Error while importing osm.bz2 to existing openstreetmap db - openstreetmap

When I installed Overpass API 2 years ago (, I used the following commands to import it:
wget -O france-latest.osm.bz2 ""
bin/ france-latest.osm.bz2 "db/" "./" --meta
Now I need to add the OSM file of Netherlands as well.
When I use the same command, I am getting the following error:
**Context error: File db///osm3s_v0.7.53_osm_base present, which indicates a running dispatcher. Delete file if no dispatcher is running**
Can someone help me to solve this please ?


Error when activating a TYPO3 extension using Composer

I am running the following command in the directory where my root composer.json file is located:
./vendor/bin/typo3 extension:activate slickcarousel
However, I get the following error in return:
In ConnectionPool.php line 110: The requested database connection named "Default" has not been configured.
Even though I have configured my database in my LocalConfiguration.php. I also cannot find the ConnectionPool.php file in the vendor directory. How do I fix this error?
Do you use a different TYPO3 Context maybe? then you need to set that as well with
TYPO3_CONTEXT=Development ./vendor/bin/typo3 extension:activate slickcarousel

TYPO3 Upgrade Wizard Fails on DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard

i updated a project from TYPO3 7.6 to ^8 by following the official guide. latest steps were the composer update. i removed extensions/packages not compatible with ^8 and updated the ones available for ^8. im able to reach the install tool, the TYPO3 admin backend and the frontend (with errors).
so i ended up at the step were i should use the upgrade wizards provided by the install tool. i completed a few wizards without any issues but then faces a pretty one - first i tried to run DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard within the install tool but that failed with a memory error - i tried the cli approach with
php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:wizard DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard
the processing worked but it ended up with following error:
[ Helhum\Typo3Console\Mvc\Cli\FailedSubProcessCommandException ]
#1485130941: Executing command "upgrade:subprocess" failed (exit code: "1")
thrown in file vendor/helhum/typo3-console/Classes/Install/Upgrade/UpgradeHandling.php
in line 284
the command initially failed is:
'/usr/bin/php7.2' 'vendor/bin/typo3cms' 'upgrade:subprocess' '--command' 'executeWizard' '--arguments' 'a:3:{i:0;s:24:"DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard";i:1;a:0:{}i:2;b:0;}'
and here is the subprocess exception:
[ Sub-process exception: TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Exception\InvalidPathException ]
#1320286857: File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path).
thrown in file typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Resource/Driver/AbstractHierarchicalFilesystemDriver.php
in line 71
im pretty much lost and dont know were to start to get this fixed - help is much appreciated
Issues like these usually stem from broken URLs in RTE fields as can be seen in the error output:
File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path)
In this case you should manually prepare the database and run SQL statements which replace the broken/obsolete ../ prefix from all affected records. An example query:
UPDATE tt_content
SET bodytext = REPLACE(bodytext, 'href="../', 'href="')
WHERE bodytext LIKE '%href="../';
Notice that this query is very basic and can destroy your data, so make sure you run some SELECT statements first to make sure nothing breaks. Also keep a backup of your database at hand.
Sometime, custom or TER extension also have RTE such as tt_news where you might come across same issue. To fix that, you just need to run the same query with the according table.

Yocto Conflict between attempted installs

I have a conflict between a number of install files.
I am getting the below error:
Transaction Summary
Install 612 Packages
Total size: 110 M Installed size: 403 M Downloading Packages: Running
transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction
test Error: Transaction check error: file /etc/iproute2/rt_protos
conflicts between attempted installs of
base-files-3.0.14-r89.nexbox_a95x_s905x and iproute2-4.14.1-r0.aarch64
file /etc/iproute2/rt_tables conflicts between attempted installs of
base-files-3.0.14-r89.nexbox_a95x_s905x and iproute2-4.14.1-r0.aarch64
file /etc/sysctl.conf conflicts between attempted installs of
base-files-3.0.14-r89.nexbox_a95x_s905x and procps-3.3.12-r0.aarch64
Error Summary
ERROR: amlogic-image-headless-sd-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Function failed:
do_rootfs ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3131 tasks of
which 3130 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
I have seen somewhere that I should pin a file, but how do I do this? I can't find a tutorial or any reference to what that means.
I am also getting the below warning. Is this related?
WARNING: Layer meson should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meson in its
conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible
I'm new to OE coming over from OpenWRT.
For bitbake, I've added the layers for the packages below:
meta-openwrt:- OE/Yocto metadata layer for OpenWRT
superna9999/meta-meson:- Upstream Linux Amlogic Meson Yocto/OpenEmbedded Layer
And tried compiling the nexbox-a95x-s905x image
I think the problem is that /etc/iproute2/rt_protos is provided by base-files which is coming from meta-openwrt as well as from iproute2 package which is coming from other OE layers. its not clear for the image builder which one to use and hence the conflict
You can solve it via defining a iproute2_%.bbappend file in meta-openwrt where this file gets deleted from iproute2 package and preference is given to the one openwrt provides
do_install_append() {
rm -rf ${D}${sysconfdir}/iproute2/rt_protos
should help.

Ember-CLI error: file already exists

I am getting what looks to be a "classic" error when starting an Ember-CLI app:
EEXIST, file already exists.
I have consulted
Starting ember server with ember cli
And it seems like the issue in Broccoli has been fixed?
I tried deleting the node_modules folder and the tmp folder, running npm cache clear then npm install. But to no avail.
The weird thing is that there was never a file at templates/application.js (the reference file in the error below).
ember server
version: 0.1.5
Using `app.import` with a file in the root of `vendor/` causes a significant per
formance penalty. Please move `bower_components\modernizr\modernizr.js` into a s
Using `app.import` with a file in the root of `vendor/` causes a significant per
formance penalty. Please move `bower_components\fastclick\lib\fastclick.js` into
a subdirectory.
Using `app.import` with a file in the root of `vendor/` causes a significant per
formance penalty. Please move `bower_components\foundation\js\foundation.js` int
o a subdirectory.
Livereload server on port 35729
Serving on
EEXIST, file already exists 'C:\file-path\tmp\template_compil
Error: EEXIST, file already exists 'C:\file-path\tmp\template
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:432:18)
at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:971:15)
at Object.copyPreserveSync (C:\file-path\node_modules\emb
at C:\file-path\node_modules\ember-cli-emblem\node_module
at C:\file-path\node_modules\ember-cli-emblem\node_module
at $$$internal$$tryCatch (C:\file-path\node_modules\ember
at $$$internal$$invokeCallback (C:\file-path\node_modules
at $$$internal$$publish (C:\file-path\node_modules\ember-
at Object.$$rsvp$asap$$flush [as _onImmediate] (C:\file-path\node_modules\ember-cli-emblem\node_modules\broccoli-emblem-compiler\node_mod
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:336:15)
Found the problem!
I was using ember-cli-emblem and I had both an application.hbs and a application.emblem in the templates folder.
Apparently this is not allowed, one must have one or the other.

FATAL org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration - error parsing conf file: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException

I'm trying to run pig locally, installed using homebrew, to test a script. However, I get the following error when I attempt to run a simple dump from the interactive prompt pig -x local:
2012-07-16 23:20:40,447 [Thread-7] INFO org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.util.MapRedUtil - Total input paths (combined) to process : 1
[Fatal Error] :63:85: Character reference "&#2" is an invalid XML character.
2012-07-16 23:20:40,688 [Thread-7] FATAL org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration - error parsing conf file: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Character reference "&#2" is an invalid XML character.
The same load/dump works fine on Elastic MapReduce.
I can't find any XML config files, and I've tried with both version 0.9.2 and 0.10.0
What am I missing?
Edit: Just checked a direct download (vs. homebrew) and it doesn't seem to work either
You should check that your Hadoop configuration files have correct configuration data.
Have a look in your hadoop/conf directory.
Have a look inside:
Finally worked out what the problem was. I ended up having to use dtruss -p on the pig/java process. This revealed a temporary directory and dynamically generated xml files. Once the temporary directory was discovered, it all fell quickly into place.
It was picking up the proxy excludes from my network connections, which had, as far as I can tell, &#2 ( embedded in it. How this invalid value came to be in my network preferences in the first place, I haven't the faintest clue.
The value was then being pulled into dynamically generated files, for example /tmp/hadoop-vertis/mapred/staging/vertis-1005847898/.staging/job_local_0001/job.xml.
The offending lines: