Racket - encode a message - racket

I am trying to write a function which produces an encoded version of a string where
all the letters are swapped with the letter at the same relative position at the other end of the alphabet.
For example, an A would become a Z and a Z would become an A; a B would become a Y and a Y would become a B.
All numeric characters stay the same and all non-alpha numerics characters are removed.

The key is the function char->integer.
Here is a little expression to get you started:
(for/list ([c "hello world"])
(define i (- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\a)))
(integer->char (- (char->integer #\z) i)))
You need to figure out how to handle characters outside a-z correctly.


How do I count the number of specific characters in a string in Emacs Lisp?

Let's say I have a string s.
And this string s could contain this:
or this:
but also this:
How do I count the number of dashes (-) in this string using Emacs Lisp and store this number in some variable e.g. count-of-dashes?
The following function should do it:
(defun count-chars (char str)
(let ((s (char-to-string char))
(count 0)
(start-pos -1))
(while (setq start-pos (string-search s str (+ 1 start-pos)))
(setq count (+ 1 count)))
You call it like this:
(count-chars ?- "---") ==> 3
(count-chars ?- "foo-bar") ==> 1
(count-chars ?- "-foo-bar-baz") ==> 3
(count-chars ?- "foobarbaz") ==> 0
To set a variable to the number found, you just use
(setq count-of-chars (count-chars ?- "foo-bar-baz"))
Basically, we loop looking for the first dash: if we find it we remember where so that we start looking at the place just to the right of it the next time around the loop. The loop body then just counts every one we see. When we can't find any more, string-search (and the setq) returns nil and the loop exits, whereupon we return the accumulated count. See the doc string of the function string-search with C-h f string-search for the details.
Another method is more akin to the split string method of python: split-string splits a string on a separator into a list of parts. We then count the parts (the length of the list) and subtract 1: "a-b-c" is split into ("a" "b" "c") so there are three parts but only two separators.
(defun count-chars (char str)
(let ((s (char-to-string char)))
(- (length (split-string str s)) 1)))
Again, see the doc string of split-string (C-h f split-string) for all the details.
In both cases, we converted the character argument to a string argument, because both string-search in the first case and split-string in the second expect a string argument (to search for in the first case and to use as a separator in the second case - in fact, split-string can use a regular expression as a separator). Characters and strings are different data types in Emacs Lisp, so the conversion is necessary if you really want a character s the first argument of count-chars. But you could make it a string instead:
(defun count-seps (sep str)
(- (length (split-string str sep)) 1))
and then you would call it like this instead:
(count-seps "-" "abc-def-ghi-")
which is simpler and more general:
(count-seps "-;-" "abc-;-def") ==> 1
but you do have to worry about special characters in the separator string:
(count-seps "-*-" "abcd-------def") ==> 1
since the regular expression -*- matches one or more dashes so it matches all seven dashes: there is only one separator. Whether that's what you want is debatable. If you don't want it, you'd need to escape the special characters in the separator string:
(defun count-chars (sep str)
(let ((qsep (regexp-quote sep)))
(- (length (split-string str qsep)) 1)))

Lisp function to return a number double and then the same number doubled plus one

I am totally new to lisp and have no idea how I'll create this function.
This is the pseudo code I created to help me solve it
Binary tree children
; This function returns the children of binary tree node
; e.g., 3 -> (6,7)
; e.g., 11 -> (22,23)
(defun tree-node(x))
The function is intended to take in a number, double it, and then double it and add 1. Please help.
To double a number (which is stored in a variable named n here): (* 2 n).
To add one: (1+ n). Note that 1+ is the name of a function. It is the same as (+ n 1).
Now, let's say that you have some scope (e. g. a function body) where you have a variable named n. You now create a new variable d using let:
(let ((d (* n 2)))
This new variable is in scope for the body of the let (indicated by … above).
Now we create another variable d1, which is one more. We need to use let* now, so that the scope of d is not just the body, but also the binding forms of the let*:
(let* ((d (* n 2))
(d1 (+ d 1)))
The function should maybe be called child-indices:
(defun child-indices (n)
(let* ((d (* n 2))
(d1 (+ d 1)))
The bodies of many forms like defun and let are so-called implicit progns, which means that these forms return the value of the last expression in their body. So, whatever forms we put into the place marked … above, the value (or values, but let's keep that aside for now) of the last is the return value of the function.
There are several ways to do a “return this and then that”, but we'll use a list for now:
(defun child-indices (n)
(let* ((d (* n 2))
(d1 (+ d 1)))
(list d d1)))

How to convert from value with Any type to Real?

I'm playing with Racket-Stamps, which is a mix of typed and regular Racket.
I'm writing a new feature and the code below attempts to call a function with a list of Reals, however because this list comes from untyped racket, it is actually a list of Any:
(define bounding (make-parameter '()))
;; snip
(when (not (empty? (bounding)))
(let-values ([(x1 y1 x2 y2) (apply values (bounding))])
(send pr set-bounding x1 y1 x2 y2)))
And in another file that calls the code above:
(bounding '(-20 -100 100 2))
Here's the error:
Type Checker: Bad arguments to function in `apply':
Domains: a b ... b
#f *
Arguments: (Listof Any) *
in: (apply values (bounding))
So how do I convert the Listof Any to a Listof Real?
The apply function here is given an arbitrary-length list as input, but the context expects exactly 4 values. If the list had any length other than 4, it would fail.
It seems like you meant for bounding to contain either the empty list or a list of exactly 4 real numbers.
(: bounding : (Parameterof (U Null (List Real Real Real Real))))
(define bounding (make-parameter '()))
Then every time your program tests whether the contents of (bounding) are empty and then relies on it being a list of 4 numbers, you need to put the value in a local variable first, so that Typed Racket sees the connection between the (not (empty? ...)) test and the use below it.
In other words, transform the pattern
(if (not (empty? (bounding)))
(.... (bounding) ....)
(let ([bounding-v (bounding)])
(if (not (empty? bounding-v))
(.... bounding-v ....)
In your example, that transformation gives:
(: bounding : (Parameterof (U Null (List Real Real Real Real))))
(define bounding (make-parameter '()))
(let ([bounding-v (bounding)])
(when (not (empty? bounding-v))
(let-values ([(x1 y1 x2 y2) (apply values bounding-v)])
(send pr set-bounding x1 y1 x2 y2))))

Convert char to number

I'm in the process of reading a flat file - to use the characters read I want to convert them into numbers. I wrote a little function that converts a string to a vector:
(defun string-to-vec (strng)
(setf strng (remove #\Space strng))
(let ((vec (make-array (length strng))))
(dotimes (i (length strng) vec)
(setf (svref vec i) (char strng i)))))
However this returns a vector with character entries. Short of using char-code to convert unit number chars to numbers in a function, is there a simple way to read numbers as numbers from a file?
In addition to Rainer's answer, let me mention read-from-string (note that Rainer's code is more efficient than repeated application of read-from-string because it only creates a stream once) and parse-integer (alas, there is no parse-float).
Note that if you are reading a CSV file, you should probably use an off-the-shelf library instead of writing your own.
Above is shorter:
? (map 'vector #'identity (remove #\Space "123"))
#(#\1 #\2 #\3)
You can convert a string:
(defun string-to-vector-of-numbers (string)
(with-input-from-string (s string)
(loop with end = '#:end
for n = (read s nil end)
until (eql n end)
unless (numberp n) do (error "Input ~a is not a number." n)
collect n))
But it would be easier to read the numbers directly form the file. Use READ, which can read numbers.
Note that read-like functions are affected by reader macros.
Pick an example:
* (defvar *foo* 'bar)
* (read-from-string "#.(setq *foo* 'baz)")
* *foo*
As you can see read-from-string can implicitly set a variable. You can disable the #. reader macro by setting *read-eval* to nil but anyway if you have only integers on the input then consider using parse-integer instead.

lambda-gtk negative pointer

I was trying to write my own put-pixel on (Gdk) pixbuf in Lisp. When I finally realized how I can operate on C pointers in CL, new obstacle came along - (gdk:pixbuf-get-pixels pb) returns me negative number. My question is: can I convert it somehow to a valid pointer? My attempts to use cffi:convert-from-foreign and cffi:translate-from-foreign (what's the difference between them anyway?) failed.
Below is my actual (not working) code:
(defun put-pixel (pixbuf x y r g b)
(let ((p (+ (gdk:pixbuf-get-pixels pixbuf) (* x (gdk:pixbuf-get-n-channels pixbuf)) (* y (gdk:pixbuf-get-rowstride pixbuf)))))
(setf (cffi:mem-aref p :unsigned-char 0) r)
(setf (cffi:mem-aref p :unsigned-char 1) g)
(setf (cffi:mem-aref p :unsigned-char 2) b)))
CFFI:TRANSLATE-FROM-FOREIGN is a generic function. You can define your own foreign types using CFFI:DEFINE-FOREIGN-TYPE and then add a method to CFFI:TRANSLATE-FROM-FOREIGN to specify how the conversions from foreign to Lisp values should work.
CFFI:CONVERT-FROM-FOREIGN is what you should call if you need to explicitly convert some value. It will call CFFI:TRANSLATE-FROM-FOREIGN behind the scenes and it might perform some compile-time optimizations if possible.
I think that lambda-gtk incorrectly defined binding for pixbuf-get-pixels.
The negative value for pointer value might appear because of incorrect interpretation of unsigned integer as a signed integer.
The simplest way to correct this value is to use mod:
CL-USER> (mod -1 (expt 2 #+cffi-features:x86 32 #+cffi-features:x86-64 64))