problem in sync'ing replicas with solr 8.3 with zookeeper 3.5.6 - apache-zookeeper

I recently converted a solr 7.x + zookeeper 3.4.14 to solr 8.3 + zk 3.5.6, and depending on how I start the solr nodes I'm geting a sync exception.
My setup uses 3 zk nodes and 2 solr nodes (let's call it A and B). The collection that has this problem has 1 shard and 2 replicas. I've noticed 2 situations: (1) which works fine and (2) which does not work.
1) This works: I start solr node A, and wait until it's replica is elected leader ("green" in the Solr interface 'Cloud'->'Graph') - which takes about 2 min; and only then start solr node B. Both replicas are active and the one in A is the leader.
2) This does NOT work: I start solr node A, and a few secs after I star solr node B (that is, before the 'A' replica is elected leader - still "Down" in the solr interface). In this case I get the following exception:
ERROR (coreZkRegister-1-thread-2-processing-n: x:alldata_shard1_replica_n1 c:alldata s:shard1 r:core_node3) [c:alldata s:shard1 r:core_node3 x:alldata_shard1_replica_n1] o.a.s.c.SyncStrategy Sync Failed:java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 99
It seems that if both solr node are started soon after each other, then ZK cannot elect one as leader.
This error only appears in the solr.log of node A, even if I invert the order of starting nodes.
Has anyone seen this before?
I have several other collections which do not show this problem.


Crate DB 2 Node Setup

I'm trying to setup a 2 node Crate cluster, I have set the following configuration values on the 2 nodes:
gateway.recover_after_nodes: 1
gateway.expected_nodes: 2
However the check is failing as per the documentation:
(E / 2) < R <= E where R is the number of recovery nodes, E is the
number of expected nodes.
I see that most available documentation states a 3 node cluster, however at this point I can only start a 2 node cluster as a failover setup.
The behaviour I'm expecting is that if one of the nodes goes down the other node should be able to take up the traffic and once 2nd node comes back up it should sync up with new node.
If anyone has been able to successfully bring up a 2 node Crate cluster, please share the configuration required for the same.
It doesn't make sense to run a two node cluster with 1 required node, because this could easily end up in a split brain and set the cluster into a state that it won't be able to recover, that's why you always need more then half of the number of expected nodes.

Does MongoDB has a centralized way to get node status for sharded replica sets?

I have a mongodb cluster running 11 shards across 25 host machines. Each shard is based on a replica set spread across 3 instances (2 data + 1 arbiter).
Is there some easy centralized way I can get node status via mongos? I like the data output by sh.status(), but it doesn't tell me if any of the nodes are down.
I know that I can log into 11 different nodes and run rs.status() on each (if I know which ones are working), but seems like it would be good to have some centralized way of getting status for both the shards and their underlying replica sets. Is there?

mongodb failover Demonstration! Help needed

Here is a newbie trying to play around Mongodb. I am trying to demonstrate scaling in my class, meaning, I need to show that I have 2 instances of mongoDB up and running and I need to replicate them, set one as master and the other as secondary.
Can any of you suggest me a simple way to demonstrate that if primary/master fails the slave/secondary comes up as the master?
Please keep it as simple as possible as I am teaching to a fairly beginners of MongoDB
MongoDB replica sets are not master/slave. In order to achieve automatic failover you need to have a majority of nodes in the replica set able to elect a new primary. The minimum number of nodes in your replica set should be 3, which can either be 3 data-bearing nodes or 2 data-bearing nodes and an arbiter, which is a node that votes in elections.
A demo using replication alone is more about failover and redundancy than scaling (better demo'd with sharding).
If you want a very simple (and non-production) way to stand up a replica set or sharded cluster in a development environment, I would suggest using the mlaunch script which is part of mtools.
For example, to create a 3-node replica set with an arbiter:
mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter
To create a sharded cluster with 3 shards backed by a replica set (plus mongos and config server):
mlaunch --replicaset --sharded 3
As mentioned in the other comments here, the free MMS Monitoring service is a good way to visualise activity in your MongoDB deployment, and you can use db.shutdownServer() to shutdown specific nodes to see the outcome.
The easiest way would be to set up the MongoDB monitoring service. Stop the MongoD process on one and watch the other take over. But, use replica sets rather than master/secondary as they are the recommended approach.
Actually, it is pretty easy
Set up a replica set with 2 "normal" mongods and an arbiter
Connect to both of the normal mongods using mongo
Show the output of rs.status(). (Note the selffield)
Shut down the current primary
Show the output of rs.status() again and again, until the former secondary is elected primary
Another option would be to write a simple java app which utilizes the driver, put it in an infinite loop which writes one entry every second and puts out the number of objects in the database. Catch exceptions and write out that a problem occurred. Start the sharded cluster, then start your application. Shut down the primary while the program is running. during the elections, there may be exceptions be thrown. As soon as the former secondary is elected primary, the document count should start to rise again.

MongoDB - Mongos instance saturated fast

I'm using mongoDB with 3 config server, 1 mongos and 3 mongod. I see the server in which runs mongos' instance saturate very faster. It is normal or there are some properties I'm setting wrong? To solve it I have to running more mongos instances and connect to them. Also, there are some rilevant differences in performace to have 2 shard with one node each or 1 shard composed by two nodes?
Thanks for replying!

Three nodes using replica-set in MongoDb and 2 are down

in a 3-node replicaSet why when 2 are down the third become SECONDARY and not PRIMARY?
I want to have 2 mongod inside a DataCenter and one outside, so if the Datacenters fails I wanna the third outside mongod becomes the Primary.
It's possible without and arbiter?
Ok, found response:
What happend?! It turns out that when a mongod instance is isolated, it cannot vote for itself to be primary. This makes sense when you think about it. If a network link went down and separated your two replicas, you wouldn’t want them both to elect themselves as primary. So in my case, when rep1-1 noticed that it was isolated from the rest of the replica set, it made itself secondary and stopped accepting writes.
Always you end up with (cluster_participants/2) + 1 nodes down (assuming you have odd number of participants), the cluster enters in read only mode. A candidate noDe needs the majority of all nodes to be elected as primary.
For example, if you have 5 noDe cluster and 3 nodes blow away, the others will stay as secondary, because none of them are able to get 3 votes.
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