defines how the string ID will be converted to xid.ID:
func (id *ID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
s := string(b)
if s == "null" {
*id = nilID
return nil
return id.UnmarshalText(b[1 : len(b)-1])
As you can see, the first byte is cut off, and ID.UnmarshalText() does even more "magic" on it (check the source if you're interested).
All-in-all, to avoid such "transformations" happen in the background without your knowledge, use a simple string type for your ID, and do necessary conversions yourself wherever you need to store / transmit your ID.
For the ID Field, you should use the primitive.ObjectID provided by the bson package.
ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"_id" bson:"_id"`
I would like to know if there's any approach that would allow me to ignore null types while unmarshalling a MongoDB document into a Go struct.
Right now I have some auto-generate Go structs, something like this:
type User struct {
Name string `bson:"name"`
Email string `bson:"email"`
Changing the types declared in this struct is not an option, and here's the problem; in a MongoDB database, which I do not have total control, some of the documents have been inserted with null values were originally I was not expecting nulls. Something like this:
"name": "John Doe",
"email": null
As the string types declared inside my struct are not pointers, they can't receive a nil value, so whenever I try to unmarshall this document in my struct, it returns an error.
Preventing the insertion of this kind of document into the database would be the ideal solution, but for my use case, ignoring the null values would also be acceptable. So after unmarshalling the document my User instance would look like this
User {
Name: "John Doe",
Email: "",
I'm trying to find, either some annotation flag, or an option that could be passed to the method Find/FindOne, or maybe even a query parameter to prevent returning any field containing null values from the database. Without any success until now.
Are there any built-in solutions in the mongo-go-driver for this problem?
The problem is that the current bson codecs do not support encoding / decoding string into / from null.
One way to handle this is to create a custom decoder for string type in which we handle null values: we just use the empty string (and more importantly don't report error).
Custom decoders are described by the type bsoncodec.ValueDecoder. They can be registered at a bsoncodec.Registry, using a bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder for example.
Registries can be set / applied at multiple levels, even to a whole mongo.Client, or to a mongo.Database or just to a mongo.Collection, when acquiring them, as part of their options, e.g. options.ClientOptions.SetRegistry().
First let's see how we can do this for string, and next we'll see how to improve / generalize the solution to any type.
1. Handling null strings
First things first, let's create a custom string decoder that can turn a null into a(n empty) string:
import (
type nullawareStrDecoder struct{}
func (nullawareStrDecoder) DecodeValue(dctx bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader, val reflect.Value) error {
if !val.CanSet() || val.Kind() != reflect.String {
return errors.New("bad type or not settable")
var str string
var err error
switch vr.Type() {
case bsontype.String:
if str, err = vr.ReadString(); err != nil {
return err
if err = vr.ReadNull(); err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %v into a string type", vr.Type())
return nil
OK, and now let's see how to utilize this custom string decoder to a mongo.Client:
clientOpts := options.Client().
RegisterDecoder(reflect.TypeOf(""), nullawareStrDecoder{}).
client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOpts)
From now on, using this client, whenever you decode results into string values, this registered nullawareStrDecoder decoder will be called to handle the conversion, which accepts bson null values and sets the Go empty string "".
But we can do better... Read on...
2. Handling null values of any type: "type-neutral" null-aware decoder
One way would be to create a separate, custom decoder and register it for each type we wish to handle. That seems to be a lot of work.
What we may (and should) do instead is create a single, "type-neutral" custom decoder which handles just nulls, and if the BSON value is not null, should call the default decoder to handle the non-null value.
This is surprisingly simple:
type nullawareDecoder struct {
defDecoder bsoncodec.ValueDecoder
zeroValue reflect.Value
func (d *nullawareDecoder) DecodeValue(dctx bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader, val reflect.Value) error {
if vr.Type() != bsontype.Null {
return d.defDecoder.DecodeValue(dctx, vr, val)
if !val.CanSet() {
return errors.New("value not settable")
if err := vr.ReadNull(); err != nil {
return err
// Set the zero value of val's type:
return nil
We just have to figure out what to use for nullawareDecoder.defDecoder. For this we may use the default registry: bson.DefaultRegistry, we may lookup the default decoder for individual types. Cool.
So what we do now is register a value of our nullawareDecoder for all types we want to handle nulls for. It's not that hard. We just list the types (or values of those types) we want this for, and we can take care of all with a simple loop:
customValues := []interface{}{
"", // string
int(0), // int
int32(0), // int32
rb := bson.NewRegistryBuilder()
for _, v := range customValues {
t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
defDecoder, err := bson.DefaultRegistry.LookupDecoder(t)
if err != nil {
rb.RegisterDecoder(t, &nullawareDecoder{defDecoder, reflect.Zero(t)})
clientOpts := options.Client().
client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOpts)
In the example above I registered null-aware decoders for string, int and int32, but you may extend this list to your liking, just add values of the desired types to the customValues slice above.
You can go through the operator $exists and Query for Null or Missing Fields for a detail explanation.
In the mongo-go-driver, you can try below query:
The email => nil query matches documents that either contains the email field whose value is nil or that do not contain the email field.
cursor, err := coll.Find(
{"email", nil},
You have to just add the $ne operator in the above query to get the records that do not have the field email or do not have the value nil in email. For more details about the operator $ne
If you know ahead of time which fields could potentially be null in your mongoDB records, you can use pointers in your structs instead:
type User struct {
Name string `bson:"name"` // Will still fail to decode if null in Mongo
Email *string `bson:"email"` // Will be nil in go if null in Mongo
Just remember that now you'll need to code more defensively around anything that uses this value after decoding from mongo, eg:
var reliableVal string
if User.Email != nil {
reliableVal = *user.Email
} else {
reliableVal = ""