How I can access URL parameters from Azure DevOps extension - azure-devops

how can I access URL parameters from Azure DevOps Extension?
I am developing a hub-like extension based on this example. Basically it is a simple page that displays data in a simple table. Data are loaded from an external REST API server.
I want to call this page from some external link and for this, I need to read URL parameter idBuild from this extension. Is this possible?
Example on my URL: http://server/tfs/org/proj/_apps/hub/devops-plugin.default-hub?idBuild=15987
Edit: More details about this plugin:
For Pull requests, my Pull Request server posts Pull request status with the information about some additional checks (x86 integration tests here).
I want this Status to have a URL, so a user can display some additional information about this status on a separate page. This page is my extension.
In this extension, I read some data from an external API and idBuild is the key. So I want to make URL containing idBuild and pass idBuild to this extension page through this URL.

Some months ago I faced the same problem as you have now.
While using aurelia / typescript I was not able to read the URL parameters, but I found a workaround to retrieve them.
Use the following function to get all the parameters:
function getUrlParameters() {
var parameters = {};
window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, (m, key, value) => {
parameters[key] = value.split("#")[0];
return parameters[key];
return parameters;
And this piece of code to get the idBuild parameter:
var buildId = getUrlParameters()["idBuild"];

Thanks to R Pelzer answer, here is TypeScript version of his function:
private getUrlParameters(): Map<string, string> {
const parameters: Map<string, string> = new Map<string, string>();
window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, (m, key: string, value: string) => {
const val = value.split("#")[0];
parameters.set(key, val);
return val;
return parameters;
And here is a usage example:
public async componentDidMount() {
const idBuildParam = this.getUrlParameters().get("idBuild");
if (!idBuildParam)
throw RangeError("Missing 'idBuild' URL parameter");
const response = await axios.get<PoirotResultDto[]>(`http://localhost:50584/Poirots/${idBuildParam}`);
.... rest of code


appwrite list users search params

I am trying to use appwrite server sdk list users to get userid from an email.
The documentation says there is a search: option that can be used but no where does it say what the format of that String? is.
What is the format of the search: String? to only get a list of users whose email matches?
void main() { // Init SDK
Client client = Client();
Users users = Users(client);
.setEndpoint(endPoint) // Your API Endpoint
.setProject(projectID) // Your project ID
.setKey(apiKey) // Your secret API key
Future result = users.list(search: '<<<WHAT GOES HERE>>>');
:wave: Hello!
Thanks for bringing this question up, this is definitely not well documented, I'll note this down and try to make it clearer in the docs, but here's how you'd approach this in Dart:
final res = users.list(search: Query.equal('email',
res.then((response) {
}).catchError((error) {
The Query object generates a query string, and works similar to how listDocument would work. The difference here is that it only takes a single query string instead of a list.

How to trigger Google Composer Airflow dag using appscript?

I want to trigger a Google Composer airflow dag using Appscript. Is there any way to do it via rest API or another way.
If it is possible please suggest the solution.
Airflow has an endpoint that allows to trigger a DAG through its REST API, however it’s not possible to access it directly, since within the Cloud Composer architecture, the Airflow web server is located under an App Engine flexible environment. By default, the Airflow web server is integrated with Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) and authentication is required.
Based on that, I found an example in the Cloud Composer documentation, that guides you to trigger a DAG using Cloud Functions, although the code is in JavaScript I don’t think it’s possible to execute it by Google App Script.
On the other hand, a workaround is to follow the Triggering DAGs guide changing some settings as follows.
In the creation of the function instead of setting the trigger type as Cloud Storage set it as HTTP, and check the “Allow unauthenticated invocations” for test purpose. An URL will be displayed, the goal is that every time that URL is accessed the DAG is executed.
Modify the first part of the index.js file, since no data would be passed as parameters and also the makeIapPostRequest function to return the response of the API call.
exports.triggerDag = async (req, res) => { // Modification
// Fill in your Composer environment information here.
// The project that holds your function
const PROJECT_ID = 'your-project-id';
// Navigate to your webserver's login page and get this from the URL
const CLIENT_ID = 'your-iap-client-id';
// This should be part of your webserver's URL:
// {tenant-project-id}
const WEBSERVER_ID = 'your-tenant-project-id';
// The name of the DAG you wish to trigger
const DAG_NAME = 'composer_sample_trigger_response_dag';
// Other constants
const WEBSERVER_URL = `https://${WEBSERVER_ID}${DAG_NAME}/dag_runs`;
const USER_AGENT = 'gcf-event-trigger';
const BODY = {conf: ‘’}; // Modification
// Make the request
try {
const iap = await authorizeIap(CLIENT_ID, PROJECT_ID, USER_AGENT);
const apiReponse = await makeIapPostRequest(WEBSERVER_URL, BODY, iap.idToken, USER_AGENT); // Modification
res.status(200).send('DAG_running!'); // Modification
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error authorizing IAP:', err.message);
throw new Error(err);
const makeIapPostRequest = async (url, body, idToken, userAgent) => {
const res = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'User-Agent': userAgent,
Authorization: `Bearer ${idToken}`,
body: JSON.stringify(body),
if (!res.ok) {
const err = await res.text();
console.error('Error making IAP post request:', err.message);
throw new Error(err);
return {
apiRes: res.ok, // Modification
At this point, anything else has to be changed, so in your Script file execute the next instructions in order to trigger the DAG.
function myFunction() {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("Cloud-function-URL");
Finally, verify in the Airflow web interface if the DAG was triggered.

.Net Core: Validate Anti Forgery Token with Ionic front end

I have looked all over and have found similar solutions, but nothing that matches exactly what I'm working on.
We have a .net core MVC website with an API Controller for handling requests from an ionic mobile app which we are also developing.
In most cases, adding [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] to the API controller actions works. I have gone through the process of generating the token, passing it to Ionic, and storing it in the request headers for validation.
Here is the code I am using to fetch and store the token:
static XSRF_TOKEN_KEY: string = "X-XSRF-TOKEN";
static getXsrfToken(http: HTTP) : {tokenName: string, token: string} {
let tokenName: string = window.sessionStorage.getItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_NAME_KEY);
let token: string = window.sessionStorage.getItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_KEY);
if(!tokenName || !token){
tokenName= window.sessionStorage.getItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_NAME_KEY);
token = window.sessionStorage.getItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_KEY);
return {
tokenName: tokenName,
token: token
private static setXsrfToken({ token, tokenName }: { token: string, tokenName: string }) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_KEY, token);
window.sessionStorage.setItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_NAME_KEY, tokenName);
private static fetchXsrfToken(http: HTTP) {
let token: string = window.sessionStorage.getItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_KEY);
let tokenName: string = window.sessionStorage.getItem(ValidationManager.XSRF_TOKEN_NAME_KEY);
if (!token || !tokenName) {
let apiUrl: string = AppConfig.apiUrl + "/GetAntiforgeryToken";
http.get(apiUrl, {}, {})
.then(r => this.setXsrfToken(JSON.parse(
.catch(r => console.error("Could not fetch XSRFTOKEN", r));
} else {
this.setXsrfToken({ token: token, tokenName: tokenName });
Here is the action in my controller that serves anti forgery tokens:
public override IActionResult GetAntiforgeryToken()
var tokens = _antiforgery.GetAndStoreTokens(HttpContext);
return new ObjectResult(new
token = tokens.RequestToken,
tokenName = tokens.HeaderName
I set the headers of the http plugin by calling this function from the view's associated typescript file:
initializeHttp() {
let token = ValidationManager.getXsrfToken(this.http);
this.http.setHeader(token.tokenName, token.token);
console.log("Http Initialized: ", token);
then any request I make with the http plugin is validated properly in the controller's action:, {}, {}).then(response => {
Up to this point, everything works great. The problem arises when I try to use XmlHttpRequest to for a POST instead of the built-in http plugin:
let file = {
name: e.srcElement.files[0].name,
file: e.srcElement.files[0],
let formData: FormData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file.file);
let xhr: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', apiUrl, true);
console.log("setting request header: ", tokenVal); //verify that tokenVal is correct
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-TOKEN", tokenVal);
If I remove the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute from the controller's action, the file is posted properly. However, nothing I have tried has worked with the attribute being included.
I believe the issue has something to do with the validation tokens being added to a cookie automatically by Ionic, and the cookie is passed along with the request from the http plugin. However, XMLHttpRequest does not pass the cookie along (and is unable to do so?).
I have read up on the subject quite a bit over the past few days but I admit that this validation is still mostly a black box to me. Is there a way to validate the request in my action using only the token which is passed up in the header?
The reason I am running into this problem is that I need to upload a file, which I was unable to do using the http plugin. There are solutions for uploading images using Ionic's file-transfer plugin, but it has been deprecated and the release notes suggest using XmlHttpRequest instead.
Other things I have tried:
I have found solutions for .net standard which use System.Web.Helpers.AntiForgery for custom validation on the server, but this namespace is not included in .net core and I could not find an equivalent.
I tried many different ways to post the file using the http plugin (since it has no issues validating the antiForgery token). Everything I tried resulted in the action being hit but the file being posted was always null. A solution which uploads a file using the http plugin would also be acceptable.
Why is it that I was able to spend two full days on this problem, but as soon as I post a question about it, I find the answer? Sometimes I think the internet gods are just messing with me.
As it turns out, the native http plugin has an uploadFile() function that I never saw mentioned anywhere else. Here's what the solution does:
Use the fileChooser plugin to select a file from the phone's storage
Use the filePath plugin to resolve the native filesystem path of the image.
Use http.uploadFile() instead of
This works because as mentioned above, I was able to properly set the validation token in the http plugin's header to be accepted by the controller.
And here is the code:
let apiUrl: string = AppConfig.apiUrl + "/UploadImage/";
uri => {
this.filePath.resolveNativePath(uri).then(resolvedPath => {
this.http.uploadFile(apiUrl,{ },{ },resolvedPath, "image")
.then(result => {
toastOptions.message = "File uploaded successfully!";
let toast = this.toastCtrl.create(toastOptions);
let json = JSON.parse(;
this.event.imageUrl = json.imgUrl;
.catch(err => {
console.log("error: ", err);
toastOptions.message = "Error uploading file";
let toast = this.toastCtrl.create(toastOptions);
e => console.log(e)

Using Facebook Requests 2.0 with the C# SDK

I am trying to update the bookmark count field with the SDK but have not had any success yet.
Can somebody tell me what classes I need to instantiate to do something similar to the following link:
The link demonstrates how to set the bookmark count and delete it. I would like to be able to do the same with the SDK, any help would be appreciated.
To do this, first you need to get you app's access token:
private string GetAppAccessToken() {
var fbSettings = FacebookWebContext.Current.Settings;
var accessTokenUrl = String.Format("{0}oauth/access_token?client_id={1}&client_secret={2}&grant_type=client_credentials",
"", fbSettings.AppId, fbSettings.AppSecret);
// the response is in the form: access_token=foo
var accessTokenKeyValue = HttpHelpers.HttpGetRequest(accessTokenUrl);
return accessTokenKeyValue.Split('=')[1];
A couple of things to note about the method above:
I'm using the .Net HttpWebRequest instead of the Facebook C# SDK to grab the app access_token because (as of version 5.011 RC1) the SDK throws a SerializationException. It seems that the SDK is expecting a JSON response from Facebook, but Facebook returns the access token in the form: access_token=some_value (which is not valid JSON).
HttpHelpers.HttpGetRequest simply uses .Net's HttpWebRequest. You can just as well use WebClient, but whatever you choose, you ultimately want to make this http request:
Now that you have a method to retrieve the app access_token, you can generate an app request as follows (here I use the Facebook C# SDK):
public string GenerateAppRequest(string fbUserId) {
var appAccessToken = GetAppAccessToken();
var client = new FacebookClient(appAccessToken);
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.message = "Test: Action is required"; = "Custom Data Here";
string id = client.Post(String.Format("{0}/apprequests", fbUserId), parameters);
return id;
Similarly, you can retrieve all of a user's app requests as follows:
Note: you probably don't want to return "dynamic", but I used it here for simplicity.
public dynamic GetAppRequests(string fbUserId) {
var appAccessToken = GetAppAccessToken();
var client = new FacebookClient(appAccessToken);
dynamic result = client.Get(String.Format("{0}/apprequests", fbUserId));
return result;
I hope this helps.

How to construct a REST API that takes an array of id's for the resources

I am building a REST API for my project. The API for getting a given user's INFO is:[USER-ID]
I would like to also allow the client to pass in a list of user IDs. How can I construct the API so that it is RESTful and takes in a list of user ID's?
If you are passing all your parameters on the URL, then probably comma separated values would be the best choice. Then you would have an URL template like the following:,id2,id3,id4,id5,id2,id3,id4,id5[]=id1&ids[]=id2&ids[]=id3&ids[]=id4&ids[]=id5
IMO, above calls does not looks RESTful, however these are quick and efficient workaround (y). But length of the URL is limited by webserver, eg tomcat.
RESTful attempt:
method : "GET",
headers : [..],
url : "/users/id1"
method : "GET",
headers : [..],
url : "/users/id2"
Server will reply URI of newly created batchtask resource.
201 Created
Location: ""
Now client can fetch batch response or task progress by polling
This is how others attempted to solve this issue:
Google Drive
Subbu Allamaraju
I find another way of doing the same thing by using #PathParam. Here is the code sample.
public Object getData(#PathParam("zrssIds") String Ids)
System.out.println("zrssIds = " + Ids);
//Here you need to use String tokenizer to make the array from the string.
Call the service by using following url.
http://localhost:8080/[War File Name]/[Servlet Mapping]/[Class Path]/data/xml/12,13,56,76
As much as I prefer this approach:-,id2,id3,id4,id5
The correct way is[]=id1&ids[]=id2&ids[]=id3&ids[]=id4&ids[]=id5
This is how rack does it. This is how php does it. This is how node does it as well...
There seems to be a few ways to achieve this. I'd like to offer how I solve it:
GET /users/<id>[,id,...]
It does have limitation on the amount of ids that can be specified because of URI-length limits - which I find a good thing as to avoid abuse of the endpoint.
I prefer to use path parameters for IDs and keep querystring params dedicated to filters. It maintains RESTful-ness by ensuring the document responding at the URI can still be considered a resource and could still be cached (although there are some hoops to jump to cache it effectively).
I'm interested in comments in my hunt for the ideal solution to this form :)
You can build a Rest API or a restful project using ASP.NET MVC and return data as a JSON.
An example controller function would be:
public JsonpResult GetUsers(string userIds)
var values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<int>>(userIds);
var users = _userRepository.GetAllUsersByIds(userIds);
var collection = users.Select(user => new { id = user.Id, fullname = user.FirstName +" "+ user.LastName });
var result = new { users = collection };
return this.Jsonp(result);
public IQueryable<User> GetAllUsersByIds(List<int> ids)
return _db.Users.Where(c=> ids.Contains(c.Id));
Then you just call the GetUsers function via a regular AJAX function supplying the array of Ids(in this case I am using jQuery stringify to send the array as string and dematerialize it back in the controller but you can just send the array of ints and receive it as an array of int's in the controller). I've build an entire Restful API using ASP.NET MVC that returns the data as cross domain json and that can be used from any app. That of course if you can use ASP.NET MVC.
function GetUsers()
var link = '<%= ResolveUrl("~")%>users?callback=?';
var userIds = [];
$('#multiselect :selected').each(function (i, selected) {
userIds[i] = $(selected).val();
url: link,
traditional: true,
data: { 'userIds': JSON.stringify(userIds) },
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonpCallback: "refreshUsers"