How to link to the "main page" with Doxygen - doxygen

In doxygen comments, #ref or #link can be used to link to various things such as pages, sections, or files.
But how do I link to the main page? This page is identified by the #mainpage command, but in contrast to the #page command, #mainpage does not include any name for the page that could be used with #ref or #link.
Follow-up question: My project is structured in multiple parts that each generate a tag file. How do I link to the main page of one part from within another part? I've been looking inside the tag file but I can't seem to find any item that would refer to the main page.


How to add a html page in Doxygen?

I'm using Doxywizard to generate the Doxygen document websites and I have another HTML page such as "some_page.html". Is it possible to add a link under the "Related Pages" to display this HTML? I read doxygen document. The "\page" command does not help on showing HTML page.

How do I replace "View page source" with "Edit on GitHub" links in sphinx_rtd_theme?

How can I replace the View page source hyperlink at the top of my docs pages with a Edit on GitHub link when building a Sphinx site using the sphinx_rtd_theme theme?
I'm manually building a site using GitHub Pages, but the link in the top-right of all my doc's pages still says "View page source" instead of "Edit on GitHub."
The theme's documentation lists a few relevant options (display_github, vcs_pageview_mode, and github_url), but it provides no examples. I've tried setting them at the root of and in html_theme_options to no avail.
How can I tell the sphinx_rtd_theme theme to change the View page source link to an Edit on GitHub link on all my docs' pages?
Use should set the display_github, github_user, github_repo, and github_version variables inside the html_context dict in For example:
html_context = {
'display_github': True,
'github_user': 'buskill',
'github_repo': 'buskill-app',
'github_version': 'master/docs/',
These variables are intended to be set directly in the .rst files rather than in html_theme_options or in general. To make this actually apply site-wide as if it were defined in every .rst file, just put it in html_context.
See also:

What is a component, template and page in AEM/CQ

Please give me an overview of what a component, page, page component and template is in AEM. How are they related to each other. Please give example if possible.
Suggest any site to start as a beginner.
Your are mixing up technical and non-technical terms a bit. So I try to explain it in two ways: From an abstract, non-technical level, and from a technical point of view.
Abstract, non-technical explanation
The content of your AEM project mostly contains pages. A page is tied to an URL like When a user opens this page he sees the content of the page. An image of the teddy bear, some descriptive text but also the header and footer of your page. This is where components come in. Content like the image, the text, the header and footer are all different components on that page.
Pages are composed of components.
Technical explanation
When developers try to implement pages and components they will need to create page templates, page components and components.
Page templates are basically XML files that define a few things about the page. For example the title of the page (e.g. "Content Page", "News Page", etc.) that is shown in the page creation dialog, a description, allowed parent pages (templates), allowed child pages (templates) and paths in your content where this page template can be used. Besides those things you can also define the basic structure of the page. Add a parsys, already add components to this parsys so those components are "hard wired" into every page you create.
Page components are the "implementation" of page templates. Here you can add the HTML for that page.
Components are the building blocks of pages. A component usually contains a JSP or HTML file that contains the HTML markup and maybe some business logic for that component.
Obviously, there are a lot more things to consider. But this should give you a basic overview over the relationship between all of those things.
Page Template documentation AEM 6.2
Component documentation AEM 6.2

Linking content from one page to another in Confluence

We have bunch of Confluence pages for each team to note down the leaves. Each such page consists of a table with team, team member name, month, week ..etc.
Now we want to have a consolidate page which shows information about all the teams in a single page. Can we create a consolidated page which uses the content in all other pages?
I read about macros but couldn't understand how they can be used. Is it possible to use content from one page in another page dynamically?
Yes you can by using the "Excerpt" macro (to mark one section in a page as "insertable" and use this in another page). If you need to have multiple sections in one page to reuse in other pages, there is also a "Multi Excerpt" macro.
So, for example, if you have a page with a few lines of text, you can basically insert the excerpt macro and paste all content into it that you want to reuse on other pages:
(in this case I want to reuse "line 2")
In another page, you can reference this marked content by inserting the "Excerpt Include" macro and specifying the page you want to take the marked content from:
The result in this case is

How to differentiate the homepage structure from the category page structure in WordPress template?

I am very news in WordPress world and I am finding some difficulties with creation of a personal template.
I want implement a blog like this one (that is do using WordPress):
My blog have to be simplest and there must be only two coluns: one for the last posts and one for the more visited post
So I am started from an existing template (named Coogee) and I have divided the content area (the index.php file) into two columns: the first one that show the new posts and the second one that show the most read posts.
I have implement this features with some lines of code that I have put in my columns as show here:
Ok, now the homepage look good for my intents but I am having some problem in the categories page.
For example if you click on the "generic" link on Categorie menĂ¹ in the side bare you obtain this page:
In teory this page have to show ONLY the articles that have "generic" as setted category but this is not true, infact in the left column are correctly showed the articles having "generic" category setted but in the right column still remain the last 5 posted articles...
And now I have a question...seems that WordPress use this index.php file as template of the content area of all page (except the one that displays a single article that uses **single.php file)
This is not good for me because I want that a category page show only one big column with the last articles of the current category, as here:
As you can see in this blog there is more columns in the homepage but only one column for the category page
I would know if:
**Exist a way to define an other structure (different from the index.php file used for the homepage articles content) for the catecories page?
If I can't use an other structure for the categories page and consequently I have to use the same index.php file also per the categories content page....there is a way to show the second column only if the visitor is in the homepage and don't show it if he is in a category page (do not show it if the visitor is in a pge like:
Or do you have some other solutions?
If wordpress code cannot find a category.php then it will use the index.php file.
index.php is like the fallback file.
The hierarchy structure for the categories go like
1> category-slug.php (Note: available with Version 2.9)
2> category-ID.php
3> category.php
4> archive.php
5> index.php
That is, if you do not have a category-slug.php (lets say category-news.php), WordPress will check for a category-ID.php (like category-6.php), and so on.
So i would suggest you create a category-slug.php file (where slug will be your category's slug).
for more info check out this link.