Custom BouncingScroll Effect in flutter - flutter

Hi, I was playing around with bouncing scroll physics in flutter, trying to achieve a specific behaviour.
Here is a simple mockup
BouncingScrollPhysics in flutter create this overscroll effect on top of a listview adding some space in relation to user scroll.
Is it possible to extend this behaviour also to the spacing between list view elements? I noticed this kind of behaviour in some ios apps lately and i wanted to understand if this is achievable in flutter.
Hope someone can help with this, it's really cool effect.


Flutter: Achieving custom page swipe animation with pageview

I'm trying to make a custom animation for pageview and was looking for some guidance.
I already tried using transformer pageview but in my use case it's crashing and found it unreliable.
I'm looking to implement 2 animations
depth based transition where a pages move behind and scale back
regular overlay, during swipe pages are stacked on top of each other
I want to know if it's possible to achieve this with regular pageview, if so how do I go about it?
Appreciate your help

Drag a container vertically up and down to a certain level flutter

I am new to gestures and I don't get any proper solution for achieving my request,
Can anyone help me in dragging a container up and down vertically to a certain point?.
I need to achieve something like the below image.
Thanks in advance.
Consider using draggable home if you want a ready-made similar effect.
If you want to replicate the goggle maps UI one-on-one, consider reading DraggableScrollableSheet and make one your own.
Hope it helps!

How to do trajectory animation in Flutter?

I'm looking for trajectory animation just like how has done. You see while scrolling, those balls get scrolled from top to bottom. How can we replicate exactly in Flutter Web?
Additionally, how to create such a smooth scrolling effect in Flutter? would be a good place to start looking, since you aren't really providing any context or code other than just a random idea, they have a great community and I have used their packaged for some neat animation on my web apps. They have a way to create your own designs and animations which would probably be the case there, unless you wanted to make it all with code then that would be a different story.
Or look at this post here How to animate a path in flutter?

Overlay/translate ListView builder items clipped with a custom ClipPath

I'm generating multiple widgets(Containers in this case) using a ListView.builder and I also use a custom ClipPath to give a custom shape to them.
I was wondering if would it be possible to translate or somehow overlay those list items in order to place them so that the background(black area in the attached screenshot) would be covered. By that I mean I want to place them right under each other, like puzzle pieces. To be able to fit them right under each other would probably mean they would have to be overlayed somehow. Was googling but without any success.
Hopefully there's some Flutter experts out there who are nice enough to guide me. Thanks a lot!

iPad scrollable area

I am a complete novice to iPhone/iPad development, but I have OOP experience in other languages. I apologize in advance if this question is rather vague.
What I really want to know is this:
My app idea needs to work in a single view where the view is a scrollable area that is a fixed height (bigger than the viewport). Various different events can happen within this scrollable area. The app will have an immersive feel to it (quite texture/image intensive), but it is not a 'game' as such (think scrollable bookshelf).
Which apple project would be a good way to start this? View-based? OpenGL ES?
How easy is it to make a fixed scrollable area?
From what you describe making a simple UIKit app will suffice. You should start either a window or view based project.
Adding a fixed scrollable are is very easy using a UIScrollView.